Should there be a Create a Character mode in MK7?
posted04/11/2005 03:37 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
Now that MK:D is fading into the past, the MK team is undoubtedly throwing around ideas and putting things together for MK7. We already know that the MK team plans on releasing an MK fighting game in one year, and a non-fighting game based MK title the next, followed by another MK fighting game. So right now, it would seem that the development cycle for MK7 is beginning. This is the time for fans to make their voices heard. We know that members of the MK team check this board and this website because John Podlasek even admitted it in the interview on the front page.

I have an idea for the MK team to consider, and I was wondering if I could get the thoughts of my fellow MK fans on it. Instead of having non-fighting extras like a chess game, a puzzle game, or konquest, the MK team instead creates a large and highly customizable create a character mode. This of course would be an extra mode, like the ones mentioned here, but with a strong relation to the main fighting game.

It would allow players to create the names, races (human, god, tarkatan, wraith, etc etc etc), and looks of their fighter. From shoes or boots to sashes, wristbands, masks, hair color and length, eyes, weapons and fighting styles, players would be able to truly make characters their own creations. To further this mode, players would be allowed to create their own storylines, that would be put on two pages like in MK:D, and background templates would be provided by the MK team. Players could also write endings that would appear on a basic template or two, allowing players to place characters into these templates. We could even create versus screens (like how they used to do it in MK1, 2, and 3) for the characters that would appear before fights, and we could put our characters on the select screen (obviously). Some templates would be available from the start, with most being unlockable in the krypt.

All of this stuff would be unlocked in the main arcade game, a survival mode, and the krypt (eliminating the pissed off feeling that most fans get when they open a koffin to find a picture of the MK team or a picture of a weapon). The MK team would instead have weapons not used by the regular characters, as well as fighting styles. But all weapons and fighting styles would be available. The same goes for special moves. Moves would be created that no other characters have, and they would be unlockable and hidden throughout the game. Koins would be used to purchase the koffins, or they could be wagered online. Clothing items, fighting styles, special moves and other things related could also be wagered online before fights.

The main reason why I think this would be a good mode of play, is because unlike chess and puzzle extras, this mode relates directly to the fighting game. Like kumite mode in virtua fighter, it keeps players playing to earn more stuff for their characters. The only limitation on the characters should be the amount of memory your card or hard drive has. So you could have multiple characters. The other reason is because MK fans are incredibly creative, posting a never ending number of character concepts on this website alone. This would allow the MK team to say "okay, you think you're better at this than we are? Show us." And it would allow us to create either an existing character we wanted in the game that wasn't, or a new character of our own design. It would make the game better for each individual player, and it would lengthen the replay value of all modes of play considerably.

What do you think?
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03/19/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
Yes, but consider this:

you can't make characters from any kind of race. reptiles uniqueness comes from that he is the one one left from his race (K/Chameleon does not count) and besides, each genrated character would structure up from the same aproaches.

there would be plenty of shokans, reptiles, vampires, cyborgs, ...list goes on. And how would you adapt that to the online game? Fan made chars facing each other off sounds fun, but I don't think it is possible yet, and if it is, then the balance would be seriously out of controll.

