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06/21/2004 02:57 AM (UTC)
You're miscontruing my whole concept. I'm not saying I want some crappy movie...I'm saying I want both a great movie, but something that does well in theaters, therefore it's actually something you can be proud of and something other people actually like. I don't wanna brag to my friends about how great MK3 was when it did worse than Annihilation in the box-office, i mean come on, thats just cruel...but im not saying that will happen with a rated R rating. I'm just saying that that will be the most likeliest of reactions. Mortal Kombat is truely something that's special to me in terms of theater and martial arts and I've loved it for as long as I can remember, I wouldn't mind an R rating, but just simply put...For the last movie don't you think it's proper that it does well. And to think the critics would just say..."well its a crappy movie, kinda what we expect of the mortal kombat genre, just like the last."...I want them to say..."This movie is definitely a great work of art, and it's one of the best action/adventure movie to come."...that would really bring justice to the whole annihilation flop...and i just think to say you don't care about how the movie does and you only care about the blood and guts...doesn't say much about your love for the genre...but then again that's my opinion.

Oh ye...im not dense either.tongue
06/21/2004 10:43 AM (UTC)

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
GOD!!!! are you guys dence or somthing. I am interestid in the best movie, not a pice of crap that makes alot of cash! Mony is important, and if you do the movie corectly then more money will come after the anitial releas. No MK will ever make the top grossing movies anyway, so get that idea out of your skulls right now. But if you guys want a piece of crap like MK:A then be my frigin guest! As for me, I will hold out for a good movie.

Don't get your hopes up. Hollywood would rather make a piece of crap that will make tons (such as Titanic) than make a good movie that will make very little (such as Big Trouble In Little China). Get that through your skull. And I do not see how gore will bring more enjoyment to the movie... want gore? Watch a slasher flick then.
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/21/2004 02:46 PM (UTC)
hey back up, I agree with you there on the point of hollywood wanting to make crap for quick cash. Don't get defensive. That's exactly what I was saying. It is very unlikely that the next MK movie will be good judgeing from the reports of a low budget and other rumors. And it is for those resons this will be the last MK, not because it needs to be. If they waited a couple more years, Started fresh from the begining insted of making a sequle and got a good director with fresh ideas, then hell ther could be many more to come. But for some reson they don't want to let go of the past, and that will ultimetly kill the film.
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06/21/2004 03:48 PM (UTC)

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
hey back up, I agree with you there on the point of hollywood wanting to make crap for quick cash. Don't get defensive. That's exactly what I was saying. It is very unlikely that the next MK movie will be good judgeing from the reports of a low budget and other rumors. And it is for those resons this will be the last MK, not because it needs to be. If they waited a couple more years, Started fresh from the begining insted of making a sequle and got a good director with fresh ideas, then hell ther could be many more to come. But for some reson they don't want to let go of the past, and that will ultimetly kill the film.

Raiden: "Finally! one of them is starting to understand.- MK

Gotta agree with you on that one...except for the wait a couple more years part, half the actors from the first movie are already getting kinda old, but I can't judge a book by its cover b/c hey who knows, these guys might be able to do the same great martial arts well into their forties...prime example: steven segal. But I do kinda see where gore and blood would help the movie and if it was rated R, I would still go see it...I see everybody's opinion and i agree with a lot of them...but still...even if it is rated R...I secondly want the movie to do well in theaters. Some people could care less, but I do care. Only b/c I would like an MK movie to be proud of like I am of the original Mortal Kombat.
06/23/2004 11:06 AM (UTC)
They really need to make the movie R so they can actually show a strong amount of blood like the games.
06/23/2004 11:29 AM (UTC)
"In Mortal Kombat the only blood I saw was in the final fight between Liu Kang and Sheng Tsung in the Black Tower in outworld where Liu gets in a punch to Sheng in which he busts Sheng's lip and he starts to bleed a little...nothing more"

What about when sub freezes and smashes that guy, and his body parts go everywheregrin


ERorr_MACross Wrote:

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
When you have a lower rating, you make more money. Period.

Evil dead, The Exorcist, Friday The 13th, Kill Bill, Nightmare On Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw (old and remake), Freddy VS Jason.......

