08/25/2006 02:26 AM (UTC)
words can not describ how pissed iam at the whiney bitches that keep complaining anout motaro and khameleon and all of the endings i will stop myself from typing anymore of my thougt about whinners and cry babys cause i will say things that will get me banned ...
08/25/2006 02:34 AM (UTC)
I hate things like this that make no sense. It would make sense for them to have Khameleon playable and then have storyless characters like Meat and Chameleon characters that you need a code to unlock or just in Konquest mode or in the backround or something.

I would really like to know what they were thinking on this one.
08/25/2006 02:38 AM (UTC)
Legacy Wrote:
Ummm, you're the one who called me out while I was talking to another user, not you.
if you were only talking to one other user you should have PM'd him, in a forum whatever you post can be interpreted in many ways, if you didn't want people to "call you out" (what is this you got served?) just PM him
Legacy Wrote:
I became a warrior before 200 visits. Even though visists mean nothing, I have obbiously posted things worth mentioning while you are still a mortal at nearly 1300 visits.
ooooh run away from the scary warrior ranks don't mean squat i don't even bother trying to improve my rank and trust me there are mortals with WAAAAAY more visit's then me
Legacy Wrote:
For Christ sakes, you are comparing n00b fanboys to stereotyping? You are indeed an idiot.
you were stereo typing fanboys in stating that most of them liked the ninjas i didn't call it racism or anything you just labeled a certain group of people that's all
Dyslexic is reading letters like d and b backwards, what the Hell does that have to do with the shit you are posting? i have a sister that is dyslexic and that's not it at all, and i wasn't saying what i was saying was dyslexic, i was saying what you were saying was dyslexic, proving my point in asking if you are dyslexic 'cause you got it backwards P.S. without noobs and fanboys there would not be "veterans" so cut them some slack
08/25/2006 02:47 AM (UTC)
I was talking to him on topic, is that not what a forum is for? If you didn't know what I was talking about, you should've not even commented on me. Anyways, did you even note the "lol" at the end? That usually means someone is joking.

As I said, visits don't mean anything. Most of the cooler vets have been promoted. That's not my problem if you don't want to talk about anything logical.

Stereotyping is a serious thing, calling people n00bs because they like ninjas is a joke compared to stereotyping. It's a game, not real life. I too like the ninjas, but most of my favorite characters are not ninjas.

My close cousin is dyslexic also, but she can comprehend sentences. I did not get anything backwards. I responded directly to what you said.

Most of the vets hate the ninjas. A lot of people hated UMK3 and MKT because there were too many ninjas, so I really don't care.
08/25/2006 02:52 AM (UTC)
i'm not even going to argue ith you anymore there is no point sorry if i offended you in someway and this was chock-full of wholesome misinterpreting from both sides i'm dropping it are you
08/25/2006 02:57 AM (UTC)
"why cant we be friends why cant we be friends"lol thats what this site has turned into. im sure khameleon is great at least we got one of them.
08/25/2006 03:16 AM (UTC)
I can't help but feel that the MK Team is full of complete idiots.

They add Fuckface, Meat, and Mokap, but leave out Khameleon, the only one who had any type of story or remote potenial? Yeah, that makes a lot of fucking sense. What the hell was going through their minds when they decided to add Fuckface instead of Khameleon? I just can't comprehend it. It's just too stupid to comprehend.

The only logical explanation is that the MK Team is full of idiotic morons...
08/25/2006 03:27 AM (UTC)
stop calling him fuckface it's getting confusing

BTW monster had more potential then Khameleon (yes i said it)
08/25/2006 03:33 AM (UTC)
I'm very upset, about this, but I'm not going to go on curse or anything like that (although we have the right since the MK team screwed once again), the thing that bothers me is they said 'everyone who has ever thrown a punch', and unfortantley Boon, lied to us again. He should really read this, just to show the moron that he is.
About Me

Thanks redman for the sig!

