Essential Characters for Future! Feedback Requested
I just don't see how you can make Havik and Sareena essential characters.... Sareena has yet to be in an actual MK game (meaning MK1 through Deception). I don't think Havik is essential either, for there are many characters that have been around longer than both of these two, and characters who actually are involved in multiple stories at once (like sub zero, sonya, kitana, raiden, liu kang, etc). Anyway, you are entitled to your opinion.

Well personally, Sonya and Jax's stories have run their course. I used to be a big Sonya fan, but her story in MK1, MK3 and MK4 were exactly the same....kill Kano and the Black Dragon, Kill Jarek and the Black Dragon. When I heard Sonya was in MKDA I was like yes, but then they gave her the same story. She was after Kano...AGAIN. This really pissed me off. She was boring and she had had a sex change and just got annoying. She needs to forget ALL about Kano and the Black Dragon and be involved in storylines with something else and other people. Jax's story is also pretty boring.
As for Liu Kang, well he should stay dead. He has been the front man for too long and needs to step aside. He wasnt very important in MKD anyway.
The reason I say Sareena and Havik are essentail are because:
We need new insight to other realms. MKD is the first time we were introcuced to the realms apart from Earth/Outwolrd/Edenia. Sareena and Havik are from lesser known realms so will provide more insight into them
Havik is all about Chaos, so he will be hee to stir things up, make things a bit mad and chaotic. The whole Chaos thing is exactly what the realms need. Plus it seems he has ressurected Kahns clone so perhaps he will somehow be in control of it.
Sareena. Well now we know Noob Saibot is the original Sub Zero. Sareena is currently in the Lin Keui Temple. She knows BOTH Sub Zeros, so can be involved in that storyline, and also she could provide more backstory for Quan Chi as she was one of his assassins. Also she can provide a lot of insight into the Netherrealm itself.
Like I said we need more characters from the new realms. Sareena and havik seem to be very important to the storyline.
As for Liu Kang, well he should stay dead. He has been the front man for too long and needs to step aside. He wasnt very important in MKD anyway.
The reason I say Sareena and Havik are essentail are because:
We need new insight to other realms. MKD is the first time we were introcuced to the realms apart from Earth/Outwolrd/Edenia. Sareena and Havik are from lesser known realms so will provide more insight into them
Havik is all about Chaos, so he will be hee to stir things up, make things a bit mad and chaotic. The whole Chaos thing is exactly what the realms need. Plus it seems he has ressurected Kahns clone so perhaps he will somehow be in control of it.
Sareena. Well now we know Noob Saibot is the original Sub Zero. Sareena is currently in the Lin Keui Temple. She knows BOTH Sub Zeros, so can be involved in that storyline, and also she could provide more backstory for Quan Chi as she was one of his assassins. Also she can provide a lot of insight into the Netherrealm itself.
Like I said we need more characters from the new realms. Sareena and havik seem to be very important to the storyline.
Havik is a wildcard. Other than that, the real problem with him is that he needs a plotline expanding with him. We just seen his start, and other than that, he already messed up a lot of shit.
Could be developed to be an interesting character. Give him more moves, his looks are allright, and expand his bios.
Sareena is the link between the O.Sub-Zero/Scorpion/Quan Chi/Y.Sub-Zero feud. He has too manz ties to be left out. She could be in her prime for one game, but other than that, she would never really be that much interesting.
Could be developed to be an interesting character. Give him more moves, his looks are allright, and expand his bios.
Sareena is the link between the O.Sub-Zero/Scorpion/Quan Chi/Y.Sub-Zero feud. He has too manz ties to be left out. She could be in her prime for one game, but other than that, she would never really be that much interesting.

Well Chrome, it all depends on how the story develops and how Sareena develops if she would be important for one or two games. I have a few ideas for her which link her with 5 different storylines, one of which is one I made up, so it really all depends. But she definitely needs to be in MK7 even if it is for one game. (Oh and Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Mileena and Kitana stories are interesting. not the way I would have gone with mileena/kitana, but interesting none the less.)
I agree with MKKitana. If Sareena's developed right she could become a very prominant character. I can see her becoming the center of the whole Netherealm plot thread.
I personally could think of stories for her to last until MK12.
I personally could think of stories for her to last until MK12.