If they can overcome theese obstacles then okay, but refrain from the all-race and all-possibilities avaiable idea. Some characters are characters becouse only they have some of those characteristics.
03/19/2005 11:48 PM (UTC)
No, Overall to me at least it didn't feel right having someone new to MK just taking someone moves and styles. The same thing could happed to the create a character mode in MK7 if there was one. Just a character that has other characters moves. Part of what is inportant to a MK character style. Shujinko has no style at all. Also people would find ways to create that all powerfull character. I rather have real characters with there own style of fighting rather than a cut and paste character.
03/20/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
didnt boon say that there is gon be sumthin like that in mk7 like choose different realm races or w/e and make ur own character
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03/20/2005 07:06 AM (UTC)
Im totally against the create-a-character in fighting games, i just dont like the idea at all. As said above, imagine the balance nightmare if the custom characters are used online, the insane amount of broken characters, all with the exact same moves, and i bet every single character would look the same (all mk2-like ninjas, all cyborgs........), and the moves and stuff available in that mode, would be better used in premade characters. If its some stuff like custom appareance for premade chars like in tekken 5 (as i heard) then i say welcome to it, but beyond that, to the point to create your own
But thats just me......................
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03/20/2005 08:02 AM (UTC)
As far as broken characters are concerned, that's for the MK team to figure out. There needs to be a maximum damage level that cuts combos off and limits cheapness in some way for one thing. Also, they need to get better testers, as most people would agree that breaking MK:D wasn't all that difficult. That said, I'm not talking about customizing a move list from scratch. I would want 2 fighting styles and 1 weapon style, but they are pre-made. Perhaps all of the styles from MK:DA, MK:D, and MK7, as well as about 10 or so extra styles, with downloadable content on that to follow.
That way, the MK team could limit the amount of cheapness, or at least have some level of control.

As far as not liking everyone making ninjas, why should that even play into it? Why would I care what another person creates if I personally like my character? Besides, if you have enough clothing styles, hopefully, one ninja of one color could look completely different than another ninja with the same color. As for races, I understand the whole Reptile being the last one, but couldn't someone just as easily write a storyline about how Reptile discovers another member of his long forgotten race? I mean, come on, they brought Liu Kang back from getting his neck snapped like a twig in MK:DA. I think that when it comes to the MK storyline, the MK team could fit in just about anything they wanted and justify it through a storyline. It's why Noob Saibot now has a kickass storyline, when he was originally, well, pretty much a joke character.

Bear in mind, I'm proposing this idea as an extra mode. An add on that keeps the replay value up. It's like kumite mode in VF4, only taken to another level and transferred to the MK universe. Wouldn't you prefer something like this that could keep you playing, keep you wagering items online, keep you playing survival mode (if they put a mode like this in, which they need to), keep you getting better and keep searching for secrets than have another puzzle fighter knockoff and a bland fetch quest like konquest?
03/20/2005 03:04 PM (UTC)
Bad Idea, Leave Createmode to Smackdown, on the other hand, the customization ideas were not half bad, like Tekken 5, you can change their Shirts, hats, Pants, Etc. that woulnt be a bad idea to have IN MK It would solve alot of fussiness, but again, creating a character is a bad idea Id rather have the MK team decide who i should play, which is different from Wrestling, cause you already know who they are, but if your favorite character isnt in the game just make a downloadable content that you have to pay for or something.

No On Create A Character.
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03/20/2005 05:54 PM (UTC)
I say no. Just look at how unbalanced Shujinko turned out for why. this type of mode doesn't belong in MK or another fighter series like SC, SF, Tekken etc. you play with the characters key to the story and learn about them etc. Creating a character that doesn't belong in the game is simply pointless.
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03/20/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
TGrant, and everyone else:

A create a character mode is pointless because its an extra mode. Extra, like a puzzle game or a chess game. I just think it would be a good mode because it would allow players to create characters that they wanted in the game, or use their creativity to create a character that they like.

If you guys look at this message board, you'll see at least a good number of posts devoted to character ideas. People are always posting made up character bios and looks for characters that are their own ideas. You guys really don't think that MK fans would want this, just as an extra mode? You could go online and wager clothing items or templates for endings or versus screens that you unlock in the arcade game or a survival mode, and if you lose, you have to go back and unlock that item again.

It wouldn't have to be a matter of balance if the fighting styles were playtested better than the past MK games and a maximum damage ceiling was put into the game. Same goes for special moves, which would see a limit of five or so. Perhaps even limiting the types of special moves that characters can have. Say, 1 teleport move only, two projectile moves only, and two punch or kick special moves only.