All those made ALOT of money and where big hits.... lower rating wont make more money, good story, acting and effects make more money!
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06/23/2004 05:21 PM (UTC)
You took me compleatly out of context ass-0!!! I was the one who wrote this thred, I want blood and gore as much if not more than all of you. So don't you even try and say that I'm sayin anything diferent. The R rating gives much more room for the things that MK needs. Blood, violence, language. MK is a mature thing, and anyone who has a problem with that is fooling themselves.
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I love to take risks just for fan approval! The rush and excitement from the crowd is all that matters to me!
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06/24/2004 03:53 AM (UTC)

justycist Wrote:
"In Mortal Kombat the only blood I saw was in the final fight between Liu Kang and Sheng Tsung in the Black Tower in outworld where Liu gets in a punch to Sheng in which he busts Sheng's lip and he starts to bleed a little...nothing more"

What about when sub freezes and smashes that guy, and his body parts go everywhere


ERorr_MACross Wrote:

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
When you have a lower rating, you make more money. Period.

Evil dead, The Exorcist, Friday The 13th, Kill Bill, Nightmare On Elm Street, Texas Chainsaw (old and remake), Freddy VS Jason.......

All those made ALOT of money and where big hits.... lower rating wont make more money, good story, acting and effects make more money!

Do you realize that just about every movie you just named is a slasher/horror movie? and don't mention kill bill, even my grandma thought all the blood looked cheesy in that movie...for crying out loud when you go into a slasher/horror movie you expect to see blood and guts, thats what most people come for, to be horrified by realistic gore. Now I don't know about anyone else, but if everyone wants blood and guts so bad, why not go see a slasher film? If you want tasteful and great martial arts, then I'd predict you wanna go see the MK3 movie. What some people aren't understanding is that, I want some type of gore, but I just don't want the movie to be ALL about blood and guts, b/c that's not the essence of the legacy of Mortal Kombat.
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/24/2004 04:16 AM (UTC)
make a fuc#!n thred on it then! I predict most people want both, and pleas never use that tastfull crap again or I'll start to think you are your grandma.
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I love to take risks just for fan approval! The rush and excitement from the crowd is all that matters to me!
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06/25/2004 03:08 AM (UTC)
No need to get all defensive about the topic, I'm just stating my opinion, because if I do recall this is a forum and anyone can voice their thoughts. But hey at least my grandma who also knew a good bit of karate when she was young, knows the difference between cheap fighting where a little scratch makes tons of blood fly out of a character, from TASTEFUL, well thought out, and well choreographed martial arts. That's MY opinion...don't like it...awwww thats just too bad.tongue
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06/25/2004 06:40 AM (UTC)

SonOfReptile2206 Wrote:

justycist Wrote:
and don't mention kill bill, even my grandma thought all the blood looked cheesy in that movie...

My grandma thought Kill Bill was very good. She loves fighting movies...

Anyways, I'd love to see Mortal Kombat get more mature and slap on that R rating. We're talking about Mortal Kombat here, one of the most contravertial *spelling?* games in the 90's for it's violence. If they made a R rating for the previous movies, I might've not been able to see it at the movies, BUT I'm 17 now! I can see it if it was R! It probably has a bigger fan base in the older crowd anyways *Us 9 year olds are older now.* True, it also has a huge fanbase with the younger crowd, but MK is such a popular franchise, I doubt it would lose a lot of money if it was R rated. Especially if it was actually good!
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

06/25/2004 03:42 PM (UTC)
I, personally, do not like a whole lotta blood and gore (well, realistic blood and gore), and I, honestly, do not see how putting in more of it into the next MK movie and upping the rating to R would help it. True, the R rating would give them more to work with, but this is Mortal Kombat, not Kill Bill. Throw in more gore, and you're bound to find someone who felt it ruined the movie for them. True, Resident Evil was rated R, but they didn't just throw in the blood because fans wanted it. They methodically planned out scenes to make the most out of the blood and gore that they did show, and frankly, they didn't show a lot.

