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Lost Kontent: Jasco Games Tabletop Mortal Kombat 11 Designs

Mortal Kombat has conquered many realms of merchandise, but we haven't seen the beloved fighting franchise make a full entry into the world of miniature tabletop gaming. We first saw designs for Mortal Kombat: The Miniatures Game when it was still an MKX prototype project back in 2015, and now we have designs from its ill fated Mortal Kombat 11 iteration. Take a look:

Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion Tournament 2021

The new Mortal Kombat movie didn't feature a tournament, but we can fix that! The 10th Annual Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion tournament aims to take stock of the franchise and its most recent installments. This year we'll audit the battles of the big screen and reflect on Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate! Who's next? You decide by voting in daily fight polls!

Mortal Kombat Mobile Surveys Fan Character Interest

Originally launched in conjunction with MKX; Mortal Kombat Mobile has expanded into a unique collection of warriors from the games' arcade history right through to Mortal Kombat 11! The free-to-play app is now asking fans to weigh-in on some of the characters that could appear in the lineup for 2021! Read on for full survey details:

Mortal Kombat 11 June Console Update Notes

A new update patch for Mortal Kombat 11 has been released. Version 1.19 addresses several niggling complaints to various modes, issuing new fixes and updates to several characters, including many minor tweaks to Fujin. Check out the official notes to know exactly what to expect:

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Update Patch Notes

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath is here and next time you turn on Mortal Kombat 11 you'll be asked to download a 12.150GB update. Massive changes are coming to MK11, whether you purchased the expansion or not. Check out the patch notes to know what to expect:

Where's Scorpion? Ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find Art

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath will bring the playable roster up to a robust 34 characters, but as die hard fans know - there are dozens more in MK's three decade long canon! They can't all appear in every game, but you can find most in the ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find! Take a closer look:

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Launch Trailer

The end is here, but players can forge a new history with Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath. DLC characters take the lead in a new story mode that will send them back in time to prevent the destruction of Kronika's Crown! See what happens when old and new interact in the Launch Trailer! Watch:

Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion Tournament 2020

It's never been more apparent how much things can change in the span of a year! MK Online invites fans across the globe to enter the Fan Koliseum to help us answer the ultimate question: Which character is Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion in 2020?

Mortal Kombat 11 quietly marked the first anniversary of its blockbuster release just over a week ago. In twelve months, the game has expanded to include six Kombat Pack fighters, with three returning favourites, and evolving gameplay. Klassic mythology has also been retold in the animated epic Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge, which revisits the plot of the first Mortal Kombat. This year's tournament will reflect game and animation, with a few surprises along the way.

Daily MK Online User Polls will unlock a battleplan of 64 characters below. You'll either see a poll on the right of screen, or you can vote by using menu options at the top of the page to reach the most recent User Poll. Scroll down to find results, and to share your thoughts about the kombatants of the day in the comments!

Spawn Raises Hell in Mortal Kombat 11 Reveal Trailer

The sixth and final fighter from Mortal Kombat 11's Kombat Pack has been a long time coming. At last, Spawn has arisen from Hell, unleashing the powers of darkness in a new gameplay trailer revealed during Final Kombat! See it for yourself right here:

Boundary Break Explores Mortal Kombat 11 Arenas

Mortal Kombat 11 achieves some of the series' most incredible and elaborate visuals, but scratch beneath the surface of these high quality graphics and you'll find a study in economic resource management. The latest edition of webseries Boundary Break has gone out of bounds to highlight some of the game's clever tricks. Watch:

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