I think that if the MK team did this right, and made it so players couldn't break the game with created characters, that it would be a good addition.
I say this because I believe that this is the next evolution in fighting games. Virtua Fighter and Tekken have both been toying with the idea, so why shouldn't MK jump to the forefront and go the distance? Cross the line? But do it in a way that remains true to the MK universe. We all have our own ideas characters, and its not like making our own would hurt the real characters in any way because its just an extra mode. It's a collecting thing that I think would get a lot of replay out of the game, while still remaining a part of the actual fighting expierience. That's been my gripe with the Test your Might/Sight, Konquest, Puzzle, and Chess games of the last two games. They simply seem like distractions, and they don't really have much bearing on the main fighting game. Konquest came close, but it was so difficult to sit through and so difficult to find anything in without the internet, that it bordered on unplayable (for me at least).

I guess I just don't see why you guys wouldn't want this as an extra mode, something to keep you playing after you've found everything. Something that would allow you to use your own creativity, instead of complaining about the new characters and how John Tobias was much better at designing them. If you want something cool, you make it yourself. I don't know, I guess I'm not going to sell you guys on this, even as an extra mode, but I still think that if this were done just right, with limits and max damage and enough of the right options, MK could make that evolutionary leap that people said was missing from MK:D.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/20/2005 10:23 PM (UTC)
Everyone would eventually be coming up with the same teleports, kicks, specials etc and it would be lame. The character concepts you speak of contain looks and moves etc that the MK Team could never include like that. I myself make character concepts and a lot of the things included would never even make an MK game.
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03/21/2005 05:29 AM (UTC)
tgrant, I'm not talking about being able to create your own moves if that's what you mean. You let the players choose from about 150 to 200 special moves the 4 or 5 that they want for their character. I seriously doubt that everyone will pick the same 4 or 5 moves unless they break the game, and if that's the case then that is the fault of the MK team, not my idea.

Sure, we'd probably see a ton of Reptile's from MK2 or something like that, but if that's the case, then who cares? That just means that fans like that character. I didn't want a puzzle game, or konquest, or chess, or test your anything in MK:D, yet that's what we got. I think that a mode like this would allow fans to create the character (real to the series or imagined) that they want. Isn't that what videogames is pretty much about? Giving fans the experience that they want? I can think that anyone elses characters are lame, but as long as I like mine, then why do I care?

I was angry with MK:D mainly because it didn't supply a mode that was endless. A mode like survival mode or something like that, where you could play as long as you want and get better. Instead they threw in a couple fluff modes that had no place in a fighting game, much less in MK. If we are going to have extra modes in MK, then it might as well be something that adds to the overall experience, allows MK fans to use the creativity that has obviously been demonstrated on this board on countless occasions, broadens the appeal of the game, and makes the online experience that much better. I mean, if you want to fight a real MK character, then there could be a rule that says no created characters in this lobby for people who just want to use the real MK characters.

As an extra, you really wouldn't prefer this to Super MK puzzle fighter Chess Your Might?
03/21/2005 06:32 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
tgrant, I'm not talking about being able to create your own moves if that's what you mean. You let the players choose from about 150 to 200 special moves the 4 or 5 that they want for their character. I seriously doubt that everyone will pick the same 4 or 5 moves unless they break the game, and if that's the case then that is the fault of the MK team, not my idea.

Thing is though, EVERY fighting game gets broken. Just the way it is. People will pick the same styles/moves, and that'll be it. Thousands upon thousands of ninja looking characters with the same moveset. Some moves are just better than others, and it's usually pretty plainly obvious what these moves are after only a couple of days. There's no avoiding it.

Midway can't even make a somewhat balanced game when they have control of what characters have what moves, so I seriously doubt they'd be able to look at and playtest every aspect and move combination you'd find in a create a character mode (that's tens to hundreds of hours of playtesting multiplyed by thousands to millions of move combinations - might as well be impossible). We don't need any more chances for the game to be even more broken next time.
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03/21/2005 10:02 PM (UTC)
But how would a game be broken if there is maximum damage? An indicator that automatically breaks a combo at, say 35% damage? Or breaks any combo where the same move is executed more than 3 times? I think that there are ways to safeguard against breaking a fighting game, even if it hasn't really happened yet. Obviously, you can't count for glitches and what not, but that's why you have it playtested by a bigger group, a better group, for a longer period of time. They have enough time and enough resources to see that a mode like this could be created without having too many ways to break the game.

