It's a battlecry that continues to echo through the annals of gaming history. The bellowing shout of "Mortal Kombat" was originally meant to gather fans around home console ports released on the first Mortal Monday, but its subsequent use in music and promotion has taken on a life of its own. Now after almost thirty years the man behind the shout has allegedly been discovered!
Content tagged Mortal Monday
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Shouting Mortal Kombat Kid IDed & Interviewed
04/08/2021 10:16 AM EDT
Digital Foundry Examines Original Mortal Kombat Ports
02/03/2020 01:34 AM EST
The original arcade release of Mortal Kombat is fondly remembered by many fans, but a noteable section of its global success can also be attributed to home ports. Digital Foundry has gone in-depth with sixteen versions of the 1992 klassic to examine their quirks and differences. Watch:
Cinemassacre Ponders Shouting Mortal Kombat Kid
12/13/2018 01:02 AM EST
We all remember it. A mob of children - incited to flood the streets of a major metropolitan district by a lone, screaming boy. Mortal Monday was upon us, bringing the original Mortal Kombat to home systems for the first time. What was really up with that kid? Cinemassacre ponders the topic in their latest video. Watch it below:
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