Dragon Kings Human Form. Reptile and Khameleon Theory Please Read
Dragon Kings Human Form. Reptile and Khameleon Theory Please Read
posted05/02/2005 02:13 AM (UTC)byAbout Me
<img Src="http://www.scifidimensions.com/Feb03/venom_small.jpg">
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10/21/2004 08:23 PM (UTC)
I got an idea while i broke out my Deadly Alliance game instead of Deception. Now in koffin PF i think it is, there is the Art work called "Reptiles De-Evolution" This made me think alot.
1. It says the longer ,or further, i forget that reptile is away or anyone of reptiles race is away from the Matriarch the further they de-evolve. Now i was wondering and i want some comments.
2. When Onaga took over Reptiles body he possessed Reptile after he had de-evolved 4 times. De-evolving usually means going back into a more primative weaker state.
3. Khameleon is the obvious matriarch of Reptiles race because she is the only female left and since the art in Koffin PF says if reptile gets further away from the matriarch the more he de-evolves then that means the further or longer he is away from Khameleon the more he de-evolves....it only makes sense.
With all this in mind if the Dragon King is back in MK7 still inside of reptiles de-evolved body then is it possible that if Onaga captures Khameleon or if Khameleon trys to get to Onaga then Reptiles phsyical body will Evolve back into his stronger human form thus making the Dragon King a very powerful being in human form?
comments please on this theory...i think it makes sense and would be interesting to see onaga in human form.
1. It says the longer ,or further, i forget that reptile is away or anyone of reptiles race is away from the Matriarch the further they de-evolve. Now i was wondering and i want some comments.
2. When Onaga took over Reptiles body he possessed Reptile after he had de-evolved 4 times. De-evolving usually means going back into a more primative weaker state.
3. Khameleon is the obvious matriarch of Reptiles race because she is the only female left and since the art in Koffin PF says if reptile gets further away from the matriarch the more he de-evolves then that means the further or longer he is away from Khameleon the more he de-evolves....it only makes sense.
With all this in mind if the Dragon King is back in MK7 still inside of reptiles de-evolved body then is it possible that if Onaga captures Khameleon or if Khameleon trys to get to Onaga then Reptiles phsyical body will Evolve back into his stronger human form thus making the Dragon King a very powerful being in human form?
comments please on this theory...i think it makes sense and would be interesting to see onaga in human form.

Crazy how you got that all together like that, it would explain alot to soo many people oif thats the way it was, why Reptile doesnt use this 'Ninja' shit anymore, why he was a Breed in Mk4 and in DA he was a genuine Reptile. But the Khameleon plots wouldnt fit together too well if they just tossed her into the mix, i mean they tried that already with the Dragon King, and it didnt turn out too good. But i got confused with the 'if Onaga is in Mk7' part, if hes inside reptiles body and can capture Khameleon at any point, (if its possible) then whats stopping him to go after Khameleon? And If or when Reptile goes back to the Ninja shit, it again wouldnt make sense if Khameleon just appeared in Mortal Kombat.
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well my guess would be that Onaga doesnt know about khameleon and Reptile de-evolution thing....being that Khan is the one who destroyed Zaterra that means that onaga was dead when Khan invaded Zaterra. About khameleon coming into the plot well all i could say is that in MKT her ending wasnt canon being that in MKG reptile is still loyal to Khan which means that khameleon wasnt able to get into contact with Reptile and share their true past.
With this in mind i guess its safe to assume that khameleon all this time has spent her time searching the realms for reptile since i dont think she is dead since no ones ending in Trilogy points to her death. My guess is she was wondering around this whole time searching for a mate and since Onaga took over reptiles body she somehow finds out and feels that its either
1. a threat of losing reptile and her only hopes of repopulating the reptilian race and must find a way to seperate them and fullfill her goal from MKT and tell reptile about their true history and reproduce
2. She finds about reptile and onaga and comes after to try and reproduce with onaga since he is obviously stronger than reptile which would guarantee that her offspring would be even stronger and reproduction with onaga would be possible because he is in reptiles body....
