I got tired of waiting -fake-
Mortal Kombat 11 guest fighter Ash Williams is thrown back into the future via a revengeful necronomicon, thinking that a Blood Magick queen would be more successful in offing the legendary character than the Army of Darkness. As he enters the new age, Ash shouts, "This is my boomstick!"
08/07/2019 03:35 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/25/2003 04:29 PM (UTC)
08/08/2019 12:00 PM (UTC)

The no comment 1 star bandit strikes again! Duh duh duh! Hey give me a break here, MK11 fakes are a whole new ball game and this one took quite a bit of work!

08/08/2019 08:50 PM (UTC)

The no comment 1 star bandit strikes again! Duh duh duh! Hey give me a break here, MK11 fakes are a whole new ball game and this one took quite a bit of work!

Does it surprise you? I voted 5 just to undo the stupidity.

The image looks good, but there's a lack of shadows and a lighting mis-match that kind of aches my eye. I love the arm stub on the floor.

08/09/2019 12:42 AM (UTC)

The no comment 1 star bandit strikes again! Duh duh duh! Hey give me a break here, MK11 fakes are a whole new ball game and this one took quite a bit of work!

Does it surprise you? I voted 5 just to undo the stupidity.

The image looks good, but there's a lack of shadows and a lighting mis-match that kind of aches my eye. I love the arm stub on the floor.

haha I guess not. Thanks for the bump. Good points about the lighting and shadows. I think the fake would have meshed better if they were tweaked/added more.

08/10/2019 04:34 AM (UTC)Edited 08/10/2019 04:42 AM (UTC)

I gave this one star out of five because I'm being honest. All you've done here is cut and paste a bunch of images from screenshots or renders, as has been the trait of every one of your entries into this series. I can't respect that art style because, in my opinion, it's cheap and seldom requires much skill or effort, especially when you fail to take stock of proper lighting/shading and details such as shadows. Anyone with a grade-level education in computer graphics design can cut an image out of a screenshot or render and paste it onto a background.

If all you're going to do is assume the role of the victim because your submissions don't receive as high a rating as you'd like, then maybe art isn't your field, bruh. Just bein' honest.

@blacksaibot : Bro, we'll never agree on rating an image based on whether or not there's a conspiracy going on with pieces that get low ratings. In my opinion, this piece required little skill and, as a result, is quite unimpressive. Therefore, 1/5 is an appropriate rating in my eyes.

That you assume that there are conspiracy theories surrounding low ratings for a specific piece or specific pieces is just one reason neither of you would fit the mold when it comes to taking the reigns of this forum. I don't want the responsibility because I believe that real life takes priority over such fruitless endeavors, one belief that blacksaibot and I have in common.

08/10/2019 04:55 PM (UTC)

I see what you're saying Veno but the fake industry was built on these foundations. Just because some things are copy and pasted doesn't automatically make it bad. There are so many other factors that go into making a decent fake. For this particular piece I spent much time editing the different components that compose it such as Ash's upper torso and head, the effects, the hud and background reconstruction. Though I do see that I should've spent more time trying to make Ash blend in and mesh with the game. You're free to rate as you please and I have no qualms with that. I just thought 1 star strikes without commentary were low brow.

I have a ton of fake ideas that I've been writing down on my phone that I want to get to when I have the time. I'd rather get these ideas (with quality) out there then spend years trying to construct a single fake from scratch and have poor execution or be uninteresting. Not sure why you think BS or I couldn't handle a moderator position here. We're keeping the scene alive more than anyone and have the experience to do a good job.

08/11/2019 06:46 PM (UTC)Edited 08/11/2019 06:53 PM (UTC)

Through deviantart, I've learned to appreciate different styles of art, particularly fakes. That and taking an introduction to humanties class (lol a liberal general education class). While I may not agree with all approaches of creating it, I try to look at the art for what it is. Not how I think it "should" be.

To say it's worth only 1 dragon point is harsh; I'm not voting it against a certain standard (like the standard of "did you do every pixel on your own?"). I've been judging art without a particular bias these days. I don't know if anyone has noticed me being less of an ass hole? I guess that comes with age. If this were a FPK entry with certain rules, I'd tear it a new one. But it's not...

I took a lot of shortcuts myself for MUGEN because people need results and they want them quickly. Just like with using MK4 Strip to make MK4 backgrounds, I used ripped textures to make MKDA, MKD, and MKA arenas. Big deal. I don't have all day anymore to pixel in my own arenas for something that isn't a fake. MUGEN requires an entire background at the minimum 1200 pixels wide. Pfff.... that's like 3 arenas.

Ugh... am I rambling again? I;m going to just stop. I think everyone gets the point I'm making.

08/12/2019 06:23 AM (UTC)Edited 08/12/2019 06:27 AM (UTC)

It's shoddy workmanship, in my opinion. Back when Fred's fake pictures first came onto the scene, I appreciated the effort that went into the ideas behind his pieces. Even then, I disliked obvious screenshot cutouts being pasted onto a background. It's just not something I can appreciate.

