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12/13/2010 01:32 AM (UTC)
What is Kratos' FRIENDSHIP going to be?

QTE sex romp.
12/13/2010 03:21 AM (UTC)
all the people complaining need to relax.kratos is an added bonus.all mk1-mk3 characters will be in.how do i know?its a retelling of the first 3 games simply put.if ps3 gets a exclusive character then so will xbox(bad for business if they dont but that is unlikely).only hardcore gamers seem to be whining.why? just dont use kratos!let boon and co pour out more info before you completely give up on a game you havent played yet.too many assumptions are being made about gameplay based on video footage instead of what NRS told us in the mkast.if you dont plan on buying or playing the game because of 1 fucking guest you think is taking the place of a character is this timeline.thats your choice but remember losing a few hardcore gamers to gain millions of casual gamers is a consolation prize NRS can accept.their in a business to make money as well as great games,not just to cater to gamer community that makes up a very small part of mk sales. hardcore mk fans have officially become worst than hardcore sf fans.sleepsleepsleep
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
What is Kratos' FRIENDSHIP going to be?

QTE sex romp.

Goro, Jax, Stryker, Kabal it doesn't matter who it is Kratos needs some lovin.
12/13/2010 04:47 AM (UTC)
As others have said... I'm 28 years old and I've been a fan of MK since it came out and guess what I also love God of War because I'm a sucker for mythology of any culture even the games that set out to rape the mythology... actually I prefer for them to be up front and honest like they said with God of War and say "We aren't telling the actual stories this is more of a 'what if?' scenario so yeah a lot's gonna change and none of the old rules apply" and be honest than game/movie makers that are like HEY *insert culture* Mythology game/movie!! But oh Zeus is more like the Christian's supposedly "all-loving" God (which couldn't be further from the truth on Zeus) and Hades is (once again) unjustly cast as the Devil himself despite the apparently LITTLE known FACT he was also the main presiding ruler over the Elysian Fields (Heaven), The Tartarus (Hell), and everything in between . furious

My wife (who's 25 so again much older than the supposed "target audience" of GoW and she's even *gasp* a female!) is more of a casual gamer preferring more puzzle games and some stuff like Kingdom Hearts, Zelda: Twilight Princess, and yes actually she loves God of War. She's beaten all three of them on her own which is an achievement that even she as a casual is proud of. When she saw the Kratos reveal she was like "Fuckin' sweet! I call dibs! I wanna rip someone apart, hehehe."

So yeah if the MK team wants to make an announcement at the VGAs to not only draw in their fanbase (who they know from READING our forums that we are chomping at the bit for this game) but draw in NEW players (or hell regain the old ones like a lot of my friends who stopped playing MK from Deadly Alliance on because they felt they ruined their own game and will only touch MK1-4) they are going to use characters that EVERYONE not JUST MK fans but EVERYBODY knows like Scorpion and Sub-Zero, arguably the two most widely popular and recognizable characters in video games let alone MK (though I do understand the level of "I'm sooo sick of them" despite loving them myself as I also play Street Fighter but am SICK to freaking DEATH of Ryu and Ken, lol). They are going to use those characters to suck in old fans and some non-fans but then they pull out a character from a different, equally violent and incredibly freaking popular game from a different genre so that the non-fans will look at it and say "You know I've never been good at fighting games so I don't usually play any of them.. well other than Tekken but that doesn't count really 'cause any moron can mash buttons and win at that game... BUT, I do love God of War and these Scorpion and Sub-Zero guys look like they'd be fun too so maybe I'll give this one a try."

It isn't just about us current fans. They NEED to make this game be successful to keep MK going. To be successful they have to not only sell to those of us that will keep on buying no matter what shit they shovel our way (MK: Special Forces, every MK fighter past 4, the movie MK: Annihilation) BUT they need to get BACK old fans that stopped after UMK3 (which should be obvious by them repeatedly saying "We are not just going back to 2D but the entire story is going back to the glory days of MK1-3 when we had stories and characters and game play that our fans ACTUALLY liked and weren't just settling for because it was 'something MK'") as well as appeal to and gain NEW players and fans.

