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08/27/2005 02:38 PM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
The video is phenominal except for a few things that will anger big time story buffs like myself.

1. Liu Kang is supposed to defeat Goro..didn't happen.

2. Goro is supposed to fight before Shang Tsung.

3. Johnny Cage gets his head chewed on by Reptile, but a days later it's scarless..don't get that.

Otherwise I love the opening cinema..it just kidna retcons what MK fans believed to be the strict story and will piss off some. Now I dont know what to believe.

I think the movie is set after Liu Kang's battle with Goro. I think that Kang beat Goro, which pissed Shang off who basically said "Screw this, you are all going to die!" and sent Scorpion, Kano, Reptile and Baraka after them. Meanwhile Goro recovers from his beating from Kang, and needless to say he is pissed off, and he walks out and beat up the heroes while Shang opens the portal.

As for Cage and Reptile... Maybe Johnny used Hollywood Make-up to hide the scars for the Medal ceremony?
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08/27/2005 02:56 PM (UTC)
KaizuDragon Wrote:
SubScorpTile Wrote:
That was fucking awesome, fucking awesome.

I better clean up my keyboard.

ROFLMAO, didn't need to hear that tongue

My favorite part out of the whole intro is the scream of "MORTAL KOMBAT!!!" Just hearing that reminds me of why I'm a MK fan in the first place.

I agree with most every post that said that MK cinematics are undoubtedly the best. Very few games have the type of spine-tingling, hair-raising intros that make you wish you were already playing it. MK manages to pull it off most every time, and rather nicely.

Probably one of my favorite parts about MK intros is how they introduce a 'momentous' character. Like Shang Tsung and Quan Chi vs Liu Kang in the DA intro, when Onaga storms in during the Deception intro, and when you see Shang Tsung summon Goro in the SM intro. Once again, very nicely done.

I was watching the vid in full screen, and as soon as it ended, I was looking around for my controller. sad This was of course to get more folks to buy the game, but for those of us like me who have the game on pre-order.......

this was just cruel. confused

yea the banner of MORTAL KOMBAT reminded me too the nostalgia of mk movie 1 and the old mk game. this was like an heroic fight.
08/27/2005 03:30 PM (UTC)
Seems like 2 teams to me:

Subzero, Cage, Sonya, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao


Scorpion, Baraka, Reptile, Kano, Goro, Shang Tsung (Plus 2 guards if you wanna include them)

Scorpion with the bad guys?
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08/27/2005 03:40 PM (UTC)
nindz Wrote:
Seems like 2 teams to me:

Subzero, Cage, Sonya, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao


Scorpion, Baraka, Reptile, Kano, Goro, Shang Tsung (Plus 2 guards if you wanna include them)

Scorpion with the bad guys?

well scorpion isnt really for shang tsung he is neutral. maybe shang give him money(lol) or sumthing like that for help but im sure he can turn back for attack shang tsung.
08/27/2005 04:01 PM (UTC)
What would a Ninja Spectre from hell do with money?

I hope you're right ReckMaverick, cuz otherwise it makes absolutely no sense at all and is a SERIOUS retcon job. I'd like to think John Vogel payed better attention to the history of this franchise's story.

But anyway...the cinena rocked man. I love how Sub-Zero and Scorpion were duking it out and they had Johnny Cage in all his jokester glory.

Did the movie freeze up a lot for you guys or was my download just corrupt?
08/27/2005 04:15 PM (UTC)
OngBak Wrote:
yea the banner of MORTAL KOMBAT reminded me too the nostalgia of mk movie 1 and the old mk game. this was like an heroic fight.

Damn straight.

Versatile Wrote:
Did the movie freeze up a lot for you guys or was my download just corrupt?

Movie ran and downloaded smooth for me.

08/27/2005 04:23 PM (UTC)
Wow..even MORE retconning! You guys see when Goro,Kano,Reptile,Baraka,Scorpion and Shang escape that when the good guys get away that SUB-ZERO IS STILL ALIVE? WTF!?!? SCORPION WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE KILLED HIM!

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08/27/2005 04:34 PM (UTC)
OMG! This is the first video I've watched for this game as I didn't want to see or know anythign about the game in order to surprise myself when it came out, but I couldn't pass this up and I'm glad I didn't!

The intro is AWESOME! I watched and replayed Sub-Zero's freeze 3 times. I'm glad they did that as they did as it now explains the in game move and doesn't make it seem sort of fake anymore. Plus, it came out fast without the delay you get in the games.

Kung Lao's entrance and everything that followed up to him being flip kicked by Scorpion was just ownage! (Notice Scorpion does that move here but doesn't get it until MK:DA.) The decapitation, how he put the hat back on with the spin movement and sliding his hand along the rim with the ray of light along it and then the announcer shouting his name. That was the coolest thing for me in the intro. Kung Lao is just too cool. I watched this part about 6 times over (or more) before proceeding to the end!

Liu Kang's Bicycle Kick rocked and I loved his little Neo tribute. Shang's morphs owned so bad. I find it amusing he was the one who did the Spear over Scorpion. Shang was easily defeated but his skull fireball and everything else was great.

