Who thinks that there will be a create-a-character mode in this game?
Mortal Kombat X
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Who thinks that there will be a create-a-character mode in this game?
posted03/18/2005 02:24 AM (UTC)byMember Since
03/05/2005 11:06 PM (UTC)
I really want there to be one. If u want 1, post how urs is gonna look.
If Sheeva isn't in the game, im gonna make her!
If Sheeva isn't in the game, im gonna make her!

I hope it is something as good like the Create A Wrestler from the WWE SmackDown Games. It would be a great addition to the MK series. Just think of what is possible if they included it . . . What we can create.

I hope not. It would lead to over powered characters. That would make MK7 online bad.
It all depends on the powers that they enable us to use and a limit of how to use them!!!!!!!!!
I can see both of your points the two guys that want it,as well as Frost guy who is opposed to it.....it would be something new,but at the same time people would try to take advantage of it,which could be a good thing or a bad thing.
I can see both of your points the two guys that want it,as well as Frost guy who is opposed to it.....it would be something new,but at the same time people would try to take advantage of it,which could be a good thing or a bad thing.
Well I want Create a Costume, Its were your able to create your own costume for any character thats playable.
I actually wouldn't mind being able to make my own character, but that will take a lot of effort for the creators of the game, and a lot of time for the people making the characters as well, because now the game(s) would have to include a list of STATS for each character, like their strength and speed and so on, what buttons do what type of command, like a high or low punch, kick, and you would have to make proper combos for each character too. But then again, they would only have to do all of the above if they wanted to make all of the characters in the game balanced and equal.

i think that would be cool but i don't think they would do that

that would be cool. you could pick your race, skin color, fighting styles, costume peices, weapons, powers, hair color, faction, and fatality parts. skin darkness, obesity, hair length, speed, strength, offensiveness and defensiveness of your fighting styles should be measured on sliders.
No and there never will be. It is actualy a dumb idea to the company.

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Its a good concept, but what about the story and ending?Midway doesn't know what the hell types of endings that the character would have, not to mention what load times that this new option could bring up. Plus there would be concern of over powering the character. That would give people who suck online more reason to say it sucks.
I honestly don't like the idea of having a "create-a-character" mode in Mortal Kombat. To me, the original characters make Mortal Kombat the game it is. Adding custom characters would extract the unique differences between the characters by adding in a blend of each style and creating a whole new character entirely.
Although it is not a bad idea, I just don't see this kind of mode in a Mortal Kombat game. I do however see something that could be quite similar to "create-a-character" mode and it deals with the function of customization.
Like Virtua Fighter 4, and Tekken 5. I think it would be neat to customize each characters costume to how you see fit. I would like to also be able to customize each character by having RPG elements in this game such as a stat mode and have available slots for special moves. You can have a choice to use certain moves and not, like in Final Fantasy VII with the "materia" system. Imagine adding in slots for Sub-Zero with a special freeze move by putting the unlocked feature into his customized movelist. Acutally, this is more like Dragon Ball Z Budokai.
Although it is not a bad idea, I just don't see this kind of mode in a Mortal Kombat game. I do however see something that could be quite similar to "create-a-character" mode and it deals with the function of customization.
Like Virtua Fighter 4, and Tekken 5. I think it would be neat to customize each characters costume to how you see fit. I would like to also be able to customize each character by having RPG elements in this game such as a stat mode and have available slots for special moves. You can have a choice to use certain moves and not, like in Final Fantasy VII with the "materia" system. Imagine adding in slots for Sub-Zero with a special freeze move by putting the unlocked feature into his customized movelist. Acutally, this is more like Dragon Ball Z Budokai.
I think you should be able to create how the character looks like and choose styles , a weapon and specials from different characters . But I don't think you should be able to edit their strenght etc. because otherwise people will go way OTT . OR - you could have a limited amount of points to spend and its entirely up to you how to spend them . 

heres an idea, you have a konquest-like game, you start the game picking your standard stuff; race, skin color, height, hair length, fatness, age, etc.. you start off with a generic, sucky style that has no discepline whatsoever. you have no special moves, a couple measly 3-hit combos, and no faction. as you progress, you can train with certain masters to get the style you want (or master your generic, custom style). the more you train, the better you are with that stlye, the more damage it inflicts, the faster recovery, etc. also, you can learn your specials by training, training by yourself (specials can be upgraded as well). you can join the guild of your choice, be it the black dragon, Shao Kahn's army, the tarkatan army (which you don't HAVE to be tarkatan to join, but it's easier to upgrade your rank if you are), Lin Kuei, etc. as for your bio, you can write it yourself, or the computer writes it for you, depending on your rank in a faction.
I would like MK:7 to have something along the lines of Tekken 5, Being able to customize characters.
Though a Kreate-A-Kharacter would have been great in MK:D... I would have liked to make Rain and maybe Sheeva. Hopefully all my favorites will be in MK:7.
Though a Kreate-A-Kharacter would have been great in MK:D... I would have liked to make Rain and maybe Sheeva. Hopefully all my favorites will be in MK:7.
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