I don't like guest characters either but again at least this one I actually like (despite NOT being 13-17 years old). My bet is that Kratos is a PS3 Pre-order at Gamestop only Character so most who don't want him won't have to buy him just kick his ass for taking away your precious "Virginity"... I'm sorry but I have to laugh at anybody using that word on this forum? You do know that you just keep the unfortunate stereotype of "gamers" and other "geeks" going when you talk like this right?? And out of curiosity just HOW old is the average person on these forums. If I were to judge by how most of you write, DEFINITELY not ALL as some of you are obviously better at reading and writing than others, I would assume that a lot more fit the unfortunate stereotype of the 14 year old angry elitist uber-geek kid or 40 yr old angry elitist uber-geek man that lives in some relative's basement, attic, guest room, etc. than I would personally be comfortable with. This forum needs to grow up and cease this atrocious behavior. tongue
12/13/2010 09:01 AM (UTC)
So just out of curiosity, I counted...and there are at least sixteen threads about Kratos/guest characters currently existent and open on the first page on this forum. Some of them don't have his name in the title though and I didn't check every single thread. (Oh, and two are actually about how the Kratos commercial had the word "brutality" in it...but still, two for the same subject).
But, uh...yeah. Sixteen is a lot. Personally, I would've started closing things left and right at five. I mean like him or hate him, he's one character and three to five threads is about as much as we ever let "which Sub-Zero is it?" or bitching about Kitana's bare midriff have at one time. But hey, what do I know.
12/13/2010 10:49 AM (UTC)
perhaps I should update the list then, school is over now so I have time, but I am not sure anyone uses it.
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12/13/2010 11:14 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
So just out of curiosity, I counted...and there are at least sixteen threads about Kratos/guest characters currently existent and open on the first page on this forum.

I fear we haven't seen the end of them yet. It's obvious that a lot of people on this forum don't use their eyes. It's like a goddamn race for them to see who can get the most views/replies to their threads, because obviously they created the better topic.
12/13/2010 11:30 AM (UTC)
How has MKO not got a Kratos theme up yet? What the hell is taking so long?
12/13/2010 11:33 AM (UTC)
kombat_king Wrote:
How has MKO not got a Kratos theme up yet? What the hell is taking so long?

*Sideshow Bob Shudder*
12/13/2010 07:21 PM (UTC)
Extended Kratos trailer has been added to the site, check the front page!
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No Cage? No sale!

12/13/2010 10:20 PM (UTC)
People saying you can't argue that Kratos' inclusion doesn't mean something else won't be left out/undone are completely wrong. Kratos being in the game isn't going to ruin it for anybody--we all know that. Heck, I'm sure I'd actually enjoy playing as him. However, when you take the time to design a character and stage, render them, etc. when they are just for ONE console--you're taking away time you could have put into either improving the overall game or designing and implementing another character that BOTH consoles could enjoy. 360 owners have a legitiment beef there. And I am one of them.
12/13/2010 10:23 PM (UTC)
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
People saying you can't argue that Kratos' inclusion doesn't mean something else won't be left out/undone are completely wrong. Kratos being in the game isn't going to ruin it for anybody--we all know that. Heck, I'm sure I'd actually enjoy playing as him. However, when you take the time to design a character and stage, render them, etc. when they are just for ONE console--you're taking away time you could have put into either improving the overall game or designing and implementing another character that BOTH consoles could enjoy. 360 owners have a legitiment beef there. And I am one of them.

Pretty much.

It's kinda like how bungie had alot of time after they finished making halo so instead of fixing their terrible game they just decided to add a bunch of different assassination animations. They said once that they were thinking about putting in like a day/night mode for forge yet with all the left over time it never struck them to do that and now we are left with that messy game.
12/14/2010 08:31 AM (UTC)
As long as Sheeva is included they can add Ronald McDonald for all I care
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12/14/2010 08:52 AM (UTC)
I don't know about Sheeva. We already know Goro will be in the game. Isn't one Shokan enough? I mean, MK III didn't include Goro or Kintaro, so I think Boon felt the need to have at least one Shokan, thus creating Sheeva.

She was then included into Armageddon because it was a cluster-fuck of almost every MK character. Now that Goro is in the game, do we really have any need for Sheeva or Kintaro?
12/14/2010 08:56 AM (UTC)
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
People saying you can't argue that Kratos' inclusion doesn't mean something else won't be left out/undone are completely wrong. Kratos being in the game isn't going to ruin it for anybody--we all know that. Heck, I'm sure I'd actually enjoy playing as him. However, when you take the time to design a character and stage, render them, etc. when they are just for ONE console--you're taking away time you could have put into either improving the overall game or designing and implementing another character that BOTH consoles could enjoy. 360 owners have a legitiment beef there. And I am one of them.

they werent taking time out of anything they have so many artists working on the game and in MKast shows they have what like 3 designers working mainly on gameplay alone so asking a couple of 3D model artists to model a stage and im sure it wasnt hard for the creator of GOW to send NRS a OBJ. file of kratos to them to use since most game companies use Maya (3D animation/modeling program) so they could have easily just send the whole kratos file to NRS, now its just up to the animators to animate kratos moves which they probably can get from the GOW creators and put them in this game as fighting moves add in some basic hit animations, point is a guest character isnt that hard to add in considering all the modeling, texturing, animations have already been done. plus NRS has the WB backing the budget so i wouldn't worry about it.

but what i am worried about is recently ed boon said they haven't finalized the roster which begs the question WTF HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS?
12/14/2010 09:14 AM (UTC)
Yes we need Sheeva. She`s not Goro, just a shokan. She`s a female shokan and that alone is awesome. However, she`s actually a better character than Goro imo, so no, Goro is not enough. Sheeva is actually the best fmeale character imo. The ninja skanks are lame this time around and Sonya never resonated with me. Only Sheeva has the edge I enjoy. Plus a strong female fighter, rather than only fast and agile, is nice, even if it really doesn;t affect her playstyle much. It;s just a nice change.

