Mortal Kombat. 2010
04/04/2011 10:33 PM (UTC)by
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09/07/2002 08:09 PM (UTC)
01/22/2011 12:46 AM (UTC)
Sick to the power of fifty.

It's been said on your DA, but it's worth repeating: fans like you know how to do MK better than the MK team do. Dare I say it, fans like you probably understand MK better than the MK team does. Every one of those designs is better than any of the ones we've seen in the upcoming game. Not that they're bad, just nowhere near as good or interesting as these.
01/22/2011 01:21 AM (UTC)
I think I'm falling in love with you, JAX007...

... Nope, it's just your artwork. Kick ass work, dude! I love it all!
About Me

01/22/2011 01:31 AM (UTC)
Thanks guys,
Im curious to know, who's everyone's favorite?
01/22/2011 01:43 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Thanks guys,
Im curious to know, who's everyone's favorite?


Seriously, I'd be the last one to say this... but my favorites are Quan Chi and Frost. Normally, I don't care much for Quan Chi, and I hate Frost... but you took those two characters and made great designs for them. Frost's traditional kunoichi and lin kuei fusion is great, and Quan Chi looks like an actual sorcerer, and a sick one at that.

and if you're interested... my least favorites would have to be Liu Kang and Kitana. I don't really feel the leather on Kitana, nor the hairstyle, and Kang looks pretty similar to his earlier appearances, only whiter, lol.

I do hope you'll do some more of these, I've enjoyed them all. But I'm sure you'll continue to churn out top-notch art whatever you decide to do.
01/22/2011 01:55 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Thanks guys,
Im curious to know, who's everyone's favorite?

Honestly, for me it's a four-way tie.

Sonya, Jade, Kano, and Cyrax.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/22/2011 03:37 AM (UTC)
My favorites are Jade, Noob and Reptile.
I also really like Quan Chi.
Wonderful job on all of these though!
From one artist to another - what is your formula when you start a piece? Sketch>Scan>Color? Or otherwise?
And what program do you use? EDIT: Feel free to PM me your reply.
01/22/2011 03:53 AM (UTC)
Baraka, for taking a character I hate and making him look more interesting.

Quan Chi for doing what I've always said all his costumes should be, sorcerer robes.

And Sareena...just 'cause she's my favorite female character and you kept all the stuff I like about her look.
Least favorites are Kano 'cause I still don't think the Mel Gibson Road Warrior mullet works, Cyrax 'cause his torso is too smooth and not mech-enough, if that makes sense?, and Frost 'cause I know a lot of people prefer your version, but I don't think it's right to cover up the most iconic part of a character, which in her case is the blue hair.
01/22/2011 05:31 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
but I don't think it's right to cover up the most iconic part of a character, which in her case is the blue hair.

That's actually the part I really dislike about her. Sub-Zero cryo-frozen hands make sense... being punched by a frozen fist would fucking hurt. But I mean, how does this bitch do her hair if its frozen?
01/22/2011 06:40 AM (UTC)
Philosophically, my argument would be that it doesn't matter if you dislike it. Disliking Baraka's blades (how are they made of metal, anyway? All his other spurs are normal bone. They can't be coated like Wolverine's, his whole race is like that.) isn't going to make them go away. Disliking Scorpion's spear isn't going to make him stop using it. Reptile will always be a reptile, Kung Lao will always fight with a hat, Jax is never going to go back to not wearing the bionic arms, and on and on.

Frost's hair is pretty much her defining characteristic, visually.

(As for how she gets it like that, I just assume she uses her powers as a substitute for hair gel)
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01/22/2011 07:09 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Philosophically, my argument would be that it doesn't matter if you dislike it. Disliking Baraka's blades (how are they made of metal, anyway? All his other spurs are normal bone. They can't be coated like Wolverine's, his whole race is like that.) isn't going to make them go away. Disliking Scorpion's spear isn't going to make him stop using it. Reptile will always be a reptile, Kung Lao will always fight with a hat, and on and on.

Frost's hair is pretty much her defining characteristic, visually.

Baraka's blades, Reptile's genetics, and Kung Lao's hat all have intrinsic functional values, though. I think the better argument would be the fact that Frost's functional premise is borrowed, therefore she needs a stronger visual hook than something already used by Sub-Zero. Then again, if you consider frosting a body part a singular concept, then maybe that's as much an argument in the negative. Spikey hair is a pretty shallow gimmick compared to those defining functional accessories other characters have.

I think something I really like about the Frost design is that it breaks from the outline of the basic ninja swap, playing to a Lin Kuei aesthetic, but with a sense of individuality that could easily be maintained if key details remained hers and hers alone. Shortening and widening the flap on Frost, Sub-Zero and Smoke is a valuable differential that I think I appreciate more in this wide shot than I did in the individuals. Frost's cowl and mask stands out, though, for being referencial to real world examples more than the wacky plastic sculpts MK is known for.

