Sub-Zeros my Favorite (and Best) MK Character. Theres no escaping that truth...
posted06/08/2014 09:54 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
12/25/2006 06:05 PM (UTC)
...along with Mortal Kombat II being my Favorite (and Best) MK Game. I'm not a tournament-level gamer (even though I enjoy playing online), but I was able to win 7 matches in a row against the CPU in MKII using Sub-Zero. I've never done that in any other MK game with any other MK Character. Sub-Zero's been my Favorite MK Character for 11 years. The one and only thing that gets in the way of that is MK9, and how cruelly they treated him in that game. But now I'm separating MK9's reboot storyline from the original storyline, because it's not the same (besides Raiden's changes). I have many ways to back that up, and you people have already provided me with more. Besides, I don't even like the rebooted Sub-Zero even before he turned cyber. Since he's so hell-bent on revenge, he's too much like Scorpion now. I like him better when he's a noble warrior like he is in the original storyline. I'll still play MK9 and MK10, but I'm not taking them as seriously as the original games anymore. If you wanna flame me, be my guest, but I'm entitled to my opinion and believe in free will.
11/13/2013 03:14 AM (UTC)
So he wanted to hunt down who killed his brother. He was like that in the original timeline, along with his mission to assassinate Shang Tsung when he (Kuai Liang) debuted in the second game.

His story hardly changed dramatically, with the exception of the Cyber part.
11/13/2013 10:02 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So he wanted to hunt down who killed his brother. He was like that in the original timeline, along with his mission to assassinate Shang Tsung when he (Kuai Liang) debuted in the second game.

Actually, his MK2 story never actually says anything about him wanting to avenge his bro's death. The closest is his ending mentioning that he finds out Scorpion did it, but doesn't understand why Scorpion didn't kill him too, which means that if they did fight in the tournament, Scorpion won (unlike when they fight in MK9).

There's also a scene in the official comic where when Kuai meets Scorpion for the first time, he says "If this is my brother's assassin, shouldn't I strike him down?" But he never actually decides to do it.

Maybe because he actually hears Scorpion say that Bi-Han killed him first and he just wanted revenge, and now to make up for taking a life, he's going to protect the new Sub.

Or maybe because revenge isn't as important to him. His brother was a fighter, they're professional killers, he knew the risks. Dying on a mission is part of the job. It's not like Scorpion's revenge, his family were innocents and his clan weren't doing anything when they were attacked unfairly.

But that scene in the comic isn't necessarily canon to the game because it happens before the tournament even starts, but the game says that Scorpion doesn't decide to protect Sub until he sees Sub fight in the tournament and let an opponent live, proving he's not a vicious killer like Bi-Han was.
Anyway, the only time before MK9 that Kuai Liang wanting revenge is ever mentioned is in Shaolin Monks.
11/13/2013 11:04 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Anyway, the only time before MK9 that Kuai Liang wanting revenge is ever mentioned is in Shaolin Monks.

Yet Shaolin Monks is cannon, so what I said is true.
11/14/2013 12:19 AM (UTC)
0, Shaolin Monks is non-canon. I didn't know you didn't know that or I would've pointed that out when I mentioned it.
MK9 borrows a lot of ideas from MKSM (which are still retcons compared to what was in the original timeline) but the actual Shaolin Monks story never counted because there was no tournament in it, which contradicts MK2, and the whole "Shang pretends to be Raiden and talks you into killing all the main badguys like Jade and Baraka and Reptile so he can steal their souls" plot can't possibly fit into the timeline, which is why those parts AREN'T mentioned in MK9 at all and instead they at least kept the traditional "Shang invites Raiden's team to a second tournament with changed rules" scene.
11/14/2013 01:22 AM (UTC)
How is it not canon? Is it because you said it or that Xiaou(sp?) user that mentioned it? (I came across a thread that has him explaining how it isn't to users here that claim this game is) I've never seen or read anything on how Shaolin Monks isn't canon.

