Why cant Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5

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Nikodemus Wrote:
The inclusion of stage fatailities or as they have been renamed death traps, the second fatalitie for each character, many characters that were suppose to be included were not, konquest mode was supposed to be a lot more detailed then it was in DA but since they were rushed it became little more then a combo lesson for each character. Also if I'm not mistaken they wanted to include Hara-K's in DA but again lacked the time to develop the idea.
The inclusion of stage fatailities or as they have been renamed death traps, the second fatalitie for each character, many characters that were suppose to be included were not, konquest mode was supposed to be a lot more detailed then it was in DA but since they were rushed it became little more then a combo lesson for each character. Also if I'm not mistaken they wanted to include Hara-K's in DA but again lacked the time to develop the idea.
The stage fatals, yes. But not in the form that they took in Deception. Such as knocking someone off a cliff mid-battle. It was intended to be more of a MK2-3 type of dealie with the stage fatalities (i.e Shang's acid pit in DA as commented on by Boon) while in Deception they brought more of a DOA style to it by letting you interact with the BG's and be prone to death at any time during the play. So yes it was something they wanted but then again they changed the initial idea for Deception. Still I'll give you that one.
As for the characters that are supposed to be included; that's with every MK game. I believe Boon said that everytime they fill up a roster they have a few fighters left over which they really wanted in the game which most usually make it to the next installment. So you can't say that was concrete any proof of it being rushed.
I never heard about Knonquest being more detailed. Do you have an article/refference perhaps?
The Hara Kiri's, again, I don't remember that ever being mentioned either....do you have any source(s)?

Midway is all about money now.The laziness shows in mostly all of their games that come out(NBA Ballers).I wish Midway would take a step back and fix the problems in MKD.I had alot more fun with MKDA.In MKD the Death Traps killed the momentum of a match IMO.Even when there off it feels a bit weird without them.Hopefully Ed Boon will listen when MK7 comes around.It dosen't have to be like T5 to be fun.Just take basic fighting game things and expand on them.Make those basic things arcade-y.
The stage fatals, yes. But not in the form that they took in Deception. Such as knocking someone off a cliff mid-battle. It was intended to be more of a MK2-3 type of dealie with the stage fatalities (i.e Shang's acid pit in DA as commented on by Boon) while in Deception they brought more of a DOA style to it by letting you interact with the BG's and be prone to death at any time during the play. So yes it was something they wanted but then again they changed the initial idea for Deception. Still I'll give you that one.
As for the characters that are supposed to be included; that's with every MK game. I believe Boon said that everytime they fill up a roster they have a few fighters left over which they really wanted in the game which most usually make it to the next installment. So you can't say that was concrete any proof of it being rushed.
I never heard about Knonquest being more detailed. Do you have an article/refference perhaps?
The Hara Kiri's, again, I don't remember that ever being mentioned either....do you have any source(s)?
Nikodemus Wrote:
The inclusion of stage fatailities or as they have been renamed death traps, the second fatalitie for each character, many characters that were suppose to be included were not, konquest mode was supposed to be a lot more detailed then it was in DA but since they were rushed it became little more then a combo lesson for each character. Also if I'm not mistaken they wanted to include Hara-K's in DA but again lacked the time to develop the idea.
The inclusion of stage fatailities or as they have been renamed death traps, the second fatalitie for each character, many characters that were suppose to be included were not, konquest mode was supposed to be a lot more detailed then it was in DA but since they were rushed it became little more then a combo lesson for each character. Also if I'm not mistaken they wanted to include Hara-K's in DA but again lacked the time to develop the idea.
The stage fatals, yes. But not in the form that they took in Deception. Such as knocking someone off a cliff mid-battle. It was intended to be more of a MK2-3 type of dealie with the stage fatalities (i.e Shang's acid pit in DA as commented on by Boon) while in Deception they brought more of a DOA style to it by letting you interact with the BG's and be prone to death at any time during the play. So yes it was something they wanted but then again they changed the initial idea for Deception. Still I'll give you that one.
As for the characters that are supposed to be included; that's with every MK game. I believe Boon said that everytime they fill up a roster they have a few fighters left over which they really wanted in the game which most usually make it to the next installment. So you can't say that was concrete any proof of it being rushed.
I never heard about Knonquest being more detailed. Do you have an article/refference perhaps?
The Hara Kiri's, again, I don't remember that ever being mentioned either....do you have any source(s)?
Holy fuck...am I under investigation here? Almost all those facts are from this site...but I'm not gonna go looking though the forum archive and announcement history for ten hours just to satisfy you. I'm not a Tekken fanboy saying Tekken pwnz MK n00b. I'm saying it was rushed and if you take a step back and look at the game you will realize that too.

