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02/22/2014 01:11 AM (UTC)
February 21st Results!

UlcaTron d. dibula & Maridany [+2]
4avenger5 d. coltess [+3]
Zmoke d. CCShadow & Zentle [+1]
Jironobou d. redman [+1]
Baraka_MK & Onryo d. Unknown265 & mwgrant0 [+2]
Sekktor d. irulegames1234 [+3]
legoslayer10 d. NovaStarr [+1]
LordSkarlet d. TonyTheTiger [+2]
Genku d. VenoMark [+1]
TheNinjasRock071394 d. Ninja_Mime (c) [+1] (KFL Championship)

Another title change! The man they call "Y2K" claims KFL gold for the fourth time in his impressive career! The match also continues the trend so far in 2014, as no KFL champ has successfully defended the title yet! Genku and LordSkarlet both looked strong this week, gaining wins over established contenders! Zmoke made a nice showing in what was a "prove it" match following his narrow tiebreaker victory in the Olympics that set him on the road to a medal! He'll no doubt be aiming higher in the weeks to come. BMK & Onryo picked up another victory this week, as they are really beginning to establish themselves as a team to be feared!
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

02/25/2014 03:03 AM (UTC)
Word backstage is that coltess is embarking on a mission to take out the best of the best and claim KFL gold!
About Me

BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

02/27/2014 02:04 AM (UTC)
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

02/28/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
February 28th Results!

dibula d. DarknessDragon [+2]
UlcaTron d. zebraska [+1]
CCShadow & Scott-Howell d. MKRocket & blacksaibot [+1]
Baraka_MK & Onryo d. Jerrod & Killswitch [+1]
jack4813 & Jironobou d. redman & MINION [+1]
Ghostdragon d. DeathScepter [+2]
Chryo_Spyder d. JUST_A_TARKATAN & Zentile [+1/0/-1]
Coltess d. TonyTheTiger [+1]
Mime d. legoslayer10 [+2]
The_Purple_Bunny d. LordSkarlet [+5]
Mick-Lucifer d. VenoMark & m0s3pH [+30/-29/-1]
CaTigeReptile d. Genku [+2]

The expansion to 12 fights this week has left the KFL with more questions than answers! After positioning themselves for future title opportunities last week, VenoMark took a MAX impact from Mick-Lucifer, while Genku fell to fellow championship hopeful CTR! Coltess has begun his path to the gold with a close win over TTT in a match that raised eyebrows around the Great Arena! Jironobou finally got his sought after revenge on redman in a duo setting with help from jack, but where does jack go from here? Post-fight dirtsheets suggest that he now aims to take down the medal winners from the KFL Olympics!
03/02/2014 10:48 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
2014 Internet Relay Kombat MKOlympic Podium
1. Nephrite [Gold Medal]
2. Jerrod [Silver Medal]
3. Zmoke [Bronze Medal]

Ooo! glasses
03/03/2014 02:15 PM (UTC)
I'd like to join altho I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. Plz can u start the next MK Kreate a Kharacter tournament including only the previous winners. Then the winning character may become a new character in MKX or even make it as DLC, maybe even more than one kharacter. I think this should be done sooner rather than later. This KAK was #7, 7 is god's perfect number and 6 is the devils number. This is why I guess there is 7 deadly sins and 7 heavenly virtues. And why there is 7 wonders of the world.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/07/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
March 7th Results!

Maridany d. mwgrant0 [+1]
Methuselah6463 d. DarknessDragon [+1]
MKRocket & blacksaibot d. redman & MINION [+1]
NovaStarr d. UlcaTron [+2]
CCShadow d. Zentile [+1]
4avenger5 d. Asesino [+1]
jack4813 d. Zmoke [+1]
DeathScepter d. MurdoinK [+1]
Sekktor d. legoslayer10 [+1]
Ghostdragon d. coltess [+2]
LordSkarlet d. VenoMark [+3]
TheNinjasRock071394 (c) d. Nephrite [+10] (KFL Championship)
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/14/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)
March 14th Results!

SK9608 d. irulegames1234 [+1]
kentei290 d. dibula [+1]
Onimike d. JUST_A_TARKATAN & zebraska [+1/0/-1]
Unknown265 & mwgrant0 d. redman & MINION [+1]
jack4813 & Jironobou d. Zmoke & hankypanky1 [+2]
4avenger5 d. Chryo_Spyder [+1]
MKRocket & blacksaibot d. Jerrod & Killswitch [+1]
DeathScepter d. NovaStarr [+1]
Nephrite d. legoslayer10 [+1]
coltess d. Onryo [+1]
VenoMark d. Ninja_Mime [+3]
LordSkarlet d. CaTigeReptile [+9]
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/16/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
Word backstage is that LordSkarlet has been taken out by an unknown assailant! TNR will now face a mystery opponent for the title next week!
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/21/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
March 21st Results!