I'll ask again though, wouldn't you guys rather have a mode like the one that I have described through this thread than another puzzle game or test your whatever? It interweaves itself in the main game, a survival, tag, and/or time attack mode (I hope they include this in MK7), the krypt (actually making koffins worth while) as well as the online component. If Virtua Fighter and Tekken are headed gingerly in this direction, why shouldn't MK jump out the forefront and do it a 110%, providing that evolutionary leap that will undoubtedly match the graphics that it will most likely have on the next generation of systems?

*To the MK mods, I'm honestly not trying to bump this thread. I'm just answering questions and trying to get a feel for why people would or wouldn't be interestedin what I'm describing. Also, thanks for moving my thread to the Future MK forum, I put in in the Deception forum by mistake, so thanks for the correction!
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03/21/2005 10:23 PM (UTC)
I want tht mode since they announced that it will be in mk deception but they lied like everitime lol .
But boon said that in mk 7 that will be possible and i want it NOW~!`furious
03/22/2005 01:26 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
But how would a game be broken if there is maximum damage? An indicator that automatically breaks a combo at, say 35% damage? Or breaks any combo where the same move is executed more than 3 times? I think that there are ways to safeguard against breaking a fighting game, even if it hasn't really happened yet. Obviously, you can't count for glitches and what not, but that's why you have it playtested by a bigger group, a better group, for a longer period of time. They have enough time and enough resources to see that a mode like this could be created without having too many ways to break the game.

The thing is, moves don't need to be able to link together for infinites or extremely high damage combos for them to be 'broken'. If a move is safer than all other moves, but still deals around about the same amount of damage, comes out quick, or has great properties, then that move is instantly a great move. Everybody is going to want to use it.

If you look at MKD and imagine a create a character mode, everybody would have chosen the tombstone drop because it's such a ridiculously good move.

If you look at MKDA and imagine a create a character mode, everybody would have chosen hellfire as a special move, and pi gua as a style, so they could do 3 and 4 mixups, and shoves into guaranteed hellfire's.

These moves don't lead straight into 80% damage combos, but they're so good that they can be used very often without too much fear of losing a match. They're broken.
03/22/2005 01:46 AM (UTC)
I think that they should contribute the create mode into the next Konquest mode in Mortal Kombat 7.

In Konquest mode I felt it was very limited and straight forward in following Shujinko's story. In my vision I could see Konquest mode focus on the story of your custom character that you create and therefore build up a story for him during the extent of your gameplay.

In the beginning of the Konquest mode you will be able to pick a race for your character and some basic fighting styles. However during the course of the game you can unlock extra fighting styles and add them onto your special character.

You could gain new costumes while playing and maintain a currency in that game that is shared with your created account for Mortal Kombat 7, so fighting in the extra modes could boost up your "kurrency" to buy new items in Konquest.

I think this would be a good idea but should be limited to only 1 character slot on the select screen in the other modes. Now it would be over doing it if you could create a whole entire roster of customized character because that would extract from the unique qualities of the original characters of the Mortal Kombat franchise.

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03/22/2005 02:48 AM (UTC)
Grizzle, that's a really good idea you got there. It sounds like what most of us thought konquest would originally be with Shujinko. You could buy all of these costume items and name your character etc. I think at the beginning the MK team even mentioned something about choosing races, but I could be wrong about that.

I honestly like both your idea and mine. Unlike alot of other posters in this thread, I really don't think that every player would make the same character, or even have the same moves. I think that when it comes to characters, most players would rather have a character they like, rather than a character that wins. Everyone always says how good Bo Rai Cho was in MK:DA and MK:D, but I honestly don't like playing as him, so I don't. I'd rather play as Ermac, who's moves are more fun, and who looks alot cooler. Maybe I'm the only one, but I think that most people would rather have a character that they enjoy, not just a character that's the same as everyone elses online for the purpose of winning.

