Reintroducing older characters into MK7
Strkyer - Good: After having retired from the Chicago Police Force, Stryker thought his days of fighting and donuts were over and days of peace, hot dogs, and family. He notices a rip in the sky one night. Soon after he finds a fallen warrior. The one-time comrade, who turns out to be Nightwolf, warns Strkyer of the dangers of evil and how the Dragon King corrupted his soul. Stryker then gets notice of several murders in the Chicago that happen in an hour. He knows that the murder is not from Earth but from a world Stryker knew about in his past...
Motaro - Neutral: Humlimated by Earth's warriors, Motaro and his race were banned from the Outworld by Shao Kahn. After several years of mindless droning, Motaro learns that Goro is once again Shao Kahn's right-hand henchman. He must know face a choice: confront his four-armed rival that consumed him with anger, or keep a promise with the fallen Sheeva.
Motaro - Neutral: Humlimated by Earth's warriors, Motaro and his race were banned from the Outworld by Shao Kahn. After several years of mindless droning, Motaro learns that Goro is once again Shao Kahn's right-hand henchman. He must know face a choice: confront his four-armed rival that consumed him with anger, or keep a promise with the fallen Sheeva.
Kung Lao.
Alignment- Good
Styles- Shaolin Fist, Mantis
Weapon- Jagged Sword (Liu's MK4 weapon)
Allies- Ermac, Li Mei, Johnny Cage
Enemies- Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Goro, Raiden
Appearance- A mix of MKDA's 1st and 2nd outfits. Brown clothing, but with a sleeveless shirt and hat kept on.
Shortly after being saved from Onaga's control, Kung Lao witnessed first hand, the extent of Raiden's insanity. Along with his friend and Shaolin partner Liu Kang, he saw the thunder god kill Shujinko for unwittingly putting Earthrealm at risk. Kung Lao was shocked at this, and didn't beleive this action was justified, especially as Shujinko had helped save the realms afterwards. Liu disagreed, beleiving the death of someone who risks Earthrealm is a neccessary evil. The lifelong friends had a big argument over this, with Liu siding with Raiden. When Kung Lao went to explain to Princess Kitana and Queen Sindel in Edenia, he was surprised to find that they too sympathised with Raiden, believing the god was right.
When he returned home, Kung Lao found that most of the Shaolin temple were following their god, and left after a heated row. Now realising that not only would he have to face any future threats from the forces of evil, but also try and stop any further actions of madness from Raiden, Kung Lao went in search of allies. However, the Lin Quei clan, Special Forces, and most others considered heroes were unwilling to go against Raiden, not beleiving that he had indeed become a danger himself. Or worse, beleiving that the thunder god was right. Kung Lao did eventually manage to find fighters to unite in trying to bring Raiden to his senses, or if it came to it, stand against him.
Li Mei, who had been helped by Shujinko before, Johnny Cage, who like Kung Lao had noticed negative changes in Raiden. And the being who'd helped save him from Onaga, Ermac, who saw this as another opportunity to repent for past sins. To make things even worse for Kung Lao, he discovers that his ancestors killer Goro is not only still alive, but has once again joined Shao Kahn. Can Kung Lao and his allies convince Raiden that he is going too far to the dark side? Can the heroes unite in time to defeat the forces of evil and protect their realms? Or will their enemies use the opportunity of the heroes weakened by forming seperate factions, and destroy them?
Alignment- Good
Styles- Shaolin Fist, Mantis
Weapon- Jagged Sword (Liu's MK4 weapon)
Allies- Ermac, Li Mei, Johnny Cage
Enemies- Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, Goro, Raiden
Appearance- A mix of MKDA's 1st and 2nd outfits. Brown clothing, but with a sleeveless shirt and hat kept on.
Shortly after being saved from Onaga's control, Kung Lao witnessed first hand, the extent of Raiden's insanity. Along with his friend and Shaolin partner Liu Kang, he saw the thunder god kill Shujinko for unwittingly putting Earthrealm at risk. Kung Lao was shocked at this, and didn't beleive this action was justified, especially as Shujinko had helped save the realms afterwards. Liu disagreed, beleiving the death of someone who risks Earthrealm is a neccessary evil. The lifelong friends had a big argument over this, with Liu siding with Raiden. When Kung Lao went to explain to Princess Kitana and Queen Sindel in Edenia, he was surprised to find that they too sympathised with Raiden, believing the god was right.