Yeah there are so many potential storyliens for Sareena.
She is tied to Sub Zero and Noob Saibot.
She could become a member of the Lin Keui perhaps second in command.
There could be a rivalr with Ashrah/ an alliance with Ashrah.
She could ally with Earth's fighters.
She could go back to being evil.
She could do.....pretty much anything. So many potentials.
But mainly she will be involved with Sub Zero, Quan Chi and The Brothers of Shadow.
But then again, any character who is developed correctly can be successful.
She is tied to Sub Zero and Noob Saibot.
She could become a member of the Lin Keui perhaps second in command.
There could be a rivalr with Ashrah/ an alliance with Ashrah.
She could ally with Earth's fighters.
She could go back to being evil.
She could do.....pretty much anything. So many potentials.
But mainly she will be involved with Sub Zero, Quan Chi and The Brothers of Shadow.
But then again, any character who is developed correctly can be successful.
MKKitana Wrote:
When I heard Sonya was in MKDA I was like yes, but then they gave her the same story. She was after Kano...AGAIN. This really pissed me off. She was boring and she had had a sex change and just got annoying. She needs to forget ALL about Kano and the Black Dragon and be involved in storylines with something else and other people. Jax's story is also pretty boring.
When I heard Sonya was in MKDA I was like yes, but then they gave her the same story. She was after Kano...AGAIN. This really pissed me off. She was boring and she had had a sex change and just got annoying. She needs to forget ALL about Kano and the Black Dragon and be involved in storylines with something else and other people. Jax's story is also pretty boring.
100% Wrong.
Where did you read she was after Kano, AGAIN, in MKDA??? Let me correct you
Kano was mentioned in her Konquest but thats because he is too involved with her, but in the entire game of MKDA, she had NOTHING to do with him.
In Mk1 she was not only fighting to kill Kano, she also fought for her team and the world. She doesnt think about herself. In Mk2 she was trapped and played an extremely important role in Jaxs story. In Mk3 she was after Kano, and also saving the world.
In Mk4 she had NOTHING to do with Kano, in fact, her story had HUGE potential for she was NOT fighting to kill Jarek, she was fighting by HIS side. The problem is, it was not developed. You see?
And if you look at the story of MK, you will see Sonya IS related with too many characters. She plays important roles not only with all the Special Forces team, but also with the whole Black Dragon clan (that includes the new members of MKD), Red Dragon clan, Sektor, the Lin Kuei, Frost and others.
If you compare her role in MK to Kitanas, you will see its exactly the same.
Kitanas primary role ever since Mk2 has been: Kill Mileena and Save Edenia....always.
Thats it. It was stale and easily got boring.
Her story in MKDA did not involve Mileena but it was boring and bad developed, but in MKD it grew (even if she wasnt playable) because she was related with too many characters of her realm. That helped her a lot and made her important, unlike in the past.
You see?
Just some things you should take notice of...

Yet again someone says something bad about Sonya and queve jumps all over it, and bashes Kitana. Surprise surprsie.
Its about time u realised not everyone like Sonya, queve. I am a Kitana fan, but i respect the views of others who dislike/hate her, and dont attack. Its their choice. But thats something u dont seem to be able to do, accept that ur favourite isnt everyone elses favourite.
And In Mk4, yes Sonya and Jarek fought on the same side, but in her ending she killed him, so in the long run she was after him, but Shinnok posed more of a threat so she had to deal with him first but she was still after him.
But hey, Im not starting the whole Kitana-Sonya fiasco cause i really cant be arsed.
Its about time u realised not everyone like Sonya, queve. I am a Kitana fan, but i respect the views of others who dislike/hate her, and dont attack. Its their choice. But thats something u dont seem to be able to do, accept that ur favourite isnt everyone elses favourite.
And In Mk4, yes Sonya and Jarek fought on the same side, but in her ending she killed him, so in the long run she was after him, but Shinnok posed more of a threat so she had to deal with him first but she was still after him.
But hey, Im not starting the whole Kitana-Sonya fiasco cause i really cant be arsed.
MKKitana Wrote:
Yet again someone says something bad about Sonya and queve jumps all over it, and bashes Kitana. Surprise surprsie.
Its about time u realised not everyone like Sonya, queve. I am a Kitana fan, but i respect the views of others who dislike/hate her, and dont. Its their choice. But thats something u dont seem to be able to do, accept that ur favourite isnt everyone elses favourite.
Yet again someone says something bad about Sonya and queve jumps all over it, and bashes Kitana. Surprise surprsie.
Its about time u realised not everyone like Sonya, queve. I am a Kitana fan, but i respect the views of others who dislike/hate her, and dont. Its their choice. But thats something u dont seem to be able to do, accept that ur favourite isnt everyone elses favourite.
You disappoint me. When did I bash you or Kitana? I was giving my views on Sonya on things you didnt know. Her MKDA story for example.
My intention was to let you know that stuff, not bash you.
You say I bash Kitana all the time? Then you should read more threads where Sonya or Kitana are mentioned, and then go ahead and tell me IM the one who bashes Kitana....yeah right.
Dont be so sensitive Ok? I respect opinions, but it seems you get mad at them. It actually seems that you are the one who isnt willing to accept them.
Oh well. What a disappointment.