nightbreed_16 d. SK9608 [+1]
Philip94 d. kentei290 [+1]
subzero776 d. TheMetinPorta [+1]
Killswitch d. dibula & UlcaTron [+1/+1/-2]
Onryo d. Murdoink [+1]
4avenger5 d. Jironobou [+3]
CCShadow & Scott-Howell d. MKRocket & blacksaibot [+1]
Ghostdragon d. NovaStarr [+1]
Coltess d. Jerrod [+1]
DeathScepter d. Baraka_MK [+1]
jack4813 d. Zmoke [+1]
TheNinjasRock071394 (c) d. Nephrite [+2] (KFL Championship)

It wasn't quite as smooth this time around, but Y2K has held on to the KFL gold once again! Nephrite gave a much more concerted effort than in their last encounter, when he suffered the brunt of a +10 impact. There are now some new faces in the title picture! jack, avenger, and coltess all picked up wins this week to continue their hot streaks and are closing in on the title! In the Duo ranks, CCS and Howell proved to be a bit of a road block for MKR and blacksaibot, which certainly slows their push for the time being. Killswitch picked up a solid 3-way win on the undercard, and the return of Philip94 proved fruitful for the former KFL Champ.
03/26/2014 10:58 AM (UTC)
I'll resign. May the most dedicated kombatant win.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/28/2014 07:30 AM (UTC)
March 28th Results!

JUST_A_TARKATAN d. zebraska [+1]
nightbreed_16 d. hankypanky1 [+1]
Chryo_Spyder d. MINION [+1]
Jerrod & Killswitch d. Unknown265 & mwgrant0 [+1]
Asesino d. Methuselah6463 [+1]
redman d. legoslayer10 [+1]
Baraka_MK & Onryo d. MKRocket & blacksaibot [+1]
4avenger5 d. NovaStarr [+1]
Ghostdragon d. DeathScepter [+1]
Coltess d. Nephrite [+1]
VenoMark d. LordSkarlet [+1]
TheNinjasRock071394 (c) d. jack4813 [+2] [KFL Championship]

Notes to come tomorrow.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/28/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
Notes from FNF 3/28:

- Nice to see JAT pick up his first win this week. He's been a hard luck story so far this year and was in dire need of a victory. While it doesn't make him a title contender by any means, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

- It was clear that hankypanky was affected by the backstage nonsense that occurred just prior to this week's card. He was a sitting duck for nightbreed, who still only narrowly picked up the win with an unconvincing +1 impact. Perhaps there's rematch potential to be had here, under more level circumstances.

- I count this as a big win for Chryo_Spyder. Taking on a seasoned competitor such as MINION is no easy task for all but the best in the KFL, but Chryo_Spyder stood tall and emerged victorious. Now over the .500 mark at 3-2, I like where he's headed. Another step up the ladder is warranted.

- The first duo match on this week's card was my way of rewarding Unknown265 & mwgrant0 for their win last time out, by giving them an opportunity to make a name for themselves against one of the better teams in the KFL. While they came up short against Jerrod and Killswitch, they were very game in the loss and were not intimidated. That could go a long way towards future success.

- Asesino returned to action this week and took care of business against Methuselah6463. He made no doubts about his skill in The Great Arena this week, evening his record at 4-4. A rough loss for Methuselah to be sure, but he'll bounce back.

- Success is fleeting in the KFL, and nobody knows that better than legoslayer10. Beginning the year as one of the contenders to the championship, he has since suffered a precipitous fall from grace and I'm not sure there's much left for him at this point. The time might be now for him to disappear for a bit and lick his wounds. A win is a win, but redman should not feel too mighty after this contest.

- If the KFL had a duo championship, BMK & Onryo would hold the belts for sure. They've beaten everyone in their path and have looked great doing it. MKRocket & blacksaibot are probably the #2 team at the moment, which for now is something to hang their hats on. They've gelled nicely as a unit and have enjoyed moderate success, but sooner or later they'll want to claim the spotlight.

- NovaStarr presented herself as the next obstacle for the undefeated 4avenger5, and he passed the test with flying colors! He has now run his mark to 7-0 and is garnering serious title considerations. The loss doesn't look good for NovaStarr in the here and now, but should avenger go on to capture the KFL gold she will surely be wanting a rematch!

- Originally, this match was supposed to be a 3-way. However, Zmoke's sudden retirement from the KFL left it as a singles contest, and Ghostdragon was the better man tonight. He has all the tools to be the KFL champ, but hasn't displayed that wow factor on a consistent basis that would immediately give him #1 contender status. DeathScepter will continue to hang around the second tier of competitors, I'm sure.

- Nephrite was angling in on a third meeting with KFL Champion TNR, but he did not account for the ferocity and will to win that is coltess! By the narrowest of margins, coltess secured a win that has many people clamoring for him to get a title shot... and why not? He's 8-2 so far this year, has wins against some big-time names, and his only blemishes are against Ghostdragon and the undefeated 4avenger5. He may indeed be ready for his chance, and potentially sooner than you think.

