Remember what Boon said regarding future MK
posted02/02/2016 03:09 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
01/13/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
He said himself that he doesn't have a clue where to go next with the story and that this frightened him a bit. So while discussion and speculation is always fun, it's good to know that 99% sure Boon and company really do not know what they will do next game. Also, since they can come back on any death or plot line, anybody could be in or left out all together. If they get lazy, hey, here's Dragon King or Blaze for you. I seriously hope the revenant look is dealt with though, this orange vein thing just looks silly and not frightening at all. I feel they will get Shang Tsung back in there and obviously dark Raiden, so I fear a lay re-telling of DA but let's hope not. Just know, NRS doesn't know either. There's nothing logical about how they deal with all this and even canon endings can be retconned so..
01/30/2016 05:23 PM (UTC)
Your point is?????????
01/30/2016 05:25 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Your point is?????????

The point is forget what you think you know about MK's next story because the writers have no plan of any kind.
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01/30/2016 06:29 PM (UTC)
Anything goes at this point. I highly doubt(and would hate) retelling of da or deception. DA was just Quan chi and Shang. While Shang is definitely a high probability Quan hopefully sits 11 out. If not Shang then final boss should be Liu and kitana. To conclude the revenant plot. Maybe through a return of Noob Saibot in there
01/30/2016 06:34 PM (UTC)
Ugghh I hope not. Revenant part is soooo cheap..
01/30/2016 09:10 PM (UTC)
In MK 9 we had Shinnok hinted as the main bad guy.
In MK X we ACTUALLY had Shinnok as the main bad guy.

It is obvious they know which direction to take for the story od rhe next game.
What they do not know NOW are the details.

So they know we are going to have Dark Liu, Dark Kitana and Dark Raiden as main story arc.
They CANNOT reveal right now the details because:

1) that would spoil the surprise for the next game's story;
2) that woud spoil the surprise of new characters, costumes, arenas, etc
3) they still need to work on it.
01/30/2016 09:38 PM (UTC)
No, prior to MKX release Boon said he really did not know what to do the next and afraid he couldn't come up with anything right now for the future of MK. Sure it's going to continue just that he didn't know.
01/30/2016 09:56 PM (UTC)
I'm sure that the plot of the next game has never been fully thought of in any MK game. There have been ideas like Shinnok at the end of MK9 or the hints of Onaga in DA, but Shujinko and Cassie probably were only thought of for their respective games. Also, reconning the last game to conveniently set up the plot of the next has been happening since MKII.
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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

01/30/2016 10:03 PM (UTC)
Boon is a notorious liar. Why anybody still takes him at his word is beyond me. Ofcourse he knows where the story. He's stupid, but he's not that stupid.
01/30/2016 10:14 PM (UTC)
Haha fair enough. By the way, why this game so revolutionary in terms of time span..the 25 years thing made it seem like such a huge thing prior to release but the game still felt like it was just a few weeks and just some flash backs like any other game lol
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

01/31/2016 01:27 AM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
No, prior to MKX release Boon said he really did not know what to do the next and afraid he couldn't come up with anything right now for the future of MK. Sure it's going to continue just that he didn't know.

Do you have a link to the video where he said that?
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I will rock you.

01/31/2016 01:32 AM (UTC)
Uh remember when Ed wasn't such a big troll ? Nope!grin
01/31/2016 03:12 AM (UTC)
It hurts for me to say it but MKX's story makes me think that we put more thought into the story than NRS do now. The comics were more along the lines of what I was expecting MKX's story to be tbh. Idk, it seems like ever since the team was put under WB the story has been kind of simplified or dumbed down? Even the 3D Era games felt like their stories were deeper and had more thought put into them than MKX's story.

KI (IMO) is catching up to current MK in terms of story. Check this out...

That is just for one character, that really reminds me of old school MK in terms of depth/lore. I won't say it is as good but it has a level of depth to it that the new games seem to lack. Compare that bio to Erron Black or D'vorah''s just so much more lol

I still love MK, always will and it will always be my favorite gaming franchise no matter what but they do seem to kind of skimping out on the story related stuff now which is a bit disappointing. I want to blame it on the story mode set up though, it is probably really hard to tell a good story with that kind of lay out (Cutscene, fight, cutscene fight) where in old MK we got bios and endings which usually gave us text and felt like it gave us a lot more insight to the characters compared to now.
02/01/2016 02:41 AM (UTC)
mkx fucked everything, they cant come back from it without another reboot, too much damage has been done....they have ruined so much.

02/01/2016 05:06 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
mkx fucked everything, they cant come back from it without another reboot, too much damage has been done....they have ruined so much.

You should take the initial "c" off of your nick name. It would fit much better.
lastfighter89 Wrote:
CISIS Wrote:
mkx fucked everything, they cant come back from it without another reboot, too much damage has been done....they have ruined so much.

