Time Manipulation in MK (MK7 and beyond)
posted12/05/2004 07:36 PM (UTC)by
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02/10/2003 04:01 PM (UTC)
Given the length of the following, I have split this into two posts for easier reading.

Time in a fighting game would prove to be something very influential. With both players possessing power over time, matches could be redefined in terms of how they are played and how they end. This thread is here to present this idea to you and to get you to think about it. It is by no means here as a suggestion to get rid of the normal gameplay and have this as a permanent and definite part of MK.

The inspiration for these ideas, are the Prince of Persia and Viewtiful Joe games. For those who have played these games, imagine those powers of time at your finger tips within MK. Imagine what they could lead to. Time itself would play apart with special moves, death-traps, combos and of course, would make the difference between life and death. I will now tell you of the uses of Time Manipulation in MK.

Time Manipulation in MK

The Power of Delay (Slow Motion):

Slowing down time would effectively allow you to power up attacks. Combo damage could be raised slightly as your slower attacks power up upon delivery to the opponent. Of course, slowing down time allows the opponent to see where your next attack is coming from a lot easier. They may be able to counter attack or evade effectively if they’re smart. The smarter player would make sure their chain combo connected first and slowed down mid combo to maximise damage.

In terms of specials, projectiles would be the ones greatly affected by slow down. Let’s take Sub-Zero and Raiden for example. You’re about to do the freeze. You’re at the opposite end of the screen and have a long way to travel if it does connect. You know that if it does, there is chance they’ll unfreeze before you can combo. To cure that, you slow down time, increasing the potency of the ice blast as it is released. Upon connection, its ability has been increased for a greater amount of time, so the enemy remains frozen for longer. In the case of Raiden, a paralysis effect could be added onto his lightning blast, or it could just do more damage. In the reverse, slow down time to evade a projectile coming at you. You move at normal speed and sidestep past it. Helpful if you don’t initially see it coming. Slow down could also allow you to increase the size of your projectile before release, thus stopping sidestepping opponents.

Slowing down time could also allow for increased jumping ability. Surprise your opponent by slowing down time, executing your jump, and then releasing the time delay and power launching yourself across the screen from a full screen length away and knock them in the face with a nicely done kick. If this were classic MK, you’d probably go in with a punch and combo off it.

In effect, slowing down time will be useful for offence and defence.

The Power of Haste (Speed Up):

Increasing the speed of time for yourself will allow you to do quite a lot of effective stuff if used correctly. We all remember Jades ridiculous running speed in UMK3/MKT. We could have that again with the speed up. You could run around the arena, evading projectiles, sidestep incoming attacks with ease. Your mix ups would come out faster allowing you to break your opponents block more easily. And your combos would appear so much faster, in a shadowy or fiery blur maybe.

However, to combat the cheapness of such tactics, hits would be less potent, decreasing in damage. So you’d be using the speed up to get in quick combos, but at the cost of less damage. It would be worth it in a tight spot sometimes.

Another effect here would be the ability to avoid interrupts. This would effectively allow for a better attacking ability and decrease those irritating lag times on certain attacks and specials. Speeding up mid combo could also eliminate this.

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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/26/2004 08:13 PM (UTC)
The Power of Revival (Rewind):

This power, in effect, could be everyones best friend. You’d have no need to switch off the death-traps anymore. That mistake that cost you the match because your opponent was slightly smarter and struck a quick blow at you sending you reeling into a death-trap can now be easily undone. If you find yourself being knocked into a death-trap, you have a small amount of time to save yourself being your gruesome death. This is the animation time, the time in which you travel towards said death-trap. Once in there, you die. You cannot rewind once dead, which is why you’d have to be quick.

Countering that however, would be the speed up. If the opponent speeds up time, it will counter your rewind, thus lessening the time taken to reach the death-trap. That means, you are OWNED!

Those combo breakers you used when you thought you were in danger and then regretted it later when receiving a KO blow can be recovered. You would however have to bear in mind that you’d only have a limited amount of time to rewind back to. Also, for combos if you didn’t have time to pull a breaker off, rewind and pull it off. You’ve just minimised damage to yourself.

If MK ever has a proper parrying system, (think Soul Calibur), we can see deflected hits from the opponent erased as you rewind time and go to attack somewhere else. If they parry your high attack, rewind quickly and attack low instead.

Rewinding time can also save you from combos, giving you the chance to block or evade as necessary and correct any other mistakes you make in the field.

The power of rewind is very useful. Use it wisely. The enemy may see what you’re up to and counter it.

The Power of Restraint (Freeze):

The ability to freeze time in an MK match allows for the following things to happen.

