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Sheeva versus Sindel
#44 Supreme Ranking #36
2 wins 6 losses Record 4 wins 7 losses
Round 3 (2017) Best Result Round 3 (2018)
As reigning Queen of the Shokan, Sheeva proved a powerful ally in the struggle against Kronika and a time displaced Shao Kahn. In another life, Sindel might have joined the battle. Instead, the former Queen of Edenia remains in the shadows a revenant of the Netherrealm. Rumors of their imminent return persist, but who wins this battle royal? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

Seeing Sheeva again was a really nice surprise, but again I was very disappointed when I realized she wasn't playable. Definitely looking forward to her as DLC. I'm kind of hoping they change her face to be more freaky, but that's a minor concern. I appreciate that her design this time is drawing a bit more from Armageddon.

My favorite kombatant is Jacqui Briggs and no one can change my mind!
Creator:Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, MK fanseries based on Total Drama.
Really liking Sheeva's design in MK11.

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong
Seeing Sheeva again was a really nice surprise, but again I was very disappointed when I realized she wasn't playable. Definitely looking forward to her as DLC. I'm kind of hoping they change her face to be more freaky, but that's a minor concern. I appreciate that her design this time is drawing a bit more from Armageddon.
My sentiments exactly. Sheeva has always been a favorite of mine and I'm glad they're giving her screen time and a possible go at DLC. I just hope they fix the face is all. She looks strange.
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Jade versus Tanya
#20 Supreme Ranking #35
9 wins 7 losses Record 4 wins 7 losses
Quarters (2014) Best Result Round 3 (2018)
Jade is a warrior divided by two eras. Whether plucked from the past, or a revenant dwelling in the Netherrealm, she remains committed to fighting for Princess Kitana and the people of Edenia. Of noble blood, Tanya held true to her Edenian roots while serving Empress Mileena, but holds no greater loyalty than to that of herself! Who'll get ahead? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!
I'm genuinely surprised to see Sheeva knock out Sindel. The latter always seemed to have a lot more fan support. Not a complaint -- good for Sheeva, but I've got to consider that an upset. A total wash-out in favor of Jade this round is not as surprising. I mean, you'd expect Tanya to have one fan, but even though they've done an admirable job rehabbing that character, it did start off life as a Kitana knock-off. Jade always had a lot more edge to her, and was far more interesting. And remains so.

I never expected to care about either character, but they've done such a great job with them recently. MKX made me like Tanya, and I think Jade is actually interesting for the first time in MK11. This is a tougher vote for me. Jade is more relevant at the moment, but I actually like Tanya more and think her improvement in MKX was more substantial. Undecided.
I'm genuinely surprised to see Sheeva knock out Sindel. The latter always seemed to have a lot more fan support. Not a complaint -- good for Sheeva, but I've got to consider that an upset. A total wash-out in favor of Jade this round is not as surprising. I mean, you'd expect Tanya to have one fan, but even though they've done an admirable job rehabbing that character, it did start off life as a Kitana knock-off. Jade always had a lot more edge to her, and was far more interesting. And remains so.
Sheeva was pretty good in MK11 story mode so i think its just that. Thats why i vote for Jade too. Tanya was improved in MKX but now it was Jades turn and shes still following people around but had more personality at least.
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Ashrah versus Smoke
#53 Supreme Ranking #8
1 wins 6 losses Record 18 wins 6 losses
Round 2 (2017) Best Result Champion (2013)
Somewhere in the Netherrealm there exists a demon called Ashrah. In another existence she sought purity through a mysterious sword, hunting her own kind to walk a path of ascension. Smoke was a Lin Kuei warrior cast to the Netherrealm upon death. Within his soul lurks the demonic vapor of an enenra! Unseen during recent conflict, could one of these step back into the light? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

Clearly the "Ash" DLC leak means Ashrah is coming back, so I'm voting for her in anticipation.
I think they could do a lot of nice things in MK11 with Smoke and Im a little surprised he isnt in the game. Finally seeing demon Ashrah would be crazy but for all the things they do in hell they never seem to show anybody so that seems unlikely.
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Ermac versus Reptile
#5 Supreme Ranking #21
23 wins 6 losses Record 7 wins 7 losses
Champion (2014) Best Result Round 3 (2015)
Ermac is a living collective of dead warrior's souls, gathered into a single being by Shao Kahn's dark sorcery. Reptile is believed the sole survivor of the lost realm of Zaterra, loyally serving Outworld's Emperors with hopes of rekindling his race. They've disappeared since the Outworld civil war, but walk by Shang Tsung's Pit at the right time and you might find them - dead or alive. Could one emerge from The Krypt? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

My favorite kombatant is Jacqui Briggs and no one can change my mind!
Creator:Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, MK fanseries based on Total Drama.
May these two rest in the Krypt. (Technically, Reptile's still alive but you can smash him with the hammer)
(Voted Reptile)

Reptile is sorely missed in this game, I hope he's DLC. Would love to see the cosmetic options for him. Never been a big Ermac fan, and would prefer a certain other telepath to join the MK11 roster instead.
I cant believe they made that Reptile tease in the krypt and then he isnt even unlockable. Still hope he will be dlc. Ermac is okay but i agree his mkx design wasnt good and he isnt as missed as Reptile.
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Liu Kang versus Blaze
#24 Supreme Ranking #64
6 wins 7 losses Record 1 wins 6 losses
Round 3 (2018) Best Result Round 2 (2014)
Liu Kang gained the powers of a fire god when Raiden merged with his past & revenant selves. Now he has the power to shape destiny itself! Blaze is an elemental being created by the Edenian seer Delia to prevent mortal warriors endangering reality with their power. With his godly might will Lord Liu Kang prevent Blaze's armageddon - or inspire it? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

My favorite kombatant is Jacqui Briggs and no one can change my mind!
Creator:Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, MK fanseries based on Total Drama.
Who should I vote? The Chosen Hero that finally did something heroic or an elemental that got left behind at the reboot.

Liu Kang is absolutely glorious in MK11 and I hope he wins this tournament. He's never been more compelling and genuinely badass as he is in this game.
Im glad Liu Kang is back to being a bad ass boss killa. His crazy kung fu god powers will save us all!
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Taven versus Geras
#57 Supreme Ranking #NA
1 wins 7 losses Record 0 wins 0 losses
Round 2 (2015) Best Result Round 1 (2019)
Taven was born the demigod son of Argus & Delia. Able to stop time and wield fire, his powers would serve a quest of Armageddon to maintain balance in the realms. Geras was created by the titan Kronika. Able to reverse time and wield sand, his powers serve The Keeper of Time's quest to remake reality to balance destiny. Can Taven end Geras' resurrection cycle? Choose their destiny! FIGHT!

My favorite kombatant is Jacqui Briggs and no one can change my mind!
Creator:Mortal Kombat Armageddon All-Stars, MK fanseries based on Total Drama.
Geras doesn’t even interest my inner fangirl, lol.

I like Taven, but Geras is a lot more fully realized and obviously has a lot more going for him right now. Being incapable of dying led to some pretty good story mode moments.
Geras didnt live up to the hype in the story but i still like his moves. Taven freezing time to destroy Geras mightve been better than just dropping him in the sea of blood.