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Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms Trailer

The warriors of Earthrealm and Outworld will do battle in a final tournament to end all tournaments in Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms, but this time the stakes are much bigger than the two warring sides. This time the battle will decide the fate of all worlds! Watch the first exciting trailer for the upcoming animated feature:

Iron Studios 1:10 Scale Klassic Shao Kahn Statue

Iron Studios is taking inspiration from klassic arcade games like Mortal Kombat II to create a new series of iconic collectible statues. The MK Klassic line features several legendary fighters from the first games including the biggest and baddest boss of them all - Shao Kahn! Take a closer look:

Where's Scorpion? Ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find Art

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath will bring the playable roster up to a robust 34 characters, but as die hard fans know - there are dozens more in MK's three decade long canon! They can't all appear in every game, but you can find most in the ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find! Take a closer look:

Kountdown: 10 Klassic Arenas For Mortal Kombat X DLC

In the age of downloadable content, what constitutes a "finished game" is fast becoming a subjective debate. Mortal Kombat X arrived three months ago, pre-loaded with the guarantee of more things to come - some free, some for a price. Day one purchases pushed Warner Brothers' model for post-release capitalism the farthest its ever gone, but the virtue of DLC offerings as developer mea culpa, or life-extending service, remains a warm embrace amidst the cold commercial cynicism.

The parade of Mortal Kombat X DLC next floats Hollywood guest character: The Predator [full story] - a presence most can agree isn't part of the standard package. More contentious amongst fans is the number of Fighting Arenas - thirteen base stages in total, down 48% from Mortal Kombat (2011)'s twenty-five (with variations).

Normalizing the notion of expanding Mortal Kombat X's interactive vistas has been Creative Director: Ed Boon. He revealed in early May that Klassic Arenas have already been discussed for downloadable content. As you might imagine, that got Mortal Kombat Online talking - crunching the klassics to come up with the Top 10 Klassic Arenas We'd Like To See Return in Mortal Kombat X! Count them down with us:

Mortal Kombat Environment Bio #04 - Kahns Coliseum!

During PAX East weekend, a new Environment Bio has surfaced featuring the classic MKII stage Kahn's Coliseum. The warlord's brutal, Roman-like theater of pain has been serving the denizens of Outworld with bloody carnage at the combatants expense for years and will make another return in next month's Mortal Kombat.

Print Exclusive Sonya Screenshots Released Online

With the April 19 release of Mortal Kombat drawing nearer, screenshots previously exclusive to print media are being released to the masses. Fan-site, Mortal Kombat X'Tra, have posted a crop of five images that showcase November 2010 reveal, Sonya Blade, in some of the previously released arena backgrounds.

Joystiq Releases New Screenshots!

Joystiq.com released four new screenshots today featuring eight characters in various states of combat. Included is a screenshot of Cyrax performing a special move, possibly a redesign of his Saw Blade attack from Deadly Alliance. Not to be outdone, Nightwolf is showcased bringing down a green energy knife on Mileena. Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Reptile are also featured.

Netherrealm Studios Releases Mortal Kombat Teaser Trailer!

Hot on the heels of the announcement that the websites for the new Mortal Kombat reboot game and Netherrealm Studios are online, a new teaser trailer for the new Mortal Kombat game has been released!

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