When he returned home, Kung Lao found that most of the Shaolin temple were following their god, and left after a heated row. Now realising that not only would he have to face any future threats from the forces of evil, but also try and stop any further actions of madness from Raiden, Kung Lao went in search of allies. However, the Lin Quei clan, Special Forces, and most others considered heroes were unwilling to go against Raiden, not beleiving that he had indeed become a danger himself. Or worse, beleiving that the thunder god was right. Kung Lao did eventually manage to find fighters to unite in trying to bring Raiden to his senses, or if it came to it, stand against him.
Li Mei, who had been helped by Shujinko before, Johnny Cage, who like Kung Lao had noticed negative changes in Raiden. And the being who'd helped save him from Onaga, Ermac, who saw this as another opportunity to repent for past sins. To make things even worse for Kung Lao, he discovers that his ancestors killer Goro is not only still alive, but has once again joined Shao Kahn. Can Kung Lao and his allies convince Raiden that he is going too far to the dark side? Can the heroes unite in time to defeat the forces of evil and protect their realms? Or will their enemies use the opportunity of the heroes weakened by forming seperate factions, and destroy them?
I'm gonna do a bio now for Johnny Cage. This ties in with my story for Kung Lao above, as I've got them as allies.
Johnny Cage.
Alignment- Good
Styles- Karate, Jeet Kune Do
Weapon- Three piece nunchuckas (can't remember the proper name for these)
Allies- Kung Lao, Li Mei, Ermac
Enemies- Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Raiden.
Appearance- More like MK2 Johnny, but with "Cage" written down the trousers. He also wears the jacket he had in MK2 portraits, open.
After Ermac and Liu Kang saved him and the others from Onaga's control, Johnny Cage assumed that things would go back to normal, with the old group reunited under Raiden. He couldn't quite work out how for sure, but the movie star began to notice negative changes in the thunder god. Raiden had become far less tolerant, demanding that his orders be followed without question, and worse, his attitude had turned more vicious. Now, the god was calling for anyone who put Earthrealm at risk to be killed, no matter what that persons original intentions. This also caused Johnny and his old friend Liu to drift apart, as the monk seemed to agree with Raiden.
Disillusioned by Raiden's new attitude, and others following him, Johnny had been ready to give up his role as one of Earth's protectors. When Kung Lao came up to him and explained the full extent of the god's madness, and Shujinko's death, it became clear to Johnny. Their guide and mentor had himself become a danger to the realms and people he was supposed to protect. Johnny realised that he had been charged with defending his realm from any threat, even old friends gone mad. The actor was the first other hero to agree to join Kung Lao in trying to bring Raiden to his senses, and one of few. Even his closest friends like Sonya didn't want to know, not believing there was enough evidence to back his claims up.
Only Li Mei, who'd once been helped by Shujinko, and the entity who'd helped save him from Onaga, Ermac were willing to beleive them and join with them. The next threat from the forces of evil coming close, Johnny Cage realises that the heroes are currently weakened by two things. One, their own divisions as a result of Raiden, two, the unpredictable thunder god himself. Unless Johnny and his group can convince their old friends to come back to their senses and unite once more, then they will have little chance to defend their realms from evil.
Johnny Cage.
Alignment- Good
Styles- Karate, Jeet Kune Do
Weapon- Three piece nunchuckas (can't remember the proper name for these)
Allies- Kung Lao, Li Mei, Ermac
Enemies- Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Raiden.
Appearance- More like MK2 Johnny, but with "Cage" written down the trousers. He also wears the jacket he had in MK2 portraits, open.
After Ermac and Liu Kang saved him and the others from Onaga's control, Johnny Cage assumed that things would go back to normal, with the old group reunited under Raiden. He couldn't quite work out how for sure, but the movie star began to notice negative changes in the thunder god. Raiden had become far less tolerant, demanding that his orders be followed without question, and worse, his attitude had turned more vicious. Now, the god was calling for anyone who put Earthrealm at risk to be killed, no matter what that persons original intentions. This also caused Johnny and his old friend Liu to drift apart, as the monk seemed to agree with Raiden.
Disillusioned by Raiden's new attitude, and others following him, Johnny had been ready to give up his role as one of Earth's protectors. When Kung Lao came up to him and explained the full extent of the god's madness, and Shujinko's death, it became clear to Johnny. Their guide and mentor had himself become a danger to the realms and people he was supposed to protect. Johnny realised that he had been charged with defending his realm from any threat, even old friends gone mad. The actor was the first other hero to agree to join Kung Lao in trying to bring Raiden to his senses, and one of few. Even his closest friends like Sonya didn't want to know, not believing there was enough evidence to back his claims up.
