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06/20/2018 06:30 AM (UTC)

Kabal versus Fujin
#31 Supreme Ranking #7
4 wins 6 losses Record 18 wins 5 losses
Round 3 (2012) Best Result Champion (2015)

Artificial life support systems couldn't prevent Kabal becoming a revenant slave of Quan Chi. In Mortal Kombat X, he serves the Netherrealm and its fallen Elder God in their attacks on the realm of Earth. Kabal was last seen as a non-playable kombatant battling Kenshi and the Special Forces. His future remains unknown.

The god of wind Fujin was also a non-playable character in MKX. He was a vital ally in defending the Sky Temple from Shinnok and his Netherrealm hordes. He helped drive back Quan Chi and the revenant warriors who'd died defending the Earth. His command of the storm helped bring about Shinnok's initial defeat, but Fujin has nary been seen since.

As a new order takes control of the Netherrealm and Earth's protector grows darker in spirit -- will Kabal and Fujin fight on the frontlines of a new war? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

Wandering Jacqui Briggs Fan
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My favorite kombatant is Jacqui Briggs and no one can change my mind!

Creator:Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, MK fanseries based on Total Drama.

06/20/2018 12:35 PM (UTC)
Why is it the MK underdogs always getting the unfair matchups. Jacqui's never going to be in the second round since 90% of the klassic characters are always going to win. *still angry

Since I didn't care for Fujin at all, I'm voting Kabal.
06/20/2018 03:42 PM (UTC)
I would like to see Fujin finally come back in MK11. It was so weird seeing him in story mode but never playing him. Now that Raiden has gone dark it seems like a good time storywise for Fujin to come back. Storm god fight!
06/20/2018 05:33 PM (UTC)
I like these two but I prefer Kabal's gameplay so I'm going with him. They both should have been in MKX tho.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/20/2018 05:40 PM (UTC)
"Fujin was a mistake"- John Tobias.
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06/20/2018 07:43 PM (UTC)
I went with Kabal. I'd like to see either one of them back in the next MK, but Kabal is more iconic to me. He was a standout newcomer in MK3, and was extremely popular among the fan base for many years after. Fujin was the least boring new character amidst the most boring new characters to ever debut in an MK game at the time. His popularity has grown over the years, perhaps mainly due to the fact that he hasn't been seen since MK4, other than Armageddon. I like him, and was happy that he cameoed in MKX, but would've liked to have seen him playable. He will be back undoubtedly.

Ultimately in this case I went with the one who was always a personal favorite. Kabal was my most played character in MK3 aside from Cyrax and cyber Smoke. Good memories.

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06/20/2018 09:19 PM (UTC)
Fujin - most useless character ever. God, I hate him.

Kabal for me.
06/20/2018 09:23 PM (UTC)
I went with Kabal.

I liked him in MK3 and MK9 but wasnt a fan of the MKD or MKA Kabal. Id rather he was on the side of good than going evil with the black dragon stuff.

Fujin has never really interested me, though i do prefer him to Rayden (not difficult given how much i dislike him) and think its time he reappeared especially with Rayden going dark.
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06/20/2018 11:47 PM (UTC)
Aww man, characters I like keep getting the tough draws. Ah well, I picked Kabal. He’s the only vanilla MK3 newbie I’ve ever really liked, and even though they’ve done nothing but lame stuff with him story-wise, he still looks like a badass, he’s still got cool weapons and he’s still fun to use in every game he’s been in.

I think Fujin has the most unrealized potential of any MK character. I really want to see Earth’s fighters fraction in to two camps in the next game, leading to a showdown between Fujin and Dark Raiden. I think there’s a lot of story potential in that type of showdown and I like that it’d maybe take the plot that they took the time to reboot in a somewhat different direction.

