Johnny Cage Help por favor
posted08/09/2011 08:28 AM (UTC)by
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12/16/2010 12:16 AM (UTC)
Hi I'm the packetman if you don't know already or if you don't care it's all the same. Like the title says I'm interested in learning about JC not really combo wise but what's good and bad to use with Cage. What is his game, his strengths and weaknesses, when to use what and just enlighten me with your experience playing with Cage. I just picked him up and he's a fast character but I seem to move so sluggish when I play him. That might be because I just started using him. I want to learn all the charcters and Cage is first and expect to see a lot more of these help threads from me. Thanks in advance.
08/04/2011 11:54 PM (UTC)
Yeah I'm currently trying to main him now, rush down characters are pretty fuckin fun to use.

The goal with Cage is to stay in the opponents face because he has some attacks that are ridiculously fast and beat out most other characters. Basically 2, 1 and F3, 2 and F3,3 mixed in with some low pokes is what I use when i play him. Like on a JIP if its blocked ill hit 2,1 then 2,1 and then on my third 2,1 I'll either throw, hit 2,1, B3 (ends in a low) and dash in to continue pressure, or just finish the string which is 2,1, F2 dash F3 nutpunch. I try and mix it up as often as I can tho (like don't always do 3 repititions of 2,1) and it really depends on how aggressive my opponent is. Some people mash buttons as soon as they're hit which interrupts my block strings. Another good one on a blocked JIP is F3, 2, EX low projectile F3 (if this hits which it often does) then 2, nutpunch.

And always end strings with nut punch or EX Low green ball thing because they leave you with an advantage. And I ALWAYS try and put my opponent in the corner, its sooo easy to trap them their and just chip away at their health.

Anyway, hope that helps.

EDIT: Oh and against people who back up and zone, Johnny Cage's EX kick slide thing has armor and will go threw everything, great way to keep up the momentum.
08/05/2011 12:29 AM (UTC)
Great stuff man i understand all the moves you've said. I'll try performing those mix ups more often, good help. I appreciate it.
08/06/2011 02:21 PM (UTC)
Good input!
08/06/2011 04:23 PM (UTC)
Cage is a great character especially for an aggressive player with his only weakness being that he's not a very good long range player because his projectiles can be dodged fairly easily, however he does have a better chance with his super force ball move because it shoots two very fast. With Cage, chances are people are going to be trying to dodge you and use projectile moves, but the Shadow Kick can quickly close gaps and it is a great move to punish people who make small mistakes.

Cage has two wake-up moves which are great. The shadow kick flip works awesome and can also be used as a good anti-air, it's good for intercepting people trying to do front flip kicks or punches on you and when they land on the ground it gets you close enough to start mashing combos together.

One of my favorite moves Cage has is his back + 3 kick move because it instantly pops a player up in the air for a juggle, and those of you who played MK2 could appreciate that classic move being brought back.

A fun combo I like doing on an unsuspecting player who is ducking and blocking at the same time is cages towards + 4 kick which is the over head axe kick that pops a player up, from there I do Cage's 4, 4 quick kick combo into his super flip kick move which uses Cage's classic Shadow Uppercut.

Also like someone mentioned before, Cage's nut punch should be used as a counter move or used to finish up a combo. Experienced players can see that move coming from a mile a way and I always find myself doing a split and realizing I'm going to get punished as soon as I stand up. This can also be used for his X-Ray, it's the only one in the game which works as a counter attack but you need to be devious with it because people can predict when you try to do it. When Cage says "C'mon" Lots of times I'll have a player stare me down for a second then just throw me.

Learn all of Cage's combos and be a very in your face type of player and you'll find his play style very rewarding. He's one of my top favorites to play as in this game.
08/09/2011 05:47 AM (UTC)
An easy way to get Cage's xray up to 41% damage is to do his green slide kick right after the xray. I start the input as soon as i hear the sound start rushing in after the elbow to the back thing, if that makes sense?
08/09/2011 07:56 AM (UTC)
I actually combo after it with back 3, 1 1 , 1 1 , 4 4 , nutpunch. Simple yet effective does 50% but with online lag its hard so the shadow kick is great too.
08/09/2011 08:28 AM (UTC)
Yeah if I could pull that off I'd for sure do it over just a shadow kick. But I always have trouble with dashing forward and then hitting back directly after. Online complicates this too, but i should give that combo another try.
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