With this in mind i guess its safe to assume that khameleon all this time has spent her time searching the realms for reptile since i dont think she is dead since no ones ending in Trilogy points to her death. My guess is she was wondering around this whole time searching for a mate and since Onaga took over reptiles body she somehow finds out and feels that its either
1. a threat of losing reptile and her only hopes of repopulating the reptilian race and must find a way to seperate them and fullfill her goal from MKT and tell reptile about their true history and reproduce
2. She finds about reptile and onaga and comes after to try and reproduce with onaga since he is obviously stronger than reptile which would guarantee that her offspring would be even stronger and reproduction with onaga would be possible because he is in reptiles body....

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I would like to see Onaga in his own body, and leave Reptile alone! Oh, if you look in Sindel's ending you will see that Onaga isn't or wasn't human. She finds his coffin open with his corpse exposed. Humans don't have horns! So he probably was a real dragon like being. The reason he had a horned helmet in MKD was the fact that he could only shape Reptile's body to some extent.
For proof of Onaga's helmet, beat him in arcade mode and what the helmet fly off when he dies in round 2!
For proof of Onaga's helmet, beat him in arcade mode and what the helmet fly off when he dies in round 2!
Chrome Wrote:
Good theory except Chameleon/Khameleon aren't considered true canon characters.
Good theory except Chameleon/Khameleon aren't considered true canon characters.
Khameleon is a canon character, but Chameleon isn't.
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<img Src="http://www.scifidimensions.com/Feb03/venom_small.jpg">
as you stated negative it does explain why reptile has lost some of his ninja powers because of the de-evolution.
Im not saying that the dragon king was truely human my main theory is that he is in reptiles body and look how powerful he is in reptiles 4th de-evolutionized body....can you imagine how strong he would be if he evolved 4 times over??? right now he's a threat to the Elder Gods in this weakened body and even thou he would be stronger in his original body i dont think he would be as strong as if he would evolutionize 4 times in reptiles body....unfortunately this would give him a human form and not the horned creature in sindels ending.
And yes Khameleon was a canon character....chameleon was just a toss in for the PSX and had a mickey mouse story that was never canon. So im sayin that Onaga would technically be able to evolve 4 times over and become practically invincible if Khameleon was captured by onaga since she is the matriarch of the reptilian race.
I think that since reptile lost powers since his de-elvolution that it explains why onaga is so limited as a fighter. I think he only has that flame move and besides that physical moves like reptile was in MKDA so if he would evolve then he would regain special moves (not sayin reptile had the same physical moves as onaga just that they are physical moves). Also of course this would not be like a main story or anything like that just something that is possible and would be neat as an addition to the list of things that need to be stopped or avoided from happening now that Onaga is back.
Im not saying that the dragon king was truely human my main theory is that he is in reptiles body and look how powerful he is in reptiles 4th de-evolutionized body....can you imagine how strong he would be if he evolved 4 times over??? right now he's a threat to the Elder Gods in this weakened body and even thou he would be stronger in his original body i dont think he would be as strong as if he would evolutionize 4 times in reptiles body....unfortunately this would give him a human form and not the horned creature in sindels ending.
And yes Khameleon was a canon character....chameleon was just a toss in for the PSX and had a mickey mouse story that was never canon. So im sayin that Onaga would technically be able to evolve 4 times over and become practically invincible if Khameleon was captured by onaga since she is the matriarch of the reptilian race.
I think that since reptile lost powers since his de-elvolution that it explains why onaga is so limited as a fighter. I think he only has that flame move and besides that physical moves like reptile was in MKDA so if he would evolve then he would regain special moves (not sayin reptile had the same physical moves as onaga just that they are physical moves). Also of course this would not be like a main story or anything like that just something that is possible and would be neat as an addition to the list of things that need to be stopped or avoided from happening now that Onaga is back.