08/25/2006 03:39 AM (UTC)
You people are clearly stupid. Upset over Meat being in over Khameleon? Get over it, don't buy the game. In fact, forget everything you know about the game. Quit the site. Swear off all fighting games. In fact, smash your consoles over your dense heads. Riot the streets. Commit horrible murders in protest over the exclusion of a character. Just shut the fuck up about it, keep it to yourselves. Because at the end of the day, even your online friends, who are thousands of miles away from you, don't really give a damn if you throw a fit about a game. Kinda makes you look sad, doesn't it?
08/25/2006 03:40 AM (UTC)
Maybe for all of Khameleon's "potential" they couldn't think of any way to expand her storyline that would flow with the story for other, more important characters. Reptile is a character defined by tragedy and isolation. A happy ending would destroy him. "And they lived happily ever after..." how do you follow that up? Maybe they are saving that for when they want to retire Reptile.

Obviously Meat and Mokap suck, but perhaps they had a good idea for Chameleon. Yeah, he didn't have a story, but this is a new game. It's all in Vogel's hands now. Maybe he'll surprise us.

If we only based the next part of the story on the potential of the previous part, it would be extremely predictable. Lets hope Khameleon comes when her time is right.
08/25/2006 03:43 AM (UTC)
scorpionspupil Wrote:
stop calling him fuckface it's getting confusing

BTW monster had more potential then Khameleon (yes i said it)
No we will never stop calling him Fuckface

About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/25/2006 03:50 AM (UTC)
Okay. What happens now:

1)People stop bitching.

2)People stop bitching about people bitching.

3)People start getting tolerant.

4)People start discussing this like civilized human beings rather than throwing shitfits about anything and everything. That means everyone.
08/25/2006 04:05 AM (UTC)
ErmackDaddy Wrote:
You people are clearly stupid. Upset over Meat being in over Khameleon? Get over it, don't buy the game. In fact, forget everything you know about the game. Quit the site. Swear off all fighting games. In fact, smash your consoles over your dense heads. Riot the streets. Commit horrible murders in protest over the exclusion of a character. Just shut the fuck up about it, keep it to yourselves. Because at the end of the day, even your online friends, who are thousands of miles away from you, don't really give a damn if you throw a fit about a game. Kinda makes you look sad, doesn't it?

Like someone stated earlier, why do you come into this thread and start bashing everyone for complaining???? Shut the fuck up, and let people fucking complain, and in fact makes you look sad that you care to complain about other people complaining.
08/25/2006 04:12 AM (UTC)
if you dont like it dont buy it..... at least in the first 2-3 months after release... that is the only way to show protest.....
And Midway is only looking at sales figures...

08/25/2006 04:27 AM (UTC)
Midway has not been doing well financially. They better not cut corners on their MK games because eventually we will get tired of disappointment.

Unfortunately for them though every sequel has to live in the shadow of some old classics like MK2 and UltimateMK3.

I'm still betting Khameleon is in though. Need to keep some secrets before release date. It will probably be something silly like up+start on Chameleon.
08/25/2006 04:27 AM (UTC)
Oh well.....

No big deal........
08/25/2006 04:32 AM (UTC)
You know guys, I am becoming really afraid of what this game will be. Hope that this title do not disappointed me, because this will be my last game. I am retiring from video-game world.
08/25/2006 04:34 AM (UTC)
Few things I want to address about the people who don't seem to understand why other people are disappointed by the lack of Khameleon and why we prefer her over her male-counterpart.

For starters...no Khameleon kind of contradicts the claim that Armageddon would have "every character that threw a punch." The MK team claimed they'd bring back every character from the MAIN games. Khameleon was in the main game and she threw a punch.
I mean think about that: "Every character...except Khameleon." Like Khameleon or not...no one should be happy when the MK team contradicts or just flat out lies to us.

Everyone then says "What's the point...Khameleon was just a gray Kitana. So what if she had a story?"
And what was Meat? What was Fuckface? Meat was a bonus costume and Fuckface was just...a ninja who didn't even have a color of his own.