Only Li Mei, who'd once been helped by Shujinko, and the entity who'd helped save him from Onaga, Ermac were willing to beleive them and join with them. The next threat from the forces of evil coming close, Johnny Cage realises that the heroes are currently weakened by two things. One, their own divisions as a result of Raiden, two, the unpredictable thunder god himself. Unless Johnny and his group can convince their old friends to come back to their senses and unite once more, then they will have little chance to defend their realms from evil.
to be truthfull this aint much to do with wat ur talkin about but i think that smoke should have his cyborg form and his ninja form as alternitive costums

About Me
Name: Shinnok
Alignment: Evil
Age: Eternal
Staus: Former Elder God
Style of Kombat: Ti Tzu, Qigong (Chi Kung), War staff (From MK4 Pictures)
Appearance- Shinnok is wearing robs similar to Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero. It has been modified to look more oriental.
I had been defeated by the Earthrealm warrior Liu Kang and betrayed by my high priest Quan Chi. They all had thought I had be killed, but that was far from the truth. I had survived my ordeal with Liu Kang but barly. My power diminished the more I remanined in the Netherrealm. Seeking a way to escape from my damnation I found a the portal that Quan Chi had used to escape this realm.
I found myself in Outworld, and upon arriving I sensed a familiar energy. My AMULET! It some how had come to be possessed by The Dragon King, Onaga. The more I remained in Outworld the more of my godly power returned to me. I soon had enough energy to do kombat with Onaga. The fool has no idea that he is merly a tool of another one of my enemies, the One Being.
Upon arriving to his temple I found nothing but Onaga's corpse, some one had done my job for me, and my amulet. I soon realized that I was being watched. I cleric of chaos by the name of Havik had come to devour Onaga's heart, but after gaining my amulet I had destroyed Onaga's body to defy the One Being. I gave Havik two options, join me or die! He merely smiled and bowed before me. I soon gathered what was left of the Tarkatan horde, along with resurecting the body of my former minion Mileena. This realm is of no conscience, Earthrealm will be mine!

About Me
Bio for Havik
Name: Havik
Alignment: Neutral
Age: ???
Status: Cleric of Chaos
Style of Kombat: Snake, Tang So Do, Morning Star
Costume: Unchanged from Mortal Kombat Deception.
I had led the "heros" to the Dragon Kings temple hopeing they would stop his plans and bring blessed chaos into this realm. My plan had work, after they had done what I needed them to do I waited. I had to wait for the a oportune time to gain Onaga's heart. His heart had the power of resurection, and bringing back Shao Kahn would bring much chaos.
I had waited to long, as it seemed that there was another within the temple. His power dworfed that of Onaga's! It was the fallen elder god Shinnok. He came to reclaim his amulet and recruit those for his cause. Before I could explain the signifigance of Onaga's heart, Shinnok destroyed Onaga's body. I was impressed by this deed and "offered" my services to him. With the "New" Black Dragon in Earthrealm and Shinnok preparing to invade it, chaos will inevitably insue. But if I see Shinnok has similar plans as Onaga, I will do to him what I did with Onaga. As chaos is, I too am unpredictable!
PS: I did Haviks for the heck of it, so please don't get mad at me.
Name: Havik
Alignment: Neutral
Age: ???
Status: Cleric of Chaos
Style of Kombat: Snake, Tang So Do, Morning Star
Costume: Unchanged from Mortal Kombat Deception.
I had led the "heros" to the Dragon Kings temple hopeing they would stop his plans and bring blessed chaos into this realm. My plan had work, after they had done what I needed them to do I waited. I had to wait for the a oportune time to gain Onaga's heart. His heart had the power of resurection, and bringing back Shao Kahn would bring much chaos.
I had waited to long, as it seemed that there was another within the temple. His power dworfed that of Onaga's! It was the fallen elder god Shinnok. He came to reclaim his amulet and recruit those for his cause. Before I could explain the signifigance of Onaga's heart, Shinnok destroyed Onaga's body. I was impressed by this deed and "offered" my services to him. With the "New" Black Dragon in Earthrealm and Shinnok preparing to invade it, chaos will inevitably insue. But if I see Shinnok has similar plans as Onaga, I will do to him what I did with Onaga. As chaos is, I too am unpredictable!
PS: I did Haviks for the heck of it, so please don't get mad at me.
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