Why Is Your Favorite Character Your Favorite?
posted08/24/2014 05:00 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
As long as I've been on this site, there's always threads popping up asking "what's your favorite (insert thing here)" and most of the time, people just answer without really a good reason why it's their favorite. Today, I'm asking you, what is your favorite character your favorite character?

Mine is Sub-Zero. The reason why he is my favorite is because I feel that Netherrealm Studios really have more of a respect for this character than Scorpion, he's been in every game with a story that is actually quite interesting to follow and fun to guess what will happen next. His character has reasons to interact with other characters and aren't hard to understand why. Such as when he teamed up with Kenshi in Deception. Mind you, Deception is not my favorite game, and to be honest, that was my least favorite look for Sub-Zero to have. However, I did appreciate the story he had and as well as him teaming up with a character I could care less if he shows up in the next game or not.

Also, he's blue.

But Sub-Zero is a character I first played as. My brother and I would always go back and forth against each other in Mortal Kombat. He's the type who never allows me to win because I'm the little sister, I had to earn my victory myself. And I did so with Sub-Zero. I continued to do so throughout the years we've played together. And for his birthday back in February, at Galloping Ghost (where Netherrealm Studios' employees make visits to every now and then) him and I played against each other once again as Sub-Zero and Scorpion. When we first got Mortal Kombat 2011, we played tag team kombat where he was Scorpion, I was Sub-Zero. So, he kinda actually brings my brother closer to me when we play Mortal Kombat.

And we don't choose other characters unless we feel like it... he chooses Reptile, I choose Mileena.

So really... why is your favorite character your favorite character? And don't just say, "because" that's not what this thread is about. Actually tell us why your favorite is your favorite.
07/27/2013 05:59 AM (UTC)
I like Kung Lao because hat.

Nah but really I just think he's awesome. I like that he's a monk that isn't afraid to kill when he needs to. I like that his weapon is his hat. Scorpion has his swords, Jade has her staff, Kitana has her fans, Mileena has her Sai, and Kung Lao has his hat. Something so simple, yet so deadly.

I really like his personality too. Pre-MK9 he was a stoic, silent but strong type. Which just made him even cooler. MKSM made KL a jealous jerk, which was his worst outing character wise. However, in MK9 I understood why he sort of retained that attitude. He lost the qualifying tournament to Liu Kang, deciding which monk would go to MK. Kung Lao wanted to avenge his ancestor and being his fallen ancestor honor. Since KL lost, he had to prove himself as being equal to Liu Kang. It wasn't as bad as MKSM, and it made sense so I liked his MK9 personality. But old KL was better.

Another reason I like him is because he's technically a sidekick to Liu Kang. (A much more badass sidekick) I have a strange liking for sidekick characters over their hero counterparts. Characters like Kung Lao, Luigi, and Tails are among my favorites.
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07/27/2013 07:36 AM (UTC)
Hsu Hao because- oh okay favorite character.

Quan Chi because he has a lot of character development.

I like how Quan Chi is kinda mysterious. You don't know his origins or his age. He is a MASTER of betrayal. Quan Chi is kinda like the guy you just can't trust. Shang Tsung was an idiot to trust Quan Chi in MKDA. I've always loved the idea of a sorceror. I bet Quan Chi is stronger than Shang Tsung. A lot of people say he's shit without his amulet, but I bet his fighting is still good without it. One thing you have to admit about Quan Chi is that he is ruthless and brutal. His fatality where he rips your leg off and beats you to death with it is awesome! I like how he is cunning because he morphed as Sub-Zero and killed Scorpion's family. Resurrected him and made him his enforcer. Had Scorps kill Sub and created Noob. I'd say he plays a big role in the series. His design is FANTASTIC. Completley white skin? I love the design. I main him in a lot of games. I love his gameplay and how he shoots green skulls out of his hands.
Honorable Mentions: Ermac, Reptile, Baraka.
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07/27/2013 03:28 PM (UTC)
The younger Sub-Zero, because his character arc was one of the strongest or easily the strongest compared the other 60+ characters in Mortal Kombat. I remember reading up his story and just falling in love with his character growth (because I haven’t come across many video game characters that actually have development, let alone one from a fighting game). He starts out as a thief and assassin against his better judgment, in the shadow of his more famous elder brother (Bi Han), and then goes on to defy his clan of undergoing the cyber initiative, to being marked as a traitor, to coming back and re-establishing the Lin Kuei as the new Grandmaster... I could go on, but I think his whole story has been covered enough on these forums.
In a nutshell, I like how he broke away from his brother’s identity and the label of “Sub-Zero 2” to becoming his own person and being the greatest Sub-Zero, yet still seeming to remain as one of MK’s enigmas.