- LordSkarlet entered The Great Arena tonight demanding answers regarding who was behind the heinous attack that took him out of his scheduled championship encounter with TNR. The champ claimed no responsibility for the assault, and so this match was made as a way to perhaps shed light on the matter. With the bookers promising clues in return for a victory over VenoMark, LordSkarlet approached the fight with renewed tenacity and fire. However, VenoMark's desires to defend himself and win the match for the sake of being triumphant were too strong on this day. This saga is far from over, folks. Next week's card will be more revealing, regardless of the result.

- As a championship contest, this was a match made in heaven. TNR and jack competed in the first ever KFL Championship match back in 2012, won by TNR, with jack defeating him for the belt in a return match a week later. Since then, TNR has tacked on three more title reigns and has rolled up many wins in KFL competition while jack hasn't enjoyed the same success. The champ appeared ripe for the picking this week, with a couple of cruise control wins over Nephrite to his credit in his current reign; it was obvious that he had yet to be truly tested. The result was clear, though, as TNR retained the title with a +2 impact.

Early dirt sheets coming out of tonight's show claim that TNR will not defend next week and that the main events will feature a #1 contender's match of some sort, the next installment of LordSkarlet's quest to get revenge, and that we may see a teaser for the return of a former KFL champ to The Great Arena. All of this, of course, is subject to change.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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03/30/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
BREAKING NEWS: When asked about rumors that he'll have the night off this coming Friday, KFL Champ TNR dismissed those claims and issued a challenge to a specific warrior! The identity of his desired foe has not been revealed, but rest assured that the title will be defended next week!

In other news, LordSkarlet is rumored to be the main focus of a gauntlet program, where he will take on KFL legends for the next few weeks in order to exact revenge on his assailant! Stay tuned!
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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04/04/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)
April 4th Results!

DarknessDragon d. hankypanky1 [+1]
Maridany d. UlcaTron [+1]
Philip94 d. nightbreed_16 [+1]
mwgrant0 d. MINION [+2]
redman d. Unknown265 [+2]
Asesino d. Chryo_Spyder [+1]
Scott-Howell d. Jironobou [+1]
Jerrod & Killswitch d. MKRocket & blacksaibot [+1]
Ninja_Mime d. Ghostdragon [+2]
4avenger5 d. jack4813 [+1]
The_Purple_Bunny d. LordSkarlet [+3]
TheNinjasRock071394 (c) d. coltess [+3] [KFL Championship]

Notes from this card:

- The opening match on the card was a good opportunity to finally see what hankypanky1 is made of, now that the dust has settled from his former partner Zmoke's sudden retirement. He proved himself to be a worthy opponent for DarknessDragon, who barely escaped with the victory. I believe the result says more about hankypanky in this instance, as he could've rolled over but instead fought hard to the end.

- UlcaTron entered this match poised to shake off his last defeat, but it was Maridany who settled a score of his own! Maridany was on the wrong end of a 3-way match with dibula and UlcaTron back on February 21st, and so this singles contest served as a measure of revenge for the previous defeat! Neither combatant has been impressive in 2014, but perhaps this is a springboard for Maridany to something better.

- Two former champions stepped into The Great Arena in the night's third bout, and it did not disappoint! The capacity crowd really got behind this match, and in the end it was Philip94 who emerged victorious! This was a battle in the truest sense of the word, with both Philip and nightbreed displaying the skills that got them to the top! I don't think we've seen the last of either of them in the spotlight.

- Normally battling in a Duo setting, the teams of redman & MINION and Unknown265 & mwgrant0 did battle in separate singles matches! With only one win on the year coming in, mwgrant0 was eager to improve his record and did so in convincing fashion! He delivered a solid +2 impact in what was a tough loss for MINION. His losing streak has now reached seven, but I believe he'll be back in the winner's circle soon.

- Unlike his partner, redman did enough to win this week. The former KFL champ notched his fourth win of the year and one must begin to wonder if he's better off on his own. Unknown265 got the short end of the stick in this match, drawing redman instead of the hard-luck MINION. The split result lends itself well to some sort of rematch next week, so stay tuned!

- After last week's win, Chryo_Spyder made no bones about his desire for tougher competition. Asesino took the challenge and came through with a close victory! Asesino moves into the top 15 with the win, so perhaps it will be he who demands a higher-profile opponent next week! Chryo_Spyder still looks good in defeat, I think. He stepped up and asked for a chance to prove himself and clearly won over some fans in the process.

- Just prior to the second half of the card, an ominous aura entered The Great Arena! Unsure of the meaning, officials were sent to investigate. As soon as they arrived on the scene, however, the aura had dissipated. Fans were left in shock at the development, and rumors are already swirling that the KFL could be under attack!

