IGN has posted a new article concerning Midway's upcoming PSP port of MK: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Unchained. While the article mostly covers ground already covered, it DOES name the six exclusive characters in this new port. From the article:

Players can expect multiple fatalities per character, multi-tiered interactive backgrounds and six new fighters. The game will offer playable versions Kitana, Jax, Frost, Blaze, Goro and Shao Kahn.

The fact that Goro and Shao Kahn are listed as exclusives is puzzling, as they were already exclusives in the GameCube version of the original game. In addition, the article touches on the fact that the mini-games from the original will be available, including a new mode. Furthermore, it also has a brief mention of the online multiplayer. Again, from the article:

One of the elements new to Unchained, the mini-games, will let players engage in lethal bouts of Chess and Puzzle Kombat. Also, there's an all-new Endurance mode where players will contend with waves of combatants. It's unclear whether these modes will come locked, or whether players will access them straight out of the box.

And yes, the game will make use of the PSP's wireless Ad-Hoc functionality. Currently, Midway has revealed that Unchained includes head-to-head matches, but there's no word on other multiplayer modes.

The game is currently scheduled for a fall release. As we learn more, we'll be sure to report it here!

To read the article in its entirety (plus see five gameplay images), click here.

Our thanks to forum member for the heads-up on this new article!