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Chameleon versus Shang Tsung
#64 Supreme Ranking #6
1 wins 5 losses Record 22 wins 7 losses
Round 2 (2013) Best Result Champion (2018)
Chameleon first appeared as the ultimate palette swap in MKT and returned in Armageddon shrouded in mystery. It is believed he is a Zaterran who has watched since the beginning. Shang Tsung becomes a bigger part of the story in MK11 Aftermath, leading efforts to prevent the destruction of Kronika's crown and a stop to time. Among the sorcerer's skills are the special moves of palette swap fighters. Who's next? FIGHT!
A Chameleon's lifespan is 2 -10 years, so i can't see how he'd of been watching events since the beginning. So if he has he's definatley a different breed of Zaterran. (Voted Chameleon even though i don't usually participate in this tournament).
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Ermac versus Jade
#5 Supreme Ranking #20
23 wins 7 losses Record 12 wins 8 losses
Champion (2014) Best Result Quarters (2014)
Ermac served Kotal Kahn in MKX, but went unseen during the return of Shao Kahn in MK11. His body appears to rest in The Krypt, but his true fate remains unknown. Jade was brought from the past to reveal a relationship with Kotal Kahn in MK11. She joined the fight to stop Kronika, even as her future revenant served the enemy. Choose their destiny. FIGHT!
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Daegon versus Kronika
#78 Supreme Ranking #25
0 wins 6 losses Record 1 win 1 loss
Round 1 (2015) Best Result Round 2 (2019)
Daegon has had little presence since the timeline rebooted to stave off Armageddon. He was last seen at the end of MKX tie-in comics, agreeing to help an armless Goro. The Keeper of Time Kronika was the ultimate threat in MK11 as she attempted to reshape destiny to her will. The destruction of her crown has sparked a new divergence that will threaten existence anew in MK11 Aftermath. Who's next? FIGHT!
... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.
Decided to give Daegon a fighting chance.
Daegon, obviously.
In the new era daegon should stay gone. Kronika got this.
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Skarlet versus Nitara
#48 Supreme Ranking #49
3 wins 8 losses Record 3 win 7 loss
Round 2 (2016) Best Result Round 2 (2012)
Skarlet returned in MK11 with a new look and backstory. A "wretch" made a blood mage by Shao Kahn; she serves her time displaced Emperor as fiercely as ever in pursuit of a New Era. Nitara makes a brief cameo in MK Legends: Scorpion's Revenge, but has largely remained unseen in the present gaming timeline. The bloodsucking vampire was last seen in Armageddon. Who takes the blood feud? FIGHT!

Any year before MK11 I would have voted Nitara, but Skarlet fully delivered in the new game.
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Reiko versus Kotal Kahn
#40 Supreme Ranking #12
3 wins 6 losses Record 10 win 6 loss
Round 3 (2017) Best Result Quarters (2018)
Reiko was last seen in MKX tie-in comics, manipulating forces in the Outworld civil war. He was literally torn apart by his lust for power when an alliance with Havik went bad. Kotal Kahn was an Emperor under siege when a time displaced Shao Kahn returned to Outworld. Fighting to maintain order, he was a vital addition to the alliance against Kronika and her New Era. Choose their destiny. FIGHT!
Reiko vs Kotal and Rain vs Kotal are 2 of the best rivalries in the new era. Some of the few things NRS did right. Maybe because they let Shawn Kittelsen on his own, with no influence from Dom Cianciolo or the other NRS or WB executives who wanted to include their own stuff in the story.
Reiko rocks this one!

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Johnny Cage versus Motaro
#10 Supreme Ranking #52
15 wins 8 losses Record 1 win 3 loss
Quarters (2016) Best Result Round 2 (2013)
Two eras of Johnny Cage fought on the frontlines against the Black Dragon and Kronika's loyal forces in MK11. MK Legends: Scorpion's Revenge revisits his vainglorious youth as martial arts moviestar entering the tournament. Motaro suffered an ignominous death in MK2011's story mode, slain by Raiden during the invasion of Earthreralm. A centaurian warrior that could be Motaro battles Johnny Cage in MK Legends. Choose their destiny. FIGHT!

My Vote Goes For Mr.Cage Himself
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Baraka versus Kollector
#36 Supreme Ranking #34
4 wins 7 losses Record 1 win 1 loss
Round 2 (2014) Best Result Round 2 (2019)
Baraka tipped the scales against Kronika in MK11 when he and his Tarkatan horde were recruited to turn against the Emperor Shao Kahn. Kollector remains loyal to Outworld's old empire and his own prosperity. There's no love lost between the Naknadan tribute gatherer and Tarkatan enforcers. Choose their destiny. FIGHT!

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

Kollector even though Baraka is superb in 11
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Fire God versus Liu Kang
#NA Supreme Ranking #26
0 wins 0 losses Record 7 wins 8 losses
Round 1 (2020) Best Result Round 3 (2018)
The Fire God appeared as a sub-boss in MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero. Little is known about this flaming deity, save that he defended the Temple of Elements with other elemental protectors. It is believed he died when Shinnok returned. Liu Kang ascended to godhood in MK11 when Raiden granted him his ethereal energy, merging it with past & present Kang. The power transformed him into a new fire god who defeated Kronika. Who's next? FIGHT!

Whats the point in putting in no bit characters like Fire God and Kharon? They are never gonna win

Nah I like the Fire God (MKM) He has a better desing in My opinion.
Whats the point in putting in no bit characters like Fire God and Kharon? They are never gonna win
Why get up in the morning? Welcome to tournaments and life MK nerds. Most players don't win. Thats why there are rankings and comments so we can actually talk about mk.
Liu kang is obviously better but i would like to know more about fire god. His name and what he was like.
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Quan Chi versus Noob Saibot
#23 Supreme Ranking #4
7 wins 6 losses Record 27 wins 7 losses
Round 3 (2014) Best Result Champion (2016)
Quan Chi seemingly remains dead in MK11, but was pulling the strings once more as the necromaner behind Hanzo Hasashi's return in MK Legends: Scorpion's Revenge. Noob Saibot was brought to MK11's present to serve as an enforcer for Kronika. The story of his demise as Sub-Zero was revisited in the animated Scorpion's Revenge. Who's next? FIGHT!