But while I dug his look in MKX, all that potential doesn’t beat out a character that’s actually good right now. I want Fujin and Sareena in MKXI a lot, but I also hope Kabal returns too.
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06/21/2018 05:43 AM (UTC)
I picked Kabal but I do like Fujin.
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06/21/2018 06:30 AM (UTC)

Kitana versus Jade
#6 Supreme Ranking #17
18 wins 6 losses Record 9 wins 6 losses
Semis (2017) Best Result Quarters (2014)

Kitana was always Edenian royalty, but in Mortal Kombat X she was a revenant under Quan Chi's command until the necromancer perished, and the fallen Elder God Shinnok was defeated. Surviving Netherrealm's failed invasion, she stands with Liu Kang as powerful new rulers in the hierarchy of hell. A darkened Raiden warned them agains threatening Earth. Their allegiance during coming events remains to be seen.

Jade fell with Kitana during Outworld's invasion of Earth, but her revenant soul did not survive to appear in Mortal Kombat X. The exact cause of her disappearance is unknown. Kitana's MKX ending alludes to a spirit Jade reaching out to the Netherrealm to amend her friend's corrupted soul. The deceased fighter's existence remains uncertain.

They perished together, but will Kitana's rise through the Netherrealm ranks snuff out the corporeal echo of her deceased friend Jade? Before the mourning their must come a conclusion! Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/21/2018 01:13 PM (UTC)
Considering the massive "Jade for MK11/Jade for Kombat Pack 3" crowd, I'm shocked that she's so far behind in this round.

I picked Jade. Kitana is an iconic favorite but she hasn't really been all that interesting since MK2. Jade has always had the mysterious air about her that only developed in more recent games. I liked Jade's design better than Kitana's, and sincerely hope she returns in the next game.
06/21/2018 01:30 PM (UTC)

Simply put, shes my favourte character of the series. And whilst the revenant road isnt where I wouldve taken her, it sets her up nicely for the next game and thr loss of Quan Chi and Shinnoks control leaves it open for her to do her own thing.

Jade for me is quite bland. Kitana's friend. Thats all she really is and has to her story, particularly in this timeline without the Tanya rivalry. She seemingly wasnt even thought of as important enough by the developers to make a revenant cameo in the comics or game or even have her absence explained. Which is quite odd. Whilst her being a loyal edenian and Kitana's friend will always part of who she is, they really need to give her her own agenda, focus and storyline. Maybe thats where her MK9 story will come in and it will be interesting to see if they develop/explain that in the next games.
Wandering Jacqui Briggs Fan
About Me

My favorite kombatant is Jacqui Briggs and no one can change my mind!

Creator:Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, MK fanseries based on Total Drama.

06/21/2018 02:45 PM (UTC)
Crud, no underdogs this round...

I was thinking about skipping this round entirely, but if Jacqui cannot make it to second round, I might as well support Jade to the top.

Though Kitana's going to win like 100% of the time.
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06/21/2018 04:34 PM (UTC)
Kitana, easily.
06/21/2018 08:49 PM (UTC)
I never got into Kitana's gameplay, so, I'm going with Jade.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/22/2018 02:44 AM (UTC)
Kitana’s combos in MKX are some of the most awe inspiring in the game. There’s such a strange combination of frenzy and grace at play.

Left field observation aside, while Jade has her following, she’s still just “a more important character’s friend”. Hopefully that changes in MK11.

Voted Kitana.
06/22/2018 05:38 AM (UTC)
Kitana played so well in mk9 and i think becoming queen of nether realm is one of the most interesting things to happen to her ever. Ive never been more excited to see what they do with her next. I really hope we get something amazing from her and liu kang in mk11.

I agree with people saying Jade has always just been the friend. There is nothing mysterious about her she always just tags along. She might as well stay dead and let kitana mourn her.
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06/22/2018 06:30 AM (UTC)

Jataaka versus Sareena
#NA Supreme Ranking #29
0 wins 0 losses Record 4 wins 6 losses
Round 1 (2018) Best Result Round 3 (2016)

Jataaka is one of three demons who served Quan Chi as his personal assassins. The necromancer's magic offered a facade of beauty in exchange for loyal service to the Brotherhood of Shadow. Jataaka was a stage boss in MK Mythologies: Sub-Zero, last seen with her "sisters" fighting Taven during Armageddon. Jataaka's whereabouts during MKX and Shinnok's invasions of Earth in MKX is unknown. With her master seemingly defeated, her future is even more elusive than her past.