- After things settled down, action resumed with Scott-Howell scoring another win! Don't look now, but Howell is now 4-0 on the year and could be slotted into some bigger matches in the near future! Jironobou has been middling after helping jack reach the main event once again and it has now been six weeks since he last won a singles match.

- Is it right to call Jerrod & Killswitch's win over MKRocket & blacksaibot an upset? I'm not sure, but this match might be a precursor of what's to come! The battle-hardened team of Jerrod & Killswitch have staked their claim to the #2 spot behind BMK & Onryo and rest assured, they're not done yet! I'm not sure whether it was nerves from the incident that took place minutes earlier, but MKR & blacksaibot looked flat out there tonight. They weren't able to get much momentum going and were sent packing with the loss.

- Ghostdragon was perhaps rightfully upset when he learned that he was not the one challenged by TNR, as he believes he deserves a title opportunity. He entered the night having won six of eight fights this year and has looked impressive in doing so. Ghostdragon had a huge opportunity to impress the bookers tonight, who declared that he had not yet earned his chance; they put former champ Mime in front of him with the promise of a future title shot with a win! Ghostdragon approached with confidence, but Mime was too much on this day. His spirit unbroken, Ghostdragon resolved to continue working towards KFL gold!

- It can be a sad reality sometimes, but whenever anyone begins a season 7-0 there are bound to be naysayers. Some felt that 4avenger5 has simply fattened up on weak competition and hasn't secured a big time win yet. His victory over coltess back in February notwithstanding, he faced a true test tonight in the former #1 contender, jack4813! The stakes were high on both sides; both men knew that a win could mean a title opportunity, and there was added pressure for 4avenger5 to preserve his streak! In a back and forth affair that saw a number of crushing blows and near finishes, 4avenger5 claimed a narrow victory! It may not have been the most convincing win possible, but he gave a heroic effort and picked up the type of win that changes opinions in a hurry!

- There are still more questions than answers right now for LordSkarlet, but that didn't change the fact that he faced a stiff challenge tonight! Returning to action after a KFL hiatus, The_Purple_Bunny opposed LS and very clearly outclassed him in their bout. However, it leaves some things a mystery. Why him? Why now? Was he put up to this fight, or did he have some sort of motive? TPB was unavailable for comment after the match.

- After leaving the ring, LordSkarlet tracked down KFL officials and demanded to know who was behind all of this! No one had a definitive response for him, but they said that a message was sent to head booker m0sHHH, and so LS headed to m0sHHH's office to investigate! Upon arriving, he was told the details of the message, which stated that LS should find a partner for next week, because he's going to need it! The perpetrator is still out there, and whose side is m0sHHH on?

- When KFL champ TheNinjasRock071394 issued a challenge to a warrior whose identity was unknown to all but him, speculation abounded in The Great Arena! Fans were crafting theories about who the opponent could be, all the while remaining pleased that they currently have a fighting champion! TNR approached the ring and reiterated his desire to defend his belt often, to raucous cheers from the crowd! However, nothing from that moment compared to the eruption that occurred when his opponent was revealed to be coltess! The Great Arena was absolutely electric from this moment on, for this was a true underdog story brought to life! The adversaries exchanged displays of respect and delivered a match worthy of a main event, even though the result was not unexpected. The challenger fought bravely and at times with reckless abandon, but the champ scored a +3 impact to finish the fight. TNR retains his title, but coltess once again won the hearts of the The Great Arena faithful!
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BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.

04/05/2014 11:40 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
TPB was unavailable for comment after the match.

But in this message posted to the KFL universe, I have decided to issue the following statement regarding my match with LordSkarlet:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
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04/05/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
The_Purple_Bunny Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

Oh my.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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04/07/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
Word backstage is that someone has stepped up to partner with LordSkarlet this week! Fittingly, it will be "The Guardian" CaTigeReptile!
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Puto, ergo non est deus
Non opus est, si pretium non habetis.

04/09/2014 07:06 AM (UTC)
Mick says he's in.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

04/10/2014 07:13 PM (UTC)
ShoeUnited Wrote:
Mick says he's in.

I'll begin making the "Who the fuck is Shoe?" vignettes for this week's KFL.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

04/11/2014 07:53 PM (UTC)
Onimike d. bdog_13 [+1]
hankypanky1 and zebraska fought to a draw!
subzero776 d. hydraslash [+1]
Unknown265 & mwgrant0 d. redman & MINION [+1]
Philip94 d. Maridany [+2]
NovaStarr d. CCShadow [+4]
Chryo_Spyder d. legoslayer10 & Jironobou [+1/0/-1]
Sekktor d. Nephrite [+1]
Jerrod & Killswitch d. Baraka_MK & Onryo [+1]
Ghostdragon d. Scott-Howell [+1]
VenoMark & The_Purple_Bunny d. LordSkarlet & CaTigeReptile [+1]
TheNinjasRock071394 (c) d. 4avenger5 [+6] [KFL Championship]

- Onimike and bdog made their returns to FNF and had themselves a good opening contest. Fans were buzzing about last week's developments and this match only made them hungrier for more action! Onimike scored a solid victory and this may be just the thing for him to move up on the card!

