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01/28/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Reptile, the series' eternal asskissing punching bag who's a subordinate AGAIN to another character?

Jesus fucking Christ. This game becomes even more of a joke with every new reveal.

Lmao, Such progress, ay?

This game is nothing but the same old, same old. Same popular faces, same stale stories, only with the added illusion of new characters, most of whom will probably be dumped after this game.

I'm digging all the characters and gameplay I've seen thus far. No part of it seems "samey" to me.

Saying "same popular faces" is a bit odd. If they are popular, it'd be kinda silly to just drop them. It's gotta be a fine balance.

I take it this all stems from the lack of MK4-MK:D characters...to which I feel is a poor reason to completely condemn a game, its roster, and its gameplay. But hey...

Your assumption is wrong.
01/28/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
I really have no complaints about Reptile as a selection and as a character, but the trailer itself sucked. Should have been a variation trailer, like with Raiden, Kano and Quan Chi. When NRS does something like this, it just doesn't do the character justice, not when they have multiple movesets they could be showing off. So basically Reptile got shafted again, but that's part of his charm, I suppose.

Anyway, I've seen better fan designs, but this is by far the best look Reptile has had in an NRS game before. I love the bone armor and I love the improved mask. Gameplay-wise, all his old specials are back and looking good, with a few new additions (a pounce, backflip, hopefully tongue attacks), but there's not a lot to go off of without knowing the variations.

X-ray and fatality look good, but I don't care much for that sort of thing.

I'm not a fan of the darkened Kove stage. I'm guessing that's the dynamic weather system at work, but I prefer well-lit, bright colorful stages like the Jungle and MK9's Courtyard.

Kung Lao's intro dialogue was cheesy and dumb, but that's MK writing in general. At least Reptile speaks and the whole quarrel thing has spawned an amusing MK fandom meme.
01/28/2015 03:10 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Reptile, the series' eternal asskissing punching bag who's a subordinate AGAIN to another character?

Jesus fucking Christ. This game becomes even more of a joke with every new reveal.

Lmao, Such progress, ay?

This game is nothing but the same old, same old. Same popular faces, same stale stories, only with the added illusion of new characters, most of whom will probably be dumped after this game.

I'm digging all the characters and gameplay I've seen thus far. No part of it seems "samey" to me.

Saying "same popular faces" is a bit odd. If they are popular, it'd be kinda silly to just drop them. It's gotta be a fine balance.

I take it this all stems from the lack of MK4-MK:D characters...to which I feel is a poor reason to completely condemn a game, its roster, and its gameplay. But hey...

Your assumption is wrong.

Of course it was.

Well then...elaborate on why you make these claims of everything about this game being stale and samey?
01/28/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)
I don't know, Reptile is looking more like a bird to me the more I look. The helmet is still rather beak like and the 'bones' around his chest look kind of like a necklace of feathers.
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

01/28/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
fedegita Wrote:
Vash_15 Wrote:

It also looks like, if the comic is anything to go by, he's just a drone for Kotal Kahn, so he's still not an individual. Just a lackey. Again. Unfortunately.

It's possible he won't have any important interaction with anyone at all.

It's not necessarily a bad thing - a character can be a subordinate while having their own desires, motivations, and affect what is happening in the storyline in some way (everything Reptile does, he does for the sake of his dead realm).

But I agree that it would be nice for him to have some important interaction with someone this time - maybe even an interesting new rivalry (or alliance; I can see one with D'Vorah).

If they keep the total character numbers in the low-20s, hopefully that will give each one enough room for significant development during story mode.

Reptile's motivations can do a lot if he relegates himself to goon status, but they never factor in to the story. If someone went through Story Mode without looking at Reptile's bio or ending, he'd just be "generic grunt #4"

I don't mind Reptile being a grunt, or I wouldn't if they still let him have any character outside of what exposition tells us. He has no personality, no individuality, no presence, which sucks when he's your favorite character.

I've grown used to the idea that Reptile will always be criminally underutilized, but at least he looks like he'll be a lot of fun.

As a Baraka fan, I feel your pain. He kinda had some stuff going on in Deception, but he's been a goon since forever it feels like. Both of them could use more personality beyond simply being a bloodthirsty bad guy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting either of them to start spouting Shakespeare or turn into a general with military strategy rivaling Otto Von Bismarck, but when you come off so dim witted that they barely have you speak in MK9, the most story-centric MK ever released, it's a bit of a red flag in terms of what NRS sees in them.