I am very open to other people opinions, But on many occasion i have read threads of yours and its all Sonya, Sonya, Sonya. There are other people in MK.
And as for Kitana. Yes she is one of my favourties, and ok I was bit mad she wasnt in MKD, but it is necessary in a way and I accept that. And if she doesnt return with good reason then so be it.
I used to be a huge sonya fan, but she got boring. I admit Kitana's story wasnt that in great in MKDA, therefore I can see even my own favourite has flaws. I even said it would be an interesting twist if she was killed like in Goros ending (Again an idea which u seemed to love since it involved killing Kitana). But I bet if Sonya was killed in an ending now u would be mad and post all this htred for the person who killed her. Sonya has flaws and is old and boring. I have given reason why I dont like Sonya yet u dont seem to accept my views, or anyones views when they are Anti-Sonya.
But anyway like I said I really cant be bothered with thi whole Sonya-Kitana hatred thing. i can saccept that Kitana is disliked and that she may not return. i suggest u do the same with Sonya.
Au revoir.
And as for Kitana. Yes she is one of my favourties, and ok I was bit mad she wasnt in MKD, but it is necessary in a way and I accept that. And if she doesnt return with good reason then so be it.
I used to be a huge sonya fan, but she got boring. I admit Kitana's story wasnt that in great in MKDA, therefore I can see even my own favourite has flaws. I even said it would be an interesting twist if she was killed like in Goros ending (Again an idea which u seemed to love since it involved killing Kitana). But I bet if Sonya was killed in an ending now u would be mad and post all this htred for the person who killed her. Sonya has flaws and is old and boring. I have given reason why I dont like Sonya yet u dont seem to accept my views, or anyones views when they are Anti-Sonya.
But anyway like I said I really cant be bothered with thi whole Sonya-Kitana hatred thing. i can saccept that Kitana is disliked and that she may not return. i suggest u do the same with Sonya.
Au revoir.
MKKitana Wrote:
I am very open to other people opinions, But on many occasion i have read threads of yours and its all Sonya, Sonya, Sonya. There are other people in MK.
I used to be a huge sonya fan, but she got boring. I admit Kitanas story wasnt that in great in deception, therefore I can see even my own favourite has flaws. SOnya has flaws and is old and boring. I have given reason why I dont like Sonya yet u dont seem to accept my views, or anyones views when they are Anti-Sonya.
But anyway like I said I really cant be bothered with thi whole Sonya-Kitana hatred thing. i can saccept that Kitana is disliked and that she may not return. i suggest u do the same with Sonya.
Au revoir.
I am very open to other people opinions, But on many occasion i have read threads of yours and its all Sonya, Sonya, Sonya. There are other people in MK.
I used to be a huge sonya fan, but she got boring. I admit Kitanas story wasnt that in great in deception, therefore I can see even my own favourite has flaws. SOnya has flaws and is old and boring. I have given reason why I dont like Sonya yet u dont seem to accept my views, or anyones views when they are Anti-Sonya.
But anyway like I said I really cant be bothered with thi whole Sonya-Kitana hatred thing. i can saccept that Kitana is disliked and that she may not return. i suggest u do the same with Sonya.
Au revoir.
You complain because I make many threads of Sonya?!? So far, I have probably only done 4, and in the past month, 0...I talk more then just Sonya-. I have made many many threads about everything, and most dont even mention her name. Your argument is false, and it seems to me that you just said that because I like her. First check my past threads if you are to talk like that.
Mk has over 50 characters...And the fact that you get annoyed by me writing about my fave character completely contradicts your original post. And yes, it does seem that the whole feud affects you, by your post, you are the one who wont accept opinions.
Again, you misunderstood my post and I wont bother explaining my reasons again. If you think I got annoyed or I cant accept opinions, do so, I can live with that, it doesnt affect me at all.
You dont know me, so dont give me any advices. I will end this here, no need to continue explaining anything.

The only thing I edited was that yes Jarek and Sonya fought alongside one another, but she was ready to kill him. Her long term intention.
And Im all for making threads about ur faves, but u have to remember there are others and accept that not everyone like Sonya. Somthing u will not/ do not do. And I dont give two hoot about the Sonya-Kitana 'rivalry'. I think its sad.
But whatever, I dont care what u think anyway. I accept u love Sonya and thats fair enough.
And Im all for making threads about ur faves, but u have to remember there are others and accept that not everyone like Sonya. Somthing u will not/ do not do. And I dont give two hoot about the Sonya-Kitana 'rivalry'. I think its sad.
But whatever, I dont care what u think anyway. I accept u love Sonya and thats fair enough.
MKKitana Wrote:
Somthing u will not/ do not do.
But whatever, I dont care what u think anyway. I accept u love Sonya and thats fair enough.
Somthing u will not/ do not do.
But whatever, I dont care what u think anyway. I accept u love Sonya and thats fair enough.
Something I will not do, as for never? My God, you are so quickly to judge...once again your reaction contradicts your posts, I should be the one giving you your advices.

