Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath will bring the playable roster up to a robust 34 characters, but as die hard fans know - there are dozens more in MK's three decade long canon! They can't all appear in every game, but you can find most in the ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find! Take a closer look:
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In the age of downloadable content, what constitutes a "finished game" is fast becoming a subjective debate. Mortal Kombat X arrived three months ago, pre-loaded with the guarantee of more things to come - some free, some for a price. Day one purchases pushed Warner Brothers' model for post-release capitalism the farthest its ever gone, but the virtue of DLC offerings as developer mea culpa, or life-extending service, remains a warm embrace amidst the cold commercial cynicism.
The parade of Mortal Kombat X DLC next floats Hollywood guest character: The Predator [full story] - a presence most can agree isn't part of the standard package. More contentious amongst fans is the number of Fighting Arenas - thirteen base stages in total, down 48% from Mortal Kombat (2011)'s twenty-five (with variations).
Normalizing the notion of expanding Mortal Kombat X's interactive vistas has been Creative Director: Ed Boon. He revealed in early May that Klassic Arenas have already been discussed for downloadable content. As you might imagine, that got Mortal Kombat Online talking - crunching the klassics to come up with the Top 10 Klassic Arenas We'd Like To See Return in Mortal Kombat X! Count them down with us:
They said it couldn't happen, but the prayers of PC gamers have finally been answered! Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition is live via Steam and ready to be downloaded for $29.99US!
Mortal Kombat may be brand new to the PlayStation Vita this month [full story], but the reboot title officially celebrated its first anniversary at the end of April!
Adding to the continuing retrospective; Atomhawk Design have released a follow-up wave of concept resources, expanding the gallery of their contributions to the hugely successful title with images of Kintaro, The Armory, Goro's Lair, Evil Monestary and the apocalyptic vista from Sonya Blade's ending!
There has been a definite drought of information regarding Mortal Kombat: Armageddon recently; however, our friends over at Midway know that interest in new information is strong. To that end, to give us a bit of a teaser as to what to expect, they've released to us seven exclusive load screen images! These loading screen images features grudge matches made popular in the games (and one from the movies!); they show Johnny Cage and Goro, Cyrax and Sektor, Kitana and Mileena, Reiko and Shao Kahn, two images of Sub-Zero and Scorpion, and Liu Kang (in zombie form) and Shang Tsung!