Which is your favourite MK woman?

Jade, specially MK:D/MK:A/MK9. 
1.) Tanya and her thickness.
2.) Jade and her statuesque figure.
3.) Sindel, I have a thing for older women. Especially women in some sort of power.
4.) Mileena. You know she's a freak.
5.) Sonya. She's clearly repressed which would make her grateful on a certain level.
2.) Jade and her statuesque figure.
3.) Sindel, I have a thing for older women. Especially women in some sort of power.
4.) Mileena. You know she's a freak.
5.) Sonya. She's clearly repressed which would make her grateful on a certain level.

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Sonya Blade 

While I can't say she's a favorite yet, I'm sure Cassie Cage will become an instant favorite of mine when I can play MKX.

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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur
Honestly I would have said frost but in retrospect it's probably jade or Sindel
1.) Nitara
Definitely my very favourite. She's one of the characters from the 3D saga that really made me fall in love with MK and destroy the "DA and Deception only brang bad characters" cliché. She's all I like when it comes to female fighters : a sexy femme fatale with charm and charisma. I really enjoyed that they finally decided to introduce a vampire in the MK universe; her Leopard style was gorgeous and her special moves quite amazing; and I loved her background and neutral personnality. Finally, she's one of the MK girls that, imo, has the most potential for further games. This is why my love for her is at its best right now. I hope she makes the cut to MKX because she really deserves it.
2.) Tanya
3.) Sonya
I've always been interested in Tanya, the most vilain MK girl ever. I've always liked her way more than the previous female ninjas, and I hope she'll replace all of them in MKX, because a Tanya return would definitely be good.
Sonya is the only girl from the original trilogy I care of. She's not as amazing as Jax in my ranking, but she's the only MK9 girl I enjoyed. She made a very cool alliance with Jax and her rivalry with Kano was always nice to follow. Too bad she's gone.
All the others are approximately at the same level in my personnal ranking; none of them is in my Top 15 MK kharacters ranking.
Definitely my very favourite. She's one of the characters from the 3D saga that really made me fall in love with MK and destroy the "DA and Deception only brang bad characters" cliché. She's all I like when it comes to female fighters : a sexy femme fatale with charm and charisma. I really enjoyed that they finally decided to introduce a vampire in the MK universe; her Leopard style was gorgeous and her special moves quite amazing; and I loved her background and neutral personnality. Finally, she's one of the MK girls that, imo, has the most potential for further games. This is why my love for her is at its best right now. I hope she makes the cut to MKX because she really deserves it.
2.) Tanya
3.) Sonya
I've always been interested in Tanya, the most vilain MK girl ever. I've always liked her way more than the previous female ninjas, and I hope she'll replace all of them in MKX, because a Tanya return would definitely be good.
Sonya is the only girl from the original trilogy I care of. She's not as amazing as Jax in my ranking, but she's the only MK9 girl I enjoyed. She made a very cool alliance with Jax and her rivalry with Kano was always nice to follow. Too bad she's gone.
All the others are approximately at the same level in my personnal ranking; none of them is in my Top 15 MK kharacters ranking.

Kitana tied with Sareena

Sareena is my favorite. Followed closely by Nitara, Kitana, Jade & Frost.

Jade is and has always been my favourite. My first MK game was Deception and I was instantly drawn to her; I find kunoichi's, the colour green, staves and giant shuirkens/boomerangs appealing, so she was a natural fit! And in MK9 she was so much fun to play as.
Then it probably goes Li Mei + Kitana and then Mileena, and then I'm fairly indifferent to the others. There isn't one I dislike, but they aren't characters I'd get hugely excited for. I would love to see how some of them could be redesigned for MKX though, especially Tanya.
Hopefully there will be an awesome newcomer that will become a favourite of mine!
Then it probably goes Li Mei + Kitana and then Mileena, and then I'm fairly indifferent to the others. There isn't one I dislike, but they aren't characters I'd get hugely excited for. I would love to see how some of them could be redesigned for MKX though, especially Tanya.
Hopefully there will be an awesome newcomer that will become a favourite of mine!
I was going to get MK:D, so I looked up some characters that were in it and what it was about. (This was the first game before MK9 that I've ever played and also just last month). I found Tanya and read about her and everything, and I just really liked her. Then, when I played her a few days later in Deception, I liked her even more. From there, she has been my favorite. I think her story is cool, too. She and D'Vorah will be competing for my favorite spot when MKX comes out, too. Tanya has a 99% chance of being in MKX so..
I was going to get MK:D, so I looked up some characters that were in it and what it was about. (This was the first game before MK9 that I've ever played and also just last month). I found Tanya and read about her and everything, and I just really liked her. Then, when I played her a few days later in Deception, I liked her even more. From there, she has been my favorite. I think her story is cool, too. She and D'Vorah will be competing for my favorite spot when MKX comes out, too. Tanya has a 99% chance of being in MKX so..
Frost. Did not have quite as much mastery over cold as Sub-Zero but definitely similar to his freezing ability. Easily could have been Sub-Zero's successor when he is done. Her cunningness elevated her to get the attention of senior Lin Kuei, before being released to carry out vital tasks unaccompanied.

Tanya for me, as my user name implies. One of the few people in MK universe who want her return badly, and I hope NR change her eyeballs back to herself in MK4/MKG days. She's not dead for god's sakes, and her white eyes does not fit for her. I like Tanya's original MK4 look better than the current take. I maybe the only one who even cares about Tanya, but...

About Me
Shao Kahn did nothing wrong
Nitara is my favorite woman followed by Mileena and Sareena. The other females don't really do anything for me.
About Me
I will rock you.
My new favorite is Cassie Cage even though I haven't got to play as her yet.

About Me

Mileena by far.
Sonya next.
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