Such a badass she is? Lets talk about Sindel
posted04/06/2012 01:57 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I'm stressed out to the max, feeling a panic attack coming on, so I might just calm myself in writing possibly a very long ass thread about Sindel. Since obviously people adore her a lot more than ever for what she does, and yes I have not yet finished playing story mode, but I've read a good amount of stuff that she does.



I like how they kept it MK3-like, despite the black part of her MK3 costume is not here in this costume. I love what they did with her face, she looks more sinister than Lia Montelongo's portrayal. Her hair is at perfect length, and the long part in the back.


Hmm... I don't know. Maybe its just the fact that it's still not telling me she's a queen/was a queen. I've always felt that Sindel needs to look more queen like rather than trying to be like the other Edenian girls. I don't think Sindel needs to be wearing anything revealing. I mean sure if you google up a banshee you'll get pictures of revealing girls, sadly, that's not how I normally wish to portray Sindel with. I want the queen look, and my goodness with her alternate:

Now this... This is more what I'm talking about. She looks more like a queen in this one. It's not that revealing as her primary, and the way her make-up is done is just amazing. Out of the entire roster and favorite alternate costume, it's this. I can't find anything wrong with it. I really cannot. It suits her well, it makes her look like a badass queen, and just the way she looks just tells you, "don't mess with her, she's a banshee." Yeah.


First things first... YES. TO. THE. HAIR. WHIP! My goodness, why couldn't she have had this in Deception? Or at least a fatality with her hair? I'm so glad they improved her since the last game she was in, I'm not counting Armageddon. In Deception, they basically turned her into a dumb character. No levitation, no hair whip, her costume was atrocious... They improved so much with her in this game.

At least she whips her hair back and forth... :-O

The fireballs she shoots out, both high and low, I liked that. Don't really have any issues with it, don't really have anything good to say. It's just a fireball.

I'm so happy they managed to make her fly in the game. What could have been really neat is if they made her float like she did in MK3.

That always looks so fucking cool!

Her scream. Thank you! THANK YOU for not making her opponents magically float in air due to a scream. That was shitty when I saw that. In MK3, they were just stunned in an odd pose but they were not floating.

Her cartwheel move. Deadly. She's got really good combos to put her specials to good use and I'm digging this cartwheel. How she's so fast is amazing because I wouldn't think that they would have made Sindel a fast moving character. I knew they would do so for Jade and Kabal and possibly Stryker, but for Sindel? Wow. She was a tough one to beat when I first played against her in a more difficult setting. She was took quick for me. This long combo she performed... Yikes!

A tough challenger is a good character!


Bear with me. I haven't played Story Mode all the way to know the truths and lies about it. So I don't know too much. All that I've read is that she's a fucking badass with all the killings she did. And with that said, I'm assuming that she stays evil throughout the entire mode. Well she does anyways because I saw that she killed her own daughter.

What a bitch! Yeah, this is the Sindel I've been waiting for years to come. I mean, how many people in the media that you know has their own father/mother killing their children?

Sadly, the only one I can think of is Xena and Gabrielle. Even though Xena kills most of them and didn't succeed in killing her daughter, still the fact that parents go after children... Wow! Talk about a twist!

Sindel... a truly amazing female character that should never cease to amaze the audience. A character that should never turn into what they were for Deception. A character... that is completely awesome!

Okay your thoughts.
04/25/2011 02:58 PM (UTC)
Honestly, her role in story put a sour taste in my mouth.

Sure, she might be a cool character. But I'm very annoyed it was Sindel who single-handedly killed almost every good guy. Only Kahn should ever be the one able to do that.

Even if my favorite character (Reptile) did it, I'd be pissed because thats ridiculous.
04/25/2011 03:15 PM (UTC)
ZeeDoctor Wrote:
Honestly, her role in story put a sour taste in my mouth.

Sure, she might be a cool character. But I'm very annoyed it was Sindel who single-handedly killed almost every good guy. Only Kahn should ever be the one able to do that.

Even if my favorite character (Reptile) did it, I'd be pissed because thats ridiculous.

