Goro Still Lives
02/19/2021 12:26 AM (UTC)

Yea but understand, between the only two leaked versions of the script, the 2016 version and the 2018 version,

There was NEVER a fight between Scorpion & Sub-Zero

Since the later drafts are not being leaked, thus unleaked, we can only go by the information available to those of us with the only two officially leaked drafts. Anything else is contested no matter the source until those later script drafts get leaked and can be confirmed by various sources.

Everything is about politics and strategy with this film and WB in general. They have to make an all-new Asian character who introduces this new take to us to draw fan interest and to minimize the impact from these risks to make way for a sequel/Cinematic Universe. It's the PC thing to do right now and if they want the investors and evrything else, especially to tap into the Asian market, aka the BIGGEST global audience aka BIGGER THAN AMERICAN AUDIENCES, it has to be done this way.

im mean that fine i would like to see a big time actor for kitana as well in possible actor

i'm fine with cole really it just going to piss off lore peoople one they found out who really it is but i thinking im going love the twist on who cole really is

02/19/2021 01:05 AM (UTC)Edited 02/19/2021 01:10 AM (UTC)

i know nitara wont have a gig role in the movie but i do wonder what her design like since she not shown in the trailer

Goro Still Lives
02/19/2021 01:15 AM (UTC)

Yes! I'd love to see Nitara too! It was pretty sweet in Scorpion's Revenge!

i know nitara wont have a gig role in the movie but i do wonder what her design like since she not shown in the trailer

02/19/2021 02:49 AM (UTC)Edited 02/19/2021 02:51 AM (UTC)

The only thing bad about this movie is Mileena. Total miscast and misrepresentation of her character so far. The race bending was unnecessary considering the MK roster is already inclusive and so diverse without needing to swap Mileena’s race. It also creates confusion on whether or not Kitana will be played by the same actress. Are they twins or not? Maybe the movie will change my mind but right now that’s my first impression of Sisi. Sorry girl. Just not feeling it. Although, I will say the direction with her character this time is already better than Annilation. It’s funny that Sonya is the one to kill her, AGAIN. I always liked playing as Sonya but she’s never come across as a lethal fighter... lol. Her killing Kano has also always been funny to me.

02/19/2021 03:12 AM (UTC)

I'm happy with it. Turned out even better than the later drafts eluded to.

About Me

whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there.

02/19/2021 03:43 AM (UTC)

Not going to lie, the trailer wasn't convincing. At first it seemed like the average stereotypical action movie. Some things I noted:

It is just me or Kano's eye laser looks really fake? And that's weird since the rest of special effects looks good.

Actually it's interesting the theory that Cole Turner it's maybe Kuai Liang or another character with a different origin, like people said in the comments.

Weird to see that Mileena will be in the film, but Kitana not. Also, looks like Kitana would be black here, since Mileena it's her clone.

The dialogues doesn't seem to be the best executed.

The dragon logo chest mark looks like a cheap way to explain how the character enters the tournament.

For now, looks like Raiden it's less involved,unlike the current timeline of the games.

Well, let's wait til the movie gets released.

02/19/2021 04:05 AM (UTC)

Was also very worried about this movie but the action looks damn good ! And finally blood and fatalities ! Same as a few comments above like the casting except Mileena with such a diverse cast absolutley no need to change her race. I'm sure many black Mileena fans will b scratching their heads too.

02/19/2021 07:01 AM (UTC)

Not going to lie, the trailer wasn't convincing. At first it seemed like the average stereotypical action movie. Some things I noted:

It is just me or Kano's eye laser looks really fake? And that's weird since the rest of special effects looks good.

Actually it's interesting the theory that Cole Turner it's maybe Kuai Liang or another character with a different origin, like people said in the comments.

Weird to see that Mileena will be in the film, but Kitana not. Also, looks like Kitana would be black here, since Mileena it's her clone.

The dialogues doesn't seem to be the best executed.

The dragon logo chest mark looks like a cheap way to explain how the character enters the tournament.

For now, looks like Raiden it's less involved,unlike the current timeline of the games.

Well, let's wait til the movie gets released.

I think Kano’s laser looks fake because of the camera angle. Same with the awkward camera angle when Subzero freezes Jax’s gun. Awkward green screen pose. The Jax actor just stands there blankly looking ahead lol. Subzero turning Scorpion’s blood into an ice dagger is also the most talked about sequence. It looks great but turn your eyes to Scorpion, the actor is just awkwardly “standing still” waiting to get stabbed like he has cartoon birds circling his head or something. Hope they have different angles for the final film.

