The character story thread.
Mortal Kombat X
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The character story thread.
posted03/09/2005 03:53 AM (UTC)byMember Since
03/05/2005 11:06 PM (UTC)
I thought that we should post ideas of characters storylines.
After defeating Kano once and for all, Sonya learns that she is stained evil. She has already killed her partner, Jax. Now she has to discover her true self before she kills everyone and does what Shao Kahn has wanted for years, to help rule Outworld once more.
I'll post more later.
After defeating Kano once and for all, Sonya learns that she is stained evil. She has already killed her partner, Jax. Now she has to discover her true self before she kills everyone and does what Shao Kahn has wanted for years, to help rule Outworld once more.
I'll post more later.
warlock: BIO: A sorcer once loyal to sho kahn, warlock was deafeted by shang tsung and lost his rightful place at the side of is master sho kahn in outworld. In atempt to aid raiden and quan chi aganist onaga shang tsung was finaly destroyed. Warlock can now once again reunite and aid his former master to take back what is his OUTWORLD! ALTERNET COSTUME BIO: A great battle was once held over who held power over the great tournament mortal kombat. Shang tsung had defeated me and belived that i was destroyed but he was decived for i only was merly injured and fled into the 5th plain of netherrealm. while there i was confronted by a familer voice who i had not seen since earths invasion shinnok he has promised me eternal power in exchange to retrive his sacret amulat. I must now choose to betray my former master or suffer at the hands of power shinnok ! ps read post below didnt alow me to attach to same post for some reason

Awesome idea!
This thread is going to show a lot of promise, though I can't understand Sonya's evil-side DarthDavid1234. What led her to become that way? Here is my Dark Raiden theory...
Dark Raiden
The demi-god has succumbed to the evil he sacrificed himself to protect. Beginning his reign of terror on the innocent Shujinko commenced his terrible killing spree. Murdering mortals across Earthrealm, the Thunder God shows no thought explanation besides blinded insanity. Liu Kang has taken the plate by reforming his original allies, an allegiance that should have never had to be established... A group of mortals which will never outlive their quest once suceeding... the Electrocutioners, the Raiden defence force. Also led by the citizen chosen Defender of Earthrealm, Fujin, their attempts at thwarting the madness before it outgrows Earthrealm is a vain step toward the grave. With enough consumed power to destroy the might of the Shokan combined, Dark Raiden has no compassion for his children as he continues his pilgrimage of "cleansing", a future which could lead to the demise of Earthrealm itself... Hey, what's new?
Keep posting your theories, everyone! This thread has potential.
Dark Raiden
The demi-god has succumbed to the evil he sacrificed himself to protect. Beginning his reign of terror on the innocent Shujinko commenced his terrible killing spree. Murdering mortals across Earthrealm, the Thunder God shows no thought explanation besides blinded insanity. Liu Kang has taken the plate by reforming his original allies, an allegiance that should have never had to be established... A group of mortals which will never outlive their quest once suceeding... the Electrocutioners, the Raiden defence force. Also led by the citizen chosen Defender of Earthrealm, Fujin, their attempts at thwarting the madness before it outgrows Earthrealm is a vain step toward the grave. With enough consumed power to destroy the might of the Shokan combined, Dark Raiden has no compassion for his children as he continues his pilgrimage of "cleansing", a future which could lead to the demise of Earthrealm itself... Hey, what's new?
Keep posting your theories, everyone! This thread has potential.