Sheeva is awesome. I expect to see her in this game since...lol Kratos is revealed to be included. It`d be no small slight to exclude any classic characters now. I trust Stryker, Ermac and all those other `unpopular` characters will also be included.
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12/14/2010 09:19 AM (UTC)
Those 'unpopular' characters are definitely a possibility, considering the sound files we've all heard. Still have yet to hear anything about Sheeva, although that shouldn't make her chances any worse considering we still haven't even heard anything from the Tournament champion himself.
12/14/2010 10:12 AM (UTC)
It's a little depressing to think about Sheeva's chances, because I remember in 1995, the Shokan/Centaur thing was like one of the bigger plot threads in the original MK3 and Sheeva was at the center of it. On top of that, she seemed like a really important character just in that she was the first playable Shokan and the first one to have an intelligent personality, whereas Goro and Kintaro came off rather like dumb brutes. And now people are looking at her through the filter of the 4 games that came after, and because the centaur stuff was never properly revisited, and she was never brought back until Armageddon, she seems like a C-lister who won't even make it into a remake of her own game.

That doesn't seem right and I'd LIKE to believe Ed wouldn't do that, and if he saw merit enough in Kabal, Nightwolf, and Stryker to bring them back then surely he'll give Sheeva her due and fully represent her and Motaro's conflict in story mode as well. (hopefully including the way Kano interjects himself, gets them both killed, and runs off with the General promotion, lol)
12/14/2010 01:35 PM (UTC)
Now, I don't post here much, to be honest, so I'm not sure how seriously I'll be taken, but...

Wow, you people are really disappointing me. I mean, just the sheer amount of whining going on is just making my head hurt. I'd go as far as

Thing is, I can understand if not all of you like God of War. I'm a fan of it, myself, but I can see how people may not agree. Maybe you didn't like the game, maybe you didn't like the concept of Kratos's character. That's fine. I understand.

What I don't understand is this crying about the game is 'RUINED FOREVER' and 'MK ISN'T PURE NOW' and all this crap. If those of you who call yourself 'fans' and say that you're going to not bother with MK over one guest character are really serious, I'd say that you're really not much of a fan at all.

What you're not seeing is the fact that Kratos, for better or worse, will make the game exposure. A lot of people will probably buy the game for Kratos, and that means lots of money for NRS. Money that they'll hopefully use to make newer, even better MKs.

Besides that, I'm pretty sure they said Kratos is strictly VS mode only. He's not going to go in and kill the entire cast, if that's what you're all worried about. There's a good chance that he'll be DLC anyway, so if it REALLY bothers you that much, nobody's putting a gun to your head to unlock him. (Now, I could be wrong on all of this by the time the game comes out, in which case, I will admit I'm wrong, and you can all bite my head off.)

And I like how most of you think that one extra character MAGICALLY makes the game unbalanced, somehow. Now, it's not IMPOSSIBLE, I guess, but they'll hopefully spend just as much time making sure Kratos is as fair as the rest of the cast. I've got to wonder, did the Soul Calibur fans have a tantrum as big as the one here when the PSP version of 4 came out? This is just me, anyway, but I've actually been wondering how well Kratos would work in a Mortal Kombat game, and I was pretty happy to hear the news! What I really want to see is some actual footage of him. He's got tons of weapons and spells, so it'll be interesting to see what they pull together to make a move set. Oh yeah, am I the only who'd laugh if a giant O popped up over the enemy's head when it was time to finish them? ...Yes? Oh. :(

TLDR: Don't like Kratos? Cool! Don't play as him. Everyone's happy.

Also: A warrior with a dark past who battles gods, uses magical moves, and kills his opponents violently? Wow, that sounds so completely different from the rest of the MK cast, doesn't it? (I also want to say sorry if I'm coming off as a bit hostile. I'm a little sleepy at the moment, maybe that has something to do with it.)
12/14/2010 10:03 PM (UTC)
If anyone should be a guest character for PS3, I vote for Dante over Kratos.