I agree, they should show the brutality of the fights in the movie, and the deaths of some of the main and secondary characters more graphically, but smartly done, not done just to appease the fanboys. The first MK movie aced that, I think, with Shang Tsung's soul steal, Sub-Zero's death and fatality, the whole Cage/Scorpion fight... All very well done, yet with no overdone gore or bloody 'fan service'. Even in MKA, some of the death sequences were very appropriate, like the smart application to Sonya's Kiss of Death fatality, Cyrax's corrosive Net, etc.

Since MK3 is now back in the hands of the producers of the first movie, would it really matter if they made it R or not? Wouldn't you be happy if they brought the magic they made with the first movie over to the third one? It's clear that everyone here liked the first one, and it was PG-13. Honestly, I don't think it's a matter of Ratings, here. Rather, I think it's a matter of content and application. We're already getting back the dream team that made the first MK so good. That should be enough to satisfy you. If not, then go see a slasher flick or something.

"Mortal Kombat is not about death, but life" Raiden once said in the first movie. We should all be good to keep that in mind.
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/25/2004 04:30 PM (UTC)
wtf are you talking about MK is about death don't you get numb-skull. THe only F'in reson the game was as popular as it was in the first place is because there was more violence in that game than anyone had seen before. NOT STORY!!!! NOT PHOLOSIPHY!!!!! NON OF IT!!! It was about the blood, the gore, the dismemberment! Get that into your heads. It wasn't about Martial arts. The only MK so far that has even given the caracters diferent maves (excluding the specials) is DA, "Which (if you didn't know) just came out" So please spare me with all BS relating to that.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

06/25/2004 04:48 PM (UTC)

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
wtf are you talking about MK is about death don't you get numb-skull. THe only F'in reson the game was as popular as it was in the first place is because there was more violence in that game than anyone had seen before. NOT STORY!!!! NOT PHOLOSIPHY!!!!! NON OF IT!!! It was about the blood, the gore, the dismemberment! Get that into your heads. It wasn't about Martial arts. The only MK so far that has even given the caracters diferent maves (excluding the specials) is DA, "Which (if you didn't know) just came out" So please spare me with all BS relating to that.

Then you, sir, are to be pitied. I enjoy the MK games not for the gore (although it is a draw for some), but for it's uniqueness and rich, deep storyline. There are very little fighting games that have a very intricate and detailed mythology that Mortal Kombat does, and I find that very fascinating. Street Fighter doesn't have it. Tekken doesn't have it. Hell, even the off-time disputed king of fighters, Virtua Fighter, doesn't have it. Mortal Kombat is, indeed, good bloody fun, but it's the storyline and mythology of the series that keeps me coming back for more, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.

From what I've gathered from your posts on this thread, I do not believe you truly 'care' about the MK franchise. A true hard-core MK fan would take into consideration everything - fights, story, et all - instead of focusing solely on the violence. The game is about life: the lives of the characters, the lives of the realms, the life of the game. Demanding that the movie be just about death and violence is nothing more than a bastardization of a rich and proud franchise. Like I said: You want mindless blood and gore? Watch a slasher flick marathon. Don't try to dumb down our MK simply for your enjoyment.

One last note: I'd tone down the comments towards other posters, if I were you. Such language and flaming would only lead to skulls and banishment. And you don't really want that, do you?
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/25/2004 05:01 PM (UTC)
Of coars I take story and rich character development in "Prick". I am mearly staiting one extream side of the spectrum, that is what you do in a debate. Realy I want somthin in the middle, but leaning tword my side, get it! And as for the hard-core die hard thing, I used to be one till I realised how much it blinded me and how I and others like me were killing the franchise by condoning it's great fallies and even often defending them. Now I am trying to fix it rather then praise it's misstakes.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

06/25/2004 05:25 PM (UTC)
..."Prick"? YOU are calling me a prick?

Okay, I think it's time to either shut this thread down, or shut this guy up. I, and others on this thread, have been tollerant with him throughout this discussion, but really, we don't need to be flamed like this, especially from someone who obviously wants the next MK flick to be another Kill Bill-wannabe. All in favor? *raises hand*
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/25/2004 06:03 PM (UTC)
Did you read the rest of it. that was at the begining I think you missed the point of the post.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

06/25/2004 06:25 PM (UTC)
Yes, I did. And I don't believe a word of it.

