It's been nearly a month since we've seen some fresh screens of this Fall's
upcoming Mortal Kombat:
Shaolin Monks. Thanks to our sources within
Midway Games, below are
five brand new screenshots. See Kung Lao face off against an ugly
tarkatan, Liu Kang receiving quite a headache, a raging battle from the
Living Forest, an apparent boss battle, and Scorpion
showing Kang the true meaning of the word "Toasty!"
Thanks goes out again to Midway Games for the update!
Exclusive: Five New Shaolin Monks Screenshots!
MKO Exclusive!
submitted 06/10/2006 01:26 PM (UTC)by

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Scott Howell - Co-founder
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Member Since
04/16/2002 06:51 PM (UTC)

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#MicksDesk, #gamiz, #tmk, #mortalkombat
Very Nice Screenshots Very Nice 

look at that second screenshot the shadow priest looks awesome

About Me
To Live in silence is to live in fear
subzero6969 Wrote:
look at that second screenshot the shadow priest looks awesome
look at that second screenshot the shadow priest looks awesome
My thoughts exactly.
Is it just me or does the satanic boss like creature resemble alot like Moloch.
Pics look great these are more compliments I have
- More Crisp graphics
- More detail on characters, such as the shadow priests, and the ones in the living forest(what is the glow in their stomachs?)
I just wish we had a more exact date for the release...I still see it being delayed though until Winter though.

about your moloch thing mortalkombat247. i dont think its moloch bc hes suposed to be blue and beige and he have no fire and doesnt have horn. i think its a new boss who really look great.
Hellz yeah this game gets more awesome everytime i see it. Cant wait to play as kung lao and kick some tarkatan ass myself.

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Good to see Scorpion has the original MK2 costume. 

Subzero2 Wrote:
Actually that Satanic thing resembles Motaro more than Moloch imo. Especially his horns.
Actually that Satanic thing resembles Motaro more than Moloch imo. Especially his horns.
yea its more like motaro than moloch but its not him. motaro is a centaur and this satanic 1 have 2 leg. he looks like a balrog from lord of the ring but with no wings. just look here its a better screen of "the satanic".
holy SH** i think that shadow priest might be horn buckle maybe he isn't a green kang, maybe he is a priest with a green aura wouldn't that be sweet to finally get to see hornbuckle, even though he didn't exist probly he was just a background prop and fans thought that he was a secret chratctor for mk2, hey us mk fans have gotten our way before when it comes to charactors ( e.g. ermac and blaze)
WoW scorpion looks unbelievingabely way more awesomer then before (huked un fonicks wurx fur me!) he looks like a way hard boss
jeez the screens for this game just get better and better by the time this game comes out ill be in an aslum from anticipation
WoW scorpion looks unbelievingabely way more awesomer then before (huked un fonicks wurx fur me!) he looks like a way hard boss
jeez the screens for this game just get better and better by the time this game comes out ill be in an aslum from anticipation

scorpionspupil Wrote:
holy SH** i think that shadow priest might be horn buckle maybe he isn't a green kang, maybe he is a priest with a green aura wouldn't that be sweet to finally get to see hornbuckle, even though he didn't exist probly he was just a background prop and fans thought that he was a secret chratctor for mk2, hey us mk fans have gotten our way before when it comes to charactors ( e.g. ermac and blaze)
WoW scorpion looks unbelievingabely way more awesomer then before (huked un fonicks wurx fur me!) he looks like a way hard boss
jeez the screens for this game just get better and better by the time this game comes out ill be in an aslum from anticipation
holy SH** i think that shadow priest might be horn buckle maybe he isn't a green kang, maybe he is a priest with a green aura wouldn't that be sweet to finally get to see hornbuckle, even though he didn't exist probly he was just a background prop and fans thought that he was a secret chratctor for mk2, hey us mk fans have gotten our way before when it comes to charactors ( e.g. ermac and blaze)
WoW scorpion looks unbelievingabely way more awesomer then before (huked un fonicks wurx fur me!) he looks like a way hard boss
jeez the screens for this game just get better and better by the time this game comes out ill be in an aslum from anticipation
yea i like his "hell fire" and he looks like a cheesy boss like jinpachi in tekken5. always frozing u and hits u with big move. i wanna try it in VS mode if hes in.

i dont think its netherrealm i think its a part of outworld. like a lava cave. i dont think there will have sumthing like orderrealm, chaos,... i think its just earthrealm and outworld.

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I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.
Awesome. That big demonic thing & that Shadow Priest look cool. It's gonna be cool to relive MK2 in a different perspective.

About Me
I had a sig, but Chuck Norris ate it.
This makes me wonder, though. What other enemies, other than the Tarkatan horde & Red Dragon/ Black Dragon soldiers, will you have to fight in Shaolin Monks.

uselessinfo_52891 Wrote:
This makes me wonder, though. What other enemies, other than the Tarkatan horde & Red Dragon/ Black Dragon soldiers, will you have to fight in Shaolin Monks.
This makes me wonder, though. What other enemies, other than the Tarkatan horde & Red Dragon/ Black Dragon soldiers, will you have to fight in Shaolin Monks.
oni, boss, mage (the priest thing), the big snake before fighting reptile, zombie in living forest and maybe shokan bc goro is in the game so...

About Me
To Live in silence is to live in fear
OngBak Wrote:
about your moloch thing mortalkombat247. i dont think its moloch bc hes suposed to be blue and beige and he have no fire and doesnt have horn. i think its a new boss who really look great.
about your moloch thing mortalkombat247. i dont think its moloch bc hes suposed to be blue and beige and he have no fire and doesnt have horn. i think its a new boss who really look great.
Haha, no I didnt say I think he is Moloch, that would be nonsense, I was just stating that his build, color, and just appeal he resembles Moloch a little bit, and who ever said Motaro, I can see a little of him in there as well.

cool,i like the devil like enemy and the evil priest the most but i would like to see more stuff on the toys

ok this looks good and all but like i want to know 2 things is it on ps2 or ps3 i mean when is the ps3 even comin out? the computer is gona over ride the ps3 if it comins out 2006 fall i mean really also how r we suposed to no how to cotrol two guys in the same place and fight with out the oranal fighting? its gona be a good game but difrent becose of the new thing
this was from the killer fear me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

About Me
To Live in silence is to live in fear
it will be out for PS2, and Xbox( not sure about the cube). That was confirmed, and they already confirmed the next instalment which should be a fighting game will be released on the PS3 and Xbox2.
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