Look out for a new movie to be released later on this year called Press Start. This movie can best be described as the Scary Movie or Not Another Teen Movie of video games. From the website:
Expected to be completed in 2006, Press Start is built on a videogame smorgasbord. References fly, with gags based on everything from classics like "Donkey Kong" to modern first-person-shooters. Most of the movie's "mythology," however, stems from the 8- and 16-bit games seen on the now-ancient Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis consoles.

Press Start tells the story of a suburban youth in a videogame world who discovers his adventurous, if berserk, destiny when he's recruited by an ill-tempered ninja and a tough-as-nails space soldier to save the world from a tyrannical, but comically insecure, sorcerer.
Not only will the movie parody Mortal Kombat, it will also feature actors from it. Specifically, Carlos Pesina (known for his role as Raiden in Mortal Kombat 1, II, and Trilogy) and Daniel Pesina (who played Johnny Cage and all the male ninjas in MK1 and MKII).
"It's a thrill to have Daniel and Carlos onboard," beams director Ed Glaser. "Not only are they skilled and professional, not only are they living videogame icons, but they have a terrific sense of humor about what they do. I think videogame fans are going to love seeing them in these roles. Viewers who realize that they're watching the Real Deal will find that extra level of humor that makes their scenes just a bit funnier."
In addition to all this, there will be a male ninja character named Lin-Ku - obviously based on the Lin Kuei ninja Sub-Zero. Here a couple of photos from the film:

Be sure to read the entire press release here. In addition, please make sure to check out the website for Press Start to see more photos from the film, and visit the website for Dark Maze Studios to see other films they've produced.

Thanks to many Mortal Kombat Online readers for reporting the news to us, including Ed Glaser, president of Dark Maze himself!