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What are you talking about? Under investigation? I was just discussing the points you raised.... That is the purpose of a thread, isn't it?? To discuss? Christ, people here need to chill out. I just wanted to debate the points civily. Don't take it of context as if I was attacking you. I never accused you of anything nor did I go off topic.

I think the Japanese are more passionate about their work, they put their soul into it and lets face it, their geniuses when it comes to technology compared to the rest of the world, not to say the rest of the world isn't capable, but I think Japan is the worlds major technology market, most of the best fighters out there are by a Japanese company. Personally I think that Midway is incapable of making a half decent fighter basically due to a number of factors. It could be due to lower budget, that could probably be fixed if they didn't spend so much on silly gimmicks and puzzle modes. But personally I believe its down to intelligence. They lack the intelligence the Japanese have in respect to fighters and this shows whenever you play MK and Tekken and compare them. I agree with a previous statement, they probably don't want to learn from their mistakes, their in it for the money, as is everyone in the world, they don't care as long as it sells but what they don't have that the Japanese do with regards to their work, and thats passion.
What are you talking about? Under investigation? I was just discussing the points you raised.... That is the purpose of a thread, isn't it?? To discuss? Christ, people here need to chill out. I just wanted to debate the points civily. Don't take it of context as if I was attacking you. I never accused you of anything nor did I go off topic.
What are you talking about? Under investigation? I was just discussing the points you raised.... That is the purpose of a thread, isn't it?? To discuss? Christ, people here need to chill out. I just wanted to debate the points civily. Don't take it of context as if I was attacking you. I never accused you of anything nor did I go off topic.
I'm sorry about exploding in your face...I'm tired of people doubting the things I say. It has nothing to do with you... so I appologize.