Mechanical deathtraps would cease to work, rendering them harmless for a set amount of time allowing being near the edge of an arena not so hazardous.

Freezing the opponent in time would be another useful option for free damage and would make a Sub-Zero player even more dangerous. However, if said option were available to you, there would be a significant damage loss to counter for such a cheap tactic.

Rather than freezing the opponent just for the sake of a free attack whenever you want, the freezing time option could be used to freeze a special move instead. For instance, lets take Kobras Teleport Punch. Has he ever used it when he’s been against a deathtrap ready to go in and knocked you into one with it? If so, the time freeze will allow you to turn this back on him. You’re in the above situation and Kobra teleports and is just appearing. You, being rather smart, freeze time, trapping him mid teleport or maybe just after as he goes to punch you. You sidestep around him and deliver your attack, knocking him into that deathtrap. That would be a more satisfying end to the round for you, no? Consider the opponent truly punished.

To limit the abuse of certain time powers, I was thinking that a player could only have the chance to use one of each time power within a match. Or maybe, have the choice of just three of them. The three they think would most help them. You’d have to take into consideration the stage you are about to play on, the opponents character and even how skilled the opponent is. Strategy would be the key to victory.

To summarise, time itself could play a distinct and rather strategical part of kombat if ever wielded within MK or maybe any other fighting game. The above ideas are just examples of the many uses time has. There is so much more that could be done.

As ever, your thoughts, ideas and opinions are welcome.
Hmm, that's an interesting point you have there. It could be adjusted to the MK world.
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11/26/2004 08:28 PM (UTC)
It Souds like a really interesting idea. Time will be an interesting tool to MK's gameplay, indeed it would add a lot of new strategy o teh games as you will have to administrate your new powers in teh right way as well as your timing would need to be essential in the usage of these tools. I would have to agree that slowing, hasting and freezing time would be an awsome contribution to the gameplay, i jsut don't think rewinding time would be a good idea. as you stated it would allow you to counterattack or get out of difficult situations, but as always as in every fighting engine, people would manage to over use it, to become cheap players as in MK:D.

It sounds intriguing how this new "time based" techniques would affect the MK gameplay, but IMO i think applying this tools into MK would make it a little bit slower (the new fighting engines purpose was to have faster fights) and are not really the essence of what aa figthing game should be. It's a great addition in ACtion/Adventure games such as Prince of Persia (great game) buti don't think they would suit a fighting game i mean maybe slowing time is a good addition, but rewinding and freezing can be converted in such an annoyance as players could stop playing or learning the real fighting combos and system and rely only in teh time based features.

Nontheless it's a great idea bro. Nice thread.
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11/26/2004 08:40 PM (UTC)
Those are very cool ideas, Ty dude! It'd really add a new. cool twist to the game

You are very creative, dude! smile
I love your posts and threads
11/26/2004 08:40 PM (UTC)
Another interesting idea of advancement for MK yet again tg!

I like most of your concepts, and feel it would be another facsinating addition to the MK games (man we need them too...)

First, I like how during the slowed time, attacks increase in damage. That would be very cool, and an effective way to end a match quicker if you are skilled enough...

On the counter side, the opposite occurs when 'sped up' - which is neccesary too, at least to remain somewhat fair.

The idea of 'increasing speed' reminded me of The Matrix. You say you could go faster to escape, evading your attacker around the arena. This brings to mind a world of opportunity to introduce more exciting, innovative mannouvers into the MK world. In the 1st MK movie we saw Liu Kang and Sub Zero bacflipping off walls, and using walls as a lever to turn an kick the attacker - turning from the defensive into offensive in a spilt second. With the ability to 'speed up' time, these types of moves are now possible. Imagine being low on health at the end of the 3rd round, and utilizing the time dilation move to increase your speed, which would give you, the defender, the opportunity to become the attacker and win the match.

These new abilities would vastly increase the fighting system, making much more enjoyable and replayable than the previous installments.

However, I do feel that if this 'time manipulation' were introduced, I think it should remain true to the MK storyline. By this I mean that only certain characters can posses these powers. Now how could that be fair? Well I think that characters like Kira and Kobra would be subsidized with more special moves than those with the time manipulation skills, and more damaging combos as well (as well as more combos in general). To me it would not feel right seeing certain charcters with these abilities.

Here are some of the fighters that COULD imo, have these new found techiniques.

Raiden, Fujin, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Nightwolf, Ermac, Kenshi, Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke (could have been something programmed into them, activated during combat by inputting a code on their arm panels when they want to use the 'time dilation') and others I have not yet thought of...