If there is such an interview or an article that exists that clearly states it's non-canon, I'll admit that I'm in the wrong and carry on. Otherwise, if it's going off by someone's opinion because things between the original timeline and Shaolin Monks changed, I'm just going to sit back, twiddle my thumbs with a big nasty grin on my face and continue to carry on.
11/14/2013 03:12 AM (UTC)
When the game first came out, the developers played coy and wouldn't admit whether the game is canon or not, probably because they originally intended it to be a canon expansion of the MK2 story and advertised it as such before it came out, and didn't anticipate the fact that the final script would be incompatible with the timeline of the games, so they were still trying to decide what stance to take about it.

Which did create a lot of arguments around here about whether it was canon or not.

But in a later Fight Night chat, they confirmed the Boss Fatalities and the plot that revolves around them are "just for fun" because they didn't think the game would be as cool if you let everybody you run into live, even though Jade, Baraka, Reptile, Kano, Shang and Kahn never die in the real timeline, so the story in Shaolin Monks officially doesn't count.

And obviously, Armageddon and MK9 came out afterward and ignore the plot of MKSM by referencing things that happened to characters in the original MK2 instead of the versions that happened in SM, which makes it pretty clear that they weren't counting Shaolin Monks as part of the story.

So like I said, Shaolin Monks is indeed officially not canon to either the Original timeline or to the Rebootverse. But the devs chose to add the ideas from MKSM that they liked the best into MK9 as small retcons, like Kung Lao disguising himself as a masked guard, or the heroes celebrating at the temple before it's attacked rather than Liu coming home to find it already wrecked, or Kuai Liang wanting to avenge his brother.
11/15/2013 11:46 AM (UTC)
Well, then, I just have to ask... why on earth do you have Scorpion's avatar if you're a Sub-Zero lover? Also, I don't know if you can call Sub-Zero a noble warrior considering he and his clan were known for being assassins and thieves. That's hardly a profession for the noble type.
SpiDoL Wrote:
I'll still play MK9 and MK10, but I'm not taking them as seriously as the original games anymore.

I can agree with you on that.
11/15/2013 12:45 PM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
Also, I don't know if you can call Sub-Zero a noble warrior considering he and his clan were known for being assassins and thieves. That's hardly a profession for the noble type.

To be fair, in his first appearance, Kuai is specifically described as being different in that he doesn't like killing people if he doesn't have to, in his second appearance he leaves the clan, and the next time he returns to the clan, he takes them over and turns them into a group that protects Earthrealm instead of stealing and killing for money.
11/15/2013 02:35 PM (UTC)
Sorry for confusing you there. At the time, I figured I'd be able to have Scorpion and UMK3 as my Favorite Character and Game. It didn't work out, for several reasons:
-Being a carbon copy of Ed Boon
-Having to lick the boots of all the tournament bigwigs
-Trying to get my friends to play the classic games more when they're only good at MK9
-My stance about special editions of games being my Favorite Game (That's why Street Fighter never works out as my Favorite, because of all the f'n special editions they made for each game
and...(This is just my opinion, so please don't take it personally)
-The fact that UMK3 is a glitchy and incomplete mess compared to MKII, and the only reason UMK3's better is because of its faster and balanced gameplay (which isn't even perfectly balanced anyway)

So the bottom line is, I need to stop being so fickle and just stick to what's tried and true: Sub-Zero and MKII. Again, I don't need to take MK9 and the reboot series as seriously as I do the original series, and I'm glad and appreciative that I found someone like you who agrees with me on that ;)
11/15/2013 09:51 PM (UTC)
Well, the second of the series is by far the best out of the entire series.

Well... that is for me, even better than 2011.

They may have screwed him over big time in the latest game with him turning into a cyborg and having him "die" (I say that loosely because one punch to the head and getting killed that easily is just too silly to take seriously) in the way that he did wasn't the right way to go with his character. As much as a fan that I am of him and such, I will say, his story wasn't that big with me, but I still appreciate that he is in there.

