I think Shang Tsung would win bc Sonya is basically just a normal person with a team and guns. But Shang Tsung can take people's souls and shape shift so I think Shang Tsung would win.
Both of them are great in mk11. Shang Tsung is just a little bit greater. Morph moves are nice and all the movie references are great.
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Rain versus Raiden
#23 Supreme Ranking #2
9 wins 7 losses Record 26 wins 7 losses
Round 3 (2018) Best Result Runner-Up (2013)
Rain is the son of Argus and Edenian demi-god of the storm. He fought for Mileena during Outworld's civil war, but secretly believes power is his by birthright. He has not been seen since then. Raiden is Earthrealm's protector and the god of thunder. His spirit was corrupted while reversing the effects of Shinnok's invasion, but the emerging threat of The Keeper of Time allowed Raiden to be restored to an earlier form. He continues the fight to protect a reality he helped create. Who's next? FIGHT!

Would have liked more of Dark Raiden instead of him just evaporating, but he's still in top form in this game. Rain shouldn't have made it to Round 3.
Raiden is all time greatness but i would like to see Rain get a proper go some day.
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Sub-Zero versus Jade
#1 Supreme Ranking #20
34 wins 5 losses Record 12 wins 7 losses
Champion (2017) Best Result Quarters (2014)
Sub-Zero was once a revenant under Quan Chi's control, but was freed to become Grandmaster of a new Lin Kuei. Atoning for the clan's past sins he fights against former allies in an effort to stop a new cyber-initiative and quash the grand designs of The Keeper of Time. Jade emergeed from obscurity still a corrupt revenant of the Netherrealm. While she serves new rulers, her younger self is displaced in time, joining the fight against those loyal to Kronika and a returned Shao Kahn. Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

Jade finally came through this time but you know, it's Sub-Zero.
Yep. Jade is improved but started much lower. Sub-Zero is much better than he was in mkx and thats no lie.
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Reptile versus Scorpion
#21 Supreme Ranking #12
10 wins 7 losses Record 15 wins 7 losses
Quarters (2019) Best Result Semis (2013)
Reptile followed Outworld's newest ruler into battle during civil war, but was nowhere to be seen in the conflict with Kronika. Just a fleeting glimpse in The Krypt remembers the last known survivor of Zaterran raptors. Scorpion forged a new alliance with Sub-Zero in an effort to battle a restarted cyber-initiative and the forces of Kronika. A vengeful spectre of his former self fought briefly against Raiden, but the last survivor of the Shirai Ryu rejoined the light when he learned of his destiny as a champion. Who's next? FIGHT!

Reptile would have been nice to see, but he's nowhere to be found and it doesn't look like he's going to be DLC. This is the year of MK11, and Scorpion is great in this game. Enough crying about a character being popular already.
1. I'm tired of everybody only choosing who is winning by saying how good the character improved. Bc the character is supposed to win in a fight.
2. Scorpion would win (DUH)
Scorpion's everywhere! He's on the mk11 cover, very high on the tier list, and in almost every online match! He's in top form! Reptile is not here.
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Kitana versus Kotal Kahn
#4 Supreme Ranking #13
26 wins 7 losses Record 10 wins 5 losses
Runner-Up (2018) Best Result Quarters (2018)
Royalty is in Kitana's blood. She was born the rightful heir to the lost kingdom of Edenia, lived as the daughter of Emperor Shao Kahn, and claimed the throne of Netherrealm in death. The absence of Kitana and her adopted father left a vacuum to be filled by Kotal Kahn. The Osh-Tekk warrior admired Shao Kahn from childhood, watching the conquest of his realm before learning responsibility while worshipped by Earthrealm mayans. He defeated Mileena and her loyalists in civil war to consolidate power over a new Outworld governed toward order & prosperity. Kronika's time disruption brings these would-be rulers face-to-face. Who reigns supreme? FIGHT!
Something just feels off about Kitana in this game. It all feels lightweight and basic espceially compared to mkx where she was great. I like Kotal Kahn and hes pretty consistent. I just wish he wasnt whooped by Shao and handed the kingdom over to KItana.

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Shang Tsung versus Raiden
#7 Supreme Ranking #2
22 wins 6 losses Record 27 wins 7 losses
Champion (2018) Best Result Runner-Up (2013)
Shang Tsung's lust for mystic power brought him to serve as emissary for the Outworld emperor Shao Kahn. His failure to secure a tenth victory in the Shaolin tournament led The Emperor to punish him severely, but the sorcerer escaped death to serve his own interests anew. Raiden has stood vigilant as the protector god of Earthrealm. Forbidden to interfere during the Shaolin tournament, he guided new champions to victory in an effort to prevent future Armageddon. His actions subverted the designs of Kronika, forcing him to join the fight against The Keeper of Time. Choose their destiny! FIGHT!
... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.
Tough choice but I went with Raiden.
This would be a good final but as much as Im loving Shang Tsungs return he isnt as essential as Raiden.

They're two of the best and it's nice to see Shang Tsung made great again, but I just like Raiden more in this game. Plus Raiden would totally win in a fight (it took both Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to defeat him, and even then he stood up 30 seconds later and blew everyone up).
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Sub-Zero versus Scorpion
#1 Supreme Ranking #12
35 wins 5 losses Record 16 wins 7 losses
Champion (2017) Best Result Semis (2013)
Sub-Zero escaped the consequences of the cyber-initiative and death to become Grandmaster to a new Lin Kuei. Redemption for his clan meant fighting a new generation of cyber-assassins led by his former student in service of Kronika! Scorpion escaped the consequences of manipulation and death to become Grandmaster to a new Shirai Ryu. Redemption for his soul meant joining the fight against the cyber Lin Kuei and those loyal to Kronika - including the spectre of his younger self! Once they came from rival clans, but learned to work together. Now they must FIGHT! Choose their destiny!

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO
Why are Sub-Zero and Scorpion in the semi finals when everyone knows that they are the two most popular characters and that both of them would win over Kitana and/or Raiden?
The finals should be between Sub and Scorp...
or at least there should be a losers finals for the second place...
Why are Sub-Zero and Scorpion in the semi finals when everyone knows that they are the two most popular characters and that both of them would win over Kitana and/or Raiden?
The finals should be between Sub and Scorp...
or at least there should be a losers finals for the second place...
This doesn't make any sense.