One last thought, what the hell would happen to the clock timer during the match! grin

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11/26/2004 09:10 PM (UTC)
This is one of another of your great ideas TG! wink

I like the idea of controlling time, I think it could work to our advantage or to our disadvantage. I think that will make the game more interesting and it would make the rounds like longer which I think is a great idea. Anyway great idea TG. smile
11/26/2004 09:26 PM (UTC)
Cool ideas Nem! =D
11/26/2004 11:06 PM (UTC)
I love the idea,but trying it would be a large risk.These are four of the reasons I like prince of persia.I would enjoy it if done right,it could either make or break the gameplay.I would LOVE to even try this,great ideas.
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"Retirement my ass!"

11/27/2004 05:18 AM (UTC)
So, you lazy bum, you finally got this thing up huh? You've only been talking about it...FOREVER> *Rolls eyes* bout time Anyway....

I think these are all good concepts and can see them working into MK..it would be different (to MK) not to mention badass. I believe my favorite here would be the ability to Slow time, making the attacks more powerful in the process. Congrats on a very Nice thread man.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/27/2004 03:12 PM (UTC)
It sounds intriguing how this new "time based" techniques would affect the MK gameplay, but IMO i think applying this tools into MK would make it a little bit slower (the new fighting engines purpose was to have faster fights) and are not really the essence of what aa figthing game should be. It's a great addition in ACtion/Adventure games such as Prince of Persia (great game) buti don't think they would suit a fighting game i mean maybe slowing time is a good addition, but rewinding and freezing can be converted in such an annoyance as players could stop playing or learning the real fighting combos and system and rely only in teh time based features.

Nontheless it's a great idea bro. Nice thread.

I understand where you’re coming from, bro. Such techniques might not fit into MK well and could be out of place. It is however still something that could be tried out, maybe not in the full context as above, but just small features that affect certain areas. Gameplay wouldn’t rely fully on time as the core gameplay would be there. As for it being slower, I don’t think it would be, given that the speed up option is there and then you will be fighting normally too.

krsx66 Wrote:
Another interesting idea of advancement for MK yet again tg!

I do feel that if this 'time manipulation' were introduced, I think it should remain true to the MK storyline. By this I mean that only certain characters can posses these powers. Now how could that be fair? Well I think that characters like Kira and Kobra would be subsidized with more special moves than those with the time manipulation skills, and more damaging combos as well (as well as more combos in general). To me it would not feel right seeing certain charcters with these abilities.

Here are some of the fighters that COULD imo, have these new found techiniques.

Raiden, Fujin, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Nightwolf, Ermac, Kenshi, Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke (could have been something programmed into them, activated during combat by inputting a code on their arm panels when they want to use the 'time dilation') and others I have not yet thought of...

One last thought, what the hell would happen to the clock timer during the match! grin

Thanks, a lot man!

I like your idea of only certain characters having the power over time. It makes perfect sense. Those characters are the ones associated with sorcery or some form of deity like power so it would be something they could possess.

And you know perfectly well what will happen to the clock! wink hehe
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/27/2004 03:38 PM (UTC)

Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
I love the idea,but trying it would be a large risk.These are four of the reasons I like prince of persia.I would enjoy it if done right,it could either make or break the gameplay.I would LOVE to even try this,great ideas.

I loved Prince of Perisa for the same reasons. Being able to wield the powers of time elsewhere and in MK would be fun imo. I’m glad you like the idea of it happening too!

TomTaz Wrote:
So, you lazy bum, you finally got this thing up huh? You've only been talking about it...FOREVER> *Rolls eyes* bout time Anyway....

I think these are all good concepts and can see them working into MK..it would be different (to MK) not to mention badass. I believe my favorite here would be the ability to Slow time, making the attacks more powerful in the process. Congrats on a very Nice thread man.

Yeah, I finally decided to write it up. Lol I was busy and maybe lasy.... Can’t be helped! Lol tongue

I’m glad you like the slow motion feature. It’d be a cool feature and would have some awesome effects in game. The visual effects would be awesome along with the side effects.

Thanks for the reply and thanks to everyone else!
11/28/2004 06:44 AM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
I like your idea of only certain characters having the power over time. It makes perfect sense. Those characters are the ones associated with sorcery or some form of deity like power so it would be something they could possess.

And you know perfectly well what will happen to the clock! wink hehe

Yes, you are spot on with what I was aiming for in terms of sorcerors and deities being the only ones to have this cool ability. I mean, it's more logical right? The only problem that arises w/ that is that it may make those characters too powerful, and if it were used online, everyone would pick those characters...
If some sort of balancing out for the others w/out the 'time manipulation' were introduced, perhaps my suggestion would work - but that sounds hard.