All throughout the thread, you've been petitioning for the next MK movie to be as bloody and violent as you hope it would be, and even slamming posters like myself for wanting something other than mindless gore, and only now, after my last post, do you even 'admit' that you wouldn't mind a better script and better acting, as well? I think you hit your point home when you opinionized that Mortal Kombat has always been, and will always be, about the blood and gore in it. You don't care about script; you don't care about acting. All you care about is mindless violence and gore. You've said it yourself time and again throughout the post, and this little 'change of heart' won't make your previous statements any less obvious.

As for you 'used' to being a hard-core fan, I don't believe that, either, due to your previous posts. NO die-hard MK fan would focus solely on the violence aspect of the game. Even casual players know the importance of the franchise's mythology to the games and movies. NO ONE is that bloodthirsty. But, beyond all reasoning, you, apparently, are.

I, honestly, hope that you do get banned. We don't need such asinine beliefs corrupting MK's good name, nor tainting newbies and n00bs alike with it. To me, this thread is closed.

Have a nice day.
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/25/2004 06:34 PM (UTC)
NO NO No, listen this is a debate, and in a debate you give an extreame of one opinion, I am sorry for blasting you, but I am verey opinionated. If you read other threds I have put out ther you would know I am definetly for a greater script. The point of this thred was not to debate the whole essence of the next film, but meerly the level of violent content. That is why I talked so much about the blood aspect, because I was disapointed of ther abssence in the original films. that's all.
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06/25/2004 08:55 PM (UTC)
Well, I don't want it to be like Kill Bill either. I'd like just enough gore that it stays true to the Mortal Kombat essence, and enough to be believable *like most have already said.* True, MK doesn't need blood in EVERY scene, but it wouldn't seem like the MK world with no fighting and just talking...
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I love to take risks just for fan approval! The rush and excitement from the crowd is all that matters to me!
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06/26/2004 04:17 AM (UTC)
To skyboy: I do like Kill Bill, it was good, it just poorly executed its use of violence and gore in my opinion...oh ye and im not my grandmatongue

To SynjoDeonecros: I agree, MK in my opinion is not about death, but life. Just as Raiden said. And I too despise the language and flaming of King_of_Timbodia, in which in incessively calls others "pricks" and "A-holes". B/C this isn't a debate it's an open forum. No one has to pick sides. But also, I do agree with what King_of_Timbodia says...I also want both SMART blood and violence, with great martial arts in mind. But also, a great storyline which actually mean something. B/C without the storyline, people who see the movie have no idea why one character is fighting another and that would be pointless.

I like the blood and guts aspect of the genre, but it should be appropriate and smartly applicated into the fights and brawls between characters. I want to see two characters go into a long hard fought battle and come out bruised and bloodied TRUE. But i don't want to see a character take one punch and it look like someone just vomited a whole gallon of Hawaiian Punch. That's not realistic and that's not what the movie should be like. King_of_Timbodia knows what he's talking about, and I agree with him, but my only thing is about the rating, b/c I want the movie to be successful also.
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/26/2004 08:41 AM (UTC)
Tanks, and sorry for the "flameing", I got alittle in-over-my-head. Your right it's not a debate, it's a forum. But seriously I do want an intelegent aproach to the film, not somthing campy. If youve ever seen Dawn of the Dead (the remake) I want that level of violence and that fun to watch feel. Also I want coriography that rivals the matrix. (seriosly thoughs martial arts are great). Next I would want deep, intelegent, reel-feeling, characters. Then somthing noone has ever done. a good ternement based story rthisthingisdisabledving around alliances, friendships, and betrayals.
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06/26/2004 05:28 PM (UTC)

SonOfReptile2206 Wrote:
B/C without the storyline, people who see the movie have no idea why one character is fighting another and that would be pointless.

Yeah, when I first saw MKA, I was wondering how they found out that Kitana was the 'key' and why she was. They never explained that. The writers just assumed all the people watching were hardcore MK fans who's already know the story...
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