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10/10/2004 09:27 PM (UTC)
I too first questioned Shinnokxz's sources, but everytime he says something, it usually ends up true. So therefore he's considered a reliable source to me, and even much more an inside source. Take his advice and news seriously. But my take on the decision to this plan to "make MKA never exist" seems very risky and unprofessional. If the second terminator movie didn't do very well im sure they wouldn't just say, "well, this movie never happened. Let's just start over!" The reason it would seem risky is b/c, if the new movie doens't even do too good, that means that most likely there won't be another MK movie. It would also be unprofessional in the means that they should just go with what they got and learn from their mistakes in Annihilation, therefore the movie would gain worldwide press if it tops the boxoffice, but I think box-office standings would depend more on the date of the movie release in theaters and what movies it goes up against on opening night.
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10/11/2004 09:49 PM (UTC)
That's very interesting. I hope they get a new costume designer for this movie *and Brigette Wilson*.

As for the unprofessional post; well, if you look at it, MKA ends where it started. Everything goes back to normal. They can easily put some dialogue and screen shots for the opening of MK3 *like they did for MKA*... That could work *or not*...
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The Living End, best band to come out of Australia since The Jets

10/15/2004 09:51 AM (UTC)
Any word on where about in Australia they will be filming?
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