Why cant Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5
Why cant Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
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skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
ShoeUnited Wrote:
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
The reason why Namco has more money is, because more people buy Tekken then Mortal Kombat.
skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5
Short answer: They don't know how, and don't want to know how.
Apparently Mr. Project Lead himself doesn't handle advice too well.
Besides, they don't need to. As long as people keep buying this game soley for things like blood and alternate outfits (oh and lets not forget the all important story), Midway can release a new shit game each year and still have have morons kiss their ass and keep them comfortably in business.
If Namco release a bad game on the other hand, people won't tolerate it, and either won't buy it or won't play it (*cough*tekken4*cough*). They need to make decent games to stay in green, so they do.
MIdway lacks budget, professionalism and a decent marketing theatre.
Let's not forget, that Japan dominates over most of Asias video game market, while Midway can only compete on USA and Europe theatres.
And let's just say it out: Tekken 5 is just like MKD compared to it's
predecessors, despite the add-on games.
Let's not forget, that Japan dominates over most of Asias video game market, while Midway can only compete on USA and Europe theatres.
And let's just say it out: Tekken 5 is just like MKD compared to it's
predecessors, despite the add-on games.
Chrome Wrote:
MIdway lacks budget, professionalism and a decent marketing theatre.
MIdway lacks budget, professionalism and a decent marketing theatre.
Budget is not an issue. Anybody could make a game with wire-frame models and bland backgrounds on a budget of a couple grand, and it would still work better than MKD. This is not an excuse at all, and as long as people keep trying to make excuses for this bullshit, then you're going to keep getting broken games, and I know you don't like playing cheesy players.
Poor marketing is also no reason why the game itself should be sub-par, this is not an excuse either (MKD was marketed very well, I thought. Every time I watched a WWE show it was being advertised at one stage).
Chrome Wrote:
Let's not forget, that Japan dominates over most of Asias video game market, while Midway can only compete on USA and Europe theatres.
Let's not forget, that Japan dominates over most of Asias video game market, while Midway can only compete on USA and Europe theatres.
What does this have to do with game mechanics being horrid? Nothing. MKD was a failure because of the constant 50/50 game, universal tracking, glitch throws, broken moves, etc, etc, etc, not because it didn't sell billions of copies.
Chrome Wrote:
And let's just say it out: Tekken 5 is just like MKD compared to it's
predecessors, despite the add-on games.
And let's just say it out: Tekken 5 is just like MKD compared to it's
predecessors, despite the add-on games.
What the hell?
Wrong. T5 actually improved on T4, and added a completely new element to the game known as the 'crush system', as well as other things such as long range throws.
MKD was a step down from MKDA, and the only useful thing added were combo breakers, which hardly compensates for the rest of the games failures.

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MKD was better then mkda im glad they got rid of the silly power ups and the impale moves and hsu hao or whatever his name was.But the important issue is they didnt fix the fighting engine its still very slow and broken and no air moves.

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<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/mpoppa/images/SU.txt"<
Form of...Whining Tekken Fan!
Form of...Whining Tekken Fan!
Tekken has an established fighting engine that they just need to pretty up each time around. Mortal Kombat on the other hand needs to redo their entire engine each game because frankly it's not that great compared with some other games out there.

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-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.
skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
MK Gold (DC) had over twenty characters & most of their endings were in full motion FMV (not prerendered like MK4).