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<img Src="http://www.scifidimensions.com/Feb03/venom_small.jpg">
Yes BielGod Onaga is a dragon or has dragon features in his original body and yes it proves this in sindels ending but know this and this is my whole point...He is not in his original body...he is in reptiles...and being that he is in reptiles body that means that if reptile evolves into his original form he will be human...im not sayin that if khameleon was captured onaga would somehow transform into his original dragon-like body, im say reptiles body would evolve 4 times back into his stronger human body thus making onaga a very powerful human. Look at it like this:
Reptile as he de-evolved lost powers like his green orb thing and invisiblity...it says it in his de-evolution render that as he gets further from the matriarch he de-evolves. So onaga i think is weak right because he's in reptiles de-evolved body even though he is strong..if he were to evolve and reptile regained some powers then onaga might evolve some very strong moves.
i mean damn....Raiden, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung combined couldnt even beat him all combined...and this is onaga in a de-evolved state....can you imagine i mean if a God and 2 very strong sorcerers couldnt beat him in a primative state....who would be able to beat onaga if he evolved into a stronger state 4 fold??? if a god failed i question if the Elders would have difficulty with him.
Reptile as he de-evolved lost powers like his green orb thing and invisiblity...it says it in his de-evolution render that as he gets further from the matriarch he de-evolves. So onaga i think is weak right because he's in reptiles de-evolved body even though he is strong..if he were to evolve and reptile regained some powers then onaga might evolve some very strong moves.
i mean damn....Raiden, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung combined couldnt even beat him all combined...and this is onaga in a de-evolved state....can you imagine i mean if a God and 2 very strong sorcerers couldnt beat him in a primative state....who would be able to beat onaga if he evolved into a stronger state 4 fold??? if a god failed i question if the Elders would have difficulty with him.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Khameleon is a canon character, but Chameleon isn't.
Chrome Wrote:
Good theory except Chameleon/Khameleon aren't considered true canon characters.
Good theory except Chameleon/Khameleon aren't considered true canon characters.
Khameleon is a canon character, but Chameleon isn't.
Yeah Khameleon is canon because she has her own story and ending in MKT. She was a secret character, but had others' move, but it doesnt make her canon. Look at Noob/Jade/Smoke in MK2. They were basically Scorpion/Kitana/Scorpion and were always considered canon. Chameleon on the other hand doesnt have a story or ending.
Ive always thought Khameleon should come back, and like Ive said in many other threads, I think we have seen the last of Reptile. And although I think Onaga lost to whoever in MKD, I dont think it's the last we've seen of him, so perhaps Khamelon's story is now open, allowing a possible return. I think she could eb a Vorpax/Kreeya type character, breeding with people to re-establish her race. The Dragon King would be an excellent choice.

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For the most in-depth, in-detail, Mortal Kombat lore analysis vids, there's only one source:
Khameleon is a canon character. (Chameleon, doubtful.)
And Onaga has NEVER a human.
And Onaga has NEVER a human.
Yup. Checked it again, but I dislike her to some extent. Maybe if she was one of the last surviving zaterrians under a lurking Matriarch. A complete zoocide and genocide cannot be accomplished in a world that has magic and other preventitive measures for a possibility of race extermination.
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i agree Kombat but dont you think that this provides a way for onaga to inherit a human body. I mean if not a human body then can you imagine as strong as Onaga is now that he could evolve into an even stronger state? The way i see it is that Onaga is in a primative state right now. The proof is all around and you cant deny that since he is in reptiles body that if Khameleon was captured that he would evolve along with reptiles body. Im assuming that the dragon king like most characters was not built for evolving like reptile and his clan is. So bringing the matriarch into the scene would change onaga into a far superior being with new evolutionized powers.
My only draw back is Onaga is not aware of this possibility because he was dead when Khan invaded Zatterra so he might not know the full abilities of the body he inhabits. Just be aware that Onaga is not in his original body and because of that there are many factors that can play here and this is definately one of them. I mean another one could be that Onaga could keep getting weaker as reptiles body will continue to de-evolve. If any character was to be posessed by Onaga i think reptiles is definately the most interesting because of this evolution factor.
My only draw back is Onaga is not aware of this possibility because he was dead when Khan invaded Zatterra so he might not know the full abilities of the body he inhabits. Just be aware that Onaga is not in his original body and because of that there are many factors that can play here and this is definately one of them. I mean another one could be that Onaga could keep getting weaker as reptiles body will continue to de-evolve. If any character was to be posessed by Onaga i think reptiles is definately the most interesting because of this evolution factor.