I really wish they would give these characters more to do. Make them more scheming, more conniving, more vindictive, more ruthless in wanting to achieve their own ends and more willing to back stab, back bite, pander and be generally two-faced to those they need to appease to execute a plan of some sort. I guess the easiest way to say it is to make them formidable. Morel like allies, less like lackeys.

Baraka commands a horde. Reptile's an assassin. I see story value there, mostly untapped. I've almost entirely resigned myself to the fact that they'll likely be henchmen forever, but some small part of me still holds out hope that they'll one day reach their potential.
01/28/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
Reptile, the series' eternal asskissing punching bag who's a subordinate AGAIN to another character?

Jesus fucking Christ. This game becomes even more of a joke with every new reveal.

Lmao, Such progress, ay?

This game is nothing but the same old, same old. Same popular faces, same stale stories, only with the added illusion of new characters, most of whom will probably be dumped after this game.

Sorry, but no. You can't make these broad assumptions when the game isn't even out. You DON'T know the entire story, so how exactly is it stale? How do you know Reptile will be a punching bag in this game? You fucking don't. You're assuming all of this over one fucking trailer.

The game may be a joke to you guys, but more than likely the majority of MK fans will love it and it will be a success. Just like MK9.
01/28/2015 03:30 AM (UTC)
Different strokes is all I can say
01/28/2015 03:38 AM (UTC)

I'm with you Baraka407. I too feel like Baraka and Reptile both have great potential of being independent respectable characters and not kissing the boots of some emperor. I mean Baraka can be a ruler of a militia or a small army who are either paid for their services in the assistance or fighting wars or are an independent army slowing building up for the control of outworld. reptile can be either an hired assassin known for his successful kills from the shadows hired to eliminate powerful rulers or targets instead of being a bodyguard or he can be searching the realms most ancient locations trying to find clues on how to resurrect his race by himself and not from kissing up to some prick.
Oh, good, another hearthy dose of the same ol' shit.

Kitana, Kung Lao, now Reptile.

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01/28/2015 03:45 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Sorry, but no. You can't make these broad assumptions when the game isn't even out. You DON'T know the entire story, so how exactly is it stale? How do you know Reptile will be a punching bag in this game? You fucking don't. You're assuming all of this over one fucking trailer.

Exactly. Not sure why anyone would even indulge a conversation otherwise.
01/28/2015 03:45 AM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
Oh, good, another hearthy dose of the same ol' shit.

Kitana, Kung Lao, now Reptile.


Did you honestly expect something else? IGN is all about the casuals and the casuals are all about the MK ninjas.

If we get another returnee on Thursday, though, have at it.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

01/28/2015 03:47 AM (UTC)
I'd love for both Reptile and Baraka to succeed. It's breaking my heart. ;_;
01/28/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I'd love for both Reptile and Baraka to succeed. It's breaking my heart. ;_;

Agreed. Underutilized characters when it comes to actual story presence.
01/28/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
I was saving this for a rainy day but it's not going to rain soon so might as well say it now.

I find it quite funny the amount of backlash there is every time a character gets announced.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion gets shown first - blasted for Netherrealm never ditching their icons

Raiden - gets blasted for not looking different

Kano - quite possibly the only character that didn't get a lot of heat

Quan Chi - blasted on who didn't see this coming?

Kung Lao - blasted on HOW THE FUCK IS HE NOT DEAD?

Kitana - blasted on a bunch of her fans started acting very rudely

Now this. Man, if any other returning characters are indeed returning, I demand two users who have the big long bicker, fight to the death in an arena with lions chasing them as well like Gladiator style.

My goodness. Spider, you haven't retalited in the cookie war, if you don't retaliate in the next three pages, I declare victory and a quarrel with you!
01/28/2015 03:54 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
*steps out from lurking on the boards*

I adored Reptile years ago. Up until MK:DA, he was my favourite character, but I suppose I just got sick of seeing him stay as a lackey to so many characters and eventually lost interest in him (I'm one of those fans who likes a character based on the story).