This, and sindel looks like goro in the face
04/25/2011 03:16 PM (UTC)
Sindel's outcome in story mode was different. That is all I will say about that.
She is a very balanced character I find in the new game, even one of the best to use. So many attacks and specials that are effective.
Still, I always have been a Scorpion fan and always will be.
04/25/2011 04:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:

First off, THANK YOU for this thread. It makes Sindel's personal stalker very happy : )

I think the hair length between her and Kitana should have been swapped. Long hair has always been Sindel's thing. It's disgraceful for it not to hang down to her ass imo.

Also, some more black make-up and longer sharp fingernails (like in her fallen statue) would have sealed the deal for me. Overall, I give her primary a A-.

YES! I have to agree with you on this one.

I really wasn't expecting much for her alt and then I saw someone wearing this in a story mode scene thinking "Who in the world is THAT? ....OMG! It's HER!"

Really, I was surprised they gave her a costume that not only summed up her "dark queen" theme, but also took her witchy look even further by making her look like a sorceress. Simply fantastic!

My only complaint about this is her hair. I hate low ponytails. It should have been high. Also I would love to see a caped version of this, like the cape the wore in Annihilation. That would look... *DROOLS*

I really can't decide if I like her MKD alt or this one better. My only complaint about her MKD alt was again her hair. But regardless, it was stunning. They've really let their creativity flow when it comes to her alt designs. Lucky me! I give this one an A.


First things first... YES. TO. THE. HAIR. WHIP! My goodness, why couldn't she have had this in Deception? Or at least a fatality with her hair? I'm so glad they improved her since the last game she was in, I'm not counting Armageddon. In Deception, they basically turned her into a dumb character. No levitation, no hair whip, her costume was atrocious... They improved so much with her in this game. At least she whips her hair back and forth... :-O


As for her other specials... Well, like you said, the fireballs are just fireballs. Nothing impressive really. I wish they would have been more like the "smoke balls" from MK3 or at least look dazzling like Kabal's new projectile.

Her Death Scream... ruined. Simply useless, disappointing trash. I like the change they've made to its effect, how they cover their ears instead of float, but the move itself has no range, takes too long to execute, sounds pathetic, sonic waves look weak, and the enhanced version is hardly better. The enhanced version should have been the basic version.

Flying... ruined. The move is ridiculously glitchy, simply doesn't work like it should. As soon as you get her up in the air, she does whatever the hell she wants. Another useless, unreliable piece of trash. They MUST be fixed in the next patch.

And her front flip kick... Too generic but at least it's effective. Sindel's moves should be more magic-based.

Overall, I give her gameplay a B. She's not the funnest to play as, but easily could have been.


Where to even biggen? How about I just skip the review and just get down to the grading.

I give this an A+!!!!!

Really, despite being cliche, her role and portrayal was superb, far better than any other female's. I'm even satisfied with her lines/portrayal in Challenge Tower.

From her first scene to the last, I am so pleased they respected her and treated her like a serious character. She was not merely Kahn's bitch, like Sonya was to cage. She was not ridiculed by anyone, like Kitana was by Liu Kang and that guy that called her a housewife. Nope, *shakes head* none of that. Very very VERY respectable female character.

So... Great costumes, great characterization, but unsatisfying gameplay which in a game is obviously the most important thing, so her overall final grade is a B+.

Indisputably great in some departments, but certainly not as a whole package.

And now, I leave you all with THIS.....

CURSES on NRS for not releasing this in HQ. Anyone who finds it, let me know first!
04/25/2011 06:16 PM (UTC)
Her fatalities are the best in this game, although her one from MK 3 where she screams off your skin is not bad. It would look cool in this version.
04/25/2011 06:31 PM (UTC)
Sindel is absolutely one of my favorite characters in this game, and I'm more than happy with what they've done with her.

The only downside is I love her so much, I'm already worried she may not show up in the next game. And I want her to. Badly.
04/25/2011 07:07 PM (UTC)
for me she is by far one of my top 3 along with scorpion and nightwolf smile
04/25/2011 07:29 PM (UTC)
When I saw the return of her hair whip, I felt like it was 1995 again. I'm glad they delivered the TRUE essence of Sindel in this game. I'm a Sindel fan forever again =)
04/25/2011 07:32 PM (UTC)
Never thought I would say this but Sindel will be the main character I use.