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For the most in-depth, in-detail, Mortal Kombat lore analysis vids, there's only one source:
In my opinion, Reptie's de-volving is exactly what made it ripe for the taking. His body was a) Reptilian, and b) already undergoing changes and twists and transformations. This IMO made Reptile's body the ONLY one that Onaga could inhabit.
And BTW, Onaga as you see him in MKD (even though technically he's in Reptile's body) is exactly as he would have looked in his original body. The proof is in his Bonus Kard, as well as Sindel's ending.
And BTW, Onaga as you see him in MKD (even though technically he's in Reptile's body) is exactly as he would have looked in his original body. The proof is in his Bonus Kard, as well as Sindel's ending.
Khameleon is a character with a ton of potential, in my opinion of course. Perhaps I'll share my own concepts of her someday.
Anyhow, she's very canon in the MK series. Chameleon is likely not... but she is because her name appears in MK:DA as well as MK:D. (I know someone who was able to look into the "Krypt run through" portion of MK:D... Khameleon's name is there, yet I've never seen her run through the Krypt).
I'm a big fan of any Khameleon related theories, so enjoy your well earned dragon points. :>
Anyhow, she's very canon in the MK series. Chameleon is likely not... but she is because her name appears in MK:DA as well as MK:D. (I know someone who was able to look into the "Krypt run through" portion of MK:D... Khameleon's name is there, yet I've never seen her run through the Krypt).
I'm a big fan of any Khameleon related theories, so enjoy your well earned dragon points. :>

~Crow~ Wrote:
Khameleon is a character with a ton of potential, in my opinion of course. Perhaps I'll share my own concepts of her someday.
Anyhow, she's very canon in the MK series. Chameleon is likely not... but she is because her name appears in MK:DA as well as MK:D. (I know someone who was able to look into the "Krypt run through" portion of MK:D... Khameleon's name is there, yet I've never seen her run through the Krypt).
I'm a big fan of any Khameleon related theories, so enjoy your well earned dragon points. :>
Khameleon is a character with a ton of potential, in my opinion of course. Perhaps I'll share my own concepts of her someday.
Anyhow, she's very canon in the MK series. Chameleon is likely not... but she is because her name appears in MK:DA as well as MK:D. (I know someone who was able to look into the "Krypt run through" portion of MK:D... Khameleon's name is there, yet I've never seen her run through the Krypt).
I'm a big fan of any Khameleon related theories, so enjoy your well earned dragon points. :>
I agree with you on everything u say about Khameleon. She is very underrated and has tons and tons of potential. (Also perhaps they could make her a kind of shape shifter, adding to her story/potential).
As for MKD....well, u know how there are two 'Reptiles' in the prison stage, Ninja Reptile and Reptilian Reptile (MK4), well I think this is probably Khameleon. The Reptilian one looks very strange, and darker in coulour that Reptile was in MK4. Why would they bother pputting tow his 3 looks in and not the third? And why no put in both Shang Tsung or Quan Chis or 3 Kitanas/Mileenas etc. Seems sill that both are actually indeed Reptile. I think the ninja one is Reptile and the Reptilian Mk4 like one is actually Khameleon. (It would perhaps explain why her name is in the Krypt run though thing.....just a thought).
Ive came up with a few ideas for Khameleon, and also a few sketches, which Ive kinda based around the MK4 reptile and the MKDA reptiel, sticking with the grey coloured clothing. i wish I had a sanner or something to put them on here. Also have some for Sareena, Kitana and two characters I made up...Roxie and an unamed male Vampire.
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Thanks for that info Kombat, I knew that onaga had an original body but i didnt know it would look like what he looks like now...With that information i think it makes my theory that more interesting. It's undeniable that reptile can evolve. His de-evolution is probably what made it possible for him to merge with reptile as you stated. And now that he is in reptiles body what next? im pretty sure that he will react along with reptile and i beleive that if reptile evolves back into his original form then onaga will become even more stronger if not invincible and plus it gives new insight to what would onaga look like as a evolved human?