And i didnt contradict my post. I dont care what u think of me, or Kitana for that matter. I accept what u think, and i accept that u love Sonya as I ahve said, but u would never be willing to accept anything that has Sonya die or someones bad opinion against her. I am willing to accept anti-kitana storylines of ideas.
You'll never accept that people dont like Sonya, and that is sad. Anyway, Im bored now of arguing with u.
And i didnt contradict my post. I dont care what u think of me, or Kitana for that matter. I accept what u think, and i accept that u love Sonya as I ahve said, but u would never be willing to accept anything that has Sonya die or someones bad opinion against her. I am willing to accept anti-kitana storylines of ideas.
You'll never accept that people dont like Sonya, and that is sad. Anyway, Im bored now of arguing with u.

About Me
~Jason Rainwater
Student of The Way
queve Wrote:
LOL. Then stop replying to my posts.
You made your point, I made mine. Is that enough?
MKKitana Wrote:
Anyway, Im bored now of arguing with u.
Anyway, Im bored now of arguing with u.
LOL. Then stop replying to my posts.
Yeah, I think both of your points have been made. I think all queve was trying to do was point out story elements about Sonya he felt were missing from the complaints he read. I understand that, as I have done that quite a bit with Liu Kang. MKKitana is right in saying not everyone will like certain characters, but people have the right to defend their favorates if something is said about them that isn't entirely correct. Though this isn't a thread about favorates, it's about essentials. So if queve had just came out saying "You are wrong, Sonya is cool! She's my favorate!" then that would be a different story, but queve gave good thought out reasons why Sonya should be back. If there are reasons why anyone disagrees with those reasons, then they have a right to be posted too. Nothing wrong with civilized debate. I think what happened here is things were expressed a little rudely (perhaps unintentionally), and some offense was taken. Let's get back to the well thought out posts that have made this thread so great.
~Jason Rainwater
Jason_Rainwater Wrote:
Yeah, I think both of your points have been made. I think all queve was trying to do was point out story elements about Sonya he felt were missing from the complaints he read. I understand that, as I have done that quite a bit with Liu Kang. MKKitana is right in saying not everyone will like certain characters, but people have the right to defend their favorates if something is said about them that isn't entirely correct. Though this isn't a thread about favorates, it's about essentials. So if queve had just came out saying "You are wrong, Sonya is cool! She's my favorate!" then that would be a different story, but queve gave good thought out reasons why Sonya should be back. If there are reasons why anyone disagrees with those reasons, then they have a right to be posted too. Nothing wrong with civilized debate. I think what happened here is things were expressed a little rudely (perhaps unintentionally), and some offense was taken. Let's get back to the well thought out posts that have made this thread so great.
~Jason Rainwater
Yeah, I think both of your points have been made. I think all queve was trying to do was point out story elements about Sonya he felt were missing from the complaints he read. I understand that, as I have done that quite a bit with Liu Kang. MKKitana is right in saying not everyone will like certain characters, but people have the right to defend their favorates if something is said about them that isn't entirely correct. Though this isn't a thread about favorates, it's about essentials. So if queve had just came out saying "You are wrong, Sonya is cool! She's my favorate!" then that would be a different story, but queve gave good thought out reasons why Sonya should be back. If there are reasons why anyone disagrees with those reasons, then they have a right to be posted too. Nothing wrong with civilized debate. I think what happened here is things were expressed a little rudely (perhaps unintentionally), and some offense was taken. Let's get back to the well thought out posts that have made this thread so great.
~Jason Rainwater
Jason, you truly disserve dragon points!
And you are right, lets get back to topic!
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I agree with MKKitana. If Sareena's developed right she could become a very prominant character. I can see her becoming the center of the whole Netherealm plot thread.
I personally could think of stories for her to last until MK12.
I agree with MKKitana. If Sareena's developed right she could become a very prominant character. I can see her becoming the center of the whole Netherealm plot thread.
I personally could think of stories for her to last until MK12.
I have always agreed with you on this. Sareena has a huge story potential. Like Noob-Saibot and Sektor, she was included in the Gameboy of MKDA. Her inclusion could very well mean that we will see more of her in a future Mk. She was even in the Krypt of MKD. My guess is that the team has future plans for the demon.
Sareena can cause so many twists with so many stories, her relation with Sub-Zero, with Ashrah, with Frost, with Quan Chi, even with Sektor....There is so much that can be done with Sareena.
Also, lets not forget her role as a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow clan, she hates the clan, yet she works for it. She also has close relations with Shinnok and even the original Sub-Zero (Noob-Saibot). In MKTE we discover that she had freed Sub-Zeros older brother many years ago, and that fact ties perfectly with Noob Saibots ending and storyline in MKD.
There is more to Sareena then what meets the eye. We should see more of her, but I dont consider her essensial, yet, she could play many important roles.
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