I just love playing as her.

The high/low fireballs, the hair grab is one of the best moves in the game.

Can't wait for PSN to come back up so I can try playing as her online some more.
03/24/2012 03:28 PM (UTC)
I saw an interesting comment on youtube. It said something like "Midway must hate Sindel, they make her easy to hate in story mode because she kills everyone favorite characters, and they nurfed her so bad" This made me think a bit, it does seem Sindel has been getting nurfed with the updates like less combo ability and just overall move strength. I love the character sindel, i think that the creators should do two things to her: 1. Give her her Klassic MK3 outfit that can be downloadable. 2. Return her strength back to normal, she wasn't an overpowered character to begin with
03/25/2012 08:09 PM (UTC)

My thoughts on Sindel

I think she does not look regal enough in either of her costumes. I like that her primary is a cool update to her MK3 costume, but it should not be so revealing, it should be revealing, but not to the extent that it is.

Things I would change about her primary, are close the sides of her costume, I do not like the straps. Also add some jewelry and a tiara kinda thing. Kitana had a tiara on both costumes, so should Sindel.

I really like that Sindel's hair is not ridiculously long in this game, its more like a hidden magic. Kitana is the beauty, it makes sense she has the extra long feminine hair.

Sindel's face is kinda disappointing in this game. Her face looked a lot better in MKD. Also I liked Sindel's costumes better in MKD too.

Sindel's alternate is pretty cool. I like her hair and her crown. I just dont like the fish net and the pants. They should have made it more similar to her MKD alternate.

Sindel also should have had higher heels like Kitana and Jade.

03/25/2012 10:20 PM (UTC)
I really like Sindel as a character. In terms of looks, well her MK9 primary was kind of revealing but her alternate was really cool.

My favorite costume she's ever wore yet has to be her MK3 outfit. She was alright in MKD but like other chars here and there, her MK9 attire looks like a little too much to me.

Many characters had to be simplified or amplified before the game's release in terms of looks i suppose but this one should clearly have been simplified from her definitive render.
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03/26/2012 11:53 PM (UTC)
I do believe that extemely long hair should be the common trait between Kitana and Sindel. Ever since MKDA, Extemely long hair was so approiate for Kitana.

As for Jade, it is alright but it should be longer than Mileena.
03/27/2012 12:07 AM (UTC)
KlassicSindelFan Wrote:
I saw an interesting comment on youtube. It said something like "Midway must hate Sindel, they make her easy to hate in story mode because she kills everyone favorite characters, and they nurfed her so bad" This made me think a bit, it does seem Sindel has been getting nurfed with the updates like less combo ability and just overall move strength. I love the character sindel, i think that the creators should do two things to her: 1. Give her her Klassic MK3 outfit that can be downloadable. 2. Return her strength back to normal, she wasn't an overpowered character to begin with

Nice to see an old thread of mine come back to life, unfortunately, since it's almost been a year since the last comment was made, try not to bump a thread that hasn't had a comment in the last three months.

