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big thanks to flameshang for the sig.

09/17/2013 01:47 AM (UTC)
KingKahn-909 Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
KingKahn-909 Wrote:
My god, it really is gonna suck

You can't please everyone. Ironic thing is, though, you'll still end up watching every single episode and giving MK Legacy the exposure it needs. So, you're doing your part whether you like it or not, tool.

Nope. I stopped watching Legacy I halfway through because it was garbage so chances are your wrong there buddy tongue. This trailer shows itll be just as bad or worse than the first series so Im not taking another bite out of this shit sandwich

it's hard to believe that as an MK fan you didn't watch season one of legacy, even though you said it was garbage. The second MK movie sucked but I think we all watched it right??
09/17/2013 03:19 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I don't understand why people are so hung up by Ermac. It's a different iteration of MK altogether. They never said they were going to be 100% faithful to MK. It's his spin on it. So Ermac looks like a sewer mutant big deal. So Raiden has a beard so what?

Never expected it to be 100% accurate, but I did expect the series to be at least somewhat close to its source material. None of the characters are 100% accurate but you can still tell who they are. From the little we've seen so far Ermac looks and acts absolutely NOTHING like he did in the games. Ermac is a favorite character of mine and I am allowed to be disappointed with their portrayal of him.
09/17/2013 05:43 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
Never expected it to be 100% accurate, but I did expect the series to be at least somewhat close to its source material. None of the characters are 100% accurate but you can still tell who they are. From the little we've seen so far Ermac looks and acts absolutely NOTHING like he did in the games. Ermac is a favorite character of mine and I am allowed to be disappointed with their portrayal of him.

I do understand where you're coming from. I was kinda pissed when they recast JC and got rid of Matt Mullins. I loved his JC because it was a departure from regular douchebag JC. But I am really eager to see how Casper does.

You're certainly allowed to be disappointed. But I think it comes pre-advertised that this series would differ from MK in a number of ways. It's a more contemporary style, perhaps he wanted to make the Ermac/Kenshi relationship more interesting? Maybe Ermac is some guy Kenshi killed before, and he was brought back as some hideous freak. I'm just spitballing here.

And while it is a pretty radical change to Ermac, I think we'd all be lying if we said it wasn't interesting. I just hope there's a good reason for his appearance. Not some cheap excuse like shock value, but a legitimate reason.
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09/17/2013 07:03 AM (UTC)
This Ermac actually looks like something I might be interested in. Actually when or where was it said that that is Ermac?

Also, for one thing, it seems they really like hoodies for some reason. Street Kang is funny.

Also note the worn clothes on Scorpion. I am also digging the rectangular pupils. That has significance in the east.

09/17/2013 01:28 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
This Ermac actually looks like something I might be interested in. Actually when or where was it said that that is Ermac?

