02/27/2021 09:00 AM (UTC)

Yes. If a movie doesn't get a 4K UHD disc then the studio sees the investment in that film equivalent to straight-to-video because of the high costs of 4K production.

. But movies not released in 4K is the equivalent nowadays of straight-to-video.

Are you sure?

That means WB still not believes a MK movie will sell well. Thats a bit sad after the succes MK legacy and MK11 had.

Maybe the people at WB watched to much MK Annahilation.

Maybe there will be a 4K disc afterall (fingers crossed)

To be honoust HD will be enough for me because I still dont have a 4K tv, but I know 4k looks pretty badass :)

02/27/2021 10:30 AM (UTC)Edited 02/27/2021 10:39 AM (UTC)

"people" (trolls who are self important) calliing the over-reactions fake or paid actors ... i'm sorry you lead such sad lives

Just because you are realising that outside of your echo chamber and fish bowl that 99% of MK fans are looking forward to the movie.

Especially some people who were leaking inside info which has now been proven false.. yet they remain siilent on tthis. Maybe watch some of these people's other videos.. a) they often over extenuate their response, and b) they are mk diehards unlike some trolls on here.

You just admitted it was an over-reaction.


Who actually said they were "paid actors?" Are you capable of reading comprehension? That's rhetorical. Oblivious you are not... but if you want to get technical, yes, many of these youtubing clowns ARE getting paid for what they do. Do you not know how this works? Another rhetorical. Obviously you don't know how this works.

You seriously think that if there was nothing recording them, people would ACT THAT WAY TO A FUCKING MOVIE TRAILER? Are they 5 year olds in Disneyland or something? Please be more naive.

Maybe you're right. Maybe these people actually can't control their emotions. I must be just one of very few people in this planet who doesn't act like a fat kid in a candy store every time I see something that I am a fan of. I MUST BE THE WEIRD ONE..................

02/27/2021 10:57 AM (UTC)

"people" (trolls who are self important) calliing the over-reactions fake or paid actors ... i'm sorry you lead such sad lives

Just because you are realising that outside of your echo chamber and fish bowl that 99% of MK fans are looking forward to the movie.

Especially some people who were leaking inside info which has now been proven false.. yet they remain siilent on tthis. Maybe watch some of these people's other videos.. a) they often over extenuate their response, and b) they are mk diehards unlike some trolls on here.

You just admitted it was an over-reaction.


Who actually said they were "paid actors?" Are you capable of reading comprehension? That's rhetorical. Oblivious you are not... but if you want to get technical, yes, many of these youtubing clowns ARE getting paid for what they do. Do you not know how this works? Another rhetorical. Obviously you don't know how this works.

You seriously think that if there was nothing recording them, people would ACT THAT WAY TO A FUCKING MOVIE TRAILER? Are they 5 year olds in Disneyland or something? Please be more naive.

Maybe you're right. Maybe these people actually can't control their emotions. I must be just one of very few people in this planet who doesn't act like a fat kid in a candy store every time I see something that I am a fan of. I MUST BE THE WEIRD ONE..................

Absolutely right.

I am a MK fan from the the first game (allmost 30 years now), but even my reaction wasnt that...weird..

I enjoyed it in silence. The only thing I did at the end of the trailer was: throwing an air-punch en said 'wow' because I was surprised.

Not screaming like an 8 year old who got his first Nintendo or PS...

And by the look on their faces and the look in their eyes I could see they allready watched the trailer before they filmed theirselves...

Nothing more to say...

02/27/2021 12:11 PM (UTC)

"people" (trolls who are self important) calliing the over-reactions fake or paid actors ... i'm sorry you lead such sad lives

Just because you are realising that outside of your echo chamber and fish bowl that 99% of MK fans are looking forward to the movie.

Especially some people who were leaking inside info which has now been proven false.. yet they remain siilent on tthis. Maybe watch some of these people's other videos.. a) they often over extenuate their response, and b) they are mk diehards unlike some trolls on here.

You just admitted it was an over-reaction.


Ah yes, everyone else is so toxic.

Is it bizarre that before the trailer came out you were calling people names for being negative about the movie, and now you're giving people shit for enjoying the trailer?

02/27/2021 12:38 PM (UTC)

"people" (trolls who are self important) calliing the over-reactions fake or paid actors ... i'm sorry you lead such sad lives

Just because you are realising that outside of your echo chamber and fish bowl that 99% of MK fans are looking forward to the movie.

Especially some people who were leaking inside info which has now been proven false.. yet they remain siilent on tthis. Maybe watch some of these people's other videos.. a) they often over extenuate their response, and b) they are mk diehards unlike some trolls on here.

You just admitted it was an over-reaction.


Ah yes, everyone else is so toxic.

Is it bizarre that before the trailer came out you were calling people names for being negative about the movie, and now you're giving people shit for enjoying the trailer?

It's one thing to enjoy something but it's another to act like a ADD-ridden gibbon over it.

It's simply not normal and frankly a very disturbing (especially for an adult) thing to do. The Consoomer meme is very real and, unfortunately, too common in today's world.