But, I will say however, her primary appearance is technically her MK3 outfit, just minus the black part of her costume. It's literally that outfit.
I've always liked Sindel. She was my stand-in for the Scorpionless(sacrilage!) original MK3. I never cared for Sonya, and Sheeva didn't interest me, but I loved Sindel's deadly hair!! That's a winner to me. To make matters worse my two old standbys Kitana and Scorps were absolute disasters in their rushed addition into the UMK3, so I stayed true to my queen Sindel. My only real gripe about Sindel in MK9 is her's a pain in the ass, and it leaves her a sitting duck. In MK3 Sindel moved much smoother in the air and it was fun. In MK9 her float is as much of a "kick me sign" as Shao Kahn taking time out to run his mouth during a match. Nobody I know won't take the opportunity to beat down a vulnerable floating Sindel. The solution? Simple I just don't use the float ever, for any reason. Besides that she is a very solid character with a solid moveset, decent fatalities, and an important component to the overall story. And why couldn't she kill everyone? She's powerful, but more than that she was crazy under that psychotic-evil spell that Quan Chi had her under.You try waking up after a 10,000 yr dirt-nap and see how sweet and friendly YOU are LOL! I'm a psychotic borderline postal bitch if I don't get my coffee when I wake up too. Plus it was an ambush so it makes perfect sense to me. I had hoped she'd come to her senses in time to help the others thwart Kahn but oh well can't have it all. As for her face...she's older than the other girls remember? She's a mother so of course she's going to be more distinguished than Kitana or Jade, but she's still attractive. And the skimpiness of her outfits. It could be argued that it is for freedom of movement, but we know the real reason...the boys up at NRS are titty-freaks. We all know it. There ain't ONE woman in the Mortal Kombat universe that don't have bazooka sized tatas.
03/27/2012 02:20 AM (UTC)
TheRealErmac Wrote:
ZeeDoctor Wrote:
Honestly, her role in story put a sour taste in my mouth.

Sure, she might be a cool character. But I'm very annoyed it was Sindel who single-handedly killed almost every good guy. Only Kahn should ever be the one able to do that.

Even if my favorite character (Reptile) did it, I'd be pissed because thats ridiculous.

This, and sindel looks like goro in the face

I've got second this. Except the part about the Goro face. I feel like I'm bothered less by the fact that most of my favorite characters died in one scene than I am by the way it was executed. Sindel just took them all down like they were just the useless background people who were just meant to die. I'd change a few things about the scene and I'd be much happier with it.

First of all, I don't believe for one second that Sindel, even with Shang Tsung's powers, would be able to take out the strongest fighters in the world. Right before the attack the good guys were all fighting the Lin Kuei. If the the Lin Kuei and Sindel and maybe some other bad guys were attacking at the same time the scene would have made much more sense.

The second thing I'd do would be to make the scene last longer. I mean eight important characters died in about one minute. Most of them went down in two hits. Some special effects should have been added. Maybe som creative slo-mo and some sad music or even complete silence to make the deaths mean something.

So in short: good character ruined by a bad scene.
I have to be honest and this is not meant to be personal. I think what irks you most is that the entire good guy roster was taken out by a female. Sorry but I think it's the truth. You have to understand exactly who and what Sindel is.

You must understand that in storyline she obviously has very POWERFUL mystical abilities. Sindel is a MAJOR player in the Mortal Kombat universe and has been since her debut. You don't have the honor of being the QUEEN if you don't have the credentials to back it up. Quan Chi said it himself that sometime in the past she cast a powerful ward to keep Shao Kahn from taking Earthrealm. That is no easy feat. She is also very old...if Kitana is 10,000 yrs old than Sindel is at least twice that. You don't study the mystical arts for 20,000yrs just so you can pull a rabbit out of a hat. Also Raiden said Edenia/Outworld relies soley on magic...remember what he said when Sonya and Jax detected the robo-Lin Kuei "Technology...than they cannot be of Outworld." So that means Sindel in order to be a queen of Edenia probably had extensive training in magical arts.

Now you believe that she is not powerful enough to do what she did but remember in past MKs she served the forces of good so she probably was able to control her powers to a degree. It's no secret that when somebody is crazy they often gain a measure of super-strength...couple that with the fact that this version of Sindel was pure 110% evil with no desire, or reason to restrain herself...she was Shao Kahn's puppet under the thrall of Quan and Shang. Without the conscience to restrain her powers she very well could BE powerful enough to do some serious damage. She killed her own daughter without remorse...if that doesn't constitute an evil psychosis than what does?

Maybe the guys at NRS knew this would be controversial, but be totally honest with me and yourselves guys. MK is a man's world. I am one of the few women who enjoy this game, and am an old veteran of the series...but I do acknowledge that yes I am a girl playing in the boys' yard. I have long accepted that. Do you guys think you would've took it so hard if it'd been Quan Chi or some other male character who carried out this mass genocide of our heroes? I guess we'll never know, but somehow I don't think you would've.
03/28/2012 08:12 PM (UTC)
I love the scene where Sindel kills everyone.... Mainly because she's an interesting character, and most of them are not. grin .... And Sindel's a long time favorite of mine, right there with Mileena and Sheeva.