Reptile was brilliant. I loved how he chewed on Cage's head. There seriously should've been marks after that though. Why were they healed? It was the same with Kang being speared by Shang. No wound mark was left.

Cage was hilarious as ever. I'm glad they added his sungalsses. Lol at his 'Oh no!' cry when goro grabs him after his Shadow Kick.

Sonya and Kano were great. I like how Kano uses his Aikido throw from MK:DA and Kung Lao apeears to do a Mantis movement also. I didn't like the fact that Sonya didn't seem to do much. I was hoping they'd have shown her Leg Grab as everyone else (minus Baraka) got a special move cameo, even if it wasn't them performing it. (Shang morphs and does others.)

I love how Sub-Zero did the Spine Rip and whacked Scorpion. I'm not a Scorpion fan but he was made to be pretty pathetic here and got his butt kicked. I noticed his arms are frozen here like Younger Sub-Zero's become in MK4. I think it's a sign of his power and mastery, as Younger Sub-Zero's arms froze over time as his powers advanced. By this, Frost is merely an amateur as we already know.

Goro rocked. He was just taking no prisoners at all. I find it weird that he fought after Shang and that he didn't even lose. Also, Scorpion not killing Sub-Zero was wrong. Kung Lao and Baraka even being there is all retconned too. Lao shouldn't have been saving Liu Kang. And as for Baraka, I don't recall him ever being on the island at the tournament.

I didn't understand why Scorpion fled through the portal. He should have killed Sub-Zero.

I agree with queve about Raiden's head movements. I was wondering what was up with that. It'd have been great if he'd have done some fighting too.

I am hoping they could extend it and show Shao Kahn, Mileena, Jade and Kitana. Sonya and Kano's capture could be shown also along with Raiden saving some of the Earth warriors maybe.

Overall though, it rules! I love this intro! It's beyond awesome and pisses all over MKD's intro! 10/10
08/27/2005 04:37 PM (UTC)
I think I read somewhere that MK1 Sub-Zero is (unfortunately) killed off screen, so I guess Scorpion just thought "the hell with this, the island is crumbling and I'm not about to get my ass sucked down right now... I'll kill him later!" tongue Tried to avoid watching a large part of the intro since most of it was already given away in a lot of the interview videos... but it was quite interesting to see it in anamorphic widescreen... gave it even more of a theatrical look grin
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
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08/27/2005 04:44 PM (UTC)
I just love how they introduce Kung Lao. Fucking awsome.

There a few bits of coriograph that for some reason just don't look as punishing as they should have, or what you would expect. Nothing major, the intro still looks FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE. But just 2 moves Kang does on Shang Tsung whould have looked better had they had him do a differnt move. Just before Shang morphs into Scorpion, Liu gives him a standing kick to the mid section, it would have looked even better had he given him a round house kick to the face. And when Liu gives him a flying kick into the pillar, it looks weak. He should have given him a fire ball to the mid-section, or a bicycle kick. Like I said just minor changes I think would have made it look just a tab bit better, but it's still FUCKING AWSOME.
08/27/2005 07:12 PM (UTC)
Holy Retcon

My biggest problems:

- Liu Kang is supposed to defeat Shang Tsung one on one.
- Sub-Zero is supposed to be an in betweener. In fact, he's supposed to be somewhat evil. Keep in mind he does become Noob Saibot, who by MK6 is basically the devil.
- Scorpion on the other hand, is supposed to be neuteral. Scorpion helping Shang Tsung makes no sense what so ever.
- Kano isn't supposed to willingly go with Shang Tsung, he's supposed to be captured.
- Goro is supposed to "believed to be dead." after MK1. I don't see how that makes him anymore dead than Liu Kang.
08/27/2005 08:12 PM (UTC)
awesome....great job guys
08/27/2005 08:12 PM (UTC)
ErmacMk5 Wrote:
Holy Retcon

My biggest problems:

- Liu Kang is supposed to defeat Shang Tsung one on one.

-Well, except for the intervention or Kung Lao, Liu Kang and Shang Tsung battled one on one.

ErmacMk5 Wrote:
- Sub-Zero is supposed to be an in betweener. In fact, he's supposed to be somewhat evil. Keep in mind he does become Noob Saibot, who by MK6 is basically the devil.


ErmacMk5 Wrote:
- Scorpion on the other hand, is supposed to be neuteral. Scorpion helping Shang Tsung makes no sense what so ever.

-Scorpion wasn't helped Shang Tsung, only escaped by the Outworld Portal. Later returned and killed Sub-Zero "off-screen".

ErmacMk5 Wrote:
- Kano isn't supposed to willingly go with Shang Tsung, he's supposed to be captured.

-After the intro Shang Tsung captured Kano, because he no trusted Kano.

ErmacMk5 Wrote:
- Goro is supposed to "believed to be dead." after MK1. I don't see how that makes him anymore dead than Liu Kang.