And even before I knew anything about his story, I always liked Sub-Zero’s outer appearance. The attire and the eyes and the ice powers and such. Then again, blue’s my favourite colour, so maybe it’s just bias on my part, haha. I can’t say much about game-play, considering I actually don’t play the MK games too often, but I always had a fun time playing as him on my SNES.

I might as well add that Mileena was my former favourite character. Initially, I liked her because she was a girl fighter and because purple was my favourite colour.... But she was my first MK character I ever played as, and the first character I ever did a fatality with. And of course, I love her back story of being the grotesque “twin” of Kitana, hiding her true face behind a veil, and her Deception look is one of my favourites. Kind of disappointed on her retcons in MK9, but I won’t elaborate past that.
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07/30/2013 03:04 AM (UTC)

Love everything about her. I've been using her as my main since MK2, where she's just an absolute beast (yes, even more so than Mileena, Jax or Lui Kang).

Kitana > every other character
07/30/2013 03:34 AM (UTC)
Love my Kung Lao.

First, his fighting style is AWESOME. His utilization of wind teleporting and becoming a living tornado, all on top of the greath Shaolin Fist is great.

Now, to the personality. He is the basic kind of "I want to be the hero", so he has the feeling of a Han Solo-type character, albeit on a slighter scale. And almost everyone loves a Han Solo type character. He also tends to be very defensive of his lineage, and would even o out of his way to attack a FOUR-ARMED HALF-DRAGON HALF-HUMAN to get revenge for his fallen ancestor. That takes nuts. Granted, Liu did the same, but Liu's a douche.

Now, let's move to Fatalities. His have been among the most innovative since the beginning. He cuts people in half VERTICALLY. How many other MK characters did that back then? You bet your ass, none. He's way too cool. And turning into a basic child's magic show, a buzzsaw, boomerangs, and anything else blade-related, he I would say easily utilizes his blade better than any other blade in MK. And let's not forget those that DON'T use sharp things. Ripping off heads with his bare hands and turning people to mush by spinning too fast is pretty freakin' sweet.

And notice, I never used the word "Hat" once. Until now.
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07/30/2013 08:32 PM (UTC)
Ermac. Reasons:

1- Red.
2- Easily the best looking of the palette swap ninjas these days.
3- Telekinesis.
4- He's literally thousands of people in one ass kicking body. To make a long point short, his background and story are awesome.
5- His self-awareness that began in MKD.
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01/10/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
Reptile. Quite obvious from my username, i suppose.

But let's tell you my reason. First of all, Reptile was the first ever secret character in a fighting game and at that era where he was still a 'secret', I thought he was really cool. He was so mysterious and still is, which entices me to find more about him. I've read fan theories, the MK Wiki post on him... everything I could. There is something telling me to keep looking though, like their is much more behind him and his character.
Aside from all of that, in the more recent years i have become a furry and started watching more doctor who tan the years before, and so in his more up-to-date forms he has appeared as an anthropomorphic Reptile, I have taken that as a way to show i was a furry over all but still did other things than you would think. Even though he wasn't meant to be a 'furry' it is still the truth. And onto the Doctor Who thing, I feel he is much like the Doctor in a way. There are... three left, right? (Including Khameleon and Chameleon together) much like the Doctor had only one other survivor of his race, The Master. So i think the Doctor Who part is self-explanatory.
And much more, including his backstory, why he is so loyal to Shao Kahn,(Though after finding Khameleon he should know Shao was why his race died off.) and what he would do when Shao Kahn dies. (Which he had, but I'd like to know how distraught he is or if he feels free, and goes seeking out another to become loyal to.)

Thank you for listening.
Sheeva comes in close second, though.
01/11/2014 12:30 AM (UTC)
One of my reasons is right here.