Just be thankful that he's the only character that had an entire game based around him... well, Bi Han that is. Granted you have Special Forces and Shaolin Monks but, Mythologies was just about Sub-Zero's journey before the first tournament, and I feel that Sub-Zero has more respect around the company than Scorpion. (Even though plenty could argue that Scorpion is)
11/16/2013 12:32 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:, Shaolin Monks is non-canon. I didn't know you didn't know that or I would've pointed that out when I mentioned it.

MK9 borrows a lot of ideas from MKSM (which are still retcons compared to what was in the original timeline) but the actual Shaolin Monks story never counted because there was no tournament in it, which contradicts MK2, and the whole "Shang pretends to be Raiden and talks you into killing all the main badguys like Jade and Baraka and Reptile so he can steal their souls" plot can't possibly fit into the timeline, which is why those parts AREN'T mentioned in MK9 at all and instead they at least kept the traditional "Shang invites Raiden's team to a second tournament with changed rules" scene.

*Face palm*

I was thinking of Bi Han this whole time... my bad.
11/29/2013 03:26 AM (UTC)
Isn't Shaolin Monks like, the least canon game ever?
11/30/2013 04:41 AM (UTC)
Yes, but sometimes Icebaby likes to be difficult, and when that happens, one has to be a bit long-winded and spell out letter-by-letter, showing concrete evidence, WHY the thing she doesn't understand or doesn't agree with is the way it is. The best way to end or avoid an unpleasant conversation with her is to anticipate every possible loophole or loose thread she might use as fuel for more arguing and shoot it down before she can even bring it up.
12/12/2013 12:31 AM (UTC)
SpiDoL Wrote:
Sorry for confusing you there. At the time, I figured I'd be able to have Scorpion and UMK3 as my Favorite Character and Game. It didn't work out, for several reasons:
-Being a carbon copy of Ed Boon
-Having to lick the boots of all the tournament bigwigs

What does this mean exactly?
12/12/2013 02:16 AM (UTC)
SpiDoL Wrote:
-Being a carbon copy of Ed Boon

I really hope this doesn't mean what I think it means...

And I know I'm a bit late to this party but:

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Yes, but sometimes Icebaby likes to be difficult, and when that happens, one has to be a bit long-winded and spell out letter-by-letter, showing concrete evidence, WHY the thing she doesn't understand or doesn't agree with is the way it is. The best way to end or avoid an unpleasant conversation with her is to anticipate every possible loophole or loose thread she might use as fuel for more arguing and shoot it down before she can even bring it up.

How in the world did Zentile's post have to do with what I do on this site, exactly? Or were you, at the time, trying to start an off-topic argument about what I do on this site? Also, I did state that I WAS going to apologize for getting the canon confused with Shaolin Monks (Because I never did hear that the game was non-canon), but because that flew over your fucking head by trying to lightly insult me, I decided not to after I saw your idiotic post.

Jesus, never thought I bothered you THAT badly, you could just ignore me altogether, hun. It's not that hard to scroll past a post. wink
12/12/2013 04:09 AM (UTC)
Zentile was asking, I presumed, WHY we were spending so much time and so many words talking about whether or not Shaolin Monks is canon, because everybody already knows it is.

I was pointing out that you started it because apparently you're the one person on Earth who didn't know, and I HAVE to be repetitive and thorough whenever I explain anything to you, because if I don't, you'll frustratingly keep trying to pick it apart, because you are very, VERY OFTEN either unaware of common knowledge things or like to challenge explanations that are perfectly satisfactory to most other people. You ARE difficult. I'm not saying it to be insulting, I'm saying it because it's the truth.
Surely you KNOW what you're like to talk to, the way other people see you? I know how other people see me. I'm perfectly aware that I'm a short-tempered, condescending asshole who happens to be a good artist and a human MK-encyclopedia.
12/12/2013 04:19 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
His comment was meant to ask WHY we're talking about whether or not Shaolin Monks is canon, because it's very common knowledge.

I was pointing out that you started it, because you are very, VERY OFTEN either unaware of common knowledge things or like to challenge shit that has no reason to be challenged. You DO like to be difficult. I'm not saying it to be insulting, I'm making a factual observation. Surely you KNOW what you're like to talk to, the way other people see you?