And another thing...because I've been seeing that comment often...do you people really think when fans say "We want Khameleon back" we mean "We want her back as a gray Kitana"?
OBVIOUSLY we want her to get a revamped appearence...like they gave Rain...like they gave Reiko....like they gave Fuckface. The assumption that we simply want a swiped Kitana is just retarded.

"But it would be stupid to have two character with the same name."
True. Khameleon and Chameleon. Which one fits into Mortal Kombat more?
(BTW, this is one of the reasons I refer to him as "Fuckface." I refuse to call him Chameleon when we have Khameleon. The other reason is I just think he looks like a fuckface now. I look at him in the select screen and cast render and I expect him to start yelling "TIMMY!")

Then some like to throw the gameplay arguement saying "Playing as all the male ninjas is better than playing as the female ninjas."
First of all...I don't know about anyone else...but if Khameleon came back I'd want her to have her OWN moves, just like I'd want her to have her own appearence. But the gameplay arguement has been rendered moot anyway because judging from the recent pics, Fuckface too shall have his own moves and will no longer be a hybrid of all other male ninjas. D'oh.
(BTW again, I think it's very funny that people bitch when Shujinko or other characters use other characters' moves....yet when Fuckface does it, it's cool. I guess if only Shujinko was a ninja....)

Fans are also upset by the MK teams choice of priorities. They announced the first 60 or so obvious characters and that was cool. They decided to keep going and include the remaining "minor" characters.
One would think, Khameleon...the one with the story, the one with her own color, the one with the fancy-spelled name, the one a lot fans actually wanted back....would have been on the top of the list. But she wasn't. She was bumped in favor of Meat...a costume...and Fuckface...a ninja.
Which would've been fine anyway, because they said she would be in anyway. The X-Box magazine said Khameleon was confirmed and that it wasn't a misprint...they actually meant Khameleon.
Turns out we were deceived.

And finally, I want to address the people who get mad that other people are mad....people are going to criticize what they feel are bad choices by the MK team. Some of them are good worth-while criticisms...like wake-ups games and balanced gameplay.....some of stupid or short-sighted ones....like demanding Tremor comes back.
But leaving Khameleon out...especially in favor of Meat, Mokap, and Fuckface...was a bad choice. Now, I agree refusing to buy the game or believing it's going to suck just because of Khameleon is a foolish thing to say...but it doesn't change that Khameleon's absense is a poor choice. And people will say something about it.

I'm only going to speak for myself right now....
I never asked for another Trilogy-type game. I never asked for this to be the "tying up loose ends" game. I never asked for Meat to come back. I never asked for Fuckface to come back. In fact, I was vehemently against Fuckface coming back...as some may remember. I never even asked for Motaro and I really don't care about where his ass went.
But leaving Khameleon out of this game....the big grand finale game that's supposed to contain every character who threw punch in Mortal Kombat (THEIR words people...not mine)....is a poor choice. And the MK team should know that. I'm not saying I won't buy the game because of Khameleon. I'm not saying the entire game is going to suck now because of Khameleon. I'm not acting like it's the end of the world.
I'm just pointing out it's a very dumb move.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/25/2006 04:40 AM (UTC)

Now that's what I'm talking about. Awwwww, yeah.

Also, it hasn't escaped my notice that Mokap is still for some reason present on the character select screen. In light of this news, that really, really souldn't be.
Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

08/25/2006 04:44 AM (UTC)
Chances are Wii will get Khameleon.


Kham may very well be Li Mei, see other threads for that one.


Kham might be a super unlockable or Cham's alt costume.
08/25/2006 04:45 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Few things I want to address about the people who don't seem to understand why other people are disappointed by the lack of Khameleon and why we prefer her over her male-counterpart.