Overall, I don’t think we have much to worry about when it comes to the lore. The director actually broke the trailer down into detail. He knows the source material very well.


02/19/2021 07:09 AM (UTC)

Wow! A lot of really cool stuff in here. A lot to process for sure. I getting really worried about the lack of info, but the past few days have been a relief. Some observations:

-Sonya was talking about a raid in Brazil while it showed Jax losing his arms. However, I don't think this is actually a flashback; I think that scene will happen shortly after Jax recruits Cole.

side note - I'm pretty sure the origin of Jax's arms has never been depicted similarly since they were introduced. Were his arms destroyed by Ermac, ripped off by Goro, shattered by Sub-zero, paralyzed by a bomb while fighting Kano, or just add-ons for extra fire power? Maybe it's time for NRS to solidify the origin here.

-I have to say, I'm not hating what I see from Cole yet. I hope they can meld him into MK in a way that feels natural. In the shot of his confrontation with Goro and the one with Sonya and Mileena, he has on some kind of armor. Doesn't really look like any MK character though. Maybe a little like Taven's but I highly doubt there's any intentional Taven reference in here. He also appears to be wielding tonfas in the Mileena scene.

-it looks like Liu Kang and Kung Lao have some minor costume changes. King Lao has his shoulder pads off in some scenes, and Liu Kang alternates between a black shirt and a white Gi. Liu Kang is fighting Kabal and is wearing his headband in those shots. Yay!!!

Even if Liu Kang isn't the main character in this one, he is still looking really cool, and he is conjuring a giant flame dragon in one shot. This is against kabal, and I think Kabal is toast after this. Liu Kang is alone in a lot of shots which has me a bit worried about Kung Lao.

The shot of the setting sun with the lone figure walking by looks like Liu Kang. Really beautiful shot, and I'm hoping it foreshadows Liu Kang's importance later down the line.

-Raiden also appears to have multiple looks. In the scene where he teleports down into the garden, he appears to have white robes with a bluish overcoat, more like the games. In another shot he's just wearing a plain blue shirt with a black vest which is much less cool.

-Kung Lao seems to be fighting Cole in one shot. He also seems to be blocking Kano's eye beam in another. I am guessing these are from sparring/training sessions, but I wonder if one of these shots is actually Kano going turncoat. Sonya and Kano also fight in one shot, but could just be sparring.

-Sub-Zero emerges from black smoke in one shot. This could be a reference or foreshadowing of him becoming Noob Saibot.

-Cole is present during the Scorpion/Sub-Zero battle. I wonder if this truly is the grand finale, or if it's a semifinal battle. It would make sense if this is where Cole's heritage is revealed and where he picks up his armor. Maybe he goes into the Mileena and Goro fights after this part?

-Kitana's fan is on display in (what I assume to be) Raiden's temple. The character in the painting during Sonya's monologue looks a lot like depictions of the great Kung Lao. That could even be Shang Tsung getting beat by GKL in the painting, but too generic to say for sure.

Mileena is shown being almost certainly killed in the trailer. It looks like Sonya is the one who does heroin in with a ring blast right through her stomach. If you look closely youn can see she was completely gutted except her spine. It will be a shame if she doesn't come back somehow in an hypothetical sequel; it ruins the Kitana/Mileena rivalry before it starts.

Reptile was shown being killed by a Kano heart rip fatality. I dont wanna naysay this movie, because most of the costumes range from at least okay to really good, but... man, this Reptile design is about the worst I've ever seen. Super Mario Bros movie called; they want their character design back.

It is looking like Jax is about to perform a head clap against Reiko, and that Liu Kang is about to finish Kabal with his flame dragon. No fatalities shown, but I don't have a lot of hope left for Reiko or Kabal.

02/19/2021 09:24 AM (UTC)

There's nothing wrong with Mileena being "racebent". Edenians don't need to be white or asian. Was there a need to racebend? No. Was there a need to stick to the "race" in the games? Also no.

Tetra Vega
02/19/2021 10:32 AM (UTC)Edited 02/19/2021 10:47 AM (UTC)

There's nothing wrong with Mileena being "racebent". Edenians don't need to be white or asian. Was there a need to racebend? No. Was there a need to stick to the "race" in the games? Also no.

Mileena's MKII character select portrait has dark skin, even though she's light skinned in gameplay n other screens. Also MK Gold had darker skinned Mileena. Jade, Tanya, and Ermac aren't the only skin shade swappers.


