richiestoner101 •07/19/2006 08:41 PM (UTC) •
JediTommy8 Wrote:
What do you mean by "dude your on your own there"?
richiestoner101 Wrote:
dude ur on ur own there!!!
p.s.DArqueBishop its ur birthday!gonna party like its ur birthday,not fo real real,jus for play play!!
JediTommy8 Wrote:
Kitana vs Mileena is awesome.
God i hate that Cage costume....i wish he had his MKSM outfit...
Goro's face is messed up.
Cyrax looks awesome!!!!
Shang Tsung and Kang looks excellent too.
Whats up with the two Scorpion vs Sub Zero images?
I would have rather had Reptile vs Nitara instead.
Kitana vs Mileena is awesome.
God i hate that Cage costume....i wish he had his MKSM outfit...
Goro's face is messed up.
Cyrax looks awesome!!!!
Shang Tsung and Kang looks excellent too.
Whats up with the two Scorpion vs Sub Zero images?
I would have rather had Reptile vs Nitara instead.
dude ur on ur own there!!!
p.s.DArqueBishop its ur birthday!gonna party like its ur birthday,not fo real real,jus for play play!!
What do you mean by "dude your on your own there"?
lol im jus jkin sayin scorpion and sub-zero are better lol!!!!
MoodyShooter •07/19/2006 08:59 PM (UTC) •
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.
What the hell did they do to Kitana's face?
NickScryer •07/19/2006 09:03 PM (UTC) •
It looks like they ditched the whole revamp thing, kitana's costume is purple again instead of blue....
Like we seen in the main menu screen...
Like we seen in the main menu screen...
JediTommy8 •07/19/2006 09:06 PM (UTC) •
dibula Wrote:
cant wait to see the gameplay of it after seeing this. a little dissapointed though,thought we were gonna see motaro so the threads would end.
cant wait to see the gameplay of it after seeing this. a little dissapointed though,thought we were gonna see motaro so the threads would end.
Thatd be horrible in a way.
It was hard enough trying to get on this site without it being busy a while ago,but that'd be crazy.Probably like 100+ users online.
Ninja_Mime •07/19/2006 09:06 PM (UTC) •
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NickScryer Wrote:
but why two sub/scorp?? Just why?
but why two sub/scorp?? Just why?
Because Sub-Zero and Scorpion are superior to every other character. Duh.
I think these turned out really well - but what the hell is up with Kitana's chest?
shadowcat •07/19/2006 09:09 PM (UTC) •
thier nice
NickScryer •07/19/2006 09:09 PM (UTC) •
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Because Sub-Zero and Scorpion are superior to every other character. Duh!>
NickScryer Wrote:
but why two sub/scorp?? Just why?
but why two sub/scorp?? Just why?
Because Sub-Zero and Scorpion are superior to every other character. Duh!>
LMAO! "Dont make me laugh" lol
vampirehunterdx13 •07/19/2006 09:20 PM (UTC) •
Good to see that the mk team made many little differences between cyrax and sektor that don't make them look all that similar except their helmets. just look at the different details they have on their arms and chest. im just hoping cyrax's alt is not the one from MKDA but mabe he can get a upgrade as sektor did.
Ninja_Mime •07/19/2006 09:22 PM (UTC) •
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vampirehunterdx13 Wrote:
Good to see that the mk team made many little differences between cyrax and sektor that don't make them look all that similar except their helmets. just look at the different details they have on their arms and chest. im just hoping cyrax's alt is not the one from MKDA but mabe he can get a upgrade as sektor did.
Good to see that the mk team made many little differences between cyrax and sektor that don't make them look all that similar except their helmets. just look at the different details they have on their arms and chest. im just hoping cyrax's alt is not the one from MKDA but mabe he can get a upgrade as sektor did.
I love how Sektor is different from Cyrax too. Although in his alternate his helmet is different.