*Sighs* You could have been nice, but no, you had to be a jerk.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
. I'm perfectly aware that I'm a short-tempered, condescending asshole who happens to be a good artist and a human MK-encyclopedia.

I have absolutely why you needed to bring "I'm a good artist" into this conversation when it has nothing to do with art, and I like editing posts as well...
12/12/2013 04:41 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
you weren't being a jerk about it either when I asked.

Yeah, well I was holding it in.

I figure if I insult you WHILE I'm trying to teach you something, then you won't pay attention to what I'm trying to teach you. So if I need to blow off some steam because your being-dense made me mad, I wait until after.

Icebaby Wrote:
But now, you're throwing something so minuscule

That's the thing, It's not miniscule when it happens over and over again for like...I think seven years?

I'm not mad because of this one explanation in this one thread. I'm mad because this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME we post in the same thread.

You KNOW that every time I've explained something to you, I've been RIGHT, so when are you gonna LEARN FROM THE PAST and start taking my word for it on things instead of making me write essays with bibliographies?

Icebaby Wrote:
But I have absolutely no idea why that needed to be stated at all

Of COURSE you don't understand. Let me explain, as usual:

It needed to be stated because I'm pointing out that MOST people try to be AWARE of how they LOOK to others.

I gave the example that I am aware that other people see me as an asshole, and that I'm tolerated only because I have good things to offer the community, like knowledge and fanart.

Are YOU aware of how other people see you? Because I get the impression you're not.

Icebaby Wrote:
Also, it would be really awesome to take this finally to PM since this is getting wayyyy out of control.

Did you edit that in? I didn't see it the first time I read the post or I would have done that. Either way, I think I've said all I have to say, if you want to respond you can do it in PM though.
12/12/2013 04:58 AM (UTC)
I did wanted to PM this, but unfortunately no, change of heart, for a good reason stated later here:

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Yeah, well I was holding it in. I figure if I insult you WHILE I'm trying to teach you something, then you won't pay attention to what I'm trying to teach you. So if I need to blow off some steam because your being-dense made me mad, I wait until after.

But aren't you the person who once came into a thread when I called someone an "idiot" because that's considered flaming? So, a person who is so bent over heels about this site's rules, you don't mind breaking them yourself when you're tired of something that could easily be avoided?

Ironic, isn't it?

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
That's the thing, It's not miniscule when it happens over and over again for like...I think seven years?

Correct, I have been here since 2008.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'm not mad because of this one explanation in this one thread. I'm mad because this happens EVERY SINGLE TIME we post in the same thread.

What's funny, and I don't think you'll ever understand, you do this to yourself. If you know how I respond to you, why do you bother to reply to me in the first place? If I bother you that much, then why keep fueling the fire? You know how to use the roller on your mouse or clicking on the scroller and scroll down to roll pass my post and continue typing what you want to?

I mean, granted that it was somewhat nice of you to actually correct me over a mistake, but then you had to start something that had nothing to do with anything. I'm not an expert at Mortal Kombat, I never make myself out to be. There's so many games out there that I look up on and if I forget a few things, let it fucking be. But you have to be so goddamn harsh about people who mixes things up or gets something wrong. No one asked you to correct people in the first place, and if you're going to do it, there's no need to be rude at all, whether or not you like the person you're helping. I really don't give a fuck if you're short-tempered, I see that as a dumb excuse to just be rude to me or to anyone that you have an issue with for no fucking reason. I can be really pissed off too, but I'm not going to do that because there's no need to be rude for no reason at some random stranger over the internet. Seriously, don't play the excuse game, I get enough of that already with some people I deal with on a regular basis.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You KNOW that every time I've explained something to you, I've been RIGHT, so when are you gonna LEARN FROM THE PAST and start taking my word for it on things instead of making me write essays with bibliographies?