About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/19/2021 01:28 PM (UTC)

Mileena is a shit casting choice. Don't care how much people wanna spin it. Her and Kitana have historically been depicted with fair skin and the racebend is forced and lazy. Cole looks to be generic and I don't care for what was proposed in the story but everything else looks pretty neat. The fighting and gore is looking rather fun. There's my take.

02/19/2021 02:58 PM (UTC)

Mileena is a shit casting choice. Don't care how much people wanna spin it. Her and Kitana have historically been depicted with fair skin and the racebend is forced and lazy. Cole looks to be generic and I don't care for what was proposed in the story but everything else looks pretty neat. The fighting and gore is looking rather fun. There's my take.

Agreed. Mileena deserves so much better. Off on the wrong foot already. The overall reception on this actress is negative. Everything has to be sooooo PC/politically driven these days. MK isn’t a franchise that needs to push for “racial justice” because literally the game roster is incredibly balanced and diverse as it is already. With that said, the worst is this actress is miscast. The best is she surprises us. We’ll see soon enough.

On another note, why hasn’t Ed Boon been vocal about this movie? Is he not supporting it or what?

About Me

717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

02/19/2021 02:59 PM (UTC)

I saw Raiden, Kano, Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Sub-Zero (Bi Han), Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Reptile, Goro, Kung Lao, Mileena, Reiko and Jax but still no Johnny Cage. Trailer looks nice but to not include one of the most iconic original characters in this with a fight scene would be sad. I did like Reptile in his lizard form but so sad he has his heart ripped out by Kano. Others I thought I saw in the quick Finish Him montage which was very quick I could have sworn by the outfits were Kabal and was that Rain? Did they keep him in the final draft after all? Hopefully we'll get a surprise in this film. Who was Goro leaping at though? It appeared to be Jax but this guy had hair? Hmmmmm?

02/19/2021 03:52 PM (UTC)

Mileena is a shit casting choice. Don't care how much people wanna spin it. Her and Kitana have historically been depicted with fair skin and the racebend is forced and lazy. Cole looks to be generic and I don't care for what was proposed in the story but everything else looks pretty neat. The fighting and gore is looking rather fun. There's my take.

There's nothing lazy about choosing whatever actress they wanted to play Mileena. Literally nothing about Kitana and Mileena's characters and story relates to the color of their skin.

02/19/2021 03:58 PM (UTC)Edited 02/19/2021 04:01 PM (UTC)

Mileena is a shit casting choice. Don't care how much people wanna spin it. Her and Kitana have historically been depicted with fair skin and the racebend is forced and lazy. Cole looks to be generic and I don't care for what was proposed in the story but everything else looks pretty neat. The fighting and gore is looking rather fun. There's my take.

There's nothing lazy about choosing whatever actress they wanted to play Mileena. Literally nothing about Kitana and Mileena's characters and story relates to the color of their skin.

Doesn’t change that she’s a mismatch for Liu Kang if the actress is playing Kitana. The original Kitana and LK from the 90s were a beautiful pairing.

Speaking of Kitana, do we know what character actress Mel Jarnson is playing? She’s part of the cast but there’s no name under her on IMDB.

02/19/2021 04:00 PM (UTC)

Mileena is a shit casting choice. Don't care how much people wanna spin it. Her and Kitana have historically been depicted with fair skin and the racebend is forced and lazy. Cole looks to be generic and I don't care for what was proposed in the story but everything else looks pretty neat. The fighting and gore is looking rather fun. There's my take.

Agreed. Mileena deserves so much better. Off on the wrong foot already. The overall reception on this actress is negative.

No one has said anything about the actress. People are complaining about her skin color.

02/19/2021 04:01 PM (UTC)

Mileena is a shit casting choice. Don't care how much people wanna spin it. Her and Kitana have historically been depicted with fair skin and the racebend is forced and lazy. Cole looks to be generic and I don't care for what was proposed in the story but everything else looks pretty neat. The fighting and gore is looking rather fun. There's my take.

There's nothing lazy about choosing whatever actress they wanted to play Mileena. Literally nothing about Kitana and Mileena's characters and story relates to the color of their skin.

Doesn’t change that she’s a mismatch for Liu Kang if the actress is playing Kitana. The original Kitana and LK from the 90s were a beautiful pairing.

How is she a mismatch for Liu? I honestly have no idea what you mean, since you cannot possibly be implying that an asian and african pairing is ugly or mismatched.

02/19/2021 04:04 PM (UTC)

Doesn’t have to do with her race. She just doesn’t seem to complement him based on photos I’ve seen of the actual actress. To each his own but I don’t find her beautiful nor Kitana material.

