MK End
Mortal Kombat X
Pages: 1
MK End
posted03/03/2005 12:24 AM (UTC)by

Member Since
12/02/2004 02:20 PM (UTC)
If for example next mk would be the last one, how would u like it to finish?
I'd like to see Shao Kahn coming back and all of the fighters (new ones and old ones) fighting to see if evil wins or not.
I'd like to see Shao Kahn coming back and all of the fighters (new ones and old ones) fighting to see if evil wins or not.
That for example: the evils are defeated, but the earthrealm warriors cannot overthrow Shao Khans or whoevers rule. This would result in another "cold war' like situation. Noone can make a move.
That each character should get his just deserves. And each character should get final answers to their main problems.
That each character should get his just deserves. And each character should get final answers to their main problems.

About Me
The End of MK should have a good conclusion. It should answer every question that as been asked such as the Reiko/kahn issue, zebron, and Raiden's bizarre "kid thunder" freindship.
The setting of the game should take place where it all first started, Shang Tsung's Island.
The setting of the game should take place where it all first started, Shang Tsung's Island.

It should end in the traditional MK way, the MK tournament determines the fate of the realms and it's people/warriors.

About Me
Tournament, all the favourites in it, a character screen more than 24, set throughout all realms, every character gets whats going to happen, e.g Mileena Vs Kitana, Sonya Vs Kano....etc..
i dont want mk to end at all and you are fucked up if you want mortal kombat and it would suck if mk ended i would kill the person who created that idea unless it was the main creator like boon or that other guy tobias then i would just ask why in the fuck is up there ass.

sub-zero99 Wrote:
i dont want mk to end at all and you are fucked up if you want mortal kombat and it would suck if mk ended i would kill the person who created that idea unless it was the main creator like boon or that other guy tobias then i would just ask why in the fuck is up there ass.

i dont want mk to end at all and you are fucked up if you want mortal kombat and it would suck if mk ended i would kill the person who created that idea unless it was the main creator like boon or that other guy tobias then i would just ask why in the fuck is up there ass.
Woah! dont wet yourself, its only a game, everyone would get over it ;) and start obsessing over another game..
If it did end.. id love it to be a tournament, but like another mk trilogy, with all the characters.. ah that would be great =D

About Me
have the tournment and when its all said and done have it explode into a violent bloody ending and have only like on guy remaing and earth is either saved if the only one left is fighting for it or have someone from outworld conquer it and have earth remain as a daead realm like edenia was in the end of barakas ending gold.

If it ends it should end just with a normal MK game, all the endings for the characters should be really long, and all contradict each other, and we never know which ending is canon.
Pages: 1
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