In this trailer

At about 1:10 it shows that mutant with the name Ermac.
09/17/2013 04:56 PM (UTC)
"Different from the source material" or not, an ugly design is an ugly design all on its own merits. He looks like a dumb, growling zombie, and a dumb, growling zombie does not make for an intimidating participant in a tournament where the most dangerous people are the ones with the best martial arts and superpowers.
Now, maybe Ermac will turn out to have dialogue and use his psychic powers and some of his backstory will be explained, and it'll be okay...but his design still doesn't convey on the outside a single thing about what kind of character he's supposed to be except that he's some kind of living-dead, and in fact gives you the wrong impression by suggesting he's a mindless, slobbering monster, when in fact, Ermac is supposed to be the minds of thousands of people united by mind control, so he should seem like a cold, calm thinker, some kind of mysterious sage - which is why the turban-like wrapped face and "third eye" gem on his forehead in the games works so well for him.
See, that's what a character design, ANY character design, in any franchise, regardless of concerns about accuracy or source material or whatever, is actually supposed to do: tell you something about who the dude is before you get to know them.
The interesting thing is, as someone already mentioned, that design almost looks like something that would have made a good Reptile. Why didn't K-Tanch use Reptile instead of Ermac? Judging from the Rebirth trailer, he seems to like the dude. And Reptile is easier to adapt since he really IS a dumb, slobbering monster, rather than an intellectual character with a deep backstory. Maybe Kenshi and Ermac have to fight to tell a specific story. I certainly hope that's the case, but I kinda get the impression there won't be much "Oh this is all just a big misunderstanding, let me help you!"-style talking in the middle of the fight scenes and all in all, this is just gonna be a dumb action series with bits of flashbacks or boring Raiden-exposition sprinkled in between the battles.
It's interesting that Tancharoen constantly talks about adding depth to the mythology when his version appears to keep missing things from that very mythology that are deeper than his version. On the same note, I can't help but feel that Hanzo and Bi-Han meeting in a field as boyhood friends attempting to make peace between their clans before Quan Chi frames one for the death of the other is not as well thought out as the simplistic, poorly acted PS1 era FMVs from MK Mythologies because at least those explained WHY Quan Chi would want to frame Sub-Zero for something and send a vengeful warrior his way so he could turn him into Noob Saibot. Where's the "I hired him to steal my evil god of Hell's magic artifact, offered him a place at my side, and he betrayed me" episode of Legacy, huh?
Plus, since when do China and Japan share any borders for the clans' children to meet on and play with each other? Japan's a goddamned island. I mean that's just simple logic.
By the way, why would they want to make peace? We're talking about ninjas here, they're not governments, they're mercenary guilds, their entire livelihood is based on people hiring them to commit crimes. They're not supposed to be ancient villages at war, they're business rivals! They're two brands who offer the same services and the animosity between them is because they steal customers from one another by virtue of their very existence. They're in constant competition and a peace treaty won't solve that. If a McDonalds and a Burger King are across the street from one another, the managers shaking hands and calling truce isn't going to change the profit margins any. If there's two gas stations on the same street, they don't make peace, they keep adjusting the gas prices by a couple cents to entice people "stop here to fill up your tank and buy cigarettes, not over there."
But maybe this has something to do with Tancharoen's world and the time period the Scorpion/Sub-Zero stuff takes place in not making any sense. I mean...if Johnny Cage and Stryker are from modern day America, and you show that...and yet Scorpion and Sub-Zero's episodes look like they're all set in the feudal era...then what are we supposed to think when Stryker and Johnny MEET Sub-Zero at the tournament, considering that Sub-Zero is not dead and does age like a normal person? Or what about the Sektor/Cyrax episode, which was also clearly modern day? Those two are partners of Sub-Zero! Is it just that in the alternate universe of Legacy, every country is modern EXCEPT Japan, which somehow hasn't made any social advancements in 500 years? Why is Sub-Zero affected by this timewarp but the rest of his own clan is not?
(Which reminds me...in the season 1 episode, Quan asked Scorpion to "fight for the Netherealm in the tournament". How can you fight for a third party in a tournament between Earth and Outworld to decide whether or not Kahn takes over? What does the Netherealm get if Scorpion wins? Are there no "must win ten in a row" rules in Legacy?)
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09/17/2013 08:35 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Plus, since when do China and Japan share any borders for the clans' children to meet on and play with each other? Japan's a goddamned island. I mean that's just simple logic.

Historically speaking? Quite alot of times actually. With Korea too. Or even that, Okinawa, Ryuukyuu Isles....

More from one thing does not necessitates it's depth.
09/18/2013 01:19 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote
I do understand where you're coming from. I was kinda pissed when they recast JC and got rid of Matt Mullins. I loved his JC because it was a departure from regular douchebag JC. But I am really eager to see how Casper does.


I agree with this- Matt played a much more likable- and dare I say vulnerable?- J. Cage. You actually felt sorry for the guy, instead of wishing Sonya would shoot him. However, I'm willing to give the Friendly Ghost a chance to bring Johnny to life.
09/18/2013 05:49 PM (UTC)
Then don't watch or complain. Grrrr it didn't quote...my message was for the guy saying its going to suck.
09/18/2013 08:36 PM (UTC)
KingKahn-909 Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
KingKahn-909 Wrote:
My god, it really is gonna suck

You can't please everyone. Ironic thing is, though, you'll still end up watching every single episode and giving MK Legacy the exposure it needs. So, you're doing your part whether you like it or not, tool.

Nope. I stopped watching Legacy I halfway through because it was garbage so chances are your wrong there buddy tongue. This trailer shows itll be just as bad or worse than the first series so Im not taking another bite out of this shit sandwich

Then why did you bother taking out the time to even click on the link that leads to this thread, let alone post in it?

It's not as if your one viewpoint is the deciding factor towards the success or failure of this web series, so you must have some shred of interest.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
"Different from the source material" or not, an ugly design is an ugly design all on its own merits. He looks like a dumb, growling zombie, and a dumb, growling zombie does not make for an intimidating participant in a tournament where the most dangerous people are the ones with the best martial arts and superpowers.

Considering we know very little about this incarnation of Ermac, I think it would be best that we just watch the series and see how it develops, because it would very well be a good reason why he looks that way.

