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Skarlet versus Mileena
#44 Supreme Ranking #13
2 wins 6 losses Record 11 wins 6 losses
Round 2 (2016) Best Result Semis (2015)
Skarlet was created from the blood of fallen warriors to serve as Shao Kahn's personal enforcer. Conjured by The Emperor himself, she fought to fill the void of his death in the pages of Mortal Kombat X comic books. Aligned with Reiko, she conspired against the Empress Mileena, believing herself to have as much claim to the throne as his daughter of the Flesh Pits. Reiko promised her enhanced powers by Blood Magik, but this was a lie. She was last seen captured for torture by Mileena and her forces.
Like her opponent, Mileena was engineered to serve Shao Kahn. Upon his demise; Mileena arose an unlikely heir to the Outworld throne. Her brief reign as Empress was ended by Kotal Kahn, igniting a civil war between factions loyal to each ruler. Shinnok's Amulet gave Mileena a slight edge at the cost of slowly killing her. Eventually captured by Kotal Kahn, she was executed by D'Vorah - devoured by the Kytinn's insect horde.
Skarlet made a mild impact in the print of comic books, but will the blood spilled in MKX paint a picture of her return to kombat? Mileena was utterly destroyed, but as a creation of Shang Tsung's Flesh Pits, could another Mileena emerge in the future? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

Sub Zero
Sub Zero and Reptile are favoruties of mine and i just am not a massive fan of Rain or Mileena so their opponents got my votes. Though Mileena was improved story wise in MKX.
I wish Blaze got more of a chance. I think he could be a good character. Maybe he'll appear in the next installment.

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589
As more or less the red female ninja, I think it’s time to give her more of a role. I think there’s more that can be done with her story, starting with what a blood magic warrior created to serve would do without having anyone to serve. Who does she side with and why? Does she find some sort of personal freedom? Do others seek to control her?
I’m not sure how much the events of the comic are canon, but a pairing with Reiko could’ve been interesting, but probably wouldn’t make sense now. Either way, she’s a creation of Shao Khan and considers herself his daughter, and she seems to be more of a kunoichi than any of the other women in the game, and I think that has value as well.
So yeah, I’m down for more Skarlet. Mileena’s basically just evil with a little crazy power lust thrown in. I think Skarlet has the potential to be more.
Oh and I didn’t vote in the previous three, but I’d have taken Sub, Reptile and prooooooobably Tremor? Maybe? That one’s almost 50/50 for me.
I loved Skarlet conceptually but she was a one game wonder secret character. Sometimes it's fine just to be that one secret character from the one game...it becomes a core part of the character identity.
That said, Mileena will also have a special place in the MK mythos. My vote goes to her.
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Erron Black versus Takeda
#14 Supreme Ranking #30
5 wins 3 losses Record 2 wins 3 losses
Round 3 (2017) Best Result Round 2 (2016)
The unaging gunslinger Erron Black made his fair share of enemies on debut in Mortal Kombat X! In comic books, he joined the Black Dragon clan to kidnap the children of Earth's Special Forces, battling Mavado's Red Dragon in the process. Lending his mercenary services to Emperor Kotal Kahn, he also fought to quell deposed Empress Mileena, and those loyal to her! Erron was last seen accompanying the new Emperor to Earthrealm, leading to a showdown with the Lin Kuei and Special Forces.
Takahashi Takeda was among the new generation of agents caught between the conflict of Outworld's civil war, and the Netherrealm invasion of Earth. The son of Kenshi was trained by Scorpion and the Shirai-Ryu, fighting alongside his master against the vil of Havik in comic books, before following in his father's footsteps with the Special Forces. In his MKX ending, he accompanied his father on a mission to find his mother's Red Dragon killer. Instead, they discovered the dragon Caro, who led them to the dormant Edenian demi-god: Taven.
Both are warriors originating from Earthrealm, but could renewed hostility with Outworld make enemies of them again? Will Erron Black continue to fight in the name of Kotal Kahn? Will Takeda defend his world, or choose the path of satisfaction? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

I justvlike Takedas design and playstyle a bit bettter. Both seemed just to be randomly added into the game with no real reason. Another random bad guy and and another random kid. They both need to be a lot more fleshed out if they are to return.

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

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Kobra versus Jarek
#76 Supreme Ranking #72
0 wins 4 losses Record 0 wins 5 losses
Round 1 (2015) Best Result Round 1 (2016)
Kobra studied the martial arts for years, becoming the greatest fighter in his class -- but he craved the knowledge of visceral feedback. Stalking the streets of New York, he practised the lethality of his style on criminals until he joined their ranks. In the original timeline he was recruited into the new Black Dragon clan by Kabal, but his only mention since the reboot is a rumor he was killed by Erron Black.
Jarek is a charter member of the criminal Black Dragon clan! He succeed Kano in the original timeline of MK4, but remains a secondary player since reality was rebooted. He was last seen in Mortal Kombat X comic books, attacking an underground fight club with Tasia in an effort to kidnap Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs. He and the rest of the Black Dragon appeared loyal to Kotal Kahn during Outworld's civil war, but their loyalty remains uncertain since Kano's betrayal.
They're among Earthrealm's deadliest martial artists, but if another tournament should ever arise - could they really be called upon to defend the world? Did Kobra survive his rumored encounter with Erron Black? Would he fight for - or against Jarek and the Black Dragon? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

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Kotal Kahn versus D'Vorah
#20 Supreme Ranking #39
4 wins 3 losses Record 2 wins 4 losses
Round 3 (2017) Best Result Round 2 (2016)
At the end of Mortal Kombat X, Kotal Kahn was undisputed Emperor of Outworld! The execution of Mileena brought an end to the civil war for his throne, while forces in Earthrealm dealt with the conspiring element of Quan Chi. Though his greatest enemies are destroyed, Kotal moves toward a future of renewed tensions with humanity. MKX endings present a possible future where Kahn will fight to defend Outworld from the hostile forces of Earth in a tournament of Mortal Kombat!
D'Vorah served as advisor to Kotal Kahn throughout his conquest of Outworld. She even delivered his greatest rival to execution - the former Empress Mileena! Yet the Kytinn's atypical loyalty hid a true allegiance to Quan Chi and his dark lord: Shinnok! When the time was right, D'Vorah sprung her betrayal! She stole Shinnok's Amulet, allowing Quan Chi to free the fallen Elder God from his mystic prison. After torturing Johhny Cage, she was defeated by Cassie, and taken into Special Forces custody.
Their alliance brought about a new age of civilization in Outworld, but their bond was built on a lie! Will a Special Forces prison cell protect D'Vorah from retribution, or will renewed hostilities between Kotal Kahn and the forces of Earthrealm deliver his wrath to the former advisor? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589
Anyways, I think Kotal’s an awesome character design, and while I like Dvorah, I think Kotal feels more vital to the story, so I’ll pick him.

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