Because you do this to yourself. I never asked you to explain anything to me. If I get something wrong, I get something wrong. We're not perfect here, no one is out to be perfect because there's no such thing. But because you constantly need to act like a fucking jerk all the time someone gets wrong, not just me, you come across as a very rude person and I can see why you never got that promotion in being a portal guard and THANK GOD they did that. I'd hate to know what this site would be like for every person that pisses you off, you'd probably skull them because of it.

I'd be getting like what, three skulls for this very post?

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Of COURSE you don't understand. Let me explain, as usual:

It needed to be stated because I'm pointing out that MOST people try to be AWARE of how they LOOK to others.

I gave the example that I am aware that other people see me as an asshole, and that I'm tolerated only because I have good things to offer the community, like knowledge and fanart.

Are YOU aware of how other people see you? Because I get the impression you're not.

Except, this is the internet, this is a fan site. I really could care less what you think of me as a person. You DON'T know me personally. I could or could not be like this in real life. But because this is the internet and you have no idea who this person really is behind this account, you have nothing to say about anything like this. I could be pretending to be this girl that has this art site and youtube channel, I could not.

So seriously, you don't know me, and I don't care what you think of me. But if you're that tired of "teaching me a lesson" or whatever, then just stop replying to me. Stop talking to me. Let me be whatever I feel like being. If you're that annoyed by it, then I have no idea what to tell you other than I feel sorry that you're taking this very seriously when it didn't need to.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did you edit that in? I didn't see it the first time I read the post or I would have. Either way, I think I've said all I have to say, if you want to respond you can do it in PM though.

Nah, you decided to do this, so I'm doing it too. As many times until you get the picture to just learn to ignore me from now on. It's not that hard, really.
12/12/2013 05:06 AM (UTC)
You keep telling me that "I'm doing it to myself" because the solution is to ignore you.

Here's the problem with that:

You and I aren't the only people on this website. It's not like if I ignore you, you'll go away and never be a bother.

If someone, like you, says something that's wrong, and I don't correct them, OTHER PEOPLE might start to believe that thing.

This whole argument started because in the second post in this thread, you told the guy who made the first post that he was wrong to be mad about Kuai Liang wanting revenge for his brother in MK9, because he wanted it in the original MK2.

But that's not true. MK2 never says he wants to avenge his brother. The ONLY game before MK9 that ever said that was Shaolin Monks and Shaolin Monks ain't even canon so it doesn't count.

If I just let what you said go to avoid talking to you, the topic creator might have believed your misinformation. I didn't post for your benefit or mine, I did it for the benefit of him and others that might also read or post in the thread. Someone had to defend the fact that he's absolutely RIGHT about how MK9 fucked up Sub-Zero's personality and storyline, and that someone was me because I know the old storyline the best.
So no matter how much I might WANT to ignore everything you ever post, I often CAN'T, because SOMEONE has to help the OTHER posters, and because the not-you parts of the thread were of interest to me.

Icebaby Wrote:
But aren't you the person who once came into a thread when I called someone an "idiot" because that's considered flaming?

Name-calling is against the rules. Telling people off without calling them names is not. The closest thing to a direct insult I've said is that you're "being dense".

Icebaby Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Are YOU aware of how other people see you? Because I get the impression you're not.

Except, this is the internet, this is a fan site. I really could care less what you think of me as a person.

If you don't care what people here think, then why the fuck do you even come here? If you're not emotionally invested in this place, then what are you getting out of participating in conversations?
12/12/2013 05:24 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You keep telling me that "I'm doing it to myself" because the solution is to ignore you.
You and I aren't the only people on this website. It's not like if I ignore you, you'll go away and never be a bother.

If someone, like you, says something that's wrong, and I don't correct them, OTHER PEOPLE might start to believe that thing.

Sure, because one person really holds that much power over hundreds of people... Suuuuuurrrrrrrre.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
This whole argument started because in the second post in this thread, you told the guy who made the first post that he was wrong to be mad about Kuai Liang wanting revenge for his brother in MK9, because he wanted it in the original MK2.

But that's not true. MK2 never says he wants to avenge his brother. The ONLY game before MK9 that ever said that was Shaolin Monks and Shaolin Monks ain't even canon so it doesn't count.