About Me
BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.
MK Gold's FMV's were copied off the PSX version of MK4. They only had to make ones for the additional characters. Plus they're not worth watching in MK Gold since the damn game doesn't save them when you unlock them.
Less farting fatalities + revamped fighting engine (including air moves) would probably be a good start.
Also, getting rid of half the cast for new people nobody knows or cares about each time sucks too, they could at least put the former fighters in as 'ghosts' or hidden...(oh i forgot how much importance is on the story of mk...)
I'm not picking one side over the other but to me it looks like Midway pointed at Tekken and said 'We want that' and they tried to make MK into Tekken, but that was foolish, because they failed. Actually, I know that's what happened because one of the Midway staff members said it right here on this very site.
Also, getting rid of half the cast for new people nobody knows or cares about each time sucks too, they could at least put the former fighters in as 'ghosts' or hidden...(oh i forgot how much importance is on the story of mk...)
I'm not picking one side over the other but to me it looks like Midway pointed at Tekken and said 'We want that' and they tried to make MK into Tekken, but that was foolish, because they failed. Actually, I know that's what happened because one of the Midway staff members said it right here on this very site.
Did someone already mentioned it to you Crackerjack that you have a serious complex of ripping apart and start explaining my posts?
Not that I mind, but it gets a little freaky after time and time. I know I post a lot of shit, but at least try to figure out what I try to tell. My english sucks, lol.
Umm back to the issue, theese questions don't revolve mainly around why MKD sucks so hard at gameplay, but rather try to question why are MK like games so bad compared to
Midway lacks budget, professionalism and a decent marketing theatre.
Yes, that should be true. I really dunno how much a video render costs, or how the whole thibng assembled. But there are other points mentioned above, namely professionalism. I think Midway wants the picture slide-show becouse it has been used in previous MK's before MK4. OK, keeping classic values is a good idea, but please remain technologically advanced at least in your minds. A good idea would be a tekken like movie, what goes pause every time the narrator foretells the story.
Theatre is pretty much important. MK games have a good theatre, Us!
But if Midway doesn't care about the opinions from both players and neutral observers, than the game is doomed.
ahh, I should try to rethink on this, becouse there's something in there what bugs me to no end.
Another issue is, that if you hire a sequebnce director, he's gonna ask for his money...a lot of money. Thats why developers with a good sense are invaluable for sequence making. Another interesting thing is, that Ed Boon is very hard-headed and fires people who state negative experiences with his games. Sounds familiar? Well, thats the professionalism I'm talking about.
Let's not forget, that Japan dominates over most of Asias video game market, while Midway can only compete on USA and Europe theatres.
Influence. Japan has a good tradition of putting out good fighting games, and every single mainstream japanese fighter became an ethalon in fighter game history. What would have happened if Tekken and Soul Cali-bur would have been unreleased (alongside the majority of japanese figh-ters)? Maybe MKDA and MKD would have been crowned as the king of every punchthrowing fighting game on Earth.
What is really annoying that everyone is taking jap. fighters good as gran-ted, while for example DOA ultimate -or whatever it was called- was a big dissapointment for me (not to mention the fact that if you learn to reverse, you have everything under controll) but thats my personal experience. The thing is, that since there are no f.games on the market that are at least on the level of -let's say- Tekken made outside of the asian influential zones and this certainly loweres the valuation of MK games.
And let's just say it out: Tekken 5 is just like MKD compared to it's
predecessors, despite the add-on games.
Well, I haven't seen that much of an evolution in Tekken like in Midway, but thats mainly becouse tekken has been a 3D fighter from the start. But reusing the same old system core left an old feeling behind that no matter how many new and partially evolutional add-ons are attached to the main engine, it is still the same ever since T1. not that it's bad, but it certainly loweres the value of the crush system for example.
Uhh, but this won't change the fact that MKD fell from grace badly compa-red to MKDA. Tekken remained the same (the fact why i don't play tekken very often)
The_Purple_Bunny Wrote:
Plus they're not worth watching in MK Gold since the damn game doesn't save them when you unlock them.
Plus they're not worth watching in MK Gold since the damn game doesn't save them when you unlock them.
Errrm...no. Mine is saved fine - I just checked.
skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
The answer is pretty simple; you basically seem to point out FMVs as being the most important thing in a fighting game but anyway the reason Midway doesn't do 32 FMVs is due to financial reasons. NAMCO does their FMVs with their own art team, Midway does not have such an art team so they would have to contract someone outside the company, something that they have no money to do for 32 FMVs. Remember Midway is basically a one-hit-wonder company nowadays with the MK series probably grossing more than half of its total videogame profits.
As for the game engines MK and Tekken are completely different kinds of games and I don't think you should really compare them to. MK is really about fun and not about trying to be realistic in a martial arts simulation kind of way.

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You know, despite the fact I do not like deception, I thought the people who said DA was better were crazy. Now I have played DA again, and I agree with those people. The delay after attacks is much shorter, making a faster paced game. It also took timing putting in combo's instead of just pressing the button sequance as fast as you can. I personally thought the power-ups and reversals were better than the combo breaker, and the throws look better as well. Hell, I might even go as far as to say it is kinda fun. Don't get me wrong, I still think MK needs to completely overhaul its fighting system, because there are still many better fighters. However, I find MKDA much more enjoyable than MKD.

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The game that i think has the best fighting engine ever is umk3 its definitely the most addicting fighter i have ever played. Mk should of stayed 2d in my view and why did they get rid of the run button that was a good idea and it worked great i know alot of people hated it because they didnt know how to use it.
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ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER...................
ShoeUnited Wrote:
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
RIGHT-- and japanese are people very hard working , they dont rush Tekken out like BOON with MK...

About Me
eddygordo Wrote:
RIGHT-- and japanese are people very hard working , they dont rush Tekken out like BOON with MK...

ShoeUnited Wrote:
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
RIGHT-- and japanese are people very hard working , they dont rush Tekken out like BOON with MK...
Rushed? MKDA came out 5 years after MK4. I hardly call that rushing. The fight mechanic/controls were established with MKDA (like them or not) and they didn't need to take another 5 years to revamp everything. Same goes with MK1-2. You all consider 2 as the best fighter yet it only came a year after #1...
Rushed? MKDA came out 5 years after MK4. I hardly call that rushing. The fight mechanic/controls were established with MKDA (like them or not) and they didn't need to take another 5 years to revamp everything. Same goes with MK1-2. You all consider 2 as the best fighter yet it only came a year after #1...
eddygordo Wrote:
RIGHT-- and japanese are people very hard working , they dont rush Tekken out like BOON with MK...