And of course I know what would happen to the timer (cus we were discussing it at the time I was postinggrin) but I wanted other people to think how crazy (and cool) it would look!

-I'm surprised more people haven't replied to this threadsad

We need a new forum for threads just like these now!

The 'add original' box ate my post, so I peed on it...
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/29/2004 09:34 AM (UTC)
krsx66 Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
I like your idea of only certain characters having the power over time. It makes perfect sense. Those characters are the ones associated with sorcery or some form of deity like power so it would be something they could possess.

And you know perfectly well what will happen to the clock! wink hehe

Yes, you are spot on with what I was aiming for in terms of sorcerors and deities being the only ones to have this cool ability. I mean, it's more logical right? The only problem that arises w/ that is that it may make those characters too powerful, and if it were used online, everyone would pick those characters...
If some sort of balancing out for the others w/out the 'time manipulation' were introduced, perhaps my suggestion would work - but that sounds hard.

And of course I know what would happen to the timer (cus we were discussing it at the time I was postinggrin) but I wanted other people to think how crazy (and cool) it would look!

-I'm surprised more people haven't replied to this threadsad

We need a new forum for threads just like these now!

The 'add original' box ate my post, so I peed on it...

lol Nice work there on your post, man! wink Just be sure to clean up after yourself next that! hehe

For those who don’t know, the timer would have to speed up, slow down, freeze and rewind accordingly to the usage of the powers I mentioned.

Hopefully if the new forum comes up, this thread can get moved to it so it doesn’t die. I guess MK threads I the General board aren’t a good idea.
11/29/2004 03:13 PM (UTC)
Great idea, tgrant! Mortal Kombat a la Prince of Persia, that would look awesome. I wonder if the Prince can be a character, the new POP2 Prince.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
11/30/2004 08:19 PM (UTC)
KingKabal88 Wrote:
Great idea, tgrant! Mortal Kombat a la Prince of Persia, that would look awesome. I wonder if the Prince can be a character, the new POP2 Prince.

Thanks, dude! I don't think the Prince would be put in MK sadly. MK isn't a game for novelty fighters imo. Especially those from other games!
11/30/2004 08:52 PM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
KingKabal88 Wrote:
Great idea, tgrant! Mortal Kombat a la Prince of Persia, that would look awesome. I wonder if the Prince can be a character, the new POP2 Prince.

Thanks, dude! I don't think the Prince would be put in MK sadly. MK isn't a game for novelty fighters imo. Especially those from other games!

Yeah great point, but it would still be nice to have an ancient middle eastern character in MK intead of a new ninja or cyborg.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/01/2004 09:21 PM (UTC)
KingKabal88 Wrote:
tgrant Wrote:
KingKabal88 Wrote:
Great idea, tgrant! Mortal Kombat a la Prince of Persia, that would look awesome. I wonder if the Prince can be a character, the new POP2 Prince.

Thanks, dude! I don't think the Prince would be put in MK sadly. MK isn't a game for novelty fighters imo. Especially those from other games!

Yeah great point, but it would still be nice to have an ancient middle eastern character in MK intead of a new ninja or cyborg.

They could use the Prince as a design concept to help give them ideas. And then turn their chosen warrior in someone who is worthy of being in MK. He'd also have to look the part too. Ninjas and cyborgs are overdone now. MK needs more originality.
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12/01/2004 09:50 PM (UTC)
Cool ideas tg, once again and again, we can't stop him, lol, keep it up bro.

I can't wait to see a video demonstration, hehe.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/04/2004 11:49 AM (UTC)
Brodeur Wrote:
Cool ideas tg, once again and again, we can't stop him, lol, keep it up bro.

I can't wait to see a video demonstration, hehe.

Pfft! Video demo! I wish! I'm not good with anything like that. My skill lies in writing. Anything to do with art programs, recordings etc is not my thing. Though I'd love to be able to produce something like that. It'd help with the visual side of my threads. Sadly it won't happen.

Anyway, I'm glad you like these ideas. lol And no, you all can't stop me! tongue
12/04/2004 06:07 PM (UTC)
Would be an interesting idea to try. Not really sure if it's MKish though. Sounds strikingly similar to Viewtiful Joe in regards to the projectile and combo attacks during slow down and speed up. Good idea though anyways.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
12/05/2004 07:36 PM (UTC)
Sub_One-Niner Wrote:
Would be an interesting idea to try. Not really sure if it's MKish though. Sounds strikingly similar to Viewtiful Joe in regards to the projectile and combo attacks during slow down and speed up. Good idea though anyways.

I based these ideas heavily upon Viewtiful Joe and Prince of Persia, so that explains the similarities. I just adapted them to the MK environment.

Thanks, for the comments.
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