About the above post:

I think a lot of people don't really pay attention to the fact that Sindel is just as powerful, or at least nearly as powerful as these high ranking men in the series. It's likely that she is weakened significantly when under Kahn's control, but by adding Shang Tsung's power to hers she is at least twice, but more like three or four times as capable as anyone she killed in that scene and there's nothing ridiculous about it. What is shocking to me is that Nightwolf managed to take her down.

I have a little hope that some turn of events or the interference of a new character, etc... (the details are unimportant at the moment) manages to make Sindel break free of the horrendous things that happened at the end of MK9, but not only that... I'd like to see her return as a full fledged banshee (a creative take on it, preferably) and take the role of a major villain.
03/28/2012 09:13 PM (UTC)
All I have to say is....Sindel is the best female in MK9 and she rulez!

Her story is wonderfully excecuted.

A job well done.

Rate Sindel an, A.
03/30/2012 05:22 PM (UTC)
i always thought in the original timeline kang and raiden would have been there with them and hence would have defeated sindel, and nightwolf purges shang tsung out of her body. hence why its so shocking
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04/01/2012 07:20 AM (UTC)
alejbr4 Wrote:
i always thought in the original timeline kang and raiden would have been there with them and hence would have defeated sindel, and nightwolf purges shang tsung out of her body. hence why its so shocking

In the original timeline, I though Jade and Kitana confronted her Sheeva and Reptile.....
04/01/2012 01:56 PM (UTC)
Regarding the original timeline, Sheeva and Sindel wouldn't have been with Reptile.

The story was during the invasion, Jade and Reptile were sent out into the world to find Kitana.

Sheeva, meanwhile, was Sindel's bodyguard. That Sindel needs a bodyguard suggests Kahn thought she needed to be kept safe, so she'd probably have stayed in the castle all game long.

Jade switched sides because she thought they were just supposed to bring Kitana back alive, but Reptile tried to assassinate her instead. So after saving Kitana from Reptile, the two girls presumably went after Sindel next, or joined up with Liu, Raiden, and co. first, and then went into the city to free Sindel and beat Kahn.

But Kitana and Jade never would've fought Sheeva at all, because Sheeva decided to kill Motaro and turn on Kahn but Kahn killed her, which would've left Sindel unguarded.

I doubt Raiden and Kang would've been around to help when Kitana freed Sindel from the mind control either, because then Kitana and Sindel would've been there to help Liu fight Kahn, wouldn't they? But the game said Liu and Kung Lao alone are the ones who fought Shao Kahn at the end, which means everybody else was somewhere else, like they all split up and did different things at the very end, like maybe Kitana was with Sindel at the same time Liu and Kung were fighting Kahn.
04/01/2012 10:14 PM (UTC)
ZeeDoctor Wrote:
Honestly, her role in story put a sour taste in my mouth.

Sure, she might be a cool character. But I'm very annoyed it was Sindel who single-handedly killed almost every good guy. Only Kahn should ever be the one able to do that.

Even if my favorite character (Reptile) did it, I'd be pissed because thats ridiculous.

I'm not surprised Sindel was able to do this.

She's a very powerful warrior, not to mention an Edenian one. Plus, she's a well-skilled witch with thousands of years worth of honing. If anyone, I'd rather it be her to kill off a wad of people. I'm just mad she killed Kitana, the greatest piece of the series' story.
04/04/2012 07:32 PM (UTC)
I wonder why this thread wasn't locked after being resurrected like this.
But anyways, now that it is alive again, I find Sindel to be very cool in this game. Her role in Story Mode, her looks, her gameplay, it's all good. Except for her Flying move. It feels incredibly handicapped and feels utterly useless compared to her flying move in Mortal Kombat 3. I never use it. But other than that, she is marvelous.
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