-Remember that during the game, we fight against Goro. I suppose that after this fight Goro "believed to be dead".
08/27/2005 08:59 PM (UTC)
I thought it was a great opening. Cant wait for the game.
08/27/2005 09:00 PM (UTC)
I think to resolve the Scorpion kills Sub puzzle we will have to wait to the actual game to see WHICH sub is the one in the opening... the quality of my video was pretty crappy.... very chopppy... so I couldn't look for a scar... so I guess we'll have to wait
08/27/2005 10:25 PM (UTC)
Versatile Wrote:
Wow..even MORE retconning! You guys see when Goro,Kano,Reptile,Baraka,Scorpion and Shang escape that when the good guys get away that SUB-ZERO IS STILL ALIVE? WTF!?!? SCORPION WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE KILLED HIM!


Nah man, they said you don't see Scorpion kill Sub-Zero, but it is eluded to in the game in one of the interviews. You'll probably hear them say it later in the game. Either that or that was Subby's younger brotha.

Sup wit all the Vogel hate.
08/27/2005 10:35 PM (UTC)
i cant see the whole video....it gets stuck in one part and all u hear is punches and all that....then it keeps going for like half a second and and the same thing goes on!!!!!furiousfuriousfurious
08/27/2005 11:03 PM (UTC)
The video is extremely well done.

To everyone complaining, they are not going to give away the storyline in the opening CG of the game.

Sub-Zero is beating Scorpion, SO WHAT!!!!. Its not like Scorpion beat him the last two times they fought did he. Obviously the older Sub-Zero is the superior fighter in this time period. Also we don't know how Scorpion killed Sub-Zero, but he did.

The reason why scars are not present is because its a game.

I really believe that this scene takes place right after the tournament was decided and Liu Kang defeated Goro. This enraged Shang Tsung and he just let loose, he called for backup by the Tartakans and convinced Scorpion to join him because he'll give him the opportunity to fight ONE on ONE with Sub-Zero. This also explains the apperance of Kung Lao. I believe someone else mentioned this fact.

Now I don't know how they will explain the whole "Goro is supposed to be dead" thing or "Kano is jailed".
08/27/2005 11:30 PM (UTC)
The only things which bothered me was how things suddenly dissapeared.

For example, we get lots of shots of blood being shed and seconds afterwards the floor is still immaculate. Also with Shang Tsung's fireball, one second theres debris from the wall and the next the wall is unscathed. But the main three things with me where that Kung Lao decapitated a tarkatan and then the body seems to vanish along with the blood, Liu Kang's chest doesn't have a mark on it after being impaled and the Skull and spine which sub-zero tosses at Scorpion has vanished aswell. Oh, and Johnny Cages Forehead doesn't have one toothmark in it.

I Loved it but a few graphical errors annoyed me. Would have loved it if they'd explained a bit more about mortal kombat and the tournament before the big fight, maybe even showing the characters entering Tsung's palace and possibly extending the fight scenes, flashing off characters moves (Sonya's leg grab) and maybe even showing Baraka, Mileena and Kitana In Outworld. Shao Kahn Even?

Loved the intro, just wished they'd have fixed and added some content.
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
Nintendo Id: kabal82, 3ds friend code: 2595-3252-2624

08/27/2005 11:44 PM (UTC)
If anyones read the interviews, and seen this intro, and actually played the demo things would make a lot more sense. Raiden tells them they have to get back to the Wu Shi Acadamy. Which is like the second level in the game where it is being over runned by Shang & Khan's minions. Thats when Sonya gets captured, and I'm assuming Kano. Along with an even bigger one on one fight Between Sub-Zero & Scorpion.
08/28/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
No scar on Subby, Checked both eyes with two different screens. No scar. So either he has make up on or its older bro
08/28/2005 12:21 AM (UTC)
i thought it was well done. others already mentioned the good and the bad and how they recannonized things (again) in the intro. like how kung lao is suddenly appears during the tournement and goro is suppose to be defeated by kang and etc. and the length.

the biggest thing though is that midway and boon and co. need to keep most of the cool things a secret, dont tell everyone all the secrets, story and intro, ruins the damn game. which sadly makes me kinda want to back off the game. it looks great doesnt it. but look at mkd and mkda. we thought they would kick ass. boon and co showed us everything in those games and there doing the same here. and both of those gaames were not that great. mksm looks awsome, but most likely will fall short. boon needs to learn how to hide secrets and not reveal the entire game before it comes out.

hell we already know the levels,playable characters and all the good stuff now. would have been great if it could saty quiet till the game actually came out.

overall, it looks awsome, and i will by it, but im not getting my hopes up, have mixed expectations
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08/28/2005 02:53 AM (UTC)
awesome to the max..lol
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08/28/2005 03:29 AM (UTC)
wow breathtaking
08/28/2005 04:59 AM (UTC)
Jigsaw Wrote:
The animation might've been a bit half-assed, but the CG at least looked way better than in the MKDA and MKD cinematics.
I thought the CG was alot better in the MKD one. This looks too cartoony, and like you said the animation is sometimes half-assed. This is a far better intro, though...
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