1. Nitara
2. Tanya
3. Sareena
4. Jade
5. Li Mei
Top three is my only interest in terms of characters i use though.
2. Tanya
3. Sareena
4. Jade
5. Li Mei
Top three is my only interest in terms of characters i use though.
About Me
I've always liked Kitana the most, and Mileena. I really liked Khameleon in MKA as well; good combos, stances, back story & visual 'clear' skin.

About Me
Kitana and Mileena, at least one of them is almost always in the upper tiers gameplay-wise in any game they're in, and their backstory is very well-established. Unfortunately, NRS has yet to move them past the tired old good/evil twin dichotomy and attempted to make them more than what they started as. Although if Mileena ends up an unexpected ally fighting against Quan Chi in MK10, that would be a nifty reversal since Kitana would be the one in darkness this time.
Aside from them, Jade is another that I like. A loyal friend to Kitana, and her MK9 arcade ending has some interesting potential as well.
Aside from them, Jade is another that I like. A loyal friend to Kitana, and her MK9 arcade ending has some interesting potential as well.

About Me
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun Tzu
Sheeva, because she is quite the power house. Really sexy(Let's forget about her disappointing MKA look and that terrible excuse in the second film) and seems to be a great character from what little we see of her personality(seriously, what gives. There is serious potential here.) Her MK9 ending is one of the best in the game and her 'stripped down' fatality is just brutal, especially in Mortal Kombat 3. Coming in a close second would be Mileena. Although she is a bit of psychopath. Her childlike personality is really what does it for me, as well as her fighting style(which includes kick ass skills was sais) and those razor sharp teeth of her's make for a nice surprise, not to mention that they don't detract from her good looks.

All-time favorite is Jade. I've always liked her staff and her loyalty to Kitana. She is incredibly supportive and quite cunning. So yeah Jade is my favorite MK woman.
Skarlet is my second favorite though. I love the idea of a warrior comprised of other warriors. Much like Ermac, but with blood instead of souls. Her fatalities are sadistic and gruesome. And I love her blood powers. Hopefully she gets a chance to become more than a background character in future MK games.
I don't care for the other females.
Skarlet is my second favorite though. I love the idea of a warrior comprised of other warriors. Much like Ermac, but with blood instead of souls. Her fatalities are sadistic and gruesome. And I love her blood powers. Hopefully she gets a chance to become more than a background character in future MK games.
I don't care for the other females.

Jade... but I'm still waiting for her to be portrayed in a manor that suits her bad-ass game play. The movie failed, and MK2011's story mode failed. She has more potential than what we've seen.
I'd also like her attire to better suit her assassin's profession. It's fine if she looks sexy... but not completely whored-out. Something I can respect yet still find sexy enough to have my wife wear at the clubs for Halloween.
I'd also like her attire to better suit her assassin's profession. It's fine if she looks sexy... but not completely whored-out. Something I can respect yet still find sexy enough to have my wife wear at the clubs for Halloween.
Hehe, found this on page 1...
She's my favorite MK woman too and while I have no complaints gameplay-wise...
Story-wise, I most certainly agree and design-wise they could do a much better job than they did in the recent couple of games.
To conclude... Dear MK team,
Bring Kitana's MK2/UMK3 attitude back (stop the helpless princess in distress bullshit that annoys everyone), give her the costume from MK Legacy II and keep her MK(2011) gameplay and she'll be splendid once again.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
She's my favorite MK woman too and while I have no complaints gameplay-wise...
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
...Unfortunately, the MK team insists on sabotaging her.
...Unfortunately, the MK team insists on sabotaging her.
Story-wise, I most certainly agree and design-wise they could do a much better job than they did in the recent couple of games.
To conclude... Dear MK team,
Bring Kitana's MK2/UMK3 attitude back (stop the helpless princess in distress bullshit that annoys everyone), give her the costume from MK Legacy II and keep her MK(2011) gameplay and she'll be splendid once again.

Nephrite Wrote:
...Bring Kitana's MK2/UMK3 attitude back (stop the helpless princess in distress bullshit that annoys everyone), give her the costume from MK Legacy II and keep her MK(2011) gameplay and she'll be splendid once again
...Bring Kitana's MK2/UMK3 attitude back (stop the helpless princess in distress bullshit that annoys everyone), give her the costume from MK Legacy II and keep her MK(2011) gameplay and she'll be splendid once again
This x 100

Nephrite Wrote:
To conclude... Dear MK team,
Bring Kitana's MK2/UMK3 attitude back (stop the helpless princess in distress bullshit that annoys everyone), give her the costume from MK Legacy II and keep her MK(2011) gameplay and she'll be splendid once again.