For XBox, Ryu Hayabusa.
12/15/2010 05:25 PM (UTC)
LOL @ The absurdity of some MK fans. Personally I this reveal only makes me that much more hyped for the game. I doubt the inclusion of Kratos will affect the MK story, so I'm not worried at all. If you wish to abandon the MK franchise over something as simple as this, then good riddens, you don't deserve to be called an MK fan anyway.
12/15/2010 05:58 PM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
LOL @ The absurdity of some MK fans. Personally I this reveal only makes me that much more hyped for the game. I doubt the inclusion of Kratos will affect the MK story, so I'm not worried at all. If you wish to abandon the MK franchise over something as simple as this, then good riddens, you don't deserve to be called an MK fan anyway.

They have a right to their opinions in exactly the same manner as you do. They also have a right to have those opinions be different from yours.
And you do not have the authority to label who is an "MK fan" and who isn't.
BTW, it's "good riddance".
12/15/2010 09:02 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
LOL @ The absurdity of some MK fans. Personally I this reveal only makes me that much more hyped for the game. I doubt the inclusion of Kratos will affect the MK story, so I'm not worried at all. If you wish to abandon the MK franchise over something as simple as this, then good riddens, you don't deserve to be called an MK fan anyway.

They have a right to their opinions in exactly the same manner as you do. They also have a right to have those opinions be different from yours.
And you do not have the authority to label who is an "MK fan" and who isn't.
BTW, it's "good riddance".

Thanks for correcting my spelling error, even though the manner in which you did so was obviously sarcastic. That aside, I have nothing against anyone having an opinion, did you read my comment at all? Or just saw what you wanted to see? I'm clearly addressing those who are claiming that they are "done with MK" or that they will not buy the game now because of Kratos. We all know that is bullshit. When abandoning MK becomes an opinion, let me know.
12/15/2010 11:16 PM (UTC)
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
Skaven13 Wrote:
WarriorPrincess Wrote:
LOL @ The absurdity of some MK fans. Personally I this reveal only makes me that much more hyped for the game. I doubt the inclusion of Kratos will affect the MK story, so I'm not worried at all. If you wish to abandon the MK franchise over something as simple as this, then good riddens, you don't deserve to be called an MK fan anyway.

They have a right to their opinions in exactly the same manner as you do. They also have a right to have those opinions be different from yours.
And you do not have the authority to label who is an "MK fan" and who isn't.
BTW, it's "good riddance".

Thanks for correcting my spelling error, even though the manner in which you did so was obviously sarcastic. That aside, I have nothing against anyone having an opinion, did you read my comment at all? Or just saw what you wanted to see? I'm clearly addressing those who are claiming that they are "done with MK" or that they will not buy the game now because of Kratos. We all know that is bullshit. When abandoning MK becomes an opinion, let me know.

Abandoning MK is a result of someone's opinion, yes, which is just as valid as why someone else would think this MK is the best thing since sliced bread.
The same thing has been happening over and over with this game. Some update happens. Then some people don't like it. Then the people who DO like it call the other people "whiners" and "not MK fans" and the like. Then other people come in and whine about the "whiners". So far, this has been probably the most polarizing game I have seen in all of my years on here.

Also, sorry for coming off like a jerk. Going on 3 hrs of sleep a night, while not an excuse, tends to make me snappy.
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No Cage? No sale!

12/16/2010 04:44 PM (UTC)
TheGecko Wrote:
johnny_cage_win Wrote:
People saying you can't argue that Kratos' inclusion doesn't mean something else won't be left out/undone are completely wrong. Kratos being in the game isn't going to ruin it for anybody--we all know that. Heck, I'm sure I'd actually enjoy playing as him. However, when you take the time to design a character and stage, render them, etc. when they are just for ONE console--you're taking away time you could have put into either improving the overall game or designing and implementing another character that BOTH consoles could enjoy. 360 owners have a legitiment beef there. And I am one of them.

they werent taking time out of anything they have so many artists working on the game and in MKast shows they have what like 3 designers working mainly on gameplay alone so asking a couple of 3D model artists to model a stage and im sure it wasnt hard for the creator of GOW to send NRS a OBJ. file of kratos to them to use since most game companies use Maya (3D animation/modeling program) so they could have easily just send the whole kratos file to NRS, now its just up to the animators to animate kratos moves which they probably can get from the GOW creators and put them in this game as fighting moves add in some basic hit animations, point is a guest character isnt that hard to add in considering all the modeling, texturing, animations have already been done. plus NRS has the WB backing the budget so i wouldn't worry about it.

but what i am worried about is recently ed boon said they haven't finalized the roster which begs the question WTF HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS?

You have no idea how long it takes to make a character and an arena, do you? It takes a ton of resources. 360 owners got the short end of the stick.
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