So quiet?
Luckily I have thought of another potential character story...
Betrayal will never escape the Former Champion of the Elder Gods, Monster. Shamefully defeated at the hand of Shujinko, he confronted the Senate for lingering mercy. Unanimously deciding his former fate -- a sentence of damnation in the Netherrealm -- convinced Monster that the Elder Gods too have been deceived. Their tradition of salvation somehow lacked during his trial. Sensing a sinister spiritual intrusion of the Senate, Monster succumbed to the dark abyss to uncover any form of revenge in the shade of darkness. Locating the two monstrous Oni, Drahmin and Moloch, they became bound by their hatred of Scorpion and formed an allegiance to escape the realm of hellfire. Successfully emerging in Outworld, Monster utilized their friendship by convincing the brothers to accompany him in the Senate, where they will aid him in defeating the new Champion. When the honor is his again, Monster will relocate the Oni in Earthrealm for access to a banquet of flesh. Overcome by gluttony, they began causing turmoil and havoc in Outworld to attract the attention of the Elder Gods, thus sending Scorpion to perform their bidding. Whether he responds to their deception has not been determined...
Betrayal will never escape the Former Champion of the Elder Gods, Monster. Shamefully defeated at the hand of Shujinko, he confronted the Senate for lingering mercy. Unanimously deciding his former fate -- a sentence of damnation in the Netherrealm -- convinced Monster that the Elder Gods too have been deceived. Their tradition of salvation somehow lacked during his trial. Sensing a sinister spiritual intrusion of the Senate, Monster succumbed to the dark abyss to uncover any form of revenge in the shade of darkness. Locating the two monstrous Oni, Drahmin and Moloch, they became bound by their hatred of Scorpion and formed an allegiance to escape the realm of hellfire. Successfully emerging in Outworld, Monster utilized their friendship by convincing the brothers to accompany him in the Senate, where they will aid him in defeating the new Champion. When the honor is his again, Monster will relocate the Oni in Earthrealm for access to a banquet of flesh. Overcome by gluttony, they began causing turmoil and havoc in Outworld to attract the attention of the Elder Gods, thus sending Scorpion to perform their bidding. Whether he responds to their deception has not been determined...
She was led there after being manipulated in MKD like jax kitana jonny cage etc.
I love Ermac,as long as they bring him back im good to go!!
and BTW everybody from MK Trilogy and DA,and Deception....He,he.....LOL
Ermac:After releasing and freeing the souls of the chosen warriors and anticipating an evil essence that he felt was influenced by the very fabric of that realm,He soon finds out that Shao Kahn takes over once again as the Emperor and ruler of Outworld.Except this time Ermac is devoted to fight for good and not evil.He aids the chosen warriors in battle along with Raiden leading them after terminating the mislead Shujinko.The path of the chosen warriors ...the good warriors are influenced by Raiden's fury to fight for Earthrealm or die,this being said Raiden leaves Ermac in charge of leading the chosen warriors to victory.Especially since Ermac is probably the most powerful of of the chosen warriors,with the spirits to guide him.

and BTW everybody from MK Trilogy and DA,and Deception....He,he.....LOL
Ermac:After releasing and freeing the souls of the chosen warriors and anticipating an evil essence that he felt was influenced by the very fabric of that realm,He soon finds out that Shao Kahn takes over once again as the Emperor and ruler of Outworld.Except this time Ermac is devoted to fight for good and not evil.He aids the chosen warriors in battle along with Raiden leading them after terminating the mislead Shujinko.The path of the chosen warriors ...the good warriors are influenced by Raiden's fury to fight for Earthrealm or die,this being said Raiden leaves Ermac in charge of leading the chosen warriors to victory.Especially since Ermac is probably the most powerful of of the chosen warriors,with the spirits to guide him.
Liu Kang - I had wandered the Outworld as a lingering spirit clinging towards the last fabrications of my former life. As I journeyed through the realm of the living I could slowly feel myself drifting away to the higher planes above the realms where I had formerly been a part of. As much as I felt myself go, I was forced to stay behind in the realms to rescue my allies who I had shared blood, sweat, and tears with over the many times we sacrificed our lives to protect what is most important to us. I managed to save my old friend Johnny Cage, My Shalin brother Kung Lao, My old trusted allys Sonya Blade and Jax, and my former love Kitana from the Dragon King's power with the aid of a mysterious warrior known as Ermac. I guided my old allies into Earthrealm but I still possesed the knowledge of my former corpse traveling the realms under the spell of a mysterious being, who slaughtered many innocent people. I managed to run into my former self and I had an epic clash that determined our fates. I fought long and hard and was at a stalemate with myself.
Suddenly I was hit with this bright beam and before I knew it, I was flesh and bone once again. I was back to myself... Back to life.. The first thing that I saw with my old eyes was an old ally whom I thought I would never see again, Raiden. This time Raiden had changed, I did not recognize him at first untill he revealed himself to me. Raiden told me of an entity called the One Being, and he needed me to help him on a quest to prevent the One Being from awakening. Raiden said he needed the greatest warrior of all time to aid him in his quest, and he bestowed that honor upon me, The Mortal Kombat champion. I know not of the fate of my friends, but one thing is for certain, I know they are safe. But I owe much to the Thunder God and my friends would have to wait to be united with me. This One Being would have to be dealt with alone, with Raiden by my side.
Suddenly I was hit with this bright beam and before I knew it, I was flesh and bone once again. I was back to myself... Back to life.. The first thing that I saw with my old eyes was an old ally whom I thought I would never see again, Raiden. This time Raiden had changed, I did not recognize him at first untill he revealed himself to me. Raiden told me of an entity called the One Being, and he needed me to help him on a quest to prevent the One Being from awakening. Raiden said he needed the greatest warrior of all time to aid him in his quest, and he bestowed that honor upon me, The Mortal Kombat champion. I know not of the fate of my friends, but one thing is for certain, I know they are safe. But I owe much to the Thunder God and my friends would have to wait to be united with me. This One Being would have to be dealt with alone, with Raiden by my side.
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