To conclude... Dear MK team,
Bring Kitana's MK2/UMK3 attitude back (stop the helpless princess in distress bullshit that annoys everyone), give her the costume from MK Legacy II and keep her MK(2011) gameplay and she'll be splendid once again.
This. That was the one of the reasons why Kitana's been one of my favorite video game characters. In an era of Princess I-get-kidnapped-every-three-days Peach and Princess I-can't-hire-good-security-despite-my-obvious-wealth Zelda, Kitana was a kick-ass princess.
I am also partial to Mileena. Loved her game play in MK II.
Jade, in MK II, was brutal.
I know a lot of people are hatin' on Frost, but I actually like her.

About Me

None right now, really.
Plus, I'd like to see NRS put them into outfits made out of something other than dental floss.
Plus, I'd like to see NRS put them into outfits made out of something other than dental floss.

About Me

Point taken, but I'd actually had just MK9 in mind at the time of my original post.

About Me
"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun Tzu
Nephrite Wrote:
Lol, I think she looks best in Armageddon.
SheevasProtector Wrote:
Sheeva... Let's forget about her disappointing MKA look...
Sheeva... Let's forget about her disappointing MKA look...
Lol, I think she looks best in Armageddon.
Sheeva's MKA look wasn't bad at all, but it pales in comparison to ther MK3 and MK2011 appearances. Annihilation is what screwed her up the most(as well as everything else), they made her look as unattractive as possible and managed to ruin Mileena as well(through Mileena's MK Legacy portrayal was quite good.)

About Me
After re-reading what i wrote i can't believe i forgot Ashrah and Li Mei.
Ashrah the archetypal angelic figure clad in pure white with a holy sword, but actually a former demon so as not to play into the outright stereotype of being a (quote unquote) "angel".
Li Mei the young 'hip' student whose naivety taught her a deadly lesson. Also the impossible kicks made for great combo potential.
Ashrah the archetypal angelic figure clad in pure white with a holy sword, but actually a former demon so as not to play into the outright stereotype of being a (quote unquote) "angel".
Li Mei the young 'hip' student whose naivety taught her a deadly lesson. Also the impossible kicks made for great combo potential.
I love Kitana, Mileena, and Jade all the same, and Khameleon I miss you!
I hate Sindel as of the MK9 story.
I hate Kira because she is a clone. HOWEVER, if she in some humane way can be revealed as the daughter of Sonya Blade and Kano, that would be interesting. I can see a rivalry between her and cassie.
Frost....I like her a lot, and I hope she becomes one of the Sub-Zeros in the 25 year period of MKX.
I have a lot of love for Ashrah, and I can't wait to see more of her.
Tanya is kinda kool, along with Nitara and Skarlet.
Gotta love the MK 1st Lady/ 2014 evo champ, Sonya Blade. EDIT: Can't forget about DVorah. She caught my attention with her dialogue with Ferra. Both characters are interesting.
I hate Sindel as of the MK9 story.
I hate Kira because she is a clone. HOWEVER, if she in some humane way can be revealed as the daughter of Sonya Blade and Kano, that would be interesting. I can see a rivalry between her and cassie.
Frost....I like her a lot, and I hope she becomes one of the Sub-Zeros in the 25 year period of MKX.
I have a lot of love for Ashrah, and I can't wait to see more of her.
Tanya is kinda kool, along with Nitara and Skarlet.
Gotta love the MK 1st Lady/ 2014 evo champ, Sonya Blade. EDIT: Can't forget about DVorah. She caught my attention with her dialogue with Ferra. Both characters are interesting.
1. Jade.
2. Tanya.
3. Skarlet.
4. Mileena.
5. Kitana.
6. Nitara.
7. Sareena.
8. Sindel.
9. Sonya.
10. Sheeva.
11. Ashrah.
12. Kira.
13. Li Mei.
14. Frost.
Not counting the MKX ones as I have yet to play as them. ^^
2. Tanya.
3. Skarlet.
4. Mileena.
5. Kitana.
6. Nitara.
7. Sareena.
8. Sindel.
9. Sonya.
10. Sheeva.
11. Ashrah.
12. Kira.
13. Li Mei.
14. Frost.
Not counting the MKX ones as I have yet to play as them. ^^

About Me
Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling
Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.
Sindel. She's so much fun to play as in MK9 that it's easy to forget what she does in the story. Also, her general design is pretty striking.
mine is mileena

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