I'm delighted for Reptile fans that he's included, but I'm not overjoyed to see him. Tbh I'd have rather seen him killed off in the comics to allow newer, fresher characters with more potential step up to the plate. He's been around for so long and yet has never amounted to or achieved anything in all the time we've gotten to know him, which to me is severely off putting. Even Rain, who was considered a joke character and hated by the community for years, done more within the space of the only 3 games he appeared in than Reptile has in 20 odd years.

I suppose I should try find *some* things to praise.

I like the fact he's now using the tongue in his attacks, the fact he's speaking, and I like the flip kick he has in his moveset now. His costume is also an improvement on both of his costumes from MK9.

Overall, I found this reveal to be very "meh". I'm happy for Reptile fans but I'm disappointed he's taking up a character slot.

Well said. Reptile at this point certainly feels like a complete waste. Boring outfit, less than stellar game play, and possible a lackey once again. I'd definitely boot him for a 3D era character.

Sadly, Reptile was definitely a hypekiller for me. I was hoping that they'd pick characters that would actually be relevant to the storylines that they're going for.

But no, Reptile.

I'm really not trying to bash but his biggest character development was being a vessel for another character, and that's sad.
01/28/2015 03:55 AM (UTC)
Some people should probably just stop watching the promotions until the game comes out if they get bothered so much at seeing old faces again.

Be glad you're getting anything at all.
01/28/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
*Pops up and machine guns thin mints*
01/28/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
I think (and wish) Reptile and Baraka would be more important to the story. Hell they could make Baraka the leader of the Tarkatans, im sure having an entire army of those things coming at once could be trouble for any realm.

Reptile, well we all know he is motivated to find another member of his race or have his race and/or realm restored, which is good. It could make him a wild card, somebody that does work as an assassin for hire or lackey, but deep down has his own agenda and is willing to do anything to complete his goal(s). They just never do anything with it or him, which is a real shame.

It sucks but there is nothing we can really do about it I guess, no matter what roles these two have I will always be happy to see them return lol
01/28/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Lots of Whiney MKO Users Wrote:

Hate it. Doesn't look like how I saw it in my head movies. Worst thing ever.
01/28/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
razz2d2 Wrote:
Sadly, Reptile was definitely a hypekiller for me. I was hoping that they'd pick characters that would actually be relevant to the storylines that they're going for.

But no, Reptile.

I'm really not trying to bash but his biggest character development was being a vessel for another character, and that's sad.

Well, I believe gameplay should always take precedence over story, especially in a video game, but that's me.
01/28/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I was saving this for a rainy day but it's not going to rain soon so might as well say it now.

I find it quite funny the amount of backlash there is every time a character gets announced.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion gets shown first - blasted for Netherrealm never ditching their icons

Raiden - gets blasted for not looking different

Kano - quite possibly the only character that didn't get a lot of heat

Quan Chi - blasted on who didn't see this coming?

Kung Lao - blasted on HOW THE FUCK IS HE NOT DEAD?

Kitana - blasted on a bunch of her fans started acting very rudely

Now this. Man, if any other returning characters are indeed returning, I demand two users who have the big long bicker, fight to the death in an arena with lions chasing them as well like Gladiator style.

My goodness. Spider, you haven't retalited in the cookie war, if you don't retaliate in the next three pages, I declare victory and a quarrel with you!

People complained that Kano was looking like Hsu Hao with the chest piece
01/28/2015 04:06 AM (UTC)
Peeps gonna complain no matter what, Brand spanking new character could get revealed on Thursday's stream and someone would still find something to bitch about. Life on the interwebs.
01/28/2015 04:08 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I'd love for both Reptile and Baraka to succeed. It's breaking my heart. ;_;

Agreed. Underutilized characters when it comes to actual story presence.

Our boys clearly need their own Shaolin Monks-style game.
And they will call it... Mortal Kombat: Tooth & Claw.
You all know this would be awesome.
01/28/2015 04:09 AM (UTC)
fedegita Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
[Killswitch] Wrote:
I'd love for both Reptile and Baraka to succeed. It's breaking my heart. ;_;

Agreed. Underutilized characters when it comes to actual story presence.

Our boys clearly need their own Shaolin Monks-style game.
And they will call it... Mortal Kombat: Tooth & Claw.
You all know this would be awesome.

*Insert Shut Up And Take My Money gif here*
01/28/2015 04:09 AM (UTC)
It's official, they can do whatever the fuck the want to do with this game, I'm just happy Reptile made it. Made my whole fuckin day!
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