How was the UMK3 Human Smoke code found?
posted07/20/2020 01:50 PM (UTC)by
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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

Member Since
06/30/2003 04:34 PM (UTC)

Small question. I know that the Ultimate Kombat Kodes were generally discovered by the dates in the Graveyard but my question is was there any hints or something in the game that told us which buttons to hold to turn into Human Smoke? What I mean was how was this code discovered? Did the developers leak it to us or was there somewhere in the game that told us what buttons to hold and which fighter to select? Just wondering.

tbh i have no idea either. maybe someone was messing around with smoke one day, found that and shared it with the world? idk

About Me

717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

07/27/2020 07:17 PM (UTC)

I know I was really curious as to see if there were any hints in the game that I didn't catch. The tombstone dates in the Graveyard I see how we found Mileena, Sub-Zero and Ermac, but was curious how someone figured out what direction and buttons to hold? Scratching my head on that one. :)

08/26/2020 07:19 AM (UTC)

I don't know who found it, maybe it was found accidentally.

I still know how I got it... One day I bought a Gamesmaster magazine and there is was..

I believe it was a 2 page picture with HumanSmoke with the code above his head.

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