ShoeUnited Wrote:
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
skein Wrote:
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Why can't Midway make a great game like Namco did with Tekken 5.
I don't have a PS2 bur after seeing the vids of both games you can clearly see that Tekken 5 is almost perfect
why did midway team said that they couldn't make an FMV ending and that it would be hard to do for 24 chars but Namco did it for 32 chars WTF!!!
Namco has been doing their own fmv's for years. In house. Midway doesn't have that big of an art department so to speak. Midway has to contract out of the company. Namco has more money. Midway doesn't.
RIGHT-- and japanese are people very hard working , they dont rush Tekken out like BOON with MK...
Rushed? MKDA came out 5 years after MK4. I hardly call that rushing. The fight mechanic/controls were established with MKDA (like them or not) and they didn't need to take another 5 years to revamp everything. Same goes with MK1-2. You all consider 2 as the best fighter yet it only came a year after #1...
Like it or not it was rushed... there were a lot of things in DA that never got included that were added in Deception. All the things in Deception that everyone thinks are so cool were initially suppose to be in Deadly Alliance, but because they lacked time they just through what they had together and sold it. I'm not anti-MK here... just telling it how it is.
Chrome Wrote:
Did someone already mentioned it to you Crackerjack that you have a serious complex of ripping apart and start explaining my posts?
Did someone already mentioned it to you Crackerjack that you have a serious complex of ripping apart and start explaining my posts?
I do. A few people do. I try to explain things to you quite a bit, but you never seem to listen to anything people say, so all I can do is either give up, or continue to try explain things further in hopes that you'll take it on board rather than making more broad generalizations failing at justifying the bullshit MK has become these days (which usually seem to revolve around the idea that it's not Midway's fault, it's every other companies fault for being better, so we should blame them).
DamRho Wrote:
As for the game engines MK and Tekken are completely different kinds of games and I don't think you should really compare them to.
As for the game engines MK and Tekken are completely different kinds of games and I don't think you should really compare them to.
Why not? Being different isn't a reason not to compare them, it's a reason to compare them. If you only compared things that were the same, what would be the point?
DamRho Wrote:
MK is really about fun...
MK is really about fun...
And other fighting games aren't? You don't need to fill a game with things that become completely worthless after a week of owning it for the game to be 'fun'. You can have a fun game that doesn't revolve around cheap gimmicks - and it'll be fun longer.
DamRho Wrote:
...and not about trying to be realistic in a martial arts simulation kind of way.
...and not about trying to be realistic in a martial arts simulation kind of way.
And Tekken is? Is watching a super intelligent bear float accross the screen like a vollyball because he's getting hit multiple times by a small super intelligent kangaroo with boxing gloves on, realistic? Tekken is about as far away as you could get from being a martial arts simulation. Not that this really matters at all, but I just thought i'd point this out.

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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
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Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
eddygordo Wrote:
RIGHT-- and japanese are people very hard working , they dont rush Tekken out like BOON with MK...

RIGHT-- and japanese are people very hard working , they dont rush Tekken out like BOON with MK...
Actually that's a misconception. It's understandable why people have this idea though. People hear that Japanese workers spend approximately 10-12 hours working compared to the standard American 8 hour day. Based on this info they deduce that the Japanese are better workers. The problem is that many times the second part of the fact is missing. Despite working 10-12 hours a day, the average Japanese worker accomplishes about the same amount of work done by the average American. This is because of excessive breaks for cigarettes and other hindrances. So as a whole, the Japanese are less efficient since it takes a few hours more to accomplish what amounts to the same thing. Then because of the extremely long work day, many workers go and drink themselves silly. This isn't to say that American workers don't but when talking about percentages, the Japanese do it more. This has been documented numerous times by westerners working for Japanese companies.

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Nikodemus Wrote:
Like it or not it was rushed... there were a lot of things in DA that never got included that were added in Deception.
Like it or not it was rushed... there were a lot of things in DA that never got included that were added in Deception.
Such as?

About Me
BunnyHaetsU - Ramblings of a man who probably shouldn't be allowed into society.
MKDA was rushed. They spend the better 3 years after MK4 making The Grid, and only 2 years making MKDA, just like 2 years making MKD. Two games developed in 2 years time, both rushed, both bad.
The inclusion of stage fatailities or as they have been renamed death traps, the second fatalitie for each character, many characters that were suppose to be included were not, konquest mode was supposed to be a lot more detailed then it was in DA but since they were rushed it became little more then a combo lesson for each character. Also if I'm not mistaken they wanted to include Hara-K's in DA but again lacked the time to develop the idea.
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