What I would have appreciated, however, is if it actually appeared as though these cutouts actually meshed with the background and Erron Black. The poor guy is barely visible between the cardboard cutouts of these characters because they are, in my opinion, such glaring eyesores. I would have appreciated shadows. I would have appreciated some effort put into the lighting.

For me, it's all about perceivable effort, uniqueness of an idea and the skill involved in executing it, faithfulness to the source material, and, above all, attention to detail. In my opinion, this image fails on all accounts, hence the 1/5 rating. So, if it's my opinion with which you disagree, then there'll be no skin taken off my back. To each his own and all that.

08/12/2019 06:50 AM (UTC)Edited 08/12/2019 06:54 AM (UTC)

Through deviantart, I've learned to appreciate different styles of art, particularly fakes. That and taking an introduction to humanties class (lol a liberal general education class). While I may not agree with all approaches of creating it, I try to look at the art for what it is. Not how I think it "should" be.

To say it's worth only 1 dragon point is harsh; I'm not voting it against a certain standard (like the standard of "did you do every pixel on your own?"). I've been judging art without a particular bias these days. I don't know if anyone has noticed me being less of an ass hole? I guess that comes with age. If this were a FPK entry with certain rules, I'd tear it a new one. But it's not...

Ya' can't exactly fault me for grading it at one extreme end of the bar for my own reasons while you graded at another for your own. At least I can admit that my criticism of the piece is the reason for my rating, bro. Honest criticism given constructively is always the way to go if you want an artist to improve in his or her field. Otherwise, you end up with someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who openly believes that she's right no matter how provably wrong she is. Gassing up one's ego for the sake of being nice isn't what honest, "real" people do. You can be respectful and give criticism. The two are compatible.

I've matured as well. Though, the thing is that I never lost my honesty in the process of that. Just bein' honest.

08/13/2019 12:17 AM (UTC)Edited 08/13/2019 12:21 AM (UTC)

Through deviantart, I've learned to appreciate different styles of art, particularly fakes. That and taking an introduction to humanties class (lol a liberal general education class). While I may not agree with all approaches of creating it, I try to look at the art for what it is. Not how I think it "should" be.

To say it's worth only 1 dragon point is harsh; I'm not voting it against a certain standard (like the standard of "did you do every pixel on your own?"). I've been judging art without a particular bias these days. I don't know if anyone has noticed me being less of an ass hole? I guess that comes with age. If this were a FPK entry with certain rules, I'd tear it a new one. But it's not...

Ya' can't exactly fault me for grading it at one extreme end of the bar for my own reasons while you graded at another for your own. At least I can admit that my criticism of the piece is the reason for my rating, bro. Honest criticism given constructively is always the way to go if you want an artist to improve in his or her field. Otherwise, you end up with someone like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who openly believes that she's right no matter how provably wrong she is. Gassing up one's ego for the sake of being nice isn't what honest, "real" people do. You can be respectful and give criticism. The two are compatible.

I've matured as well. Though, the thing is that I never lost my honesty in the process of that. Just bein' honest.

My score might have not been honest, but my critique was. So... yeah.

We both know UR didn't try to pass this off as his own sprite editing, so I see no point in faulting him for that. Everyone can have their opinion, that's fine...

but if some one has the nerve to give 1 dragon, they should have the balls (or ovaries, or whatever fucking made up gender they associate with) to write a critique along with the harsh rating. I am not directing this at you, veno, of course.

I see what you're saying Veno but the fake industry was built on these foundations. Just because some things are copy and pasted doesn't automatically make it bad. There are so many other factors that go into making a decent fake. For this particular piece I spent much time editing the different components that compose it such as Ash's upper torso and head, the effects, the hud and background reconstruction. Though I do see that I should've spent more time trying to make Ash blend in and mesh with the game. You're free to rate as you please and I have no qualms with that. I just thought 1 star strikes without commentary were low brow.

I have a ton of fake ideas that I've been writing down on my phone that I want to get to when I have the time. I'd rather get these ideas (with quality) out there then spend years trying to construct a single fake from scratch and have poor execution or be uninteresting. Not sure why you think BS or I couldn't handle a moderator position here. We're keeping the scene alive more than anyone and have the experience to do a good job.

I know where you're coming from. Trying to get ideas out before they fade, coupled with the frustration of not having my own computer/workspace. I've been surfing the net on my PS4.


08/15/2019 12:03 PM (UTC)

Whoa BS did you change your name? lol how when and where did this happen?

08/15/2019 12:15 PM (UTC)

Whoa BS did you change your name? lol how when and where did this happen?

This is something that actually happened many, many, MANY years ago when I got banned. Since apparently you can change your display name on the new MKO, I went ahead and changed it to my alias. You still have to spell it right if you're using the @ though

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