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-Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body

03/30/2011 02:45 PM (UTC)
Kintaro is one of my all time fav sub bosses, but to me Armageddon destroyed his look and from what I have seen from renders for the new MK he looks just as bad in the face as he did in Armageddon. Why is it so hard for them to make him look like the menacing beast he was in MK2? He looks a lot smaller than Goro in this one also.
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03/30/2011 03:13 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
I think SGC is implying that if the DLC is released so close to launch then there's a high likelihood of the DLC content actually being on the disc already. Which, if this is true, I would tend to agree with.

The amount of time it takes for DLC to be released has no bearing on wether its on the disc or not.
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