Is there a fast way to rip sprites from MAME?
posted04/09/2004 01:09 AM (UTC)by
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09/07/2002 09:20 PM (UTC)
I'm working on a pretty long animation, and it's taking for ever to rip all the sprites I need.

(I'm using UMK3)
What I'm doing is making screen captures = F12
then I cut the characters out in Photoshop.

Is there a program that lets you see individual sprites, and copy them already cut out?

The MK warehouse doesn't have all the sprites I need. I don't want to use those anyway, I want to make my own from scratch I want them to be cut out perfectly with the shadows too, and every single frame of every animation.

By the way, that Scorpion stance in my sig. was cut out by me.
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-Isaac Watts
04/08/2004 06:39 AM (UTC)
Everyone always forgets about Imageready. Try that.

Ghost Dragon misunderstood me.

I am using image ready, but I'm talking about ripping sprites from MAME, not animating them.

I know how to do animation with Image ready, I'm like a pro at it.

I'm using Director for this animation, so I can have sound in it. Like the stage fatality in my sig.

I'm asking, because I recently got a program that let's me copy ALL the sound files from the MAME MK games.

I'm wondering if there is such a thing for the sprites too.
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04/08/2004 06:50 AM (UTC)
Uhh.. I'd take a look into Camtasia studio. It would take a long time kuz you would have to cut things out frame by frame tho.
I can already do screen captures by pressing F12.

F12 saves a screen capture in MAME. That's how I've been getting all my frames.

I don't want to capture the entire screen, I need to find a way to only capture the character sprites.

If there was a way to turn the backround a solid color like Red, or green, that would be perfect too.

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BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

04/08/2004 09:16 AM (UTC)
There's no way to disable background layers in MAME. If there were a stand-alone Y-Unit / T-Unit / Wolf Unit emulator, maybe, since it's much easier to determine the layer setup. Plus stuff like that doesn't follow MAME's strict goal of accurate emulation. Background toggles don't neccessarily fit into "accurate" unless the hardware itself had it.
OK then

well......If by some chance somebody knows a magic trick that can do it. Please let me know.

04/08/2004 05:31 PM (UTC)
Zsnes is the only Emulator that lets u turn the background off. Actually, in ZSnes u can turn everything off (including fighters). But not in Mame, sorry.
Hmmmm, what I might be able to do is use the sprites from that Zsnes emulator as masks for the Mame sprites.

To help cut some of the sprites out faster.

I could give that a try.
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BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

04/08/2004 07:46 PM (UTC)
Any console-specific emulator (SNES, Genesis, Game Boy, Game Gear, ect.) can disable background layers. Since all the game are running on the same hardware (a.k.a. the console in question), there's no debate on how the layers are generated and placed. For all games on a system, it's all done the same way.

If you've ever used a CPS2-specific emulator (Street Fighter II, Darkstalkers), you can disable layers with it, since again, all CPS2 games set the layers up the same way.
04/09/2004 01:09 AM (UTC)
I'll help you if you tell me the name of the program that rips the sounds.

First of all,this method uses Photoshop.

Get yourself a program called pcxclean. Manually rip a few sprites and then save a palette of all the colors in those sprites ( I always name it after the character I am ripping).
Paste the remaining sprites into one large image and call it something like "dirty.pcx" (it must be saved as a .pcx image)
Put dirty.pcx and character.act(the palette file) into the same folder as pcxclean.

Run pcxclean from command line using this syntax (assuming you are ripping Scorpion)

pcxclean dirty.pcx clean.pcx scorpion.act

pcxclean will now erase any colors that dont appear in the characters palette and save the new image as "clean.pcx"

All you have to do then is erase any background colors that are shared with the character.

Anymore questions then PM me.

pcxclean is used in mugen character creation but I'm using it for a different project that I might share with you all when I've got something worth showing.

So then,what was the name of the program you use to rip the sounds?
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