I mean look at it this way. You said that reptile was the perfect body for onaga to take over and PERHAPS everyones normal body werent able to perform this merge....so why was onaga only able to inhabit a primitive body? It could be because he was weak and didnt have the power to take over a stronger body in his state until he regained his power so he took advantage of reptiles weak status but i think that this is an excellent chance to re-introduce khameleon with an important role and the theory makes total sense not including it would be wild if there was a possibility of onaga evolving. Mainly because right now in his state he has the elders gods shakey making them choose a champion to defeat him....if he evolves and becomes like a titan because of the 4 evolutions who knows....maybe we might actually get to see an eldergod personally risk his life to descend into the tournament and stop the newly powered onaga.
That would be awesome to see onaga evolve and become soo stronger that an actual eldergod would have to sacrifice himself from his status and actually be playable in order to stop onaga and save the Elders and reality from destruction...cool
I mean look at it this way. You said that reptile was the perfect body for onaga to take over and PERHAPS everyones normal body werent able to perform this merge....so why was onaga only able to inhabit a primitive body? It could be because he was weak and didnt have the power to take over a stronger body in his state until he regained his power so he took advantage of reptiles weak status but i think that this is an excellent chance to re-introduce khameleon with an important role and the theory makes total sense not including it would be wild if there was a possibility of onaga evolving. Mainly because right now in his state he has the elders gods shakey making them choose a champion to defeat him....if he evolves and becomes like a titan because of the 4 evolutions who knows....maybe we might actually get to see an eldergod personally risk his life to descend into the tournament and stop the newly powered onaga.
That would be awesome to see onaga evolve and become soo stronger that an actual eldergod would have to sacrifice himself from his status and actually be playable in order to stop onaga and save the Elders and reality from destruction...cool
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<img Src="http://www.scifidimensions.com/Feb03/venom_small.jpg">
tru that his power comes from him and not the host body if thats the case. but the fact is is he is still in a host body which means he is subject to any tranformations or affects that are in or comes with that body. This is only a theory and of course it cant really be tested out because im not the Midway story writer so i guess its possible and at the same time it isnt possible

i looked at sindels ending and i noticed two things first onaga must have been human because if you look at the pic you see that he has five fingers and also he doesnt seem to be that tall id say about six foot five or so judging in a comparison to sindel, i know that you will bring up the horns, thats probably a helmet because think if shao kahn died wouldnt they bry him with his helmet and armor.
you can see that here>>>>>http://deception.davesmk.com/warriors/endings/sindel.php
but this contradicts the thing that was posted by crow i think here is this link>>>>http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mkd_kards/reptile.jpg i think that an ending would overrule something found in the krypt.
Lastly i noticed that when sindel kills the corpse and the green thing flows into the dragon king he turn back into reptile but its reptiles human form that if what you guys are saying that means that khameleon is near.......
you can see that here>>>>>http://deception.davesmk.com/warriors/endings/sindel.php
but this contradicts the thing that was posted by crow i think here is this link>>>>http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mkd_kards/reptile.jpg i think that an ending would overrule something found in the krypt.
Lastly i noticed that when sindel kills the corpse and the green thing flows into the dragon king he turn back into reptile but its reptiles human form that if what you guys are saying that means that khameleon is near.......
subzero6969 Wrote:
i looked at sindels ending and i noticed two things first onaga must have been human because if you look at the pic you see that he has five fingers and also he doesnt seem to be that tall id say about six foot five or so judging in a comparison to sindel, i know that you will bring up the horns, thats probably a helmet because think if shao kahn died wouldnt they bry him with his helmet and armor.
you can see that here>>>>>http://deception.davesmk.com/warriors/endings/sindel.php
but this contradicts the thing that was posted by crow i think here is this link>>>>http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mkd_kards/reptile.jpg i think that an ending would overrule something found in the krypt.