You should take the initial "c" off of your nick name. It would fit much better.

Soooo angry and spiteful all the time.
02/01/2016 06:48 PM (UTC)
Ask John Tobias, im sure he can help NRS writing and at the same time making fans happy again with MK's lore.

02/01/2016 07:26 PM (UTC)
MindStrikes Wrote:
Ask John Tobias, im sure he can help NRS writing and at the same time making fans happy again with MK's lore.

The best games lore-wise were Deadly Alliance and Deception. And Tobias had nothing to do with them.
02/01/2016 07:42 PM (UTC)
I personally think the 2D era was better, BUT that doesn't mean I dislike the 3D era either, their stories were better than what we are getting now tbh. Idk if its because of the model they use for the current story mode (scene, fight, scene, fight) or if its the WB overlords telling them to dumb things down, but current MK story doesn't seem half as deep as it once was.
02/01/2016 07:45 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
MindStrikes Wrote:
Ask John Tobias, im sure he can help NRS writing and at the same time making fans happy again with MK's lore.

The best games lore-wise were Deadly Alliance and Deception. And Tobias had nothing to do with them.

Eh, I agree and disagree. I agree that Deadly Alliance and Deception are pretty damn good as far as lore goes but at the same time (aside from Mythologies which was solely a Sub-Zero tale and the clusterfuck that was Special Forces which I don't count since it went through so many drastic changes) Tobias didn't have a platform to really flex those writing muscles aside from 15-20 something bio's per game if that.

Deadly Alliance and Deception (and to a certain extent Armageddon) had the Konquests to go off of as well as two big info dumps per character for bios which was definitely a lot more open room to work with. I wouldn't mind having seen what Tobias could've done with that amount of leeway.
02/01/2016 09:23 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
MindStrikes Wrote:
Ask John Tobias, im sure he can help NRS writing and at the same time making fans happy again with MK's lore.

The best games lore-wise were Deadly Alliance and Deception. And Tobias had nothing to do with them.

Eh, I agree and disagree. I agree that Deadly Alliance and Deception are pretty damn good as far as lore goes but at the same time (aside from Mythologies which was solely a Sub-Zero tale and the clusterfuck that was Special Forces which I don't count since it went through so many drastic changes) Tobias didn't have a platform to really flex those writing muscles aside from 15-20 something bio's per game if that.

Deadly Alliance and Deception (and to a certain extent Armageddon) had the Konquests to go off of as well as two big info dumps per character for bios which was definitely a lot more open room to work with. I wouldn't mind having seen what Tobias could've done with that amount of leeway.

Exactley. I liked MK: DA and MK: D alot aswell. But i think you cant compare them as the 2D games had just bio teksts. IN MK: DA they wrote their own story but it was build on what John Tobias made.
02/01/2016 09:33 PM (UTC)
I highly doubt within the next 3 years that NRS can't come up with a good direction for MK. There's so much one can do with the story that it isn't even funny, especially since it ended on a cliffhanger, albeit a sorta tacky one.

Jacqui should become half-demon, Kano hides off in the Outworld desert and comes off in a middle eastern attire, Liu's younger brother becoming the hero, Bi-Han's soul fighting for redemption, Raiden becoming villain, Warlord version of Drahmin, Quan Chi's 'head Staff' becoming a future weapon (perhaps he trained some netherrealm demons), Orderrealm makes a comeback, Takeda becoming less annoying...Shujinko bitch slapping Cassie later on,

As I said, SO many different directions that one can take with the story.
Gameplay wise...I guess I'd be slightly more stumped, but something tells me they'll continue with the variations.
02/02/2016 12:52 AM (UTC)
Boon's trolling is old, he reminds of a child in school who like wont share his crayons or something.

I'm not saying you have let us know everything, but at least being honest, and upfront about things would be respectable.
02/02/2016 04:32 AM (UTC)
Of course they have no plans of knowing where they go with the story, because they are gonna be working on Injustice 2. So they have a while to think about it. Injustice 2 will be out next year and MKXI will only be out in 2019.

Most of all they need a real story writer, because both MK9 and MKX's Storymodes were literally shit.

MK9: Let's have Sindel kill off all the good side except for Sonya and Johnny. Raiden accidentally fries Liu Kang and Nightwolf sacrificed himself.

MKX: Focus on Cassie as the main hero. A damn rookie taking out an Elder God....yeah ok ????

MKXI: another lameass story?
02/02/2016 06:05 AM (UTC)
^^ finally some one how is not a blind fan boy and can see how utterly shit mk stories have been!

deeeuuhhh dderppppp lets reboot the franchise, kill everyone off and have all NRS team members say we did this to allow for a clean slate and fresh roster....then release mkx with the exact same roster again with kids! DUUUhhhhh

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