Time to talk Breast Sizes
Time to talk Breast Sizes
posted01/16/2015 12:02 PM (UTC)byAbout Me
Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.
I kill people for a living. Get over it.
Member Since
03/23/2004 09:21 PM (UTC)
MK has always been known for having sexy female fighters fighting wearing almost nothing. This game however seems to cover them up allot more.
What are your thoughts? Do you prefer female fighters costumes in MK9 or MKX? Somewhere in between?
I prefer Kitana's MK9 costume more. This costume is great from the waist up IMO.
Note: It's kind of strange that Kitana waited 10,000 years to get a breast reduction :) Do you prefer MK9's female fighters Cup Size or the more realistic MKX Cup Sizes?
What are your thoughts? Do you prefer female fighters costumes in MK9 or MKX? Somewhere in between?
I prefer Kitana's MK9 costume more. This costume is great from the waist up IMO.
Note: It's kind of strange that Kitana waited 10,000 years to get a breast reduction :) Do you prefer MK9's female fighters Cup Size or the more realistic MKX Cup Sizes?

I've been waiting from the beginning announcement to see how they final handle the females in the game. MK9 has had the worst character designs for the females, and it's almost unbelievable how shitty it was. I like ass, titty, and pussy wussy as much as the next heterosexual but MK9's designs were just bad. Given that, Kitana right now IMO is the single best female design in MK history. Thank you to the concept and design team at NRS. She finally looks like how she was supposed to look like.

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Seriously? A thread for that?
About Me
Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.
I kill people for a living. Get over it.
Demon_0 Wrote:
I think you've mistaken this forum with Brazzers.com
I think you've mistaken this forum with Brazzers.com
I knew there would be someone who couldn't have a mature discussion about this.
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Agreed, breast talking time
The titties are fine the way they are. NEXT!!
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

.............ya know what. This is just a video game, but what about increase the ASS 100%? on the ladies for once.

Kitana's breasts are perfect as they are in MKX. Never liked her MK9 design and her awful Sindel-wannabe-looking hair. MKX nailed her design IMHO. Now I want to see what NRS could cook up for Mileena and Jade with this kind of mindset.
Quality thread topic

BADASS6669 Wrote:
I knew there would be someone who couldn't have a mature discussion about this.
Demon_0 Wrote:
I think you've mistaken this forum with Brazzers.com
I think you've mistaken this forum with Brazzers.com
I knew there would be someone who couldn't have a mature discussion about this.
A mature discussion? About female breast size? Oh the irony...
Alright, here's some maturity for you; I am glad they listened to the grown up fans and decided to create female characters like D'Vorah, Cassie Cage, and Kitana in this game looking like real warriors as opposed to the whorish, pornstar MK9 designs portraying women as sexual objects

About Me
Eh Kitana's breasts still seem kinda big. But thats perfect. Not too big, neither too small.
Shadaloo Wrote:
I've always thought MK went pretty light on fanservice compared to most fighters out there. MKX's taking steps in the right direction after the embarrasment of Sonya's thong in MK9.
I've always thought MK went pretty light on fanservice compared to most fighters out there. MKX's taking steps in the right direction after the embarrasment of Sonya's thong in MK9.
Haha it started in deadly alliance and was a solid 4 inches above her pants.
This title is cracking me up. Enough of the fighting mechanics and speculation, who likes boobs?
Haha I love the comparison to pornstars like any porn star actually wears clothes. Strippers would make more sense. Stop trying to make mk into some moralistic crusade, it's a game about turning bodies into chunks and grotesque violence. Let the man talk about tits if he wants.
Me personally, I think mkx kitana is the best I've ever seen her look.
Me personally, I think mkx kitana is the best I've ever seen her look.
Let the man talk about tits if he wants.
Let the man talk about tits if he wants.
A new Marie Antoinette for a new generation.
It's always seemed odd to me how we're all fine with the blood and the gore and the extremely graphic violence, but when it comes to boobies and other similar things, everyone's suddenly a nun spewing out "SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!"
That being said, the MKX boobies are fine as is.
Knowing Mileena of course, if she's confirmed, I don't expect her dressing like Ashrah, if ya know what I mean.
That being said, the MKX boobies are fine as is.
Knowing Mileena of course, if she's confirmed, I don't expect her dressing like Ashrah, if ya know what I mean.
About Me
"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"
This type of thread is useless without pictures unfortunately.
Seriously though, MK has actually always been pretty decent on this regard compared to certain fighting games. DOA obviously stands out but Tekken and KOF can be pretty blatant, see Anna Williams, Xiayou's clone and Mai Shiranui. It could be argued that Mileena tops the lot though.
I'd love to see MK end up like the KI reboot in this regard: Orchid and Sadira obviously have sex appeal but its not shoved down your throat. In that regard, I love Kitana and Cassie's looks. Clearly damned attractive women but no need to dress like strippers. The end of the high heels and the abomination that were Sonya's outfits in the last game is a highlight of MKX for me
Seriously though, MK has actually always been pretty decent on this regard compared to certain fighting games. DOA obviously stands out but Tekken and KOF can be pretty blatant, see Anna Williams, Xiayou's clone and Mai Shiranui. It could be argued that Mileena tops the lot though.
I'd love to see MK end up like the KI reboot in this regard: Orchid and Sadira obviously have sex appeal but its not shoved down your throat. In that regard, I love Kitana and Cassie's looks. Clearly damned attractive women but no need to dress like strippers. The end of the high heels and the abomination that were Sonya's outfits in the last game is a highlight of MKX for me
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.
Jade had some pretty impressive jugs in MK:9 now that I think about it.

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Like somebody else said, I love a round ass and big tits as much as anyone else, but no lie I don't even care about how big they are when the character looks thisgood. Maybe im overreacting a bit but this Kitana design is probably favorite since MK2 and 3 so im cool with her not being as curvy as before.

The female costumes in Mk9 were embarrassing.
they didn't look sexy they looked stupid. Their massive boobs looked like a bowling bowl cut in half and stuck to a mans body.
Sonya looked like an army themed stripper, and it was so distracting.
they just looked naff
So far MKX seems to be doing a much stellar job.
they didn't look sexy they looked stupid. Their massive boobs looked like a bowling bowl cut in half and stuck to a mans body.
Sonya looked like an army themed stripper, and it was so distracting.
they just looked naff
So far MKX seems to be doing a much stellar job.

About Me
Spider804 Wrote:
It's always seemed odd to me how we're all fine with the blood and the gore and the extremely graphic violence, but when it comes to boobies and other similar things, everyone's suddenly a nun spewing out "SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!"
It's always seemed odd to me how we're all fine with the blood and the gore and the extremely graphic violence, but when it comes to boobies and other similar things, everyone's suddenly a nun spewing out "SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!"
Sad thing is there are lots of kids playing it. In one mall in my country theres a MK9 machine and everytime I pass by it I see 9-yr olds playing it, sometimes even with their parents watching them.
One time I asked the mom of that little girl playing if shes really ok with her daughter playing a game like that (there was even a x-ray in process). She gave me the "I don't know" face and continued watching.
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