Mortal Kombat (2021) Official Reviews - Spoilers Alert
posted04/07/2021 04:32 PM (UTC)by
Goro Still Lives
Member Since
09/17/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)

As with the spoilers are coming the official reviews from several vloggers and fan sites. I am only going to list the links and not talk about them and will be updating this thread with replies throughout the day.

If you don't want potential spoilers, don't click these links. They are all in English and coming from people who watched a press screening of the film.

This review came from Maylasia whose cut is very censored which likely reflects this review:

04/07/2021 05:45 PM (UTC)Edited 04/07/2021 07:49 PM (UTC)

Seems to be mixed to positive so far. One thing I'm not sure I'll agree with is the criticism that this movie takes itself seriously. I do not think Mortal Kombat is obligated to be campy or just dumb fun, despite its fantastical premise. There is a lot of room to explore the characters and setting as something more than a joke; there is room for drama and tragedy as well as humor in here.

Just because campy worked for the 1995 movie, doesnt mean it's the only way to go.

04/07/2021 06:01 PM (UTC)

honsety i wwish people stop coming these two movies the orginal was decent but it had flaws

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