Before Quan Chi became my favorite character, I had Baraka. I thought he was the super shit, and then I played Mortal Kombat 4. The first thing that made me fall in love with Quan Chi was his voice. It was so strong and powerful. To this day I wish NRS had kept Quan Chi's voice from MK4, though his recent voice is still pretty cool.

The next thing that made me fall for him was his costume. It was unlike anything I've ever seen in Mortal Kombat before. It wasn't ninja-esque, it wasn't sorcerer-like, and it wasn't modern. It was... Quan Chi. grin

Of course, then we have the amazing Tele-Stomp, which today remains one of my favorite moves of the entire MK series. I must admit, I would spam the hell out of that move. lol

Finally, the thing that sealed the deal for me with Quan Chi was his personality and cleverness. He trusted no one, but could get anyone to trust him. Also, his cleverness has bested many people within Mortal Kombat, including Shang Tsung, Raiden, Scorpion, both Sub-Zeros, and of course, Shinnok.

I love me some Quan Chi, and he will always be the shiznit, no matter what.
01/11/2014 02:36 PM (UTC)
Scorpion is my favorite because of the fact he is an undead ninja. He can literally breathe fire, turn into a scorpion, teleport. He has that sweet creature for his spear and then has his realistic kunai as his weapon. He survived being thrown into the soulnado, became the elder gods champion. Those are some beastly feats.

He's nimble, easy to pick up and play. Who doesn't know the iconic catch phrase. Get over here!

Reptile comes in a close 2nd.
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01/13/2014 10:11 AM (UTC)

Favorite Character -

Date of Fandom: Circa 1993

Reasons: - He was the "anti-Scorpion" at my arcade
- He was a ninja. That was a big deal in the 90's.
- He used Ice Powers.
- He had an interesting backstory which evolved to be one of the more interesting side plots out of the series.

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04/05/2014 02:57 AM (UTC)

He's the aussie badass with the Laser bladed knives who is not to be trusted. A cunning backstabber by nature, when given the opportunity. It takes brains to be able to negotiate with people who can kill you at an instant, & that's what makes this aussie bastard a force to be reckoned with. To hell with the overrated spine rip!! He rips out your friggin heart! Unfortunately, they made him a jobber in the latest installment, but he will get his upbringing hopefully in this following sequel. & to also pay tribute to the late, great, Trevor Goddard. "Eah *cutthroat sound* to Eah"
04/10/2014 01:09 PM (UTC)
My top favorite is Chameleon. Why? Well first off, I liked the ninja looks back in the 2D era. Let me take a trip down memory lane.

Reptile,Rain, and Noob were my first set of favorites. Reptile because he was green (my favorite color) and I like reptiles. As I learned more about Mortal Kombat's story, I liked Reptile even more. A tragic character willing to work for evil to get what he wants. Sadly it never panned out. And Rain because his water orbs were very good at keeping people from fighting back (fire, push enemy to upper away corner, repeat) which was the only time I actually beat Shao Kahn. Also he was a jerk prince. Mostly jerk. And Noob because of the shadow ninja going for him.

But after beating Shao Kahn in MK Trilogy, I picked the Chameleon fight (like I can tell what prize from what). I had no idea what was going to happen except the vague "Kahn's greatest warrior". And then it happened. I saw a character use every ninja move and kicked my ass. Only way to beat was be cheap and use my Rain orb trick. But I wanted to know more about him. Years later I learn about Khameleon, a similar character but with a backstory. Nothing about Chameleon though. But in theory, the duo can use all powers at the same time making them (or at least Chameleon) indeed the strongest of all fighters. Like ice ball followed by spear followed by power roundhouse to telekinetic slam. But gameplay and story segregation plus difficulty mapping all those moves made that impossible. Then Armageddon came and Chameleon... only had a rather boring ending (been throughout the whole thing just waiting for immortality).