It could just be Ermac's appearance prior to putting on a mask, or it could be a result of some horrible event.
09/20/2013 02:48 AM (UTC)
StormChaser Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote
I do understand where you're coming from. I was kinda pissed when they recast JC and got rid of Matt Mullins. I loved his JC because it was a departure from regular douchebag JC. But I am really eager to see how Casper does.


I agree with this- Matt played a much more likable- and dare I say vulnerable?- J. Cage. You actually felt sorry for the guy, instead of wishing Sonya would shoot him. However, I'm willing to give the Friendly Ghost a chance to bring Johnny to life.

As long as he brings his shades with him, don't have to be $500. glasses
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

09/21/2013 04:02 PM (UTC)
KingKahn-909 Wrote:
blacksaibot Wrote:
KingKahn-909 Wrote:
My god, it really is gonna suck

You can't please everyone. Ironic thing is, though, you'll still end up watching every single episode and giving MK Legacy the exposure it needs. So, you're doing your part whether you like it or not, tool.

Nope. I stopped watching Legacy I halfway through because it was garbage so chances are your wrong there buddy tongue. This trailer shows itll be just as bad or worse than the first series so Im not taking another bite out of this shit sandwich

Does the series success and popularity annoy you? I mean most people here enjoy the series how do you feel about that?
09/22/2013 12:59 AM (UTC)
I wonder if Johnny Cage will have his Shadow Kick? Since Shang Tsung mentioned that each character has special abilities. But Stryker doesn't have powers so maybe he won't have his Shadow Kick.
09/22/2013 06:05 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I wonder if Johnny Cage will have his Shadow Kick? Since Shang Tsung mentioned that each character has special abilities. But Stryker doesn't have powers so maybe he won't have his Shadow Kick.

At least he has his gun right? wink
09/24/2013 03:40 AM (UTC)
To people talking about Ermac look; have you seen in any MK.Game or any alt. Costume or any version, the actual Ermac face??? ...
The answer is NO!! ... he always has been behind a mask in every MK game right?

Then why are you talkin about?
09/24/2013 06:37 AM (UTC)
hayder_online Wrote:
To people talking about Ermac look; have you seen in any MK.Game or any alt. Costume or any version, the actual Ermac face??? ...
The answer is NO!! ... he always has been behind a mask in every MK game right?

Then why are you talkin about?

Exactly my point!!!
09/24/2013 09:55 PM (UTC)
Am I having a brain fart... and am I interpreting this wrong?

All the episodes (1 through 10, or however many) will be viewable on the 26th...?

Is that what "at the same time" means...?

Or everyone in the world will be able to watch the episodes at the same time and not have to compensate for time zone differences? (which makes no sense since its being released on Machinima's YT).
09/24/2013 10:58 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Am I having a brain fart... and am I interpreting this wrong?

All the episodes (1 through 10, or however many) will be viewable on the 26th...?

Is that what "at the same time" means...?

Or everyone in the world will be able to watch the episodes at the same time and not have to compensate for time zone differences? (which makes no sense since its being released on Machinima's YT).

yep..!! the first one... you can watch all episodes on 26th.... dont have to wait a whole week for the next one...!!!
09/24/2013 11:22 PM (UTC)
hayder_online Wrote:
yep..!! the first one... you can watch all episodes on 26th.... dont have to wait a whole week for the next one...!!!

Hot damn!

I'm going to have Kombatgasms in two days.
09/25/2013 06:45 PM (UTC)
Anyone know what time it starts tomorrow?
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only the fallen have won,because the fallen can't run my vision is not obscure for war there is no cure.

09/26/2013 06:53 AM (UTC)
Can't wait for it to begin!!!!so hyped
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09/26/2013 12:43 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Anyone know what time it starts tomorrow?

Probably at the most inconvenient time for all of us... late in the damn evening after we have already bitten down our finger nails in annoyment of the fact that it wasnt fucking released any earlier in the day.
09/26/2013 01:42 PM (UTC)
saiZero Wrote:
Spider804 Wrote:
Anyone know what time it starts tomorrow?

Probably at the most inconvenient time for all of us... late in the damn evening after we have already bitten down our finger nails in annoyment of the fact that it wasnt fucking released any earlier in the day.

LMFAO. This × 100

The longer I have to wait, the more I will expect, and the more harshly critical my review will be.
09/26/2013 02:58 PM (UTC)
From Ktanch's Twitter account

"9am pst. Mortal Kombat : Legacy 2 premieres on @Machinima_com. ALL EPISODES at the same time!"

In other words, about an hour from right now!!
09/26/2013 03:00 PM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
From Ktanch's Twitter account

"9am pst. Mortal Kombat : Legacy 2 premieres on @Machinima_com. ALL EPISODES at the same time!"

In other words, about an hour from right now!!

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