If I just let what you said go to avoid talking to you, the topic creator might have believed your misinformation. I did it for the benefit of him and others that might also read or post in the thread, not for you. Someone has to defend the fact that he's absolutely RIGHT about how MK9 fucked up Sub-Zero's personality and storyline.

No, this whole argument started because you had to tell Zent that I'm this whacko user who comes in to start arguments for no reason. God are you seriously that blind or are you not willing to admit that what you replied to him was completely unnecessary and off-topic? Because I stopped arguing once you corrected me, did I not? Had I not even read your other post, I would have just replied to the OP in saying that I hope what he said wasn't what I thought he was saying. But because you HAD to say shit about me, I fought back.

So really, this is all your fault, take it and leave it. I was willing to admit I was wrong about the stupid canon thing, I'm sure it's not that bad to admit you had no business calling me out on something so fucking stupid.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Name-calling is against the rules. Telling people off without calling them names is not. The closest thing to a direct insult I've said is that you're "being dense".

But I have seen you insult people before, so please don't act like you've never broken rules before.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
If you don't care what people here think, then why the fuck do you even come here? If you're not emotionally invested in this place, then what are you getting out of participating in conversations?

There's a difference between caring about what people think compared to what people think of me. I am invested in this place as a fan of Mortal Kombat, not a person who cares about what people thinks of me as a human being. Just like everyone else here, I'm pretty sure no one cares what you, me, and anyone else thinks of them as a human being. It's a fan site devoted to a video game where people come and talk about it. That's all I clearly see of this site. I am not here to make friends despite that I did, even though that's not my intent.

I'm putting my foot down and saying that if you really have anything else to reply to me, do it through a PM, mainly because I have one last final to nail before getting my BA in animation. I'm tired and I need my beauty rest, I'm sure you do too, love. Also, editing because editing posts is fun fun fun!!!!
12/12/2013 05:53 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Sure, because one person really holds that much power over hundreds of people... Suuuuuurrrrrrrre.

The untrue rumor that Scorpion's MK2 and 3 story was retconned out in MK4 and 5 was started by just one person and spread from there like a virus. Some people on MKO still believe that shit despite my repeated efforts to shoot it down.
So yeah, one person can make the difference. That's why I'm so quick to shoot down misinformation when it starts.

Icebaby Wrote:
No, this whole argument started because you had to tell Zent that I'm this whacko user who comes in to start arguments for no reason.

Do you know what "cause and effect" is?

This has all been ONE argument, that started with the Sub-Zero-in-MK2 part, which then turned into the Shaolin Monks part, and THEN became what it is now. It didn't just pop up out of nowhere. I said you start arguments for no reason BECAUSE Zentile wanted to know why we were arguing about Shaolin Monks being non-canon.

Icebaby Wrote:
But I have seen you insult people before, so please don't act like you've never broken rules before.

Well I am only human. I do try to be careful about not crossing that line, but if I DID call someone a name and a mod gave me a skull-point for it, it's not like I'd argue it wasn't deserved.

Icebaby Wrote:
There's a difference between caring about what people think compared to what people think of me.

I completely disagree. A person's reputation has a direct effect on how people respond to their posts. You have to be aware of what kind of reputation you've developed if you want people to pay attention to what you post or treat you with respect. You never thought that maybe you've EARNED the disrespectful way I talk to you?

Icebaby Wrote:
I am not here to make friends

Well that's your loss. Personally, I enjoy finding people of like-mind to talk to, whether in real life or on the net makes no difference to me.

Unfortunately, it's just as easy to make enemies as friends.

Icebaby Wrote:
I'm putting my foot down and saying that if you really have anything else to reply to me, do it through a PM

If you're going to keep flip-flopping, then you can be the one to decide whether or not to continue this in PM.
12/12/2013 05:55 AM (UTC)
PM then... smile
12/12/2013 05:59 AM (UTC)
Okay, that's settled then, back to the topic....Actually, I forgot what this thread was really about, something about Sub-Zero being the best character in all of Mortal Kombat?
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