Articles 10 of 11
Mortal Kombat 11 Evolution Featurette

Fans have learned to expect something new and different from every installment -- and Mortal Kombat 11 will be no exception! In this special Evolution featurette: the makers of Mortal Kombat explain some of what's new in 2019, with a closer look at graphics, gameplay, story, and the introduction of MK's first female boss - The Keeper of Time, Kronika!

Shaun Himmerick Mortal Kombat X Twitter Q&A - DLC, Skins, More

Mortal Kombat X Executive Producer Shaun Himmerick (@lover_of_tacos) has been fielding questions from fans via social media micro blogging site Twitter. The result is a raft of new details about the April 14 release, including character "unreveals" and DLC specifics.

Mortal Kombat X: Next Generation Trailer

Mortal Kombat X introduces a new generation of fighters, story and experience when it arrives for home consoles, April 14! Players will enter the battle with a whole new array of characters and modes to choose from - as previewed in this exciting new trailer!

Fan Notes from PlayStation Experience - MKX Arenas, Future Trailer

NetherRealm Studios veteran and former MKO correspondent Shaun Himmerick was in Las Vegas this past weekend for PlayStation Experience. The Sony event gave fans another chance to play 2015's Mortal Kombat X and ask their pre-release questions. MKOmmunity User BruskPoet reportedly took fan queries from the forums to Vegas, and has shared his knowledge with Mortal Kombat Online.

GameInformer Talk MKX with Shaun Himmerick at PSX

Electronics giant Sony are in the throes of celebrating the 20th anniversary of the PlayStation Experience - and they're holding an event of the same name to mark the occasion! Mortal Kombat X is adding some sizzle to sin city this winter, with the demo build on the Las Vegas floor at PSX. Joining it is Executive Producer Shaun Himmerick, who spoke to GameInformer about the game.

With no new content reveals scheduled for the event, fresh details are becoming scarce, but the producer assures production is "coming along well". The 2015 fighter is in testing phase - Himmerick citing an army of around 300 testers spread across the games' many functions and modes! That's with 150 people at NetherRealm Studios -- including a quoted 30 temporary staff, and 15 outsourcing companies -- working diligently to create high quality material for cutting edge hardware. "I think it's been harder on art than anything because look at the number of polygons used to create any character and it could have been done in a couple of weeks. Now it's like a six week process."

The more things the change, the more some things stay the same. Despite a massive increase in visual fidelity of character models and the strains that places on creation - the art of creating fatalities is still the domain of series co-creator Ed Boon and his famed stick figures. "Yup. He is. He gets really fancy now. They used to be on paper, but now he's using his tablet. He can drag his stick figure characters around and reposition them."

On meatier issues; GameInformer attacked the longstanding mystery of the game's plot, where some of the juiciest material came from:

[Game Informer]: How are you going to explain the game taking place in the future in story mode?
At the beginning of the game we do one of those 'Hey, remember what happened and then jump to the future" kind of moments. A lot of people die. I always joke that I think one of the reasons Ed wanted to do Quan Chi is because he's the guy from Hell who can resurrect people, but they are not always the same. Quan Chi obviously lets us do that. The nice thing: We have a whole new generation of people to play with, not just the one age. We can kind of have different tiers from different ages.

Quan Chi Trailer Revealed At PlayStation Igromir Event

Ed Boon started a countdown to October 2nd - delivering us to the moment he appeared on screen at a live Russian PlayStation Press Conference to introduce the newest returning kombatant: Quan Chi!:

Whos Next? Ed Boons Mortal Kombat X Character Deadpool!

As we gear up for next week's E3: the leading topic of speculation remains the next playable roster! Mortal Kombat X will be at the annual gaming mecca to reveal at least 2 more playable characters -- "brand new", or so we're told. We expect to see plenty of familiar faces to go along with them, but not everyone character can make the cut.

Project Lead Ed Boon has spent the last few days setting expectations for E3. Amongst his various clues, allusions & titbits -- the kibosh for some of the more obscure characters fans have requested. With speculation running wild, it's time to spin the wheel of broken dreams and reflect upon Ed's Kharacter Deadpool!

IG Interviews Shaun Himmerick!

IndustryGamers has conducted a lengthy new interview with Mortal Kombat executive producer Shaun Himmerick. The interview touches on several points such as online gameplay features, the team's relationship with Warner Bros. and the possibility of games on the handheld systems. From the article:

Console Creatures Interviews Shaun Himmerick at X10

Canadian gaming site Console Creatures has posted an Interview with executive producer of the game Shaun Himmerick from the Microsoft event X10. Below are a few interesting points made during the interview:

GameSpot Releases MK:SM Developer Interview 3!

GameSpot has posted another video in their Developer Interview series of videos for Midway's upcoming Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. In Developer Interview 3, Ed Boon and Shaun Himmerick discuss a wide array of topics, ranging from Paradox (now Midway L.A.) approaching Midway with the game that would eventually become MK: Shaolin Monks, to Midway L.A.'s dedication to the sanctity of the Mortal Kombat II era as shown in the game, the game mechanics and fighting engine (including the kombat puzzle system, block/lock-on mechanics, and the boss battles), and even the future of the Mortal Kombat franchise and how they want it to branch out. For example, an RPG is specifically mentioned as a type of genre, but nothing is confirmed and Ed admits branching out "is a little intimidating, but at the same time, I think it's necessary".

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