But the thing is, nothing has ever been officially given about him or his motives. So naturally as a fan of said character I came up with 2 ideas/fan-fic to make him more likeable (to me at least):
a) He is a Saurian. The only way to prevent Reptile's death who was only an infant or egg was to swear loyalty to Kahn, lose his past and name, and Reptile will be unable to see, hear, smell, or touch him with magic placed on him by a sorcerer. But he has been plotting vengeance against Kahn just waiting for the right time. Khameleon is his sister but believes Chameleon turned his back on their race.
b) He is a hybrid clone of Khameleon+Outworlder (like Mileena is a hybrid clone of Kitana+Tarkata). Khameleon tried to kill Kahn at one point and the guards notice she has the weapons and powers of Kitana, Jade, and Mileena. She was driven away by Reptile who was able to wound her. Shang Tsung uses blood from their mysterious assailant plus some bits from others to create a male version of the killer. Named Chameleon, his job was to find warriors deemed strong and copy their abilities. He has copied many, taking out some for more powerful ones. What they didn't know however, was that Khameleon's memories were slowly surfacing in his mind along with the emotions tied to them. He wanted to help Khameleon and Reptile. However, finding Khameleon was not easy....

Also this flash MK vs SF 3
05/04/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Rain used to be my favourite cos of that badass roundhouse kick.

My new favourite is Mortal Kombat's next top ninja Khrome. Khrome can fill the white ninja's shoes.
05/05/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
Wow. His favorite is one that does not even exist at the moment. He was supposed to give a reason why he likes Khrome. But as usual, he never reads the whole title. Real business people only read part of the title, right?
06/08/2014 02:21 AM (UTC)
I have many favorites, not just one. How can anyone just have one?

Anyways, one of my many favorites is....


Reason for being is because of his "siiiiiiiiiick" Backbreaker!
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Get that ass BANNED

06/08/2014 04:21 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Ermac. Reasons:

1- Red.
2- Easily the best looking of the palette swap ninjas these days.
3- Telekinesis.
4- He's literally thousands of people in one ass kicking body. To make a long point short, his background and story are awesome.
5- His self-awareness that began in MKD.
06/09/2014 12:18 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Ermac. Reasons:

1- Red.
2- Easily the best looking of the palette swap ninjas these days.
3- Telekinesis.
4- He's literally thousands of people in one ass kicking body. To make a long point short, his background and story are awesome.
5- His self-awareness that began in MKD.


In fact, I think he's the first telekinetic fighting game character, period.
06/09/2014 06:03 AM (UTC)
Ice Kold Killa Sub-Zero

-Ice Powers
-One of the strongest stories in MK
-Overall badass
-Brutal Fatalities
-Fun to play as
-Gives off a cool and stoic feel
-Awesome costume design
06/09/2014 11:56 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
Ice Kold Killa Sub-Zero

-Ice Powers
-One of the strongest stories in MK
-Overall badass
-Brutal Fatalities
-Fun to play as
-Gives off a cool and stoic feel
-Awesome costume design

No offence, but, that design was the worst of his ever.
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Get that ass BANNED

06/11/2014 06:58 PM (UTC)
Fuck. Posted in wrong thread lol
06/13/2014 01:58 AM (UTC)
Some like Sub-zero's Deception outfit. Others hate it. To each their own. I say it's a cool outfit

I also like Rain and Ermac (so what if I'm a ninja guy)

Rain because his weather powers are awesome and his Armageddon outfit looked awesome. And he is probably the arrogant asshole villain.

Ermac because telekinesis is awesome (useful for blowing up arms while victim's friends just watch) and each of his outfits get more and more diverse. He is a good guy (or group of) that serves the villain. With Shao Kahn dead, he might turn into a good guy again.
06/13/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
No offence, but, that design was the worst of his ever.

Everyone likes to slam the mask but the silly fur collar definitely did him no favors.
Chimera Wrote:
Ermac because telekinesis is awesome (useful for blowing up arms while victim's friends just watch)

No lie, I LOL'ed.
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07/05/2014 12:08 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
Ice Kold Killa Sub-Zero

-Ice Powers
-One of the strongest stories in MK
-Overall badass
-Brutal Fatalities
-Fun to play as
-Gives off a cool and stoic feel
-Awesome costume design

No offence, but, that design was the worst of his ever.

Take a look at his Deadly Alliance design, and then comment.
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Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/31/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
Um really to be honest i just have a thing for dragons and reptiles thus liu and reppy been my top two favs since mk2 but besides that i do like their style of play in general.
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