02/27/2021 05:24 PM (UTC)Edited 02/27/2021 05:26 PM (UTC)

"people" (trolls who are self important) calliing the over-reactions fake or paid actors ... i'm sorry you lead such sad lives

Just because you are realising that outside of your echo chamber and fish bowl that 99% of MK fans are looking forward to the movie.

Especially some people who were leaking inside info which has now been proven false.. yet they remain siilent on tthis. Maybe watch some of these people's other videos.. a) they often over extenuate their response, and b) they are mk diehards unlike some trolls on here.

You just admitted it was an over-reaction.


Ah yes, everyone else is so toxic.

Is it bizarre that before the trailer came out you were calling people names for being negative about the movie, and now you're giving people shit for enjoying the trailer?

Are you dumb? I guess you must be.

This isn't about enjoying something. This is about exaggerating your enjoyment in a retarded "reaction" video. Are you that ignorant not to know the difference? Why am I asking this? OF COURSE YOU ARE. Why else would you be responding in such a fashion if you weren't? Or are you playing dumb just to pick a bone with me?

Goro Still Lives
02/27/2021 06:42 PM (UTC)

This entire forum was going well until this. It is a known fact that vloggers never record improvised and they always rehearse from a script of some sort before filming. Obviously, in order to hit their reaction cues at the right spot at the right time with the trailer, they had to rehearsh. I did a lot of "Wows" when I watched the first time. I also did a lot of "Reminds me of Legacy" or "Looks Like Legacy" and cringed on how it would be received. The opening of the trailer was very strong and on point with the film's plot, then it goes too fast and honestly spoiled too much. I know they needed to do that to show the fatalities but like it's been noted, this film is stressing more importance on the gore and fatalities than the established lore/story. It, at least this film anyway, is clearly moving away from the whole Liu Kang / Ship to Mystical Island part of the lore and adds Cole Young from nowhere. As of right now, before fans see the movie and how he plays out, fans do have a right to be upset. I think once the movie plays out - and fans stick around clear until the end when the film reel stops (in cinemas) or, if watching at home, when the movie stops and returns fans to the movie listing on HBO Max, they will have, at least, a better appreciation for it.

For the record, I don't live in a fishbowl, I'm way too obese for that, and I have no clue what an echo chamber is, unless you're referring to a padded room. Also, as I see you're from a different country, here in the USA, trolls live in their mom's basements. Get it right if you plan to insult people.

99% of MK fans? Dude, trust me, the 116 million viewers are not mainly MK fans. Also, 99% of MK fans are NOT excited for this film, a good majority are reserved. I have seen other sites and forms and there's still distaste towards it. But by a 1%? Nah. In fact, according to MKO's poll, less than 90% are excited for it. And that's a very high number given how many angry fans are on this site.

What "inside information" has been proven false? There's so much that has already been proven true, in fact only minute details have been proven false, why, because the only officially leaked scripts have been two older drafts - a 2018 and 2016. The newer ones have only been hinted at. There's a lot from the 2016 script that's been proven false, and the 2018 script only had Cole, Emily and his wife, whereas the 2016 script had another character but for some reason that Young character was removed. I mean, Liu Kang doesn't work in a grocery store in either of these drafts - that was a 2013? leak proven false.

And as for that last statement with the list, it's too incoherent to even try and interpret.

"people" (trolls who are self important) calliing the over-reactions fake or paid actors ... i'm sorry you lead such sad lives

Just because you are realising that outside of your echo chamber and fish bowl that 99% of MK fans are looking forward to the movie.

Especially some people who were leaking inside info which has now been proven false.. yet they remain siilent on tthis. Maybe watch some of these people's other videos.. a) they often over extenuate their response, and b) they are mk diehards unlike some trolls on here.

02/27/2021 08:28 PM (UTC)Edited 02/27/2021 08:31 PM (UTC)
It's one thing to enjoy something but it's another to act like a ADD-ridden gibbon over it.

It's simply not normal and frankly a very disturbing (especially for an adult) thing to do. The Consoomer meme is very real and, unfortunately, too common in today's world.

Basically this. I have't watched the reaction video, and the thumbnail above with that exaggerated, obviously put-on expression tells me all I need to know. It's more obnoxious and insulting than the average commercial. And agreed, it's unbearable to see adults acting like unrestrained children.

As for the movie, it has a lot going for it for sure. But it's another rehash of the MK story. We've had the '95 movie, Shaolin Monks, MK 2011 and the recent animated movie, I don't know what this movie can offer that we haven't been given already.

02/28/2021 03:11 AM (UTC)
It's one thing to enjoy something but it's another to act like a ADD-ridden gibbon over it.

It's simply not normal and frankly a very disturbing (especially for an adult) thing to do. The Consoomer meme is very real and, unfortunately, too common in today's world.

Basically this. I have't watched the reaction video, and the thumbnail above with that exaggerated, obviously put-on expression tells me all I need to know. It's more obnoxious and insulting than the average commercial. And agreed, it's unbearable to see adults acting like unrestrained children.