Still, I think that your idea about konquest is really cool Grizzle, and I hope that the MK creators are paying a little attention to this thread. Either allow players to create their own character with all of the options I've listed in this thread, or do something like what Grizzle suggested with konquest mode.
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Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

03/25/2005 01:56 AM (UTC)
YES, YES,YES, YES,YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need a create a character!
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what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/25/2005 02:34 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Yes, but consider this:

you can't make characters from any kind of race. reptiles uniqueness comes from that he is the one one left from his race (K/Chameleon does not count) and besides, each genrated character would structure up from the same aproaches.

there would be plenty of shokans, reptiles, vampires, cyborgs, ...list goes on. And how would you adapt that to the online game? Fan made chars facing each other off sounds fun, but I don't think it is possible yet, and if it is, then the balance would be seriously out of controll.

If they can overcome theese obstacles then okay, but refrain from the all-race and all-possibilities avaiable idea. Some characters are characters becouse only they have some of those characteristics.
Reptile is not the LAST member of his race. Kamelion is a canon character as well. see Reptile's MKD bio kard. special moves and styles should be learned depending on who you train with in a konquest type game. Vampires, Robots, and Werewolves have to turn you, you can't automatically pick them.
04/01/2005 06:38 AM (UTC)
i'm all for it, you could make your favorite if he's not in there.
04/04/2005 07:15 PM (UTC)
I've been wanting a 'Kreate-A-Kharacter' for so long. I do disagree about Puzzle and Chess though, I think they were fun for a quick play. Anyways, I think they should have a Konquest where YOU are the character and can CHOOSE your own path. So they could make JUST say the classic fighting mode where you get your ending, and then ONE custom character with an RPG like story mode per file. So you could either be good, bad, or neutral and pick from some professions to take up. Also, you could place 2-5 moves per character, 2 fighting styles and a weapon, and two fatalities. I think it'd be awesome. Each sex and race could have their own set of selectable moves, which would be dope as hell. But then, as well, you could also have these options below:

Sex: Male or Female
Race: Human, God, Reptile, Wraith, Demon, Zombie, Vampire, Spirit, Shokan
Face Style 1-15 PER RACE/SEX
Skin Color: 360 different colors
Entire Body Suit: 1-50
Entire Body Suit Color: 360 different colors
Hats: 1-50
Hat Color: 360 different colors
Mask: 1-25
Mask Color: 360 different colors
Eye Color: 360 different colors
Nose: 1-15 PER RACE
Mouth: 1-15 PER RACE
Height: 3'0"-10'0"
Weight: 100 lbs.-400 lbs.(weight would affect Speed/Strength/Stamina)
Muscle: 1-10 selections; how buff your character is
Upper Body Clothing: 1-100
Upper Body Clothing Color: 360 different colors
Lower Body Clothing: 1-100
Lower Body Clothing: 360 different colors
Shoes: 1-25
Shoe Color: 360 different colors
Head Size: 1-10
Chest Size: 1-10
Bicep Size: 1-10
Tricep Size: 1-10
Ab Size: 1-10
Forearm Size: 1-10
Hip Size: 1-10
Thigh Size: 1-10
Calf Size: 1-10
Foot Size: 1-10
Hand Size: 1-10

That would be awesome. And maybe they should make it so you can't use your character online then? I don't know, or care, because I like custom characters for my own use, not to make the coolest or best character ever. Plus, custom characters automatically give me replay value, because I like to make the the strongest or most similar to me possible.
04/04/2005 08:20 PM (UTC)

It would just be unfair with online play, coz everyone will have the strongest sets of moves.

I think the create the costume is a better idea, where you can select what they wear, that will be a more fun and acceptable way to play.
04/04/2005 10:34 PM (UTC)
I think that would be raw mking your own fighter and all that and it would be cool if you could chang the outfits of the actual fighters like tekken 5grin
04/06/2005 12:46 PM (UTC)
1st I didn't like the idea of creating new characters. But after I played some games where we can create our own character I was really impressed. I created 2 great characters for my own.

Creating a character is a great idea.

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04/09/2005 03:46 PM (UTC)
creat a character would be so kool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........and yeh....the clasics rocktongue
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