Lastly i noticed that when sindel kills the corpse and the green thing flows into the dragon king he turn back into reptile but its reptiles human form that if what you guys are saying that means that khameleon is near.......
i looked at sindels ending and i noticed two things first onaga must have been human because if you look at the pic you see that he has five fingers and also he doesnt seem to be that tall id say about six foot five or so judging in a comparison to sindel, i know that you will bring up the horns, thats probably a helmet because think if shao kahn died wouldnt they bry him with his helmet and armor.
you can see that here>>>>>http://deception.davesmk.com/warriors/endings/sindel.php
but this contradicts the thing that was posted by crow i think here is this link>>>>http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mkd_kards/reptile.jpg i think that an ending would overrule something found in the krypt.
Lastly i noticed that when sindel kills the corpse and the green thing flows into the dragon king he turn back into reptile but its reptiles human form that if what you guys are saying that means that khameleon is near.......
I don't follow you... how does anything there contradict what I posted? The Reptile bio card further proves Khameleon is a real character that the MK team has not forgotten about...

I am beginning to agree that Onaga was originally a dragon, but you have to admit a human form would be a great concept. Maybe he was just an average Outworlder like Shao Kahn that decided to worship the Great Dragons of the past, wearing armor and headgear with horns to resemble them. If he returns, he would not be evil. With noone to threaten his rule of Outworld, he would establish his personal empire and leave Edenia unaffected... They might even request his reign there. He was obviously a smart ruler, and conquering realms like crazy in Shao Kahn fashion would leave him vulnerable. Kahn would be indestructible if he confined his military and left everyone alone.
Never mind. About Khameleon, she should return to Reptile's side as a comrade and together repopulate their own race of Zaterran, hidden in the depths of Edenia. Since Onaga was possessing Reptile with the lizard still awake in the subconscious, he would surely know about a Matriarch sustaining Reptile's appearance. Chameleon wasn't too popular, and it sounds corny to have them both in the next game. I agree with your theories, though. Lots of thought. 

~Crow~ Wrote:
I don't follow you... how does anything there contradict what I posted? The Reptile bio card further proves Khameleon is a real character that the MK team has not forgotten about...
subzero6969 Wrote:
i looked at sindels ending and i noticed two things first onaga must have been human because if you look at the pic you see that he has five fingers and also he doesnt seem to be that tall id say about six foot five or so judging in a comparison to sindel, i know that you will bring up the horns, thats probably a helmet because think if shao kahn died wouldnt they bry him with his helmet and armor.
you can see that here>>>>>http://deception.davesmk.com/warriors/endings/sindel.php
but this contradicts the thing that was posted by crow i think here is this link>>>>http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mkd_kards/reptile.jpg i think that an ending would overrule something found in the krypt.
Lastly i noticed that when sindel kills the corpse and the green thing flows into the dragon king he turn back into reptile but its reptiles human form that if what you guys are saying that means that khameleon is near.......
i looked at sindels ending and i noticed two things first onaga must have been human because if you look at the pic you see that he has five fingers and also he doesnt seem to be that tall id say about six foot five or so judging in a comparison to sindel, i know that you will bring up the horns, thats probably a helmet because think if shao kahn died wouldnt they bry him with his helmet and armor.
you can see that here>>>>>http://deception.davesmk.com/warriors/endings/sindel.php
but this contradicts the thing that was posted by crow i think here is this link>>>>http://tabmok99.mortalkombatonline.com/mkd_kards/reptile.jpg i think that an ending would overrule something found in the krypt.
Lastly i noticed that when sindel kills the corpse and the green thing flows into the dragon king he turn back into reptile but its reptiles human form that if what you guys are saying that means that khameleon is near.......
I don't follow you... how does anything there contradict what I posted? The Reptile bio card further proves Khameleon is a real character that the MK team has not forgotten about...
im sorry i meant kombat instead

i wish Khameleon would return in MK7!!
She could have a cool story in MK7 too!
I hope they do not bring back Chameleon because he was stupid!!
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its true in sindel's ending that reptile is in a human form so im guessing that khameleon is near. Theres a possibility that in MK7 if they decide to include her then she was behind the scenes hence her reference in nitaras konquest in DA and reptiles re-evolution in sindels ending. She might be doing behind the scene work for the earth realm warriors because if i recall her status was good not evil. Also i would love to she her try to bring reptile back and accidently evolve Onaga into a new being through reptiles body hence the whole topic of this thread.
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