Sareena is another of Quan Chi's trio of demonic minions. Though reluctant to lose her mortal facade, Sareena has always dared to resist her master's wicked will. In the original timeline she found an ally in the brothers Sub-Zero. She pledged to the latter's Lin Kuei during Armageddon, but struggled to resist the influence of Quan Chi. In Mortal Kombat X, she was seen aiding the Special Forces in Netherrealm. Her actions inadvertently led to the apparent demise of her necromancer master, but a fight with the revenant Kitana who now rules the realm may have led Sareena to an even darker future.

With their master seemingly destroyed, and a new regime rising in Hell, what will become of the demons Jataaka and Sareena? Is there vengeance for a necromancer in their future, or new allegiances of darkness and light? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

06/22/2018 07:31 AM (UTC)

I went with Sareena. My number 2 character of the series. Loved her story in the original tineline and it was great to see her cameo in MKX which basicslly indicated her origonal story happened in this timrline too. I hope shes playable again soon. They could do so much with her and id like to see ehat her demon side looks like.

Jataaka....meh, she's ok but there isnt really anything to her as she was never developed. I like her slightly more than Kia tho.
Wandering Jacqui Briggs Fan
About Me

My favorite kombatant is Jacqui Briggs and no one can change my mind!

Creator:Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, MK fanseries based on Total Drama.

06/22/2018 12:42 PM (UTC)
If only Jataaka developed some more....

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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

06/23/2018 03:02 AM (UTC)
Sareena. Jataaka barely qualifies as a named character. Sareena has a huge fan followoing and I think we're all clamoring to see her again. She should have absolutely been on the MKX roster, being that she was Netherrealm denizen. Like Noob and Jade, her absence is inexplicable, though she at least had a cameo in the story.
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06/23/2018 06:30 AM (UTC)

Daegon versus The Dragon King
#69 Supreme Ranking #57
0 wins 5 losses Record 0 wins 3 losses
Round 1 (2015) Best Result Round 1 (2013)

Awoken prematurely for a divine quest of his parent's design; the Edenian demi-god Daegon instead became a twisted force for darkness. He murdered his parents, and founded the Red Dragon clan, spreading his influence across the realms in search of items of power designed for he and his brother. They collided during Armageddon, but in the new timeline, their exact fate is uncertain. In Mortal Kombat X tie-in comics, Daegon's Red Dragon forces aided Reiko & Havik in a grand scheme. He appeared at the end of the series, offering hope to a maimed Goro in exchange for a brutalized Kenshi. MKX endings show Kenshi & Takeda seeking vengeance against Daegon for the murder of their family.

The Dragon King once ruled the realm of Outworld with an iron fist and an undefetable army! Before he could achieve immortality, his trusted advisor Shao Kahn poisoned him, and usurped the Emperor's throne. Onaga's restless spirit toiled in the afterlife, reaching out to a young warrior named Shujinko to fool him into enacting a resurrection. Onaga defeated a deadly alliance of gods and sorcerers upon his return, accelerating the march towards Armageddon! The Dragon King's fate in the new timeline remains uncertain. His minion Shujinko was seen in MKX tie-in comics serving the Kang Temple, while Goro and Daegon plot to take Onaga's hand to restore Goro's arms.

Their destiny once brought about the threat of Armageddon, but what will the distorted reality of a new timeline mean for Daegon and Onaga? The demi-god seeks the Dragon King's healing blood, but will his scheme provide a new path to resurrection for The Dragon King? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

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06/23/2018 07:03 AM (UTC)

daegon's a boring character.
06/23/2018 12:21 PM (UTC)
I went with Daegon as i like him a bit more.

I quite liked Daegon and Taven and would be up for seeing them both return. They do need a lot of development tho in terms of story personality and moves.

Onaga i think should get another chance but he is just another big resident babd boss guy. Theres not really a lot more to him.
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