As for the movie, it has a lot going for it for sure. But it's another rehash of the MK story. We've had the '95 movie, Shaolin Monks, MK 2011 and the recent animated movie, I don't know what this movie can offer that we haven't been given already.

GOT DAYUM. Do I see a ghost!?

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717313=Rain Can Be Found In The Graveyard

03/01/2021 03:55 AM (UTC)

I have a thought and just a theory of a thought to why this trailer really has so many views possibly. For me and possibly some MK fans out there have more than likely watched this trailer numerous times. As of right now I've watched it a total of 5 to 6 times since its debut from various different places. Once from work, from my phone and a few times on my PC at home. I keep watching it because I'm still trying to wrap my head around this mysterious plot. Right now we know a slight plot from the trailer alone. So millions of views of this trailer could be from various different people watching it more than once too.

The trailer does have a strong start and finish and the music fits very well with it but it does still leave a lot of unanswered questions for us MK fans who haven't read any of the leaked scripts. Who is Cole? Why the tattoo? Why is Jax's arms being exploded by Sub-Zero when we've seen Ermac do it, etc. One thing some of them will not understand is that it is a new take on this story and perhaps that is why more views are getting hit. They're still trying to figure this out within the short amount of time a trailer gives to us all. Some of the MK fans that wanted a retelling of their story from the 1st three games, the reboot or just the original game will not see the film more than likely. For non-MK fans they'll have their version of the story to know and arguments, hopefully friendly ones will ensue when a story is changed or adapted from one media to another.

Here is something new. A 4th way Jax's arms are bionic. In the original games he never lost his arms. If you remember in MK3's bio it stated he outfitted both arms with bionic implants. So MK Annihilation took that story and ran with it. In MK9, Ermac uses his telekinetic ability to rip them off. In the Scorpion's Vengeance, Goro rips them off and now in this film by the trailer Sub-Zero freezes them off. So a little fun thing now is...how exactly does Jax get the bionic arms? Were they truly ripped off or frozen off or did Jax really only put on bionic implants? We'll also get other funny things to fight about with this movie too.

I'm waiting for the film to hit Blu-Ray / DVD which if you go by Wonder Woman 1984 due out in March which was rougly about 3 to 4 months after HBO Max/Theatrical so we can say August maybe is when we'll see it released to that market. I'll give the film a chance at that point but not wasting money on a subscription or even the theaters at this point to see it but I applaud and hope those who do see it when it first comes out to have a good time and enjoy this new vision we'll all eventually see at some point.

Goro Still Lives
03/01/2021 05:07 AM (UTC)

I'm pretty sure HBOMax has a free trial.

I have a thought and just a theory of a thought to why this trailer really has so many views possibly. For me and possibly some MK fans out there have more than likely watched this trailer numerous times. As of right now I've watched it a total of 5 to 6 times since its debut from various different places. Once from work, from my phone and a few times on my PC at home. I keep watching it because I'm still trying to wrap my head around this mysterious plot. Right now we know a slight plot from the trailer alone. So millions of views of this trailer could be from various different people watching it more than once too.

The trailer does have a strong start and finish and the music fits very well with it but it does still leave a lot of unanswered questions for us MK fans who haven't read any of the leaked scripts. Who is Cole? Why the tattoo? Why is Jax's arms being exploded by Sub-Zero when we've seen Ermac do it, etc. One thing some of them will not understand is that it is a new take on this story and perhaps that is why more views are getting hit. They're still trying to figure this out within the short amount of time a trailer gives to us all. Some of the MK fans that wanted a retelling of their story from the 1st three games, the reboot or just the original game will not see the film more than likely. For non-MK fans they'll have their version of the story to know and arguments, hopefully friendly ones will ensue when a story is changed or adapted from one media to another.

Here is something new. A 4th way Jax's arms are bionic. In the original games he never lost his arms. If you remember in MK3's bio it stated he outfitted both arms with bionic implants. So MK Annihilation took that story and ran with it. In MK9, Ermac uses his telekinetic ability to rip them off. In the Scorpion's Vengeance, Goro rips them off and now in this film by the trailer Sub-Zero freezes them off. So a little fun thing now is...how exactly does Jax get the bionic arms? Were they truly ripped off or frozen off or did Jax really only put on bionic implants? We'll also get other funny things to fight about with this movie too.

I'm waiting for the film to hit Blu-Ray / DVD which if you go by Wonder Woman 1984 due out in March which was rougly about 3 to 4 months after HBO Max/Theatrical so we can say August maybe is when we'll see it released to that market. I'll give the film a chance at that point but not wasting money on a subscription or even the theaters at this point to see it but I applaud and hope those who do see it when it first comes out to have a good time and enjoy this new vision we'll all eventually see at some point.

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CCShadow - Owner/Administrator

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

03/01/2021 05:15 AM (UTC)

Don't forget to keep an eye out for the formal announcement of the MKO/MK Reddit watch party!

All you'll need is a valid HBOMax subscription, and you'll be ready to watch with everyone else.

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