For starters...no Khameleon kind of contradicts the claim that Armageddon would have "every character that threw a punch." The MK team claimed they'd bring back every character from the MAIN games. Khameleon was in the main game and she threw a punch.
I mean think about that: "Every character...except Khameleon." Like Khameleon or not...no one should be happy when the MK team contradicts or just flat out lies to us.

Everyone then says "What's the point...Khameleon was just a gray Kitana. So what if she had a story?"
And what was Meat? What was Fuckface? Meat was a bonus costume and Fuckface was just...a ninja who didn't even have a color of his own.

And another thing...because I've been seeing that comment often...do you people really think when fans say "We want Khameleon back" we mean "We want her back as a gray Kitana"?
OBVIOUSLY we want her to get a revamped appearence...like they gave Rain...like they gave Reiko....like they gave Fuckface. The assumption that we simply want a swiped Kitana is just retarded.

"But it would be stupid to have two character with the same name."
True. Khameleon and Chameleon. Which one fits into Mortal Kombat more?
(BTW, this is one of the reasons I refer to him as "Fuckface." I refuse to call him Chameleon when we have Khameleon. The other reason is I just think he looks like a fuckface now. I look at him in the select screen and cast render and I expect him to start yelling "TIMMY!")

Then some like to throw the gameplay arguement saying "Playing as all the male ninjas is better than playing as the female ninjas."
First of all...I don't know about anyone else...but if Khameleon came back I'd want her to have her OWN moves, just like I'd want her to have her own appearence. But the gameplay arguement has been rendered moot anyway because judging from the recent pics, Fuckface too shall have his own moves and will no longer be a hybrid of all other male ninjas. D'oh.
(BTW again, I think it's very funny that people bitch when Shujinko or other characters use other characters' moves....yet when Fuckface does it, it's cool. I guess if only Shujinko was a ninja....)

Fans are also upset by the MK teams choice of priorities. They announced the first 60 or so obvious characters and that was cool. They decided to keep going and include the remaining "minor" characters.
One would think, Khameleon...the one with the story, the one with her own color, the one with the fancy-spelled name, the one a lot fans actually wanted back....would have been on the top of the list. But she wasn't. She was bumped in favor of Meat...a costume...and Fuckface...a ninja.
Which would've been fine anyway, because they said she would be in anyway. The X-Box magazine said Khameleon was confirmed and that it wasn't a misprint...they actually meant Khameleon.
Turns out we were deceived.

And finally, I want to address the people who get mad that other people are mad....people are going to criticize what they feel are bad choices by the MK team. Some of them are good worth-while criticisms...like wake-ups games and balanced gameplay.....some of stupid or short-sighted ones....like demanding Tremor comes back.
But leaving Khameleon out...especially in favor of Meat, Mokap, and Fuckface...was a bad choice. Now, I agree refusing to buy the game or believing it's going to suck just because of Khameleon is a foolish thing to say...but it doesn't change that Khameleon's absense is a poor choice. And people will say something about it.

I'm only going to speak for myself right now....
I never asked for another Trilogy-type game. I never asked for this to be the "tying up loose ends" game. I never asked for Meat to come back. I never asked for Fuckface to come back. In fact, I was vehemently against Fuckface coming back...as some may remember. I never even asked for Motaro and I really don't care about where his ass went.
But leaving Khameleon out of this game....the big grand finale game that's supposed to contain every character who threw punch in Mortal Kombat (THEIR words people...not mine)....is a poor choice. And the MK team should know that. I'm not saying I won't buy the game because of Khameleon. I'm not saying the entire game is going to suck now because of Khameleon. I'm not acting like it's the end of the world.
I'm just pointing out it's a very dumb move.

i bet your in college that was a spetacular post bravo i agree completely
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

08/25/2006 04:45 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Few things I want to address about the people who don't seem to understand why other people are disappointed by the lack of Khameleon and why we prefer her over her male-counterpart.