As for Cyrax, I wouldn't expect anything other than his MKDA alternate. The only thing I didn't like about it was that he still made robot sounds, even though he's a human. Sektor's not even a human and he can still talk.
Keith •07/19/2006 09:25 PM (UTC) •
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Scorpion and Sub-Zero suck.
Nitara VS Reptile would have been awesome. But still, we'll see them all in October, I can't wait.
Nitara VS Reptile would have been awesome. But still, we'll see them all in October, I can't wait.
RainErmac32 •07/19/2006 09:30 PM (UTC) •
Wow, this makes it harder for me to wait for this game.
ShaolinChuan •07/19/2006 09:31 PM (UTC) •
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Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
Mileena vs Kitana yay!!
instead of 2 Scorpion vs Sub zero screens...they should of sent one with Reptile vs Nitara so the burning question of the MKA reptile costume could be answered ... but hell im not complaining!
Mileena vs Kitana yay!!
instead of 2 Scorpion vs Sub zero screens...they should of sent one with Reptile vs Nitara so the burning question of the MKA reptile costume could be answered ... but hell im not complaining!
yea i agree^
anyway cool screens, finally something new. now show us reptile!
Some are good and some are meh. Though they do feel a little rushed atleast with certain characters.
Also I wonder if those loading screens are an indication that the characters with the weapons will have atleast 1 weapon style, and the ones without will just have 2 hand-hand styles. I was just curious about that.
I do hope the vs screen is more polished in the end and had the needed corrections and such that we have noticed so far with what we've got.
Also I wonder if those loading screens are an indication that the characters with the weapons will have atleast 1 weapon style, and the ones without will just have 2 hand-hand styles. I was just curious about that.
I do hope the vs screen is more polished in the end and had the needed corrections and such that we have noticed so far with what we've got.
RaisnCain •07/19/2006 09:32 PM (UTC) •
Sektor's double pulse blades look bad ass. They all look awesome, but I think they were a little rushed as well, because I know there will be more detail.
Drifting_Ravage •07/19/2006 09:42 PM (UTC) •
Even though I seen some of these before, I'm still impressed. It has the feeling of the older games.
Reptilefanatic •07/19/2006 10:33 PM (UTC) •
NickScryer Wrote:
I love them all especially the cyrax and sektor one!
And reiko vs Kah , big ass hammer against big ass sword!!
Kick ass! Thank you midway/MKO
but why two sub/scorp?? Just why?
I love them all especially the cyrax and sektor one!
And reiko vs Kah , big ass hammer against big ass sword!!
Kick ass! Thank you midway/MKO
but why two sub/scorp?? Just why?
I think the reason they have to Sub-Scorp screesn is to show of the moving backgrounds. Which is weird, because we can find that out by looking at any Vs. mode movie from E3. I would've prefered a Reptile Vs. Nitara, or Rain Vs. Sindel. Maybe a Stryker Vs. Kobra.
Adam Ronin •07/19/2006 10:43 PM (UTC) •
W00t!!!!! This excites me. This means that news/pics/spoilers will start spewing it slowly now. Right? RIGHT????/
Murdoink •07/19/2006 10:58 PM (UTC) •
Woah, this rules
billyrage •07/19/2006 11:03 PM (UTC) •
besides the fact that they look rushed and and kitana looks like a dude I'm glad that we are new stuff.
UltimateRyu •07/19/2006 11:05 PM (UTC) •
I think this is a hint that they're actually gonna implement grudge matches into MKA. That could be the unknown mode, or be just simple like additional intro animations for compatible matches (like in street fighter alpha)
Ajirikowic •07/19/2006 11:40 PM (UTC) •
About Me
They were crying when their sons left. God is wearing black. He has come so far to find no hope, he's never coming back. They were crying when their sons left, all young men must go, he has come so far to find the truth he is never going home...
Pretty nice pics. That would be cool if they showed Motaro in one of the loading screens with some other character, but i can still wait for his pic. Sill good screens though.
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