- The difference in skill among the undercard is so slight that we've often seen high-quality matches early on in the night - and this one was no different! The story of this match was simple yet spirited; zebraska, ranked dead last in the KFL and in dire need of a victory, vs. hankypanky, the newcomer looking to make a strong impression! These two men fought with desperation, yet neither was able to win the fight! Proof positive that even the little guys can put on a big show!

- hydraslash ventured away from the Duo setting this week and was given all he could handle and then some from subzero776! Perhaps hydraslash fought too defensively because he stood alone tonight, but subzero776 took full advantage! The result was so close that the stylistic approaches of these two combatants made all the difference!

- I don't know where Unknown265 & mwgrant0 will rank among The Great Arena's teams when all is said and done, but I definitely like where they're headed. After engaging redman & MINION in separate singles matches last week, the partners took to the Duo setting and came away with another statement win over their rivals! Another rough loss for redman & MINION and it was apparent that they were not on the same page at times.

- As a former KFL Champion, albeit as a team with The_Purple_Bunny, Philip94 knows what it's like to taste the ultimate success in this league. Now, he's on a mission to climb the mountain all on his own! Maridany had enjoyed modest success since going 0-4 at the Winter Olympics, but he could not measure up to the caliber of Philip94! It's back to the drawing board for Maridany, while Philip moves on to perhaps greater challenges.

- Fresh off her dominance during the Battle Royal at UGP, collecting a staggering 23 eliminations before going down herself, NovaStarr returned to KFL action with an eye-opening win over CCShadow! Her overall record of 3-5-1 isn't exactly sparkling, but she's definitely trending in the right direction! CCShadow didn't have much on this night, suffering a +4 setback. He will surely look to regroup next week!

- The only 3-way match of the night provided opportunities for all involved! Jironobou had a chance to take the next step towards the top, legoslayer10 badly needed the win to regain his footing, and Chryo_Spyder earned this chance with solid performances this season. After eliminating Jironobou early on, legoslayer10 was unable to sustain the fury of the relentless Chryo_Spyder! The unexpected result is sure to resonate with the bookers in advance of next week's FNF!

- After an extended hiatus spent on the other side, Sekktor returned to action with a renewed vigor! Eager to show that he could still hang with the top dogs, he issued a challenge to none other than the Olympic Gold Medalist, Nephrite! This contest had everyone in The Great Arena on the edge of their seats, and in the end it was Sekktor pulling out a narrow victory! The loss doesn't hurt Nephrite much on its own, but this is the latest in a string of near misses for him. It'll be interesting to see who he faces next and if he can get back on the right side of the ledger.

- Jerrod & Killswitch entered this match having split a pair of encounters with MKRocket & blacksaibot and it would seem that a true rivalry is budding there. This week, they turned their attention to the best Duo in the KFL, BMK & Onryo! Oddsmakers would've given them a bit more than a puncher's chance in this fight, but a heroic effort allowed them to spring the upset in a comprehensive result! There may not be tangible title belts for teams in the KFL, but the win has to feel great for Jerrod & Killswitch nonetheless!

- It definitely wasn't the most impressive undefeated streak heading into this week's action, but Scott-Howell's 4-0 start to the year garnered praise from all over The Great Arena! Wanting to prove he belongs in the title picture, Ghostdragon challenged Howell to a match and scored big! Ghostdragon's aggression proved to be too much for Howell to handle, and the resulting +1 impact is sure to resonate with the entire KFL! This may have opened the door for a title match... stay tuned!

- The mysterious assailant threw yet another curveball at LordSkarlet last week, declaring that he needed to find a partner for tonight's festivities! When his efforts proved fruitless, it was none other than "The Guardian" CaTigeReptile who stepped up in his defense! They faced long odds against the powerful team of VenoMark and The_Purple_Bunny, but they didn't back down and I think that's what's important here. LordSkarlet will not rest until his attacker is brought to justice!

- After the match, a chill fell over The Great Arena! Combatants new and old were shocked when The United's Shoe appeared in the ring! Shoe promised everyone in The Great Arena that he was going to change the culture of the KFL and it starts next week!