For starters...no Khameleon kind of contradicts the claim that Armageddon would have "every character that threw a punch." The MK team claimed they'd bring back every character from the MAIN games. Khameleon was in the main game and she threw a punch.
I mean think about that: "Every character...except Khameleon." Like Khameleon or not...no one should be happy when the MK team contradicts or just flat out lies to us.

Everyone then says "What's the point...Khameleon was just a gray Kitana. So what if she had a story?"
And what was Meat? What was Fuckface? Meat was a bonus costume and Fuckface was just...a ninja who didn't even have a color of his own.

And another thing...because I've been seeing that comment often...do you people really think when fans say "We want Khameleon back" we mean "We want her back as a gray Kitana"?
OBVIOUSLY we want her to get a revamped appearence...like they gave Rain...like they gave Reiko....like they gave Fuckface. The assumption that we simply want a swiped Kitana is just retarded.

"But it would be stupid to have two character with the same name."
True. Khameleon and Chameleon. Which one fits into Mortal Kombat more?
(BTW, this is one of the reasons I refer to him as "Fuckface." I refuse to call him Chameleon when we have Khameleon. The other reason is I just think he looks like a fuckface now. I look at him in the select screen and cast render and I expect him to start yelling "TIMMY!")

Then some like to throw the gameplay arguement saying "Playing as all the male ninjas is better than playing as the female ninjas."
First of all...I don't know about anyone else...but if Khameleon came back I'd want her to have her OWN moves, just like I'd want her to have her own appearence. But the gameplay arguement has been rendered moot anyway because judging from the recent pics, Fuckface too shall have his own moves and will no longer be a hybrid of all other male ninjas. D'oh.
(BTW again, I think it's very funny that people bitch when Shujinko or other characters use other characters' moves....yet when Fuckface does it, it's cool. I guess if only Shujinko was a ninja....)

Fans are also upset by the MK teams choice of priorities. They announced the first 60 or so obvious characters and that was cool. They decided to keep going and include the remaining "minor" characters.
One would think, Khameleon...the one with the story, the one with her own color, the one with the fancy-spelled name, the one a lot fans actually wanted back....would have been on the top of the list. But she wasn't. She was bumped in favor of Meat...a costume...and Fuckface...a ninja.
Which would've been fine anyway, because they said she would be in anyway. The X-Box magazine said Khameleon was confirmed and that it wasn't a misprint...they actually meant Khameleon.
Turns out we were deceived.

And finally, I want to address the people who get mad that other people are mad....people are going to criticize what they feel are bad choices by the MK team. Some of them are good worth-while criticisms...like wake-ups games and balanced gameplay.....some of stupid or short-sighted ones....like demanding Tremor comes back.
But leaving Khameleon out...especially in favor of Meat, Mokap, and Fuckface...was a bad choice. Now, I agree refusing to buy the game or believing it's going to suck just because of Khameleon is a foolish thing to say...but it doesn't change that Khameleon's absense is a poor choice. And people will say something about it.

I'm only going to speak for myself right now....
I never asked for another Trilogy-type game. I never asked for this to be the "tying up loose ends" game. I never asked for Meat to come back. I never asked for Fuckface to come back. In fact, I was vehemently against Fuckface coming back...as some may remember. I never even asked for Motaro and I really don't care about where his ass went.
But leaving Khameleon out of this game....the big grand finale game that's supposed to contain every character who threw punch in Mortal Kombat (THEIR words people...not mine)....is a poor choice. And the MK team should know that. I'm not saying I won't buy the game because of Khameleon. I'm not saying the entire game is going to suck now because of Khameleon. I'm not acting like it's the end of the world.
I'm just pointing out it's a very dumb move.

Thank you.
08/25/2006 04:46 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84, you never cease to amaze me with you intelligent posts. That was absolutely perfect, and sums up how I feel regarding this whole mess.

Like you, I'm still going to get this game. However, it's not going to stop me from being disappointed about Khameleon not being in it.
08/25/2006 04:53 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 you are the man
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