Two other favourites are Tanya and Kenshi.
They're two characters with relatively underwhelming designs in the games, which probably made it easy to improve upon. I like that Kenshi has stronger samurai references, even though you've kept close to the original pared down concept. MK is long overdue for a really cool samurai, if you ask me, so it's also a personal pleasure. Tanya, who I don't expect much from, just has a bit more elegance about her in your design, which speaks to the origins of the character as an Edenian royal adjacent far more than MK4 did.

Kung Lao and Liu Kang aren't much different to their game versions, but I would say that I like them, none the less. I'm not completely in love with the outfit design, but I like your drawing of Jax, too. It looks much less like it's trying (kinda looks like Michael Jai White, which is fun, I guess).

Definitely fun to see them all lined up like that. Good effort!
About Me

The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

01/22/2011 07:53 AM (UTC)
Well now, these are just plain awesome. My one complaint is that while I like her design, I didn't even realize that was Frost at first. Again, aside from that, awesome!
01/22/2011 10:38 AM (UTC)
Awesome seeing them all togehter.

You're artowkr is so good it makes me sick LOLOL tongue

Shame you didnt get to do everyone hehe. I would ahve loved to see you're take on some of the one-hit-wonders like Sheeva, Kai, Nitara etc

Looking forward to your next set of work.
01/22/2011 07:57 PM (UTC)
So you are saying you'll never do Kabal and nightwolf??
Sad, I was waiting those two!!!

My favorite as to be QuanChi and Sareena.

The three female assasins Kitana Mileena and jade are spot on.
Most of them are way over oerfection.

The only one that falls flat, and doesn't do justice to the importacne of her character is Sindel. but I understand the people who dig what you did with her.
01/22/2011 08:50 PM (UTC)
My favourites are...

Smoke because he's not a robot ninja anymore lol. and i think his weapon is really cool and suits him, as does his costume

Kano because he looks like a rough-and-tumble underworld criminal with that look. I also like that he's not balding anymore XD

Reptile because he looks like a terrifying reptile man while keeping his original ninja form! i also love how his clothes have large scale patterns on them

Quan Chi for that evil, sly sorcerer look he's got going for him
01/23/2011 12:01 AM (UTC)
I think I just made a mess.

Sick work my friend. SICK.
About Me
01/23/2011 10:32 PM (UTC)
I've said it once, and I'll say it again...

Please submit you artwork to NRS! PLEASE grin
01/23/2011 11:59 PM (UTC)
I love your art style! They are incredible and you just modified the concept of some of them to make them look more interesting than what they really are!

Your Jade and Tanya are the best ones for me.

What you do to color this artwork?

01/24/2011 09:13 PM (UTC)
Awesome, I saw it on deviantart, but I need to comment here too. All of these are really awesome, it kind of does what vincent proce did except with a lot more characters.

I like Goro, Liu Kang, Sareena and smoke the best but I really love all of them.

Seriously, if the characters looked like these guys in the game I probably wouldn't dislike any of them.
About Me

01/24/2011 10:19 PM (UTC)
for originality: quan chi

for making a character look much more interesting than they really are: kenshi

for giving a classic character a twist whilst maintaining their trademark feel: so many; raiden, kung lao, cyrax, all the ninjas...

for pure epic goddamn awesomeness: reptile. fuck yes. wow

seriously though, they are ALL awesome on a level the mk team can never hope to achieve :/
01/24/2011 11:09 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Thanks guys,
Im curious to know, who's everyone's favorite?

Do you really need to ask...? ;)
About Me

01/25/2011 12:01 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
Thanks guys,
Im curious to know, who's everyone's favorite?

Do you really need to ask...? ;)

You know, lookin at Jade in you avatar...I was pretty close with the hair and mask!
01/25/2011 12:05 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
Thanks guys,
Im curious to know, who's everyone's favorite?

Do you really need to ask...? ;)

You know, lookin at Jade in you avatar...I was pretty close with the hair and mask!

You really were, I was actually amazed by that when I saw the render.
Perhaps NRS got some inspiration from you. ;)
About Me

01/25/2011 02:41 PM (UTC)
Lokheit Wrote:
I love your art style! They are incredible and you just modified the concept of some of them to make them look more interesting than what they really are!

Your Jade and Tanya are the best ones for me.

What you do to color this artwork?

I use Touch or Letracet Pantone markers for colors, Micron pens for outline and paint sharpies for whites.
01/25/2011 04:34 PM (UTC)
Epic work, man. Epic work. These look better than the original designs.

My favorite? Hard to pick from such awesome selection, but Jax, Kenshi and Baraka seem to be my top choices. I especially love a couple of elements as well, such as Quan-Chi's hood and Emac's patched clothing. Frost is cool too, just takes a bit to get used to her hood. You should do more. Hell, you should get hired!
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