02/19/2021 04:46 PM (UTC)

Maybe it's looking like Kitana (if she was in the movie) and Mileena can be non-identical fraternal "twins" with the appearance thing.

Goro Still Lives
02/19/2021 04:52 PM (UTC)

He wasn't very much involved in the first movie, either. Just a set visit. He said then his focus was on the games; the movie was Threshold's thing. So I'm betting his focus is still on the games and this movie is WB's thing.

On another note, why hasn’t Ed Boon been vocal about this movie? Is he not supporting it or what?

Goro Still Lives
02/19/2021 04:55 PM (UTC)

Several of us have told you... and I believe you acknowledged you read the leaked scripts... he wasn't planned for THIS movie but for the sequel.

In terms of who is fighting Goro in the trailer, it's Cole Young.

I saw Raiden, Kano, Liu Kang, Sonya Blade, Sub-Zero (Bi Han), Scorpion, Shang Tsung, Reptile, Goro, Kung Lao, Mileena, Reiko and Jax but still no Johnny Cage. Who was Goro leaping at though?

02/19/2021 05:03 PM (UTC)

He wasn't very much involved in the first movie, either. Just a set visit. He said then his focus was on the games; the movie was Threshold's thing. So I'm betting his focus is still on the games and this movie is WB's thing.

On another note, why hasn’t Ed Boon been vocal about this movie? Is he not supporting it or what?

which is fin as much we give ed credit john tobisas and john vogel are really the people that build the mk lore

Goro Still Lives
02/19/2021 05:08 PM (UTC)

1. The one video of his eye laser has been flipped. Don't know why. And no lasers really do look like that.

2. His name is Cole Young now. I'm not sure where this rumor is originating but definitely not from anyone who has read the leaks.

3. Not weird. We don't have to see the whole sister thing, again, to know Mileena is a clone of Kitana. Neither Shao Kahn or Sindel are expected to be in this film either, so it would make sense to save them for a sequel with Kitana. Here's a theory that needs explored - what if there were always multiple Mileena clones and we were never told that specifically? This version of Mileena could just be another clone.

4. The dialogue is one of the few fans fans have been negative towards, even rehashing the old infamous line by Sindel from Annihilation in comparison. In the trailer I watched, there's not much dialogue aside from Sonya's narrative about the MK tournament. Everything else is minor. But the piece of dialogue being pointed out was the birthmark lib featuring Emily Young. In the original leaked drafts, Emily is a scrapper. Scrapper's are usually practical and this case a smartass. Her retelling whoever she's talking to about the meaning of a birthmark being he was born with it is character development. Mind you she's also playing a preteen or teen and if you recall from your own teen years, those were very awkward and confrontational years for a lot of people.

5. The birthmark idea was used in MK Annihilation. I''m not a big fan of it... but it's cheaper than the originally-planned medallions. And this film's budget definitely looks restrictive.

It is just me or Kano's eye laser looks really fake? And that's weird since the rest of special effects looks good.

Actually it's interesting the theory that Cole Turner it's maybe Kuai Liang or another character with a different origin, like people said in the comments.

Weird to see that Mileena will be in the film, but Kitana not. Also, looks like Kitana would be black here, since Mileena it's her clone.

The dialogues doesn't seem to be the best executed.

The dragon logo chest mark looks like a cheap way to explain how the character enters the tournament.

About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/19/2021 06:20 PM (UTC)

Mileena is a shit casting choice. Don't care how much people wanna spin it. Her and Kitana have historically been depicted with fair skin and the racebend is forced and lazy. Cole looks to be generic and I don't care for what was proposed in the story but everything else looks pretty neat. The fighting and gore is looking rather fun. There's my take.

There's nothing lazy about choosing whatever actress they wanted to play Mileena. Literally nothing about Kitana and Mileena's characters and story relates to the color of their skin.

And I don't buy that argument either because no one here can possibly tell me they'd be okay in the slightest had they race swapt Jax in this movie. But that's okay because I'd be mad at that too.

And before anyone jumps around saying, "B-But it's different with Jax b-because reasons", please spare me the details. With that same logic there's nothing inherently saying that Jax specifically has to be a black man. He just happened to be a black man that was a very patriotic individual. That's perfectly okay, though. I wouldn't want him swapped either because that would be dishonest to his image. Same applies with Mileena. I dont hold anything against this actress either by the way. If they felt they needed to cast her though they should have gone with Tanya and it wouldn't have been out of step. It is what it is. She's not gonna really effect how I view this movie as a whole. Just an eye roll casting choice to me.

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