Orderrealm and Chaosrealms protector gods
posted06/21/2014 02:14 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/27/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
I heard an idea that Seido and Chaosrealm would've had gods that watched over their realms similar to Edenia and Earthrealm, but the Chaosrealm god was tasked with a job by the Elder Gods to absorb negative energies from all the realm's mortals as a temporary solution from creating more realms like the Netherrealm out of the sinful energy until it got to the point where the Chaosrealm god couldn't take it and created the tempest and spread his essence among the Chaosrealmers, then the god of Seido dissipated and spread his own essence into Sedians to help bring balance to the universe.

Do you guys think this makes sense?

Any other theories?
06/20/2014 02:38 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:
I heard an idea that Seido and Chaosrealm would've had gods that watched over their realms similar to Edenia and Earthrealm, but the Chaosrealm god was tasked with a job by the Elder Gods to absorb negative energies from all the realm's mortals as a temporary solution from creating more realms like the Netherrealm out of the sinful energy until it got to the point where the Chaosrealm god couldn't take it and created the tempest and spread his essence among the Chaosrealmers, then the god of Seido dissipated and spread his own essence into Sedians to help bring balance to the universe.

Do you guys think this makes sense?

Any other theories?

Please forgive me for being so blunt, but that sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
06/20/2014 06:46 PM (UTC)
Considering the Netherealm is canonically infinite in size and is the ONLY place bad folks go when they die, I don't think it makes sense to suggest "too many sinners" would ever be a problem the gods need to solve.
06/20/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
It's not necessarily too much bad folks, but containing the negative energy they create without further corrupting the realms.

I don't know; it sounded way better in my head when I read it.

So what do you guys think happened to the protector gods of Chaosrealm/ Orderrealm, or why don't they have any?
06/21/2014 02:14 AM (UTC)
I assume they do have protector-gods, those guys just had no reason to get involved in any of the past games because Orderrealm and Chaosrealm aren't ever under direct attack.
Granted, I'm sure there's an interesting story to be told in WHY the Chaos God turned Chaosrealm into what it is. It was more likely a rogue action done on a whim than something done for a greater purpose though, considering the dude is the god of CHAOS.
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