Articles 10 of 14
Ed Boon Asks Fans Which Mortal Kombat Mode They'd Revive

We love a good fight, but ever since the first Mortal Kombat invited players to test their might against various chopping blocks -- we've liked alternative mini-games too. Over time these modes developed into full-fledged games unto themselves and Ed Boon has isolated four of the best to ask fans which they'd most like to bring back. Read on for detail:

Ed Boon Talks Game Announcement, DLC & Characters in Q&A

The metaphorical door to NetherRealm Studios swung open to fans over the weekend as Chief Creative Officer Ed Boon welcomed fresh questions from die hards via Twitter. He technically revealed their next title in his last Q&A -- and had plenty of interesting things to say about character's futures and when we'll see the new game revealed! Read on:

Gameinformer Interviews Ed Boon About Mortal Kombat 11

Gameinformer has dedicated the month to MK in honor of their Mortal Kombat 11 cover story. An exclusive Cetrion Reveal Trailer has been followed by a snappy interview with creative lead Ed Boon. It's well worth a watch, with plenty of surprising topics covered, including meetings with Marvel, moviemakers, and more:

Purple Rain: Mortal Kombat's Living Prince Tribute

News late last week of the shock passing of music legend Prince has inspired an outpouring of mourning and tribute from fans the world over. The global pop sensation was prolific throughout the 1980s and '90s: as remembered for his unique visual signature and fashion sense, as his provocative music and lyrics.

Purple was the color of choice; forever associated with the musician thanks in no small part to his 1984 record and film: Purple Rain. Rolling Stone call the soundtrack the second greatest album of the eighties. It won the Academy Award for Best Original Song Score that same year.

The success of Purple Rain led Warner Brothers to apply the resident artist to Tim Burton's 1989 Batman film. An odd combination complimented by the madcap antics of the purple villain Joker. Mortal Kombat and Prince may seem an even more unusual combination, but as many fans know: Series co-creator Ed Boon is a self-professed long time fan, who stumbled into his own living tribute to the artist through the game series, in 1995.

Kotaku jumped on the connection, pulling a quote from a 2011 interview with PlayStation.Blog:

Vote for Mortal Kombat Klassics for PlayStation 4 Emulation

Last month, Sony made waves with the announcement of widespread PlayStation 2 emulation coming to the PlayStation 4!

Despite the immense global popularity of the second generation Sony console, players have been unable to bring their games forward to new generations since modifications to the original PS3.

Wired reported several Star Wars games were already available on the PlayStation Store at the time of the news, but a massive library of memorable games remains largely untapped. To aid in the selection process, Sony are monitoring the #ps2ps4 hashtag on Twitter!

PlayStation Software Developer Dave Thach made Sony's observation of the hashtag known earlier this month. For Mortal Kombat fans, this is a prime opportunity to revive a generation of modern klassics: Deadly Alliance, Deception, Armageddon and Shaolin Monks! To do so, join the many already retweeting Mortal Kombat Online [RT below], and tag us in when you tweet your own list!

Kountdown: Top 10 DLC Klassic Skin Packs for Mortal Kombat X

ScrewAttack Posts Mortal Kombat Mini-Games Overview!

ScrewAttack has posted an in-depth article concerning the various mini-games that have been found throughout the history of the Mortal Kombat series. Since the early days of the series in the 1990's, Mortal Kombat has always included fun bonuses to entertain players. It began with the Test Your Might mini-game in MK1 and continued with in game versions of Galaga and Pong. With the evolution of the sixth-console generation, the MK team began to expand these games from simple time passers to full fledged modes of their own. Our first taste of this was in 2004's Mortal Kombat: Deception which gave us both Chess Kombat and Puzzle Kombat. Motor Kombat came with Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. The side adventure game Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks had a special versus mode apart from the main game as well. From the article:

Microsoft to Discontinue Support for Original Xbox Live
Microsoft has announced that it will be dropping online play for their original Xbox systems effective April 15, 2010. This means no more Xbox Live for the following Mortal Kombat games:
  • Mortal Kombat: Deception
  • Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
  • Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict (featuring Raiden)

Additionally, Microsoft has announced that original Xbox games that have been formatted to work on the Xbox 360 will also lose the ability to be played online.

To read the original story in its entirety, click here. Thanks go to samus_aran3900 for the tip on this story!
WWE Fantasy Now Includes.... Scorpion?

Over on the World Wrestling Entertainment website, one of the featured items is WWE Fantasy, which appears to be a fantasy wrestling game similar to fantasy football. In the latest installment, a new addition has been made to the roster which appears to be more than a little unusual. As an apparent tie-in to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Scorpion appears to have jumped into the WWE fray. From the website:

Cinder Posts Three MK: Armageddon Loading Screens! (9/29/06)

Cinder, from the official Midway Boards, has posted yet another set of loading screens from MK: Armageddon! These screens feature a few characters we have yet to see in the versus sceenshots that have been released thus far:

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