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Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
somnambulist Wrote:
I think the Japanese are more passionate about their work, they put their soul into it and lets face it, their geniuses when it comes to technology compared to the rest of the world, not to say the rest of the world isn't capable, but I think Japan is the worlds major technology market, most of the best fighters out there are by a Japanese company. Personally I think that Midway is incapable of making a half decent fighter basically due to a number of factors. It could be due to lower budget, that could probably be fixed if they didn't spend so much on silly gimmicks and puzzle modes. But personally I believe its down to intelligence. They lack the intelligence the Japanese have in respect to fighters and this shows whenever you play MK and Tekken and compare them. I agree with a previous statement, they probably don't want to learn from their mistakes, their in it for the money, as is everyone in the world, they don't care as long as it sells but what they don't have that the Japanese do with regards to their work, and thats passion.
I think the Japanese are more passionate about their work, they put their soul into it and lets face it, their geniuses when it comes to technology compared to the rest of the world, not to say the rest of the world isn't capable, but I think Japan is the worlds major technology market, most of the best fighters out there are by a Japanese company. Personally I think that Midway is incapable of making a half decent fighter basically due to a number of factors. It could be due to lower budget, that could probably be fixed if they didn't spend so much on silly gimmicks and puzzle modes. But personally I believe its down to intelligence. They lack the intelligence the Japanese have in respect to fighters and this shows whenever you play MK and Tekken and compare them. I agree with a previous statement, they probably don't want to learn from their mistakes, their in it for the money, as is everyone in the world, they don't care as long as it sells but what they don't have that the Japanese do with regards to their work, and thats passion.
Well, the Japanese aren't really innovators but rather good copiers. The transistor radio, which put Sony on the map, was invented in Edison, NJ. Televisions, automobiles, video games, stereo systems, etc. weren't invented in Japan. Those are all western claims to fame. The Japanese just latch on to new trends (explains their fascination with fads) and build on that. I'm not saying it isn't cool. They just tend to like building on existing material rather than creating it from scratch. Americans are the other way around. We like to do things that haven't been done before. Hence the moon landing. With those powers combined Captain Planet can be born.
I agree that Boon and Co. lack passion but I don't see how it's because they're not Japanese. It wouldn't be fair to say that an FPS made by a Japanese company is bad because they're not American. Plus, it also wouldn't be fair to say that it's bad because most good FPSs come from America. It all comes down to volume. Compare the number of fighting games made in Japan to the ones made in the west. Not just America, the west. Let's only count "true" fighters and not games like Def Jam Vendetta or other wrestling and boxing games. In that list you get Mortal Kombat, Tao Feng, Dragon Ball Z: Budokai, Killer Instinct, SFII: Champion Edition and Hyper Fighting if you want to count them, Wu Tang: Shaolin Style, War Gods, Dark Rift, Way of the Warrior, and X-Men: Mutant Academy. I really can't think of many more.
How many fighters are made in Japan? Hundreds. Most of which are far worse than anyone could imagine. Ever play those DBZ fighting games by Bandai? Have fun. I hate MK4 but it's far better than DBGT: Final Bout. Japan has a lot more games on the market and thus has a lot more crap. Walk through an American video game store and randomly pick ten games. Chances are maybe two or three will be unplayable garbage and one or two will be incredible. The rest will probably be somewhere in the average category. Playable but not exactly good. Do the same in Japan and six of those ten games will be unplayable crap. So it's not really fair to say that the Japanese are better at making fighting games than Americans but rather Namco, Capcom and Sega are better at making fighting games than Midway.

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-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.
Well, this is just my opinion, but I think that Easterners & Westerners are about on equal turfs in developing (in the game category). I mean, just look at Metroid, a series to which was started off in Japan. As much of an impact that the series had (during it's 8 & 16bit days), it didn't catch much fire in Japan. Though very popular in the states, the series never garnered as well as it should have overseas.
The series was later forgotten of in Japan. Then afterwards (shortly after one of the lead developers behind the original Metroids' passed) word goes out that the series was to be developed in full-motion 3d by an American developing company by the name of Retro Studios. Of course, this sent chills down the spines of fans (look what happened with Contra when it was temporarily handed off in the states by Konami of America).
Anyhow, to make a long story short, the game was released (exclusively to GC of course) and was soon labeled as the top-selling game for GC. The game also brought back to life the ill-faded franchise off in Japan, spawning off GB Advanced titles in the form of Super Metroid. Who would have ever thought that a title which was garnered in Japan be resurrected by an American developer?
It practically depends on who's the developing mastermind behind the games. Overseas or not. This is just my opinion though.
The series was later forgotten of in Japan. Then afterwards (shortly after one of the lead developers behind the original Metroids' passed) word goes out that the series was to be developed in full-motion 3d by an American developing company by the name of Retro Studios. Of course, this sent chills down the spines of fans (look what happened with Contra when it was temporarily handed off in the states by Konami of America).
Anyhow, to make a long story short, the game was released (exclusively to GC of course) and was soon labeled as the top-selling game for GC. The game also brought back to life the ill-faded franchise off in Japan, spawning off GB Advanced titles in the form of Super Metroid. Who would have ever thought that a title which was garnered in Japan be resurrected by an American developer?
It practically depends on who's the developing mastermind behind the games. Overseas or not. This is just my opinion though.
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