- After picking up his eighth straight win to start 2014, 4avenger5 appeared ready as ever to claim the KFL's ultimate prize! The moment had finally arrived as he stepped into Y2K's yard in this week's championship confrontation! The Streak vs. Champion scenario had the standing room only crowd in a frenzy! 4avenger5 gave everything he had in this contest, but the champion was too strong and ended it with authority. A +6 impact ended the Cinderella run, but we haven't seen the last of 4avenger5, rest assured!
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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04/19/2014 07:29 PM (UTC)
April 18th Results!

rick991 d. TheMetinPorta [+1]
dibula d. JUST_A_TARKATAN [+1]
redman & MINION d. hydraslash & Methuselah6463 [+1]
legoslayer10 d. UlcaTron [+1]
Zentile d. nightbreed_16 [+1]
Onryo d. blacksaibot & Killswitch [+2/-1/-1]
Scott-Howell d. DeathScepter [+1]
Baraka_MK d. MKRocket & Jerrod [+2/-1/-1]
Nephrite d. Jironobou [+4]
jack4813 d. Sekktor [+1]
ShoeUnited d. TonyTheTiger [+1]
TheNinjasRock071394 (c) d. Ghostdragon [+1] (KFL Championship)


- Good opening bout from two guys who are still looking to establish themselves in the KFL this season. They both struggled to gain momentum early on but rick991 was able to string together enough strikes to come out on top. Tough loss for TheMetinPorta, but at this level there are always opportunities for victories.

- Nice to see dibula bounce back with a win. He's had a real rough go this year, and at 2-6 he has a long way to go. Yet another hard luck result for J_A_T. He too hasn't been at his best, now sitting at 1-4. Perhaps a run through the bottom of the barrel is in order to get these guys some wins.

- A win is a win, even if it's against a fledgling team, but will this be enough to cure the ills of redman & MINION's long losing streak? Though they've been very rocky lately, the pair is still a cut above the likes of hydraslash & Methuselah6463. It'll be interesting to see who they challenge next, because I think it will be telling of their future.

- Nice to see legoslayer10 get back in the win column. His days as a contender are certainly over for now, but a win like this at least puts him back on the radar. UlcaTron should feel no shame for this loss, this was a big ask for him and it would've been huge to see him pull the upset.

- This match could be seen as a similar opportunity for nightbreed_16, with the chance to make an impression against tougher competition. Though he came up short, he succeeded in providing a memorable fight. Zentile was pushed to the limit here and it will help him going forward.

- With the three best teams in the KFL all staking their claim to the top, it was determined that separate 3-way matches would settle the debate! In the first contest, Onryo smartly waited for the right opportunity to strike, and delivered a +2 impact to blacksaibot to win the match! Killswitch looked outmatched in this setting, but didn't let himself get hurt badly and there's something to be said for that.

- It didn't take long for Scott-Howell to return to his winning ways! Howell's loss to Ghostdragon last week served as motivation to reach greater heights, and the win over DeathScepter is the first step towards that goal! It might be Howell's time to move on to bigger opponents and challenges now!

- It's a sweep! In the second 3-way match, featuring the allegedly better halves of their respective teams, BMK proved too much for his competition! He comprehensively defeated both opponents in his path and claimed victory for "The Service Krew!" There's a feeling among the bookers that BMK could do well in a singles program and given that he and Onryo have conquered all the other teams in the KFL, now might be the time to explore that path.

- Good bounce back win for Nephrite. The result doesn't surprise as much as the impact that he delivered! The +4 impact raised eyebrows all over The Great Arena and he may have put himself right back in the title discussion! Most predicted that Jironobou would do better in this contest, and so he may take a step back in the card here.

- Having beaten Nephrite last week in his first match back from a hiatus, Sekktor appeared ready to take the next step. He challenged jack4813 to a match that appeared to have all the hype of a #1 contender's encounter! Both men fought with purpose and desire, but only one could be victorious! After a grueling match, jack stood tall in victory. Will he receive yet another chance at Y2K's title?

- The man they call Shoe made his first KFL appearance and gave notice that the culture of the KFL would change forever! He stepped into the ring for his first match against a seasoned KFL veteran, TonyTheTiger! Battling with confidence, Shoe delivered a +1 impact that left no doubt about who the better man was on this night! After the match, he called out LordSkarlet and challenged him to a match next week, claiming that he would lead LS to his assailant... and potentially to another slaughter!

- After all the near misses in big matches this year, Ghostdragon had finally done enough to earn a championship opportunity! Finally given the chance to claim gold, Ghostdragon gave an effort that brought The Great Arena faithful to their feet! The champion, forgivably overconfident after his recent matches, underestimated Ghostdragon in the early going but was able to recover and do enough to retain! By far his closest call since earning the belt, Y2K definitely received a reality check in this match. Will he defend again next week?
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

04/25/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
April 25th Results!

tghuhyg19 d. hankypanky1 [+1]
irulegames1234 d. DarknessDragon [+1]
SK9608 d. kentei290 [+1]
Unknown265 & mwgrant0 d. hydraslash & Methuselah6463 [+1]
Onimike d. subzero776 [+1]
NovaStarr d. Murdoink [+1]
Chryo_Spyder d. Philip94 [+1]
MKR & blacksaibot d. Jerrod & Killswitch[+1]
Scott-Howell d. Sekktor [+2]
Ghostdragon d. Nephrite [+3]
jack4813 d. 4avenger5 & coltess [+1/0/-1]
LordSkarlet d. Shoe [+5]


- It just hasn't come together for hankypanky1 the way anyone hoped. His affiliation with Zmoke was seen as a way to get him into higher profile matches from the get-go, but Zmoke's sudden retirement put the kibosh on any planned storylines. Good win for tghuhyg19 all the same; he came to compete and defeated the opponent placed in front of him.

- With the calendar turning to May next week, it may be time for a new batch of contenders to surface. I'm not saying that irulegames1234 will be one of them in the coming month, but taking care of business against a similarly-skilled foe never hurts! DarknessDragon appeared to be in control at some points but just couldn't seal the deal; it's back to the drawing board for him!

- This being only his third match of 2014, SK9608 hasn't been afforded many opportunities on the big stage of the KFL. Tonight's match against kenti290 was one where he took full advantage of the spotlight! Fighting with purpose and drive, SK9608 secured a narrow victory! Early backstage reports have indicated that the win impressed bookers and that he will take on a more prominent role in the KFL!

- Business as usual for Unknown265 & mwgrant0 after having last week off! They were tasked with taking on upstarts hydraslash & Methuselah6463 after the latter duo's close loss to redman & MINION, and the veteran pair delivered a solid win! hydraslash & Methuselah6463 may be better served going their separate ways for a bit. It could help to establish them as singles competitors before returning them to the Duo ranks.

- Ahead of his ominous clash with VenoMark this weekend, Onimike bought himself precious little insurance with his +1 impact against subzero776! The win improves Onimike's record to 3-1 this year, indicating a strong start for him in the 2014 season. Provided he survives the encounter with VenoMark, a move up the card might be warranted.

- NovaStarr's recent success continues! Facing a stiff challenge from United's Murdoink, she triumphed in a match that many thought had ended in a draw! When all was said and done, NovaStarr had slightly more left in the tank and she was able to add another impressive win to her 2014 KFL résumé! There might be rematch potential here, though Murdoink has struggled mightily this season with a 2-5 record. We'll see what comes of next week's action!

- Philip94 had been quietly building his own championship contender case with wins in his first three contests this year, but he was halted this time by the might of Chryo_Spyder! The former champion nearly escaped with the win but came up just short. Though he's fared well in 3-way matches so far, success in singles competition has been fleeting. This victory gives C_S the confidence to shoot for bigger targets down the road!

- The Duo Division headliner for the evening was a rubber match between two established threats in the KFL. Jerrod & Killswitch had been on a nice run recently and that includes wins against MKR & blacksaibot; but as we've learned throughout 2014, you can throw away the book when these two teams get together! Jerrod's bid for his 10th win of the year was denied by the combined strength of MKR & blacksaibot! Truly an entertaining bout that made up for the absence of BMK & Onryo from the card.

- I don't want to say that it's occurred yet, but Sekktor's last two results are very reminiscent of what happened to legoslayer10 earlier this season. Don't take anything away from Scott-Howell, though; this match was a challenging prospect after last week's close victory over DeathScepter and he simply would not be denied this time out! A solid win for Howell and he is already being discussed for a title opportunity backstage!

- The sting of coming so close in last week's championship opportunity still fresh in his mind, Ghostdragon left no doubts this week against Nephrite. It became crystal clear that the "Silent Assassin" will not rest until he claims gold! Nephrite is humbled by the loss, to be sure, but I think this was more a case of "wrong place, wrong time" than anything else. He'll recover.

- After last week's close call, Y2K was told by officials that he'd have this week off, and that a triple threat match to determine his next opponent would take place. Forgoing Ghostdragon after his chance last week, bookers chose the three men who tried and failed before him to square off in this encounter! The Great Arena was on the edge of its collective seat throughout the match, and it was the cagey veteran, jack4813, who stood tall on this night! He picked his spots with precision and handled 4avenger5 after the latter had eliminated coltess! This is familiar territory for jack, but will he reach the top of the mountain next week?

- With rumors swirling for weeks about who wanted LordSkarlet dealt with leading up to his title match with Y2K, Shoe offered a final answer to the revenge-driven heavyweight, but had to make sure that he was worthy of knowing his attacker first! The result was slightly surprising - not necessarily the winner, but the size of the finishing strike! LordSkarlet made short work of Shoe, sending the shockwaves of a +5 impact throughout The Great Arena!

- After the match, Shoe made the announcement that everyone had been waiting over a month to hear! Keeping to his word, he divulged the identity of LordSkarlet's attacker - none other than Genku! Shoe said that it was the lust for gold and the rage that resulted from not being featured in KFL events that drove him to commit the heinous act! In a surprise moment, Y2K emerged from the shadows, belt in hand! He assured LordSkarlet that he had no prior knowledge of the assault, a statement that Shoe backed up! The champion told the former #1 contender that he would have his main event moment, but that they first had business to take care of... together! Will Y2K help LS exact revenge, or is there another motive in play? Stay tuned!
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

05/02/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)
May 2nd Results!

bdog_13 d. zebraska [+1]
JUST_A_TARKATAN d. TheMetinPorta [+1]
rick991 d. DarknessDragon [+1]
irulegames1234 d. SK9608 [+1]
nightbreed_16 d. legoslayer10 & subzero776 [+2/-1/-1]
Killswitch d. Philip94 [+1]
NovaStarr d. Jironobou [+2]
Sekktor d. Chryo_Spyder [+1]
Baraka_MK & Onryo d. MKRocket & blacksaibot [+1]
Jerrod d. Nephrite [+6]
Ghostdragon d. Scott-Howell [+2]
TheNinjasRock071394 (c) d. jack4813 [+1] [KFL Championship]


- The struggles of zebraska continue. Even against the bottom feeders of the KFL, he just can't buy a win. I'm not sure what it is that's holding him back, but take nothing away from bdog; he came ready to fight and earned his first win of the year.

- Nice bounce back win for JUST_A_TARKATAN after his loss two weeks ago. A performance like this will be great for his confidence and it'll be interesting to see if he picks up momentum off of this. Hard luck for TheMetinPorta, who is still searching for that elusive first victory of 2014.

- The night's third contest kept with the theme of featuring guys who are still trying to find their way this season. DarknessDragon has struggled mightily thus far and that trend continued tonight against rick991. It's amazing how one win can vault you ten spots in the rankings, but that's exactly what we saw tonight. Some tougher opponents will be coming rick's way for sure.

- Has a new contender been born? It's far too soon to tell, but as two of the higher end guys in the lower tier of the KFL, irulegames1234 and SK9608's match had more anticipation than expected. Both men showed flashes of brilliance, and in the end it was irulegames1234 who came out on top. Now at 3-2 on the year, he can move into the top half of the rankings with another win.

- The only 3-way match on the card yielded a somewhat unexpected result! I fully believed that legoslayer10's experience would carry him through, but as it has been all year for him, he disappointed once again. It's still a good win for nightbreed_16, though. He's gaining steam and the bookers will take a long look at him when thinking about who to elevate. Poor performance for subzero776, but to be fair he was a bit out of his weight class in this one.

- Electing to fly solo this week, Killswitch impressed The Great Arena faithful with a win over a former KFL champion! The experience he's gained fighting alongside Jerrod has been paramount to his success this year, and he has now cracked the league's top ten! Philip94 has nothing to be ashamed of here, but it certainly is a setback in his quest to regain gold!

- NovaStarr's impressive run lives on! She's been downright dominant over the last few weeks, picking up her third straight win! Faced with an apparently equal opponent in Jironobou, she left no doubt with a +2 impact! It's got to be rough for Jironobou, beginning the year as a potential title contender and then watching as others have flown past him to greater heights. Back to the drawing board for him.

- It was a big ask this week, but Chryo_Spyder's record over the last month or so commanded respect. Officials felt he was ready for the next level of competition, and tasked him with facing Sekktor! Sekktor must have a short memory, because he was assertive in victory tonight! His short losing streak over, he can now focus on climbing back up the ladder.

- With the recent shakeup in The Service Krew, you could have easily forgiven BMK & Onryo for dropping this match. However, the KFL's top dogs in the Duo Division would not be denied! In yet another display of championship-caliber fighting, they took it to MKR & blacksaibot and their aggression paid off huge! There had been talk of possibly pushing one or both of them towards a singles championship, but they're too hot right now for that!

- In an impromptu match, there's always the possibility that one combatant shows up more prepared than the other, and that's exactly what we got here. Attempting to correct an error on the card, Jerrod and Nephrite were quickly thrown together by the bookers and the result was a squash. I'm not sure I expected Jerrod to be the one delivering the resounding victory, but the +6 impact got everyone's attention! This seems like a decent point for Nephrite to take a few weeks off. He's been one of the most active fighters this season and he could use a break.

- Our #1 Contender's Match this week had some great storylines fueling it! In one corner, Ghostdragon, who came so close to capturing the KFL Championship two weeks ago and has been itching for another crack at Y2K! Opposing him was Scott-Howell, boasting a sparkling 6-1 record in 2014 and looking to put himself in position to win the belt! These two battled at a frenzied pace, each aiming to end it quickly! Ghostdragon was able to outlast Howell this time, but I have a feeling that he'll be back with a vengeance soon!

- Five weeks can be a long time to wait for something, especially when it's a shot at glory! Suffering a defeat in his championship match on March 28th, jack4813 did exactly what he needed to do to put himself back in this position. He once again had the main event spotlight squarely on him! It was another opportunity to dethrone his rival, TNR, whose reign had reached 70 days! In a match worthy of the KFL Championship, the challenger and champion fought with all their might! In the end, TNR once again did enough to retain, but it's the next in a line of very close calls for him! Will Ghostdragon be the one to put an end to TNR's dominance? Stay tuned!
05/03/2014 03:27 AM